
Comments by tropicalH2O (page 6)

  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    French Fires Fuel Fury; Iran Incinerated?
    This thread is getting a little bit long. Are we done or would you like to start a new thread? GM and Ford are closing many of their plants. This is a shame. Have you noticed that new cars dent really easily? The cars made in the 80's and early 90's still had exteriors with fairly thick metal that usually resisted most door dings. Newer cars are made out of the cheapest, thinnest metal and many of these new cars are full of dings and sustain major damage with the slightest fender bender. Cars built with the plastic bumbers and some styrofoam looking stuff underneath are ridiculous. Bumpers are designed to fall apart in the slighted collision. Even Mercedes Benzes are made of poor quality metal. If I were Ford or GM I'd have my engineering/design team build an attractive economy car with real, durable bumpers (metal with some rubber) and a more durable body. I think people are disappointed with cars that can't withstand a minor tap without major damage. I'd advertise the superior durability of the car, the afforable price and I bet it would sell. Parents might even feel better about having kids drive these 'safer cars'. -T
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Unorthodox stripper/customer stories
    Chandler, what does your above comment, "Strip club related, non-troll and non-troll feeding thread, so BUMP" actually mean? Are you saying that my thread is troll related or troll feeding? While I agree with the idea of not responding to disagreeable posts, I do not feel that this site should be 100% DICTATED and INFLEXIBLE. My recent track record of ignoring of 97% of TROLL-related posts speaks for itself. If you're unhappy with what I've written then use your words in a way that I can understand their meaning and perhaps be less offensive/inflammatory. What am I doing that bugs you?-T
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    19 years ago
    World events, business, etc.
    P-man - I like your ideas. Thank you. FONDL, I know about depression. I injured my ankle on a trip in August and haven't been to a club for 2 months, because after working a couple of shifts I'd do more damage to my ankle. I don't feel that my depression is serious enough to warrant a prescription. My child has issues with inattentiveness, but then again the kid's in middle school with all of those hormones and distractions from the opposite sex. My kid's behavior isn't "bad" it's just that the grades are no longer straight "A's". It's hard to concentrate on my paper because I've made this project too big. I will get it done and published, though and I'll let you know when it's done. God, getting this paper written and the stress and of raising a middle school kid, by myself, is enough to make a person nuts (temporarily, I hope)!!! My ankle now feels good enough to resume my 3.4 mile walk. Thanks guys!
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    19 years ago
    French Fires Fuel Fury; Iran Incinerated?
    AN: I understand that the quote was more than patriotic and I appreciate you taking the time to send me the quote and engage me in my concerns. I give thanks everyday for my opportunities, freedom, excellent health, and the sacrifices made by others in defense of these freedoms. The last week in June 2001, I spent in Manhattan near 30th and Lexington. One of my cousins invited me to go to the top of the WTC to Windows of the World. Instead I went to the top of the Empire State building and my child got some good photos of the WTC towers. We (child & I) went back to NYC this summer and I took two pictures of the metal structure twisted into the shape of a cross where the towers once stood. FONDL, Yes, the pharmaceutical industry is one that invests in R&D. I've benefited from immunizations and antibiotics. Thank you for the example. I've also had a few meals and been entertained on the pharm reps expense accounts. I was offered employment as a pharmaceutical rep - the perks are tempting. Ford and GMC: the reasons for closing plants are obvious, yet sad.
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    19 years ago
    French Fires Fuel Fury; Iran Incinerated?
    Starting a new topic to continue this thread. "World events, business, etc"
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    19 years ago
    World events, business, etc.
    AN: Your current assignment, if you really want to help involves helping me to get my dissertation completed. The topic involves increasing physical activity levels. I did a qualitative and quantitative study and made the write up of the project so big that I'm having trouble finishing it. I have 52 files related to the paper and about 200 journal articles. My results are significant. Sound complicated?
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Yay or Nay: Clubs that have porn videos running on TVs all around the room?
    Probably not a good idea. If you've got beautiful women dancing why veg out on porn? I think that porn is varied and personal, guys probably wouldn't want to watch the same thing. The idea sounds of gay or sleazy.
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    19 years ago
    World events, business, etc.
