
Comments by Kingpin (page 2)

  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    To: Dusty
    What is this psy101? Wrong! Still waiting for Dusty's comment. Dusty has read this thread and it made her cry because it hit home like the world series. Now she will either try and pull herself together and obtain help from a friend to write something clever or she'll back down and stay down in the gutter where she has always been comfortable.
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    This thread is for all you losers.
    Rayanna why do you think your opinion matters? I think you know the truth. But you don't want to look bad here. It is obvious you are wiping your chin as we you read this. You remind me of this dancer I knew who had sex with various family members and didn't think twice of it. You come here and post some name that you assume we will think is cool. Really, in two sentences I could tell you let just about anyone stick their finger in your bum and then you suck on it. You have no class whatsover. If you did you'd be too much of lady have knowledge of slut tactics like you were more than likely taught by a close family member. If you think anyone here will praise because you let people finger you ( I don't know what those guys are thinking ) then think again. To me it doesn't matter if you give five dollar blowjobs. The fact is that it matters to you. God bless you and all the sluts like you. Because without you how in the hell would so many regulars get sucked in. Literally!!!!
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    This thread is for all you losers.
    Jungleman you have some great questions. Why aren't I encouraging you to go? Because I don't have to. You go because you are weak and have no girlfriend. It has nothing to do with what I tell you. Have a blast and spend lots of money. Even though I love making the money I do, I find myself shaking my head everynight at you idiots. When my close friends visit and try to hangout all night. I kick them out and tell them this isn't the place for them. I tell them that if they want to hangout I'll take them to a "regular" bar. Would you let your best friend spend all of his money at your casino? Maybe some of you self-serving idiots would. The only loyalty most of you have is the one to your bad habits. What a shame.
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    Again these NEWBIE RULES need to be reposted for the PATHETIC LOSERS.
    Rayanna, didn't your father teach you not to talk when your mouth is full? You'd think after all these years you'd finally remember one of those lessons. But don't worry, I understand you. You are still mad at your mother and being here helps you deal with that. You haven't been the same since your father told you you are special. Go ahead, tell us that's not why you became a dancer. Tell us that everyday you don't find yourself in a drunken stupor wondering why you didn't stay in school. Tell us how every man you've ever had cheats on you because they know exactly what you are. You won't find sympathy here. So shut the fuck up, open your mouth until the song is over and I'll get a napkin afterwards and give you five dollars for your dance.
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    To: Dusty
    All of you are so pathetic that it tickles my nuts. I knew all the suckers and ass kissing babies would step and defend a sluts honor. Haahaaahaaa. Get a life you dumbass. You try and protect an unknown sould who would eat your heart out and leave it to the vulchers without hesitation. Keep your mouth on your mothers right nipple. It's safe there.
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    This thread is for all you losers.
    Got Damnit!!! Another fucking stalker!!! Yoda Yoda Yoda!!! Please tell all of us why you want my email? I had to remove it because Jizzhead kept emailing me sweet nothings. Yoda you'd have no reason to email me. I have no tolerance for weak men like yourself. Put the twinkie down and listen. I DON'T WANT YOUR EMAILS!!! So stop looking for it. See how these preditors are? Be careful guys. Yoda, WiseGay and Jizzhead aren't biased when it comes to stalking. They don't care if has tits or four legs. Be very careful of these guys!
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    Again these NEWBIE RULES need to be reposted for the PATHETIC LOSERS.
