GPS is killing me
If you haven't experience this you will eventