Customers who cry in their beer to strippers
Blue Ridge Foothills
I'm always hearing about these dudes from strippers. They're usually big spenders, probably paying for conversation. Then they spend their whole visit unloading about their personal troubles, usually a sad marraige. How much of this do you think (or do you know about) is healthy catharsis or therapy, and how much is a sign of a dangerous character who could drag a bunch of innocent people along in his downward spiral?
Some sadness is okay. The crap I can't stand to hear is complaining about some other women; a little bit of this is okay before the dance. If the guy is complaining about something in his past during your dance, I start hating what the guy is saying and start hoping that the DJ will hurry up and cut the songs shorter. I've only had one chronic complainer with a toxic attitude, I learned to spot him and avoid him.
In my experience most people knew who the ones on the downward spiral were and avoided them, which probably accelerated that spiral. I've seen and broken up a few fights, tossed or cut off a few, but other than that there is very little to be done. At a certain level you have to insulate yourself. The biggest problem I'd see is that such characters are likely to poison some dancer attitudes. I know I got a little callous after too many tales of woe.
I agree that the potential for recipricol damage is there. Some of these poor souls are desperate to pull someone into their world, just for some company on the way down. I don't see how the average clubber could be drawn in other than if a favorite dancer somehow gets involved, but that is more an aspect of protecting yourself from potential stripper shit as discussed on a seperate thread.
Short story is that people go for all kinds of reasons. If a guy wants to cry in his beer and spill his guts it's none of my buisness. I am pissed off and stressed out when I go sometimes, and I like to get cheered up. How does that affect anybody else? When I was bartending I saw a few people on a downward spiral and plenty who just needed to blow off steam. A few even wanted to spill their guts to me. I don't think crying in the beer and talking about problems to strangers is unique to strip clubs. The difference is that they can get a hot naked woman to listen to their problems rather than a genial but large and hairy bartender.