
Comments by Kingpin

  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    New Founder?
    That question was ansered in the thread where you originally aksed it. Find that thread and you'll find your answer.
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    New Founder?
    It was answered. Find the Thread "All Dancers are whores no matter what you say" and there's your answer.
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    21 years ago
    KingPin- if you own a club
    I agree and that's why I ignore him. And actually I am not in Ann Arbor genius. I may use piggy different netorks sometimes but I'm not even in that part of the state.
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    KingPin- if you own a club
    Jizzhead, listen. Your new dancer girlfriend gives free lap dances in the managers office every night. She gives the bouncers head in the parking lot and you'll never know. Have fun tasting the employee's. I don't answer you because I don't need or want your business. I am happy for you though. You got what you deserve. A dancer who will tell you everything you want to hear but in reality never mean a word she says. When you have sex with her she'll either do you good. You'll have to wonder how she got so exerienced. Or she'll act like sex isn't a big deal. That would be because she has plenty of it at work. Have fun JizzHead. You are the sucker of the year. Dancers are fun for a quick blowjob and some ass. Keep us updated on this relationship. I enjoy laughs from this place.
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    21 years ago
    KingPin- if you own a club
    Well Mr. Jizzhead. It's just that it's known that you are a stalker. I don't need that type of trouble with my girls here. Isn't that how you got the hooker you're with now? You kept buying dances from her until she told she's all yours? She tells you she's in school all day so don't call her because she might be in class? She can't spend the night because she's helping her sick aunt who has cancer? She only sucked your dick because she never tried it before you're the first guy she's ever given head to? In fact she tell tells you she loves you already. What's her name? Or is she a pretend girlfriend? Was your first date in the VIP room? Did you meet her parents? Or did she tell you they died in a car accident? Did she tell you she has all of her money in savings bonds and mutual funds and therefore has very little money on her? And that's why she doesn't have much money? Or did she tell you about her coke habit? Let us know Jizzem. We'll all be waiting to hear this. Way more interesting than my club. We'll be waiting.
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    KingPin- if you own a club
    Jizzhead I've had more dancer girlfriends by accident than you'll ever have on purpose. So envy you? Not! Pity you. Of course.
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    This thread is for all you losers.
    Wise Gay, I said practically. What does practically mean? It means more than most. Which MI clearly is. More than most not all. You are practically gay. So there is still hope.
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    This thread is for all you losers.
    Homer Simpson, I believe you. That's why I've always stated ALL DANCERS ARE WHORES NO MATTER WHAT YOU SAY.
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    21 years ago
    This thread is for all you losers.
    Yoda you are already fufulling a purpose. Making stripclub owners rich arcoss the land. And you do this never getting so much a number from any given dancer. Boy do they love you. Yoda= Sucker of the decade. Cheers to you and anyone else who is stupid like yourself.
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    This thread is for all you losers.
    I thought it was rather common for dancer to give their "regulars" their phone numbers. I mean how else would they be able to tell you what nights they are working so you can come and give them more money. I just find it odd that after so many dancers have given the number, you are still buying these stories: 1)You are so nice I'm not good enough for you 2)I want to wait until I'm married 3) My father raped me and I still don't like being touched 4) I want to wait so it be more special 5)I want to have your kids but not just yet. Okay, now here's the translation to the above list. 1) You're a complete idiot and I still can't believe you give me sooo much damn money. Ha, what a fool. I could never be with such a fool who throws away money. 2)This means she's hoping to get at least ten thousand more dollars out of you. 3) This means she couldn't possibly fathom the thought of your ugly-ass paws touching her. For free anyways. 4)This means she's hoping to wait it out so that you may eventually lose interest and leave her the fuck alone. But meanwhile she'll glady take your money. 5) If she told you this she really thinks your a complete fool and really plans on not only taking you to the bank, but robbing it also. Yoda, there really isn't much else that needs to be said about you. Anyone can read your post and tell you are a complete fool. I'm just saying it. Don't hate the messenger.
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    This thread is for all you losers.
    WiseGay it is easy to read your posts and see right through you. It's obvious you can relate to being rejected by dancers. No matter how much money you spend. Just know that you are not alone. If you spent more time on a treadmill and less time eating various chocolates you'd have a chance. This is Yoda's problem. More than 50% of this country is over weight. You guys are in that percentage and you blame everyone else. Get off your fat ass and leave the computer alone. I've never had a problem getting a dancer. Even at other clubs. It's simple, if you are desiarable, someone will want you. If no one wants you then you spend all of your time in a stripclub looking for and paying for attention. Again, Don't hate the messenger. AND JUST FOR YOU HARD HEADS. IF YOU FREQUENT A STRIPCLUB AND SPEND MONEY ON DANCERS YOU ARE A LOSER. FACE IT. EVERYONE KNOWS THIS. EVEN THE DANCERS. YOU ARE IN DENIAL. SAME GOES WITH CASINOS. THE ONLY PEOPLE THIS DOESN'T APPLY TO IS THE VERY WEALTHY. WHICH ISN'T YOU. DON'T HATE THE MESSENGER
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    This thread is for all you losers.