    FONDL, I did a pilot study and now it's time to finish the write up. I don't want to mention too much about the population or instruments used to measure activity. It's non-sexual. I imagine that your unconventional exercise is actually some type of sexual aerobics. I'm I close? AN, I like the cartoon headlines. The group of angry people is interesting. Those rioting are testing their boundaries and it makes it that much easier to organize and take to the streets in the future. Q: If the US is the "Great Satan" and an angry group wanted to make an impression in the world; what date would they strike? A: 6/6/6. I'm not trying to stir up sh*t; I am merely concerned about the unrest. I'm not worried to the degree I was in September '01. I'm concerned by the Iranian leader's previous comments and the stirring up that his hateful talk has caused. -T
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Unorthodox stripper/customer stories
    HMMMM!! Birthday party for AN. When I get this paper written I'll be up for a party! When's your b-day?
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    19 years ago
    World events, business, etc.
    AN: Thank you for your information regarding the energy fiasco. FONDL: Your ideas are good, obviously you've given this some thought. Smoking used to be the most important modifiable health risk factor. With fewer people smoking, inactivity (contributing to obestiy) will become the important modifiable risk factor for Americans to change to increase health. Diabetes II (a.k.a. adult onset diabetes) used to be a disease adults were diagnosed with in their forties or fifties. Our current generation of children has a 1 in 3 chance of developing this disease and many are diagnosed w/Diabetes II before completing high school. I'm familiar with the obestiy studies and heart disease studies. There will likely be a current generation of children whose life span will be shorter than their parents or grandparents, due to inactivity/obesity and the associated co-morbid diseases. Health insurance is strange. If you have a pre-existing condition ie: diabetes, heart attack or HIV/AIDS it is difficult to obtain private health insurance or even life insurance, unless the person is willing to pay huge premiums. Thank you, FONDL, for your insight.
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    19 years ago
    Question for Strippers
    I've spent dozens of hours on this site talking with customers "for free". I have a different motivation for engaging people in conversation - I genuinely like people, until they give me reason not to like them. I don't promote my dance business as many dancers do in the local club chat rooms. I do not try to anger or injure people with my words or actions. I think that life is tough enough without people trying to do a "one upsmanship" on others or cruelly get their jollies by antagonizing others. "A fine mind is a terrible thing to waste" (a truthful, old quote from the United Negro . . . something or other) . -T
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    What is the oddest thing you've ever worn to a stripclub.
    When I worked the night shift, I used to get ready at home and fly to work with my costume under a long coat with two front snaps. I'd get to work a couple minutes before the shift started, undo my coat and hit the floor.
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    19 years ago
    What is the oddest thing you've ever worn to a stripclub.
    As far as the customers are concerned I've had a few strange ones: 1) guy with a huge fake dick and balls the size of large oranges (under his bermuda shorts); a guy with a vibrator in his pocket that he turned on during the dance (it made me nervous that the other girls would hear the vibrator, I made him turn it off); another guy with a huge, hard fake dick that hurt to rub against (he was convinced that it was his own equipment and who I'm I to argue) 2) Guy who wore a suit custom-made in Italy with color-coordinated shoes dual-color saddle shoes, also custom made for him in Italy. 3) Guy wearing a bra under his shirt. 4) Guys with special 'club outfits'; one wears really short shorts; another wears very thin fabric pants that have been out of style for at least 10 years; guy who wears long, silk boxers into the club with nothing over the boxers; guy who always wears shirts with buttons and starts undoing them when the dance begins (so the dancer can manipulate his nipples).
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    What is the oddest thing you've ever worn to a stripclub.
    messaround, I actually did fend off a ticket with my costumes. I had been up all night at another dancer's place and was looking for this casino buffet in a Nevada city. I blew through a stop sign that I didn't know was there and a cop pulled me over. He told me that I was going 10 miles over the speed limit and didn't even tap my brakes for the stop sign. He asked me for my driver's license and I slowly seductively rumaged through my dance bag that was on the passenger's seat next to me. He was standing next to the passenger's window to avoid the traffic passing my car on my left. I held up and dangled various bits of lingerie and costumes for him to see and smiled at him while doing so. The clincher was the long, black thigh high boot that I unfureled (sp?). I asked him for directions to the casino buffet. He asked me if it was Spring Break or something because I was the third student he had pulled over that night, driving erradically (sp?). I said that I didn't think that it was. He let me go without a ticket. I guess that he enjoyed the provocative lingerie show and teasing. -T
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    World events, business, etc.
    FONDL, I'd like to work with people to encourage improved health through increased physical activity. I want to coordinate walks with people and hopefully get entire families participating. Our modern society has become so fast paced. I notice a sense of well-being after just a few minutes into a long walk. I feel more relaxed, less worried and happier. A lot of people who are depressed would benefit from regular moderate to vigorous physical activity. Kind FONDL, you're helping me get focused so I can overcome my fear of getting this paper written. Thank you.-T
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    World events, business, etc.
