
Comments by K (page 6)

  • review comment
    3 years ago
    New Jersey
    Good place for a beer and some eye candy
    he got the prices wrong. the guy at the window doesn't give you the wrist band and there is no ticket for the drink. you pay for that separately
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    New York
    Dissapointing bordering on Sad
    "The one dancer was maybe a 3 out of 10" the place has improved
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    New York
    One of the Few Good Clubs Left
    "I confirm best eye candy in the state," - pre covid i avoided taboo. i will get in soon because on Mr Balla's comments.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Rude dancers, poor management
    i went last night. there was a good-sized crowd. guys were at the stage and the stage filled up fast when Jordan got up on stage. you can find a few shots of her https://www.instagram.com/thegogorama/?hl=en She had too many guys ahead of me so i skipped the dances last night. The guy next to me got the chicken from the free buffet and said it was good. DJ mumbles was worse than usual.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Rude dancers, poor management
    "It sounds like the dancer wanted guys to sit at the stage and tip. " Yes, that is exactly what they wanted. this club doesn't have tip parades and the dancers are discouraged from doing one. the idea being that a customer sitting at the stage wishes to interact with a dancer and those at the outer bar do not. Go to the stage and tip the dancer. tell her you want a dance or ask her to stop by. Wave her over to you when you see her. Go over to DJ mumbles, get his attention and get a number for the dancer you want. Get up and go to the dancer if she is at the bar or over by the DJ booth.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Rude dancers, poor management
    "Mumbles the DJ should have dragged her off the stage." he was too busy ignoring customers and surfing internet porn.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    "I’m not trying to be a dick" You're from NJ. You don't need to try. it comes naturally to us. PiriPiri- you are a new guy. you will find people around here will be more helpful if you post some before asking questions. Post a review or two. Follow cashman's advice. Go VIP, read the reviews.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Replacement for bottoms up?
    "Which place is” bottoms up”…?" - the answer is in your question. Bottom's up was the name of a club. https://bfy.tw/Sfei
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Purple Suit
    I will not fault muddy for not pulling the trigger if none of the ladies appealed to him. That is the sign of a seasoned PL.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    New Jersey
    GGR - Update
    Fill, or is it Phil? you joined in 2018 and all of your posts are questions about the dancers at GGR. Not one review or comment with information. nine posts total. Eight asking for someone to tell you who did what at GGR. One asking where a former GGR dancer went. if you aren't an employee of GGR, or a dancer's BF trying to find out who does what, get off your ass, go to the club, get some dances and report back here. if you are an employee of the club, please get a DJ that can speak clearly.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Oldest working stripper that you know of.
    george & I had a few over 60 dancers the last time i was there. PH in Burlington has at least one over 60 dancer. Before they closed, la la in bound brook had several in their 50s and i believe 60s.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    What does it mean when a dancer adds your social media or phone number?
    " which I think I should have." - yes, you should have. She may not remember you the next day. She may have been looking for an OTC session that night. "However, I didn’t push the question further" She thinks you are cool. That was an invitation to continue the conversation. There are so many directions to go to continue the conversation with an opener like that.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Should I submit a new review or add comment to existing one?
    Don't worry, which ever approach you take will be wrong and someone like scrub will correct you
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    What does it mean when a dancer adds your social media or phone number?
    "the reply will be an extension of their sales pitch." But in this case, he doesn't know what she is selling, OF, more dances, OTC. he should ask while she is right in front of him. He has a better chance of closing the deal or not wasting time later. "IG one said she liked my vibe, thought I was cool." and you didn't follow up? Grow a set and talk to her. "99 times out of 100 it’s just business as has been posted " - i agree but what business? ITC, OTC, OF, Fansly? "If the first thing coming out of their mouths when/if contacting you is “come see me at the club” vs “hey let’s hang-out”," - this is the conversation he should have had when they exchanged contact info. She hasn't had time to forget who he is. She might find her money somewhere else, and he loses his OTC chance.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    What does it mean when a dancer adds your social media or phone number?
    I'll pretend this isn't BS. "What does it mean when a dancer adds your social media or phone number?" this might sound crazy. Having a conversation with her might be a better idea than asking us. "My question is, is there usually an agenda associated with this kind of stuff?" there is always an agenda. people, dancers, non-dancers, men, women do not hand out their contact info for no reason. Only they know the reason. They may change their minds and wish they hadn't. Do you walk around with a name tag, "hello my name is ahhhhhvocado. My contact info is ________" If not, they must have asked you for your IG and snapchat info. That was the perfect time to ask them why if they didn't volunteer it. Grow a set and talk to her.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    from that Adam Westsiiiide of Gotham
    Ever turned a regular chick into a stripper?