    WiseGay, you mean everyone knows for months you have a "pretend" dancer girlfriend. Jungleman, I spend quite a bit of time online lately. I have one browser on inverstors dot com and the other browser has 6 screens where I can watch the club via video. I really enjoy the comfort that technology has allowed me.
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    This thread is for all you losers.
    And rich? I wouldn't consider myself that. But I know many people who could live off interest alone. When I am in that situation I'll consider myself rich. The club is doing well for me exactly how it is. I don't invest to much time or energy into it. It makes a profit and people have a good time.
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    This thread is for all you losers.
    First of all, thanks Homer. I know that many guys read this and say to themselves "What the fuck am I thinking"? I don't want to be a damn regular at a stripclub. For every post that people like WiseGay and Yoda boy make ( to defend themselves ) there are many more who read silently and realize that giving a dancer money on a regular basis just means one thing. You have very low self-esteem. Yoda, I don't know why you keep trying to convice yourself that you aren't a complete loser. You've admitted that you are a regular on many occassions and you can't take that back. We've taken note and you've been wearing the " I'm an idiot who throws his money away" t-shirt every since. Like I said, owning a stripclub isn't very hard. I encourage more of you to go to the book store and buy a book on investing your money. The money you spend at a stripclub ( no matter how little that may be ) can add up to just enough to buy the finer things in life only a few years down the road. The more power you have the more you will be attractive to females. I have a few rental properties and dancers are always looking for places to rent. If I had no other options, it would be very easy to have my way these dancers looking for a place to live. Although that wouldn't be very business smart, which is why I tend to stay away from that. If you do that they can assume you'll be giving them a free place. Yoda is a hopeless fool and everyone realizes this. But the rest of you don't have to be. Invest the money in yourself and the dancer will come. For free. Now how can you argue with that?
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    This thread is for all you losers.
    "We" are the people who send me emails telling me to keep doing what I'm doing. Basically I am the teacher. Jizzhead and Big Belly Yoda are the class clowns. Everyone can read and appreciate the knowledge silently. Yoda and Jizzhead require the extra attention they don't get elsewhere. Just like the typical class clown. Some of us have bigger weaknesses than others. Being a regular at a stripclub is a huge weakness. It usually happens to men going through their mid-life crisis when self-esteem is at rock bottom. This can be dealt with in many different ways. The easiest and weakest is to turn to drugs or alcohol. Become a regular at a stripclub is almost a tie with the drugs and alcohol. But it falls short of first place because it can go undetected for years. Until you realize you have spent a shitload of money and have nothing to show for it. On the lighter side of things it can help ones ego. Because you may be in denial and convince your own mind that this dancer really likes you. That feeling, although it can make you wake-up in the morning with a smile, couldn't be further from the truth. How much are you willing to pay for some attention? Have you kept track of how much you've spent? Are you angry that you now realize you could have bought a nice 24ft. watercraft? Many dancers would jump at the chance to spend a day on one. While being drunk at that. When slipped into becoming a regular you made a very bad choice. Once you realize that you can still turn it all around.
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    This thread is for all you losers.
    WiseGay, how would it benefit me to give you any info about my club? The only reason it was made known in the pass was for reference on how corrupt the business and dancers are. Just like it doesn't benefit to share with oomplete strangers about your dancer girlfriend. That's why it has pretend written all over it. Does it help us to know you have a dancer girlfriend? NO! Do we even believe you? Not for a minute. Hahaha
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    This thread is for all you losers.
    Jizzhead when walking down the street and crossing paths with a bum, do you give them the money they ask for? Or do you just keep on walking? Sometimes you see someone and you may want to give them a few quarters because they look peaceful. You are the aggresive bum that no one wants lurking at storefronts. Your only purpose is to prove that you are not a bum by trying to redirect focus. You can't. You are a loser. Your girlfriend is slut ( if you really have one ). She'll never tell you about all the cocks she's stroked and even sucked before kissing you on the lips ( if she even exist that is ). Why don't you post a picture of you and her together? Because there's no way in hell you are dating a dancer. You may have been on "date" with a hooker. But that's about it. I know your type. You're very ugly and your only sense of worth is trolling various forums. You bounce from forum to forum until someone either believes you or tells you to move the fuck on. You can't convince us that you have that special dancer friend so instead you try and denounce the business man you wish you could be. You are at the bottom of the sea. You are the goldfish that everyone ignores because you can't hold your own like the rest of the fish. At any given time you could be eaten. But most of the time you are left alone because you are so pathetic. Everyone once in a while you try and get attention how ever you can. Just like the class clown does. And you are promptly put back in your mediocore place. Sit down and shut the fuck up is something you hear often. It is because no one respects you. You are worthless to all except for the dancers, who with pity, take your money with a fuck you very much under that smile. Because no dancer could ever respect a man who pays to beg for something they would much rather freely give a guy who has his shit together. Jizzhead, Get your shit together before the sharks eat you buddy.
