
Comments by tropicalH2O (page 5)

  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Truely strange experiences in a club.
    Thanks, friend. I'll with you on Monday!
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Truely strange experiences in a club.
    QSM: He was wearing shorts with an elastic waistband and squirted out from the top of his shorts. He was happy during the songs leading up to the end and then he just rubbed himself for a few seconds. I've studied physiology and was surprised at how quickly he released. I guess that we know our own bodies better than anyone else and he knew how to find that sixth gear in record time.
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    19 years ago
    How many of you have degrees?
    AN, I enjoyed your story. That poor devil, first he doesn't reach the endzone then he gets embarassed twice by being shaven and then by being presented with a rug for the genitals. 2335vent, my guess is that your a pneumologist (sp?), I don't know though you could be a respiratory therapist. OT: I assisted a pneumologist by opening jars to collect tissue samples, then follwed and watched as he was called into a room where a women's heart was beating but she wasn't able to breathe. She was kicking like a wild horse and her skin was becoming cyanotic. I don't remember what he did, if he pushed some epi - whatever he did it worked! I read about holistic therapies and like herbal treatments, but feel that in this country it's important to have your Western credentials, to be assured a job and cash flow. Do you like complementary medicine? -T
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    19 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Let's talk about assholes!
    E14, the laser treatments where for hair removal. I just call it smooth because outside of the hairstrip, the skin feels smooth. I was shaving and twice got ingrown hairs that required antibiotics and a follow up appointment to open the skin and remove the ingrown hair. (I know, TMI! -but I've had no problems with ingrown hair since lasering).
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    19 years ago
    French Fires Fuel Fury; Iran Incinerated?
    Shadow Cat: I was trying to ignore the news and was able to for awhile, but my gut is telling me something different. I've even thought about the lyrics to the song by Don Henley, "All She Wants to do is Dance" to try to change my thoughts, it only works for awhile. I don't think that having the Jews move out of Israel will accomplish anything good. Since the Gaza Strip has been turned over the call for violence has increased. The man-made wall is what is keeping the violence in the streets down. There are many other places in the world now that are having problems with radicals who want to kill and terrorize others. My geography and history are not my strong suits, but I know that budhists are being killed in Asia?, there is conflict over the Kashmir region; blasts that killed Australian tourists in Bali; 9/11 here in the US; trains being destroyed in Italy or Spain?; same in London. Relocating Jews has very little to do with these conflicts and would not appease those who are bent on destruction. I'm not worried about Iran sending something our way at this time. I am more concerned about unrest being stirred up by the Iranian leader's hateful talk and it's potential to inspire others to take action here in our country. I am disappointed that the Mexican border is so porous. I believe that our government should be enforcing the laws and stopping anyone at gunpoint who doesn't have reason to be here. I further believe that students and others who are not citizens shouldn't be living in the US or attending school here. It is imperative to protect our national security at home. How would you feel if militants started simultaneous fires or other more violent coordinated simultaneous destructive acts in the US, as was done in France a few months ago?
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    19 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    What We Really Mean: Customer-to-English Translations
    14) I enjoy very liberal dances = Are you naughty enough?
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    French Fires Fuel Fury; Iran Incinerated?
    AN and FONDL, thank you for your perspectives. FONDL your words soothe me. I put both of my televisions in storage in December, because my child was getting distracted and not getting homework completed. I've just been listening to bits and pieces of radio news and talk shows, and reading the paper once a week while I'm 'locked away' in my study completing a dissertation. It's true that these are fairly peaceful times and we enjoy many freedoms. I know about the IRA attacks in London, I shopped at Harrods while the "b. team" was outside. I met an Algerian living in France. He seemed to be dissatisfied with his lot in life. He had a job as a cook on a boat and wasn't poor, he just had an unpleasantness about him. It would be difficult to live in France in poverty and have no hope. If a country is going to allow people to live within its borders, it should do so if opportunities exist for the immigrants so they can thrive and prosper. It does no one any good to be 'let in' but have no chance to earn a living. Thank you AN for your view. Sometimes I need someone to discuss my concerns with.-T
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Any place that interests me.
    Best NFL Cities For SC's
    I've heard that the Mons Venus in Tampa is great! A friend gave me a calendar from the club and showed me which dancers he had dances with from the calendar photos. When the Super Bowl was in San Diego, our club didn't get much busier. The Pure Platinium Dirty Dan's dancers near the airport "banked" all week.
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    19 years ago
    French Fires Fuel Fury; Iran Incinerated?