    I don't know if i can take credit for this a few years ago, the bartender in our favorite hotel talked to the ladies i was with about our arraignment. She joined us on a future visit. After a few months she went with them to work and quit working as a bartender. fewer hours, better pay and a flexible schedule made college life easier.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    What was Strip Clubbing like in 1973, 1970’s
    That was a long time ago and I am old. I wish I had written this stuff down while it happened. Here are some of my recollections ... There were a few NJ clubs in the mid to late 70s. I started to hear about the goings on in the local club when I was 12 or 13. Most High school seniors and many juniors were old enough to get in. They never checked ID so even someone younger would get in if he looked old enough. I got in when I was 16. I've been told many times that lap dances did not exist until the late 80s or even until 1990. We had them. Some clubs had a table dance. She was supposed to dance on a small table about the size and shape of an overturned milk crate. She started there but as soon as you tipped a dollar or two, she was on your lap. Some other clubs had couch dances and private rooms. you sat on some old love seat they picked up from the curb on bulk garbage pick-up day. the dancer would typically start out standing over you and get down to grinding on you. many clubs had none of these. Even in those, a dancer might come around the outside of the bar and give you a chair dance, rubbing up against you for tips We explored some clubs when we went fishing up and down the jersey coast. Old timers would tell us of their adventures ten, twenty and even thirty years earlier. Some form of lap dancing existed in all of those times. Extras were common the standard tip was a dollar as far back as I can remember. in most clubs, the stage was separated from the customers by the bar. After her set, the dancer would dance in front of a customer for a minute and if tipped, would stay longer. The private dances were $5 or $10 in most places with one place I recall it being whatever you negotiated with the dancer. In the mid 80s, the price went to $20 in some clubs. Interestingly, these were the clubs without extras or if available, they were expensive. all you got for the $20 was a one or two song air dance. the real mileage was in the cheaper run-down clubs. my first extra was a BJ in exchange for some pot. BJs could be gotten for as low as $10 in some clubs if I recall correctly. FS was anywhere from $20 to hundreds. A friend of mine and I were discussing this, and we recall that many of the dancers would decline a BJ but would fuck. We never understood that but maybe it was less work on her part. Pull her bikini aside if she was wearing them, bend over the couch and let us do the work. Most guys would be done in a minute or less. it took less effort; less time and she got more money. in the mid 80s the clubs tried to get classy. Door man, Bathroom trolls. Entrance fees. Discounts for couples on a date night. Bouncers in suits. Cocaine ruled the strip clubs. A dancer would have you thrown out for offering her cash for a hand job or even just to touch her pussy. Give her a line of coke and that same dancer would blow you while another dancer gave you a rim job. No, not my story but I was in the communal lap dance room and watched that happen to a good friend.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How many times have you been married?
    Divorced once. Widowed once. Both women were cool with me going to strip clubs. I always told my wife where I was going. We agreed to certain rules, and I always stuck to them. My second wife occasionally joined me. we had some fun times and amazing adventures. we divorced after my first wife went back to using drugs. I did not know she was a recovered addict when we married. My second wife I lost to illness. a third marriage is unlikely
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    GPS is killing me
    there is no need for him to install a tracker on her phone Snapchat has a built in tracker most phones have a built in find my phone accessible from the internet almost any google app tracks your location and this is accessible from the internet all he needs to know is here icloud or google password or just be friends with her on snapchat or any of a dozen other social media apps
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    GPS is killing me
    She could just tell him "no, i will not give you access to track me. i am your GF not your property" she could add one of the fake location apps.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Vacation all I ever wanted
    it looks like we crossed paths. i was there last night bartender is Jackie if i heard correctly. still getting her feet wet. some tips in her hands but opened up as the night went on. Sundays and mondays are her nights I dances with lucy and with Phoenix. both awesome. Phoenix gets wasted as the night goes on and i find her dances suffer. Lucy will be my favorite unless Lala comes back. I heard Lala is down south now and not coming back. ashley is looking mighty fine for those interested in a Philippina. sara is a thick but pretty latina. not my thing but i know a few guys would love that fat ass of hers. tatianna is not the tatianna of about two years ago, this one is younger, prettier and a better body. The DJ was easy to understand. it isn't the equipment to blame for DJ mumbles. check their facebook page before going. most nights you can get a by one get one or a half price muddy, look for a PM shortly
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    How far do you hide your club activities?
    I do not advertise it but i don't hide it. depending on the audience, i avoid discussing it if someone brings it up. "are you open about paying hookers to fuck?" - that would be illegal. I pay them for their time and companionship. Anything else that happens is something that occurs between mutually consenting adults
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Vegas topless pools
    A vegas dancer told me a few of the casinos comp them a few free drinks if they go topless. There were usually more men than women when i've gone. I look at the same women i look at in bikinis. Most of them do less showing off than those in bikinis
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    When do you Cancel ?
    "(prefer one half full of morons and lunatics) " - I would like to see the Venn diagram for this. how much overlap is there?
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    A Night in Paris
    ". I noticed a group of Hispanic guys balling up their dollar bills to more easily throw them." - almost never happens in jersey. wave a dollar and she will come down for it or wait until the tip walk after she gets off stage.