
How To Tell If A Stripper Genuinely Likes You

Thursday, April 22, 2004 12:21 PM
Alright, I've met my fair share of strippers in my time, and I still haven't figured this out yet. Maybe people on this site can give me their input on the subject. How can you tell if a stripper really likes you or if she's just playing you for your money? I almost never confuse the fantasy of a strip club experience with reality. But every once in a while, I do get tossed for a loop, like when something unexpected happens. Normally, you expect to get complimented on something when by a stripper; that's a given. They're there to make you feel good about yourself and get you to spend some cash on dances. But what happens when she says that she's really into you and gives you her number or asks to see you outside of the club. Well, here are few warning signs that I've compiled: 1) She tells you her real name, but doesn't even remember yours. That is a bad, bad sign. 2) She gives you her phone number, but only wants to hang out at expensive restaurants or clubs. 3) She calls or writes you, but keeps asking when's the next time she can she you at the strip club. 4) You share what seems like meaningful conversation, but she barely remembers any of it and has a tendency to ask you the same questions over again. 5) She tells you to see her somewhere, but then cancels. This isn't really a strong indicator, but if this happens more than once, you know you're in trouble. 6) If on a date, she's constantly answering her cellphone. Maybe this isn't a sign that she's playing you, but hell, it's just bad etiquette. Is there any others that you guys (or ladies) would add?


  • Mouse
    20 years ago
    When deciding if a girl REALLY likes you, judge by her actions toward you, not by her words – TALK IS CHEAP! Actions always speak louder than words, volumes louder. Women who like you don't break dates and don't make excuses - they want to be with you! If you’re getting excuses, delays, and/or broken dates, you have nothing but bullshit. Don't waste your time, money, emotions, or other resources on a woman who doesn't like you from the get go. I believe this is the biggest mistake men make courting women (i.e., chasing women who really don’t like them much). Anything less than clear-cut high interest throw away her phone number, expunge her from your mind, and find a new girl - ONE WHO LIKES YOU! And, the more she likes you from the start the better.
  • SuperDude
    20 years ago
    They don't and you can never tell. It's all about the money.
  • Yoda
    20 years ago
    JD: I didn't say interested, I said "like". There is a huge difference. And I can guarantee you they ARE saying all the same things to dozens of other guys. Dancers sell Fantasy, it doesn't mean you will never find one who is genuinely interested in you but it's rare. Too many guys go to these clubs and assume it's like a regular bar(wich, by the way, is also usualy a lot of bs). It's entertainment for us and WORK for the girls. Anything else that happens is the exception, not the rule.
  • johndoe35
    20 years ago
    I guess, you're right, Yoda. I suppose a stripper can be really interested in you but also want your money. So, the real question is how to find one who could care less about the cash and still like you. Unfortunately, the girls wouldn't be strippers if they didn't need/like the money. Also, how can you ever be sure that she isn't putting this routine on a dozen different guys? Do you trust her when she says that you're only guy she's ever asked to see outside of the strip club?
  • mufdvr
    20 years ago
    I've been seeing a dancer on the side for about a year now, were both in shit marriages, but trapped for a while longer.. we do see each other more outside the club then at it. but how I finaly knew she was realy into me and not for the money was she called and asked if there was a way I could give her a ride to a friends after work that day (she had car trouble and hubby wouldn't pick her up). by the way this was are first meeting outside the club. so after having a few drinks and some laps her shift was over, after getting in my car she wanted to stop for a drink, I said it was my anniversary and had to get home, wouldn't you know it. at that point she leaned over and gave me the BJ of a lifetime, swallowed looked up at me and said now you know where your future is!!!! So I guess you could say thats how I knew she likes me, the action hasn't let up since!
  • Yoda
    20 years ago
    The first thing you must understand is that a stripper can genuinely like you and still be playing you for your money. It's business, I like lots of people I do business with-especialy the women! If you are seeing a dancer outside of the club and she really cares about you she won't want you in the club at all, much less spending money on her. Mouse is right, remove cash from the equation as soon as possible and see what happes. The only time I'm ever positively sure a dancer isn't after my money inside the club is if she stops dancing and we remain friends.
  • Mouse
    20 years ago
    When a stripper likes you, she will act like any other women who likes you - she makes herself available to you and doesn't break your dates. The M.O. of a lady who likes you is that she goes out of her way to help you to be with her. She will also kiss you - on the lips at the end of the first date. Indeed, most will sleep with you within 3 dates. If you're suspicious of her motives, withdraw the MONEY and see what happens, and in the vast majority of instances the stripper will disappear.