    My neighbors are Palestinian Christians. They left Israel to pursue their religious freedom here in the US and to provide good opportunities for their children. After 9/11, one of the kids said to me, "I'm glad about 9/11 because now maybe the Americans will b*mb the Jews in Israel". I gave the kid a quick education of why the US wouldn't do this and told him to talk with his dad about it and not to mention this to anyone else, as people here in the US wouldn't agree. Yes, I agree that the US President should not try to be President of the World. I don't think that anything would happen militarily (sp?) with US forces in Iran (except maybe a drone or a special forces going after one person). I don't know though, because I never thought that anything would happen in Iraq. I don't like to spend my time worrying about things. Power is changing hands in the Middle East. These changes affect us here and I am having trouble shaking this feeling of 'calm before the storm'. There's not much I can do except to take good care of my child, enjoy myself and pray for peace and resolution. I don't agree that radical Muslims hate us for just one or two reasons. The radicals hate us because were are "infidels" and they can't just live and let live through tolerance. It doesn't help Middle Eastern Public Relations that our military is in Iraq. When our military are gone from that region there will be in-fighting amongst the people for power and ownership of territory. The fighting will also continue in the other places where there are currently Radical Muslim attacks on non-military civilians. Back to my studies . . .
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Poll tricks
    At first I thought this was a political site about polls. I get it now, 'pole tricks'. I like to watch dancers who are nimble and graceful. I enjoy the spinning around the pole in creative ways more than climbing the pole. There are dancers who climb the pole, get to the top and swing around the pole upsidedown with their legs in a "v" doing the splits. I like it when they use a lot of muscle control and slowly slide down the pole and land in splits. There was one tall former ballerina who used to fly around the pole in the splits with one foot hovering above the floor and the other foot almost touching the ceiling. She would spin so fast that her "cookie" jiggled (like a dog with it's head out the window, having air distort the shape of its mouth).
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    French Fires Fuel Fury; Iran Incinerated?
    If I were a Mexican national and living in poverty, I would probably come to America. There are laws though and it's right to follow the laws and do things legally. I was married to someone who became a US citizen legally. It took 5 years. As American citizens we have the right to expect our government to protect us from people who are trying to enter our country illegally. Part of this protection includes having people who wish to come into the US submit to laws and regulations. When I'm in another country, I am hypervigilent about obeying the laws. If the laws are too restrictive then they could be changed or an amnesty enacted for people who have been here for a certain amount of time or who are employed for a certain amount of time. I don't think that it's fair for a pregnant woman to 'run for the border' when she's pregnant, give birth and then have the child rewarded by becoming a US citizen, just because she was stealth enough to cross the border illegally. I know that there are many people who work diligently and this is not about their work ethic. Along with people coming to this country for a better life are also people with mal intent. I think that protection of the US-Mexican border should be of higher priority then it is and government from the bottom to the top seems to be uninterested in addressing this issue.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    French Fires Fuel Fury; Iran Incinerated?
    I'm surprised that no one has called me a racist. I know that I am not. I would like to see the border get the kind of attention that the airlines are receiving to ward off another hijacking. This week alone three underground tunnels from Tijuana, MX to San Ysidro, CA have been discovered. One of these tunnels was the most sophisticated to date and contained 1,900 pounds of weed. There is concern that people and perhaps weapons were smuggled through this sophisticated, cement reinforced tunnel. Terrorists have openly discussed using Mexico as an entry into the US. As long as the've got the war on terrorism going on, why not put the manpower where it could do some good? I couldn't quite follow the logic of a previous post. We are in agreement that a small radical segment of the Islamic Religion, the fringe radicals cannot tolerate us because they consider us to be infidels. They also despise us for our movie industry, pornography, alcohol consumption and the fact that women have rights in this country. I wonder though if we and are lifestyle are so offensive, why do they choose to live here? While doing my clinical rotations I gave full physicals to Muslim men, checking their testicles for abnormalities, their prostates, their throats, lymphnodes, mouths everything so that they could collect worker's compensation. I did this as a student, as instructed by the doc. After having a friendly conversation and washing my hands I went to shake the first patient's hand and got the nub (wrist flexed to make sure I didn't touch his hand). In their culture women are unclean. I wasn't offended just surprised. I never tried to shake another Muslim man's hand. I attended to many mothers and children who immigrated from from Somalia through Kenya where they have the English school to prepare people for immigration to America. These patients actually liked me and seemed to have a very gentle nature. I attended a celebration at the end of Ramadan (sp?). They had a llama for the kids to ride, one of those astro jumping things that kids often have at birthday parties and food. I asked my child's friend to show me the inside of the mosque. She showed me the little general store at the entrance, the place people store their shoes when they enter, the downstairs area where the men pray. I asked her if the women were allowed inside and she indicated that they pray separately upstairs. AN: The US cannot afford to send its young men to every area of the world to protect others. I follow what you said, but these young men dying over there in Iraq in such great numbers is heartless. I'm hoping that they all come home and that their withdrawal is safe and speedy.