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    This thread is for all you losers.
    Jizzhead your last two comments were so weak that I'm ruling you out for debate. It's obvious you were stunned by the authenticity of my desription of your very essence. As you wiped your sweaty palms you decided to type something to try and defend what little self-worth you think you have. And Jizzy..... you choked buddy. I am convinced that I've not only called you out with precise accuracy. But that you're also a a boy who hasn't reached manhood. I apologize for whatever insluts I have given, which may prevent you from reaching manhood out of sheer frustration. I am clearly out of your league and I urge you to stop playing on these boards before your feelings get hurt. If you keep looking, someone, somewhere, will love you. I am the Rotweiler that just ripped your little poodle ass a much bigger hole.
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    Again these NEWBIE RULES need to be reposted for the PATHETIC LOSERS.
    Jizzhead you just can't fathom the idea that everyone looks at you like a complete sucker. Keep posting and I'm sure more people will let you know.
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    This thread is for all you losers.
    The post from varacious is proof to you who throw your money away that not all men are fools. There are many men who read these post and come to the correct conclusion. Yoda, WiseGay, Jizzhead and a couple others are unable to grasp common knowledge or lack the self-descipline to exercise it. To all others open your mind not your wallet.
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    This thread is for all you losers.
    Jizzhead you are out of your league. Your girlfriend is a slut. And if she's make believe then she's still a slut because you dream of hookers. You can attempt to side-step my ability to read between the lines if want. But it appears others can do it also. Your father probably touched you incorrectly when you were young and now you long for any type of attention you can get. I don't love you fool! Get off my dick! I feel like you're a got damned stalking fan of mine that I can't shake. Stop emailing me telling me that you aren't really serious and that you admire me but don't want to look like an idiot posting it here. In the past posts you often reference my real name. It's like you just can't understand I'm not your friend. I'm sorry pal but I can't give you the help you really need. Stop emailing me your sweet little emails and stop following me around like a little lost puppy dog. I'm afriad to tell you the name of my club because I know you'll show up. I tried to help you but you refuse to acknowledge that your mind is much weaker than you realized. I don't like to see my fellow man get suckered into self-worthlessnes. But damn! Some of you really look for it. If you keep campaigning for sucker of the year, eventually you'll get elected. Just ask Yoda and WiseGay. They are CEO and co-chairperson for "Sucker of the year" award. Every damn year!!!! And its an elected position. Go figure. Hehehehe
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    Again these NEWBIE RULES need to be reposted for the PATHETIC LOSERS.
    I'd like to bring to everyone's attention that Jizzhead is obsessed with me. Read this thread: http://www.tuscl.com/discuss-thread.asp?DiscussID=63128 I point out that Jizzhead has emailed me trying to be my friend and apologizing for "showcasing" here ( that's how he put it. He said he really admires me but doesn't want to look like a complete fool here. He keeps making reference to my real name and wants is constantly wanting to verify data about me. I think it's quite scary. Also, the "tantra" that he speaks of is the transexual one that he talked about previously. We really don't care if you're gay. Just be honest with yourself and others will except you.
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    To: Dusty
    verfolgung, you are entitled to your own opinion. My opinion is that while Dusty attempts to cloak and dagger her desguise as a prostitute I am simply calling her out as she did me. You can't protect her. Unless you work at the same club she does and prevent regulars like Yoda from wearing sweats with no underwear so that sex can be descrete. I'd still like to hear Dusty's response. In fact, I'm quite sure that quite a few "men" would like to hear it. verfolgung you are a momma's boy. She is not your mother. I'm sure you see the similarites though.
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    This thread is for all you losers.
    Yoda I could never be the joke you are. You are admitted to being a regular. You are beyond loser material. In fact all loser salute you. You are the template for becoming a loser and if it weren't for you, many wouldn't really know what true loser is. So while you sit in your fruit-of-the-loom panties and scratch your head in amazement as to were all your money has vanished to, I'll be smiling at you all the way to the bank. You're on the wrong side pal. Kinda like being a Casino owner or a gambler. Opps! You are a gambler! You keep gampling with you money in hopes that eventually it will bring you more than a dancer telling you that she needs a thousand for the rent she'd have if it wasn't for caring for her sick mother. They can always count on a sucker like you to pull through. That 401k sure isn't as big as it used to be. You did realize the penalties for early withdrawls when you met that dancer. Didn't you? How you bring yourself to waste money on dancers when you need liposuction so bad is beyond the common sense that god gave a groundhog. You're incredible Yoda. You amaze us all. Cheers to you, you dumb broke fatass.
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    This thread is for all you losers.
    Jizzhead is mad that I told on him. Hahahahaha!!! Too funny. It's obvious that I hit deep in a stalkers mind.