  • Scluver714
    8 years ago
    Lol when a stripper likes you she will 1. She will tell you she does and you'll just know it cause her actions will speak for itself. 2. She will hangout with you outside the club no strings attached. 3. She will not ask you for any money other than being with Enjoying your company. 4. Even if you've already gotten a regular lap or a VIP with her she'll still might like you this happened to me in multiple occasions I've taken the stripper once in the VIP and after that a few months later I dissapeared and when I came back she remembered me and we hanged out outside the club no strings attached no $ involved.
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    14 year old thread, NOICE! There's an extent to which, just being super concerned about whether she likes you can be indicative that you're not coming from a healthy place. I like my ATFs, and certainly hope they like me, but in the end I'm not trying to date them, so however things like extreme YMMV or FWB manifest themselves, I'm game. Also there's like, and then there's LIKE. Chief Asslicker Yoda (rest in peace) made a good point: every salesperson in the world likes some of their customers more than others, doesn't mean that salesperson isn't still going to try to sell you. So yes, she can ABSOLUTELY like you and still ask you for money. Contrary to some of the assertions above (mostly from guys working on theory?), I've turned some strippers into FWB, and every single one was fine with me seeing them in the club -- and expected me to pay, because, well, they're working (totally reasonable IMO). But getting back to that salesperson -- I treat all my customers professionally, but the ones who I really like definitely get "YMMV" from me, more of my time, more access to me, higher priority. That goes for everyone ... cops have a lot of latitude to give people breaks, and tend to so when they like someone or at least feel respected. You know how airlines charge more for bags over 50 pounds? I've rarely paid that fee... it's well known among travelers that if you joke and are friendly with the person behind the counter, there's a very good chance that will get dropped. Again, contrary to the SW-like theory some tuscl posters have, strippers are not perfect economic actors, and like every other human in the world, they do gift people they like with more than those they don't, even if it's just more time on the floor, a little latitude in the back, a little more for your $ etc. It's only guys who have never been favorited by a stripper who question that, IMO. All you have to do is send your buddy in to see what he gets, to see this is immediately true. Now if you're talking LIKE like, as if she wants to date you or whatever, that's a whole nother discussion, and really it's worth questioning why you're even asking, IMO.
  • Scluver714
    8 years ago
    lol there's no magic formula it's the same concept f inside the stripclub she's not asking you for money and she's wasting her time on you not just once but every time you go she wants you.
  • Scluver714
    8 years ago
    Revived it cause people will still read this shit and Think info given is accurate lol not inside the club it ain't.
  • flagooner
    8 years ago
    I thought it was a rhetorical question and the answer is "She doesn't "
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    -->"lol there's no magic formula it's the same concept f inside the stripclub she's not asking you for money" Again, the few stripper FWB I've made, all wanted money if I visited them in the club. Wanting money while she's working is not an indicator she doesn't (or does) like you, IME. Unless you guys are using the word "like" to mean "she wants to date you", which is just too silly to discuss. But Yoda was right, she might want $ regardless, if you're seeing her during her working time. -->" and she's wasting her time on you not just once but every time you go she wants you" I think one of the ways strippers show they like a customer is by gifting things like extra time. That said, I get lots and lots of time from every stripper I see, nearly every time I go to the club, because I go to a low-hustle club during the slowest time of the shift... so the girls either do that, or they're not making money from me, and there's little opportunity cost because there's few other customers. I'm not so foolish as to think all those girls like me, on any level. Might think differently if the hottest girl in the club hung out with me for 3 hours for free every saturday night shift, I suppose...
  • Scluver714
    8 years ago
    lol based on my experience I've never given any dime on a stripper I like with the exception of buying them a drink and I go to high hustle clubs and I'm still able to pick one and I'm picky ass fuck so I don't just pick a stripper who is easy to get. The thing is just like any woman if they like you and you're being respectful you make them laugh they'll enjoy your company. I have a stripper right now who's a 9 wanting to roll to Vegas with me on nye no $$$ involved I told her straight up if I take you don't expect me to pay for you and she agreed.
  • Scluver714
    8 years ago
    They could like you and still take your money because I agee subraman they're there to work and pay the bills so I can't blame em.
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