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    19 years ago
    French Fires Fuel Fury; Iran Incinerated?
    George Bush senior was head of the CIA, right? A person has to be tough and sure of himself and his intelligence gathering to make those hit list decisions.
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    19 years ago
    French Fires Fuel Fury; Iran Incinerated?
    Thanks guys for engaging me. Everyone once in awhile I get concerned about things that I can't do anything about and I get 'keyed up'. Thanks for explaining your points of view and for answering my questions. This time last year I had a boyfriend and was happier. That's what's missing - a lover to occupy more of my time.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    French Fires Fuel Fury; Iran Incinerated?
    Interesting State of the Union speech last night. We've got issues here in the US that need attending to. Plans to safeguard our borders were not addressed. The rebuilding of Katrina ravaged Louisiana and Mississippi were glossed over. Concerns about "out of control spending on the Iraq war and obscene profit-making by Haliburton (sp?) were also ignored in the pep-rally speech. The impression I came away with from the speech was that funds will continue to be spent on BS crap that only helps big business get wealthier and the illegal immigration issue will continue to be ignored because addressing this would hurt the bottom line. Americans are addicted to oil and "switch grass" (sounds like a Texas crop) will be the solution to "our addiction". Oh well, at least I live in the US where I appreciate many freedoms and am grateful for many opportunities.
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    19 years ago
    French Fires Fuel Fury; Iran Incinerated?
    FONDL, I'm not sure that rebuilding in an area that is below sea level is a good idea and perhaps the State of the Union Address is not the place to discuss at lenght the Hurricane Katrina issue; however I expected more of an update in the speech. I'm not a Bush Basher. I am sincerely trying to follow what is going on with our nation economically. In California a few years ago we had rolling blackouts and electric costs went through the roof at the mercy of states that 'sold us' electricity for huge, inflated costs. In the process, California went from a thriving, financially stable state to a bankrupt one a matter of months. I'm watching money change hands and big business become wealthier as some people are unable to afford health insurance premiums and other people's retirement plans are being stolen out from underneath them. I'm curiously, almost morbidly, observing as greed and deceipt are unveiled. You asked me how much I think it would cost to secure the US-Mexican border. I don't have an answer for you. How much does it cost not to protect the border? There was a young cop in Oceanside (a city in San Diego county) who was gunned down by an illegal Mexican gang member. The illegal had been arrested 3 times before, but he just kept coming back across the border. The officer, Tony Zapatello (sp?) was slain while trying to stop the bastard who had just robbed a bank. Tony died. How much does it cost his family to grow up without him? Money is not the answer or excuse for everything. Perhaps something isn't 100% successful but that doesn't mean that you give up, does it. The spending priorities seem askew. Times are strange, I don't remember when dishonesty and unaccountability seemed so familiar.
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    19 years ago
    Unorthodox stripper/customer stories
    I knew someone else, who was very sweet to me. He bought me fine coffee (Celebese Kalosi?), washed all my laundry, bought flowers for every room in my place, took me to the nicest restaurants and was teaching me to enjoy scotch. His quirk: feet. He loved my feet with red toenail polish he liked to rub lotion on my feet. The feet made him so excited that, well . . . I had a girlfriend, just a friend but very close. I thought that she had borrowed my shoes and not returned them. She swore that she didn't, she was right. I spent the night with him and he kept my shoes and socks for 2 or 3 months before telling me that he had my shoes and anklets. The entire time, I thought she had my shoes! Well I guess that he really got into my shoes.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Unorthodox stripper/customer stories
    Oh, I shouldn't tell. I knew this engineer. He had a fetish. He liked the kitty to be very smooth. And so I got it lasered. He liked to take photographs of me in lingerie, stockings and heels. One time he annoyed me so much by snapping the damn pictures in the livingroom. He wasn't even enjoying the present moment and I certainly wasn't either after being posed in this position and that . . . all in lingerie outfits. . feathers, lace, fishnets, bustiers, waist cinchers, garder belts, vinyl, leather, velvet, satin and lace. Well, the next time he came over there simply was no couch or loveseat, I gave them away, donated them and have never posed on a couch or loveseat since. I replaced them with reclining chairs (they do not pose). When he asked what happened to the furniture I told him that I was tired of that game of being a "doll". Another friend asked me what happened to my furniture and I told him. Honestly, he thought it was pretty funny.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Unorthodox stripper/customer stories
    SC, the dancers obviously like you. In my opinion, people rarely things to make other people feel bad. My behavior is motivated more by pleasure. I see no pleasure in making someone else uncomfortable, banter and teasing aside. In announcing it to everyone in the club with flowers that you two adore one another, your dancer is also shooing away potential customers and she wouldn't risk this for just "anyone". I can picture your 62 or 64 birthday dances, nice visual.-T
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    French Fires Fuel Fury; Iran Incinerated?