    Vent, I like your idea about not procrastinating. I can talk about the outcome of the study but when I read all of my drafts and ideas I get a little bit overwhelmed and start rewriting another draft. I'm sure that a psychologist would say that I have a fear of success or that I'm a perfectionist - that's not it though. I'll set a time line for the next few days. Obesity/inactivity will likely become the single most MODIFIABLE risk factor some day. People don't usually become smokers until their second decade of life. Kids start drinking milk full of hormones and developing their sedentary lifestyle and unhealthy eating habits before age 5. Okay, here's an idea. Perhaps the measurement device will serve a dual purpose and become a motivator in achieving a desired amount of exercise. Let's say a triaxial unit, no those are too bulky and expensive. What about a pedometer? I've talked with someone who developed the reliability and validity several ped. models and have more than a dozen R & V journal articles. For healthy adults a common daily goal ts is 10,000 steps. If children were issed a pedometer and given a goal of 10,000 or 14,000 steps and had achieved 85 or 90% of their desired steps, some may be motivated to reach their target goal. When a person attempts a pre-determined goal and is able to reach that goal, well after awhile that goal may become a healthy habit. Exercising can be a healthy addiction. The release of pheramones (sp?) - just teasing, are you still with me? -- dopamine is very pleasant. Some runners call this a runner's high. Now how to get this population to achieve their goal or a chunk of it, that's what the study is about. Remember how things were when some of us were growing up? Playing until the sun went down. Now a lot of kids never walk or ride a bike to school; it's not safe because of traffic or child molesters. Some kids never develop a nice, athletic body. Earning Presidential Physical Fitness awards is no longer valued. Many of the schools are hung up on test scores and don't value physical activity. What good is a bright mind in underdeveloped, unhealthy physical body? When middle school kids can't even run a lap around an athletic field or touch their toes because their tummies are too big - well, that's just unacceptable.-T
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Unorthodox stripper/customer stories
    Okay, thanks for the explanation. I'm still learning and wouldn't want to be a pest.-T
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Customers who cry in their beer to strippers
    If a guy is crying too much some girls offer him a choice of pacifiers. Some sadness is okay. The crap I can't stand to hear is complaining about some other women; a little bit of this is okay before the dance. If the guy is complaining about something in his past during your dance, I start hating what the guy is saying and start hoping that the DJ will hurry up and cut the songs shorter. I've only had one chronic complainer with a toxic attitude, I learned to spot him and avoid him.
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    19 years ago
    Vegas Baby
    Las Vegas Clubs
    "Master of every cock you touch or taste." Tears are streaming down my face, I have a visual of this and it's very funny. I don't usually read these posts but I fell into this one.
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    19 years ago
    World events, business, etc.
    VENT and FONDL, are you familiar with Oregon's medical model? Procedures and medical care are rated based on the least expensive care/procedure for the greatest number of people. Immunizations, antibiotics, flu shots, papsmears, and physical exams are at the top of the list. Heart transplants, fertility procedures and care for very young, fragile premies are at the bottom of the list, and rarely, if ever are granted. I know that this was true in 2002 are believe that it still is today. Do any of you have Kaiser insurance? I've heard some complaints, but the doctors there saved a friends life when her polypharmacy of street drugs was deadly. It only cost her $5 dollars for the paramedics to transport and admit her for two days. A wonderful Kaiser female doctor I worked with looked like Bo Derek and was about the same age. She was so good to her patients and they loved her. She had been an RN for a few years, before going to medical school. Her bedside manner was really efficient and elegantl! One thing about Kaiser is that their formulary list is limited. They want to prescribe the least expensive medicine possible. One of my young patients had had two unsuccessful kidney transplants. She came in 3 times a week for dialysis. VENT, are you familair with the open airways program? I taught a six week course to elementary school kids. Every one of them had been to the hospital and had faced death. I taught them about allergy triggers, how to properly use the rescue inhalers and how to tell when the inhaler is empty. I taught this class because the #1 reason for 911 calls to the schools in this area was for escalting asthma episodes. A few weeks later another student and I wrote a protocal flow sheet on the care asthma patients in the ED. It was fun presenting our ideas and the ED adopted our protocal. We had a respiratory tech or a pulmonologist (?) evaluate the pt., in addition to the ED doc and care from nursing staff. This was during my last year of a BSN program. I stayed up all night last night and organized many drafts of chapters and articles into manilla folders and will sort through themagain to find the most recent chapters and put the older versions away in a file box and change the file name of the current chapters to work only with current work. I still have articles and boxes of handwritten ideas and printed pages