    WiseGay, that is the most pussyassed gay conforming asskissing wishful thinking loser shit I've ever heard. If anyone follows that list you'll end up exactly like it's author. Single!!! So listen up, here's viewpoint from someone who has never had a problem getting a dancer. Okay, first: Rule #1: Time is Money No shit asshole! But if you aren't ugly as sin the dancer won't be so worried about the money. Rule #2: Don't Try to Get a Date Okay, this isn't bad. Because if you are fat and ugly you don't have a fucking chance, you'd be better off following this one. Rule #3: Stay Reasonably Sober You only have to do this if you're a loser. Do you think if Brad Pitt got pissy drunk dancers would be offended. Of course not. He'd be taken home because any dancer can relate to being drunk. But if you look like a dork then.... follow rule #3 Rule #4: Unless She's Cool, Leave Your Wife/Girlfriend at Home See, this was written by a loser. If you cool, you'll a nice looking wife and she will help you get more pussy than if you were there without her. Fuck this rule. Unless your a dork. Rule #5: Obey the Rules Again, this rule is for dorks. If you have money and or connections, they'll be catering to your every need. The last thing they will do is throw you out. Unless you're a geek. Rule #6: Be Inquisitive Give me a fucking break! You be looked at like the nosey ass mutherfucker she'll be calling if you act like you give a rats ass about her. Even if you do, act like you don't give a shit. Then you are on their level and they can relate to that. No dancers wants a kissass. Rule #7: Just Because We Show Our Boobs Doesn't Mean We're Brainless It sure doesn't. But it also doesn't mean that you won't give up the pussy at the drop of dime. She sells her body for money. Treat her like a queen and she won't be able to relate to your foolishness. Rule #8: Learn to Say No Haahaahahaahaa. This one made me fall on the floor. The one thing you never fucking say is "no". Saying not right now or not just yet or anything but "no". Baahaahahaaaa, what a fool!!!!!! Rule #9: If You Can't Say Something Nice, Don't Say Anything at All Follow this rule if you look down between your leggs and see that you have a pussy instead of a dick. Tell her like it is she'll respect you. For example: You're not bad for having such a big nose and small tits. She already knows that is true. She rolls her eyes at all the guys who lie all night long. She'll respect that you actually noticed "her". Perfect or not. Rule #10: When in Doubt, Tip This is the biggest thing to remember, so don't ever forget it. Once you give a dancer money, you'll be seen as a mark. A dollar sign. AND THAT'S IT!!!! So if you don't want to be seen as that then don't give her a reason to relate you to money. That is how it really is. Follow the changes to the previous bullshit or you'll never ever have a chance with a dancer. EVER!!!!
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    Again these NEWBIE RULES need to be reposted for the PATHETIC LOSERS.
    WiseGay, Unfortunatlely not everyone can ignore your list. If you are fat and or ugly and have no confidence your list is great. All others will read understand my addendum.
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    This thread is for all you losers.
    WiseGay, you're in the wrong forum. There are many gay sites that you'll find entertaining. Only an admittedly gay person would speak of such well known gay terms such as "top" or "bottom". I hear these things in the club all the time. My bartender, who is gay, just read your post and said he could tell that you're gay. I was just joking previously. But I feel better now that I know the hame really fits.
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    Ohio Anchor Resigns Over Nude Photos
    Another slut who is made to face her demeaning actions. She should have become a dancer. At least then she would have gotten paid for showing her tits. There is probably much more to the story. Like the threesome she and her husband had with one of the bouncers. Sluts never cease to amaze me.
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    To: Dusty
    She has kids and a husband? Those poor bastards. I hope mommy doesn't kiss them on the lips when she gets home. Her husband is probably banging the babysitter anyways so he won't care notice she has dick breath when she gets home.
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    This thread is for all you losers.
    WiseGay, that is because you when you go to a stipclub you're the mark. Point made.
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    To: Dusty
    Hehehe...AAAAAAHaaaahaaaa..BAAAAAhaaahaahaaaaahooohohohohohohohooo hoooHooohoho. I told you guys she was reading this all along. And this is to prove another point. You can take the dancer out of the trailer park but you can't take the trailer park out of the dancer. Your husband should have known the common phrase. "You can't turn a ho into a housewife". Go kiss him on the mouth and ask him if he can tell you the name of last guy you gave a dance to you dumb slut.
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    I am a lurker lol
    Dusty I can't understand why you'd have a hard time with guys who don't speak english. What's so difficult about understanding "AAhh you fucky and ahhhh sucky"? Then you just nod your head yes and say the dollar amount. Done deal. Then when you get home the family never has to know you're a prostitute. Of course you'll always know. But that's another story. I hope you don't have a daughter. She'll probably grow up to be just like you. I mean, you are raising her aren't you? Noooooo, that's right, her father is. Well, maybe she'll be a Mr.Mom.