    Interesting website, MEMRI. I read one article that called for cutting off the hands of the infidels and also how terrible the Great Satan, America and Britain are for torturing people. Nice juxtaposition! When people throughout the world are facing Mecca five times a day, every day and praying in unison, this is powerful. Did anyone see the cartoon(s) in the Danish press that got some practitioners of the M*sl*m faith so offended? In France people are not allowed to wear headscarves, yamikas, crosses or Stars of David in public, because the climate is combustible. Is the world becoming so religiously insane/intolerant that we're losing our sense of humor? When people become fanatic about their religion, they sometimes start acting "religiously insane". We can't prove to anyone else that our god/higher power exists or doesn't. Each of the religious books sounds unbelievable to an outsider. this person had a 'vision', a 'hallucination', a 'visitation', or an 'immaculate conception', etc. Now there are people murdering each other for promised virgins in the next life. It's like a fanatic wanting to take out healthcare workers at a clinic to protect the unborn. An ultimate act of violence to prove allegiance to a religion or belief which is not tolerant of others and their differences or even anothers mistakes. Is it best to ignore these problems or to try to get community leaders talking with one another in our own neighborhoods? I ask my Palestinian Christian neighbors questions because I am curious and want to understand better how they view things. Some of my other neighbors are from Iraq, but follow western culture. Understanding how others think and what they value helps me know how I can best interact with people respectfully. So I won't be dressing up in a full pigskin costume on Sunday, even though it is Superbowl Sunday.-T
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Unorthodox stripper/customer stories
    Half of you probably don't believe me and it doesn't matter, so I'll continue. Mouse from the Cheetahs website has been exchanging ideas with me for a year and he's heard some of this, right Mouse? Mouse has been a good anonymous friend to me. He's given me advice when I was going through a break up and feeling sad. The 20 year old Marine (Semper Fi!) really was too young for me. We had our fun and I got to learn about the war in Iraq, from his perspective. He's back in Iraq now on he's second deployment. Mouse doesn't know about the following experience, but will recognize the next one. I was invited to do a bachelor party for a lady who was celebrating her thirtieth birthday. The amount offered was $250 and the home was less than half a mile from where I lived. This was my first party. After concluding my night shift, I met the birthday girl, her boyfriend and another guy - just 3 people to entertain at r home. I had my dance bag with costumes, shoes and make-up. A cocktail was poured for me, and I went to the powder room to freshen up and slip into a costume. I danced a few songs, and the birthday girl asked if she could borrow a couple of costumes. Apparently she had a fantasy about dancing for her boyfriend. I showed her my collection and she chose two. She disappeared into the bedroom with the her guy. I danced for the other guy and he began pleasuring himself discreetly. I was wearing only heels and lacy anklets. He honored my request of placing hundred dollar bills in my socks. When the sun came up, he was spent. We went into the kitchen where he gave me my money for the dance. He only had 20's and 100's, so I requested $240. In my socks I had 10 $100 bills. I gathered up my costumes and went to my drive through bank, which opened at 7 AM and deposited my party money. My favorite part was the $100's in my socks.-T
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    19 years ago
    French Fires Fuel Fury; Iran Incinerated?
    FONDL, thank you for your response. The US-Mexican border is a complex issue. Mexico's a third world country with a corrupt government. It is not the United State's responsibility to provide for non-citizens. Where does it stop? I hold a Public Nurse certification. Not so long ago Public Nurse's went out into the community to track down people with TB to give them their medicine and make sure they took it, to prevent a TB pandemic. Nurse's were known to go into bars and comb neighborhoods in search of their patients. Many people from Mexico have been exposed to TB and test positive for exposure. Testing positive for TB as a public school applicant no longer requires a chest x-ray to determine if the person has active TB and requires no prophalactic medication to protect the person exposed and the people they will come into close personal contact with. One of my girlfriends who works in the Pediatric ICU was exposed to someone with active TB and was given the prophallactic medication to prevent the disease. She had a severe allergic reaction to the medication and was rushed to the ED (emergency dept) for anaphalaxis treatment. So she's been exposed and will likely develop TB at some point in her life when her immune system is fragile. I don't have concrete answers, but it's interesting to consider the options. -T
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    French Fires Fuel Fury; Iran Incinerated?
