The Founder rejects free speech. High profile threads locked or redirected.

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Is this the United States or China? If this board is in China then I could understand the communist behavior.


last comment
we never killed any thread... they simply drop off if there is no activity in them... as for sharing how to write scripts to redirect, well, I will leave that as an excerise to the reader
avatar for WiseGuy
21 years ago
...another 10 over uses of "you" and "your" in kingpussy's 7th grade world.
avatar for Kingpin
21 years ago
WiseGay I'll have to watch my back closer. You follow me so closely if I bend over you might try and stick it in. Newsflash: WiseGay is my little bitch. He'll post something everytime I post. I command you to follow this board closely. Everytime I post you try and come up with something that only you think is cool. I'm about to go lay in bed with sexy dancer. You know, the kind you dream about. Okay, now while I'm hanging out with her you have fun wacking off on what your next comeback will be. I'll check this tomorrow. Don't forget the vaseline. It's probably still under the bed from the last guy that was over your apt.
avatar for WiseGuy
21 years ago
What a WHINER kingpussy is when the TRUTH hurts.
avatar for Kingpin
21 years ago
At anyrate you killed "All Dancers are whores no matter what you say". That wasn't redirection. Others may think that I single-handedly posted most of the posts in that thread but you know the truth. It's a good thread. Many people agree and many don't. Nevertheless it was the most heated discussion and should remain open.
avatar for Kingpin
21 years ago
Founder that just seems odd. The site is owned by the Founder but he allows others control of it's operation? Hmmmm..... Sounds like teamwork more or less. If it's that easy to redirect without inside access then why not share it with the whole lot?
avatar for WiseGuy
21 years ago
...more 7th grader over use of those words. I counted 8 of them in 5 sentences.
we hardly even monitor this board, much less reject anything... there are some smart posters here who know how to redirect threads though...
avatar for Kingpin
21 years ago
WiseGay your request is impossible. It's too bad that you can give advice on correct sentence usage but you couldn't get laid to save yourself from being lonely. Perhaps you won't always look like the ugly stick smacked you in the face and things will change. You probably jack-off to that picture above this post you sad and lonely suckass loser. Haahahahahaaaaa.
avatar for WiseGuy
21 years ago
Kingpussy please write a post without the 7th grader over use of the words "you", "your" and "yourself" in it.
avatar for Kingpin
21 years ago
Wouldn't that be your girlfriend? Because I know you don't have a real girlfriend. Only a sick demented fool like yourself would even be familiar with dolls. You are a misfit to society and you fit in no where. Your doll collection is the only thing that you have worth living for. You wake up in the morning and play dress up you sick fuck. How disgusting!
avatar for Jolcouer23
21 years ago
Kingpin go suck on a plastic doll.
avatar for WiseGuy
21 years ago
I'm glad niceass is thumping RL's threads. RL spamming the forum with repeating threads is not participation on a "discussion board".
avatar for niceass
21 years ago
This is the United States. Here we have free speech. When someone stands up in an audience at a theater and starts shouting solely for the purpose of disrupting the performance, we have the option to use our own free speech to counter it. RomanticLover posts only for the purpose of disruption. I've choosen to exercise my free speech option to counter it. I've posted in javascript language.
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