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    This thread is for all you losers.
    Yoda that may be what you see. But then again you are in denial of being a complete loser who pays twenty dollars for cheap conversation. There is no doubt in anyones eyes that you aren't capable of obtaining the presence of any woman without a fee. Don't hate me. Hate your parents for providing a fucked up gene pool in which you have been created from and now all you are worthy of is going back and forth between stripclubs and stripclub forums. Why don't you just stop this nonsense and show a picture of yourself so that we can all fell sorry for you and leave you alone?
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    Ohio Anchor Resigns Over Nude Photos
    I knew Yoda wasn't the choir boy he tries to portray here often. Jacking off from someone else's misery. Yoda has split personalities. At least I'm consistant.
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    Strippers who get FUCKED FOR MONEY and have JEALOUS BOYFRIENDS
    RL, the scenario you gave describes 99% of all dancers. However, you can't expect them to come clean here and admit they are whores. It's just not going to happen. It would be nice to get some honesty for change but I wouldn't hold my breath. Fortunately guys are starting to wise up and realize that dancers treat their pussy like the grocery store treats coupons. Buy a dance, get a blowjob. Buy two dances and get your nuts licked. It's pretty much universal.
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    To: Dusty
    A post in my honor? Wow how nice. But what type of loser are you to commit your time and energy to fiction. I don't even exist. Everything I say is a lie according to what you wrote. But still you spend all fucking day thinking about me. How sweet. You are bipolar and wouldn't know common sense if it bit you the pussy.
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    What's the most disrespectful thing ?
    Why would the bouncer do anything? He knows that she usually lets guys lick her pussy and you have to expect that everyonce in a while it will get bitten. Just part of the game.
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    The Founder rejects free speech. High profile threads locked or redirected.
    Wouldn't that be your girlfriend? Because I know you don't have a real girlfriend. Only a sick demented fool like yourself would even be familiar with dolls. You are a misfit to society and you fit in no where. Your doll collection is the only thing that you have worth living for. You wake up in the morning and play dress up you sick fuck. How disgusting!
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    This thread is for all you losers.
    I've been away busy for the last few days and I see people are heeding the knowledge in the this thread. This thread has served it's purpose. Glad to see that some of you have opened your eyes to see the ill intentions dancers have and how pathetic being a regular is. Recognizing those things is what separates the boys from the men.
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    The Founder rejects free speech. High profile threads locked or redirected.
    WiseGay your request is impossible. It's too bad that you can give advice on correct sentence usage but you couldn't get laid to save yourself from being lonely. Perhaps you won't always look like the ugly stick smacked you in the face and things will change. You probably jack-off to that picture above this post you sad and lonely suckass loser. Haahahahahaaaaa.
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    This thread is for all you losers.
    WiseGay do you write these comments while standing up? Because someone named Bob pounded you in the ass? Is this why it doesn't matter to you that females find you repulsive? The only pussy remembered is that of your mothers for last week? You suck your dads cock still whenever you visit him. No one cares about. Not even your twisted and sick family. Go back to where people are familiar with what you need. A dick in the mouth or a spank from time to time to keep you happy. Do you still associate blowjobs with getting good grades in school? It's too bad they made you do that. I hope you get help someday. It's not your fault that sucking cock is what you are comfortable with. It really isn't.
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    The Founder rejects free speech. High profile threads locked or redirected.
    Founder that just seems odd. The site is owned by the Founder but he allows others control of it's operation? Hmmmm..... Sounds like teamwork more or less. If it's that easy to redirect without inside access then why not share it with the whole lot?
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    The Founder rejects free speech. High profile threads locked or redirected.
    At anyrate you killed "All Dancers are whores no matter what you say". That wasn't redirection. Others may think that I single-handedly posted most of the posts in that thread but you know the truth. It's a good thread. Many people agree and many don't. Nevertheless it was the most heated discussion and should remain open.