    AN: We are in agreement on many levels, although it is not politically correct to admit this. I don't think that placing underwear on a prisoner's head is torture. It was stupid to have those photographs published. We are at war, right or wrong. I know that there are people plotting to harm US civilians in our country, and yet it is unpopular to talk about it. "Don't worry your pretty, little head". My cousin watched the second tower fall in Manhattan from her office window. I wouldn't want to read anything more graphic on that link. I understand what is going on and the intent. I think that a lot of people are in denial.-T
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    French Fires Fuel Fury; Iran Incinerated?
    FONDL, I'm not sure that we're on the same page here. I'm talking about a few people getting obscenely wealthy. Enron, for example. I agree that lower income, middle income and some upper middle class people will spend more money when earned or given a bonus. The may upgrade their car, house or buy some luxury items or be more generous in the club. The difference I'm talking about are Haliburton Corporate owners/stock holders or people who ripped off the dot.com companies to the tune of millions or billions. With that kind of illegally gotten gains or more money than they can spend, they unlikely to put it back into the system, making prices lower for consumers. The would want to hide and protect that money in Swiss bank accounts or in off shore investments. I admit that I'm giving on opinion about something that I know very little about and may be misguided. This is only my perception. There was a film made about Enron that I wanted to see, but didn't. Aren't there several companies that are not paying or significantly reducing retirement benefits? I heard that the Federal Gov't has made a deal with the US Post Office to pay Postal Workers who served in the military all of their retirement funds instead of getting a retirement from both the military and the post office (all of the years served plus postal years worked, combined). Are you following what I'm saying? I understand that the Federal Government is testing this plan to have the US Post Office cover the Feds responsibility. Stamp prices will likely go up to cover this cost. If this is a trend, it's a poor one - a way of weaseling out on an obligation so money can be spent on the war and other programs. The tax payers and end users will end up paying.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    French Fires Fuel Fury; Iran Incinerated?
    AN: I enjoyed your quote. It's very patriotic. I would fight, if necessary to protect my family or property. In Israel, young Jews female and male spend two years being trained and serving in the military. When I was in high school I had a job and always had a Summer job. I moved out when I was 17 and bounced between two or three part-time jobs while maintaining decent grades. I enrolled in Junior College summer classes two weeks before graduating from high school. There are a lot of kids who are not getting jobs and I think that it's good for kids to work, earn their own money and have responsibility. When young people are given everything without having to work for it, it doesn't allow them struggle a bit and appreciate what the've worked for. If I needed money, I'd clean someone else's home or do what ever I had to make ends meet. I could earn a lot more giving massages or dancing but don't feel that there are many jobs that are beneath me. You are probably having trouble following my ramblings. What I'm trying to say is that I am humble and I know and appreciate the opportunities I have here in the US. FONDL, I'm not trying to ignore your 2 points. No, I do not believe that retired women get too much in retirement money. (If that was the question). Yes, I know that the employees get the lion's share of the salaries, medical benefits and retirement money and not the few top executives. What I'm referring to are the few dishonest corporations that clearly violated laws in falsifying their net worth and became billionaires while employees lost out on the value of their company stock and retirement benefits. Are you able to give me an example of a couple of large companies that have made large profits and reinvested a portion of theses profits into R&D or something else that decreased prices for consumers? The benefactors of California's electricity fiasco that cost the state it's surplus financial reserves seems to have parallels in the current inflated gas prices and heating fuel prices that people are paying throughout the US. One could look at California as a test market that worked in favor of large corportions with making billions with little or no backlash. Prices do not need to be as high as they are. Sure we need more refineries, but the oil corportations are making obscene profits. It's not simple supply and demand, it's a money grab. And hey if I'm bugging you with my naivity, forgive me or just suggest something for me to read or tell me gently that you don't want to discuss economics with someone who's less educated in this field. I've taken micro&macro economics, marketing & accounting. I worked for a corporation dealing with bills of lading and 4 different banks pushing to get multi-million dollar invoices paid quickly by getting the companies to accept overseas shipments that had minor discrepancies, saving the corp thousands in interest fees by getting the money paid quickly. I admit that I am naive, gullable (sp?) and influenced by the media.