in the livingroom and in my bedroom. If I work on this project daily,and accomplish daily goals, I will finish and graduate this semester. This is a long message, guess I'm a little wigged from staying up all night.T Some insurance companies reimburse patients for their monthly Weight Watchers meetings. I think that this is good giving people positive reinforcement for taking good care of themselves is considerate. The meeting are $12 or $14 per week if the patient goes every week. I worked for a physician who had a Bariatrics practice (weight loss). The patient needed to see the doctor every third week and could schedule all of their appointments with hin. Many of the patients scheduled their two 30 minute appointment with me. Many patients were tense when they first entered the office. I'd wait a few minutes, then take their pressure again. After talking with them about their award winning roses, animals or something they loved their pressure was always lower. Every night when I went home I felt so incredibly wonderful. I watched these patients change in an incredibly wonderful way. I would be beaming in the office, outside to my car and hours later at home. Many patients lost more than 50 pounds and some about 80 pounds. I'd draw blood, spin it in the centrifuge and collect the red blood cells for the lab to pick up and analyze. some patients took Phentermine HCl 15 or 30 mgs, other were on medifast powdered shakes and others had limited calorie diets. I felt so good witnessing their success and literal make-over. I observed people change from shy and uncomfortable to confident, self-assured and outgoing. Their sense of humor almost always returned, as well. This doctor encouraged me to become a nurse and after
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    World events, business, etc.
    Actually, the immigration situation is something that should be considered carefully. In the last 20 years Mexico's population from has nearly doubled from approx 50 million to 100 million and will likely double again in the next 20 years. Saving a few dollars by hiring illegals does nothing great for this country. It doesn't save money in the long run to short change workers, some benefits and pay which they eventually get anyways at tax payers expense (free medical, free schooling, and a lack of contribution to the tax base). Many of our service and technical jobs are already being out-sourced. If $10 an hour isn't enough to get American citizens working the pay should be increased to $12 or something reasonable, rather than outsourcing r jobs in our states to illegals. Immigration should be allowed, but in a controlled and legal way. Bush's short-sighted, greedy, "let's use these people for 3 to 6 years in his guest worker program" is silly. What are the future generations of American kids going to do for work? The United States is a desirable destination and we should control, as much as possible, who enters and breeds in our country. Getting cheap labor now is more expensive in the longrun and encourages dishonesty and disrespect for our laws. It will become more violent and desperate in the future as Mexico mistreats it's citizens while the rich get wealthier. The guest worker program is a sham; people are not going to leave after 3 to 6 years. Decisions should be made now about registering people who live here and granting amnesty and/or deporting criminal illegals. Just one person's opinion.
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    19 years ago
    Dancers who make more than thier customers
    Stripping is one of the few "equalizer jobs". Most women make less money then men do. Dancing for a few seasons offers a lady the chance to spoil herself a bit and not worry about money. I'm sure that during your career(s) you will make a lot more money than dancers will in their combined careers and motherhood.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Olympic athletes you would like to see strip
    I saw Tanith's interview after winning the silver medal. She IS beautiful! Most of the skaters are beautiful. I loved the ice dancing. The speed skater "Apollo" is hot! He's going to be on the Wheaties Cereal box; I'll buy a box so I can look at him while drinking my morning coffee. It's a shame about Michelle Kwan. I interviewed an ice skating instructor two years ago for my child's school paper. This guy in La Jolla (Matt) used to be Sasha Cohen's coach a few years ago.
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    19 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    An Open Letter to This Board's Moderator, [email protected]
    Thank you, Chandler and founder. I had pretty much given up on this site because of the low brow insults and persistant, teadious remarks and threads of some of the notorious "buzz-kills".
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    19 years ago
    World events, business, etc.
    Ther's not much the US can do to improve working wages in Mexico. NAFTA hurt a lot of the smaller businesses, much like WalMart's stores have done to mom and pop stores across the country. Contracts (or so I've heard) were awarded to large companies in Mexico, which helped create jobs but the competition also made income profits for smaller businesses unfeasible. By turning a blind eye to illegal immigration and the accompanying crime and necessary increase in social assistance programs, San Diego becomes a less desirable place to live, in my opinion. I'm considering another country to move to if I tire of the decreased quality of life here as America becomes more of a third world country with criminal politicians becoming wealthy off of their unethical contracts and business deals with other greedy country leaders. New Zealand and Australia are potential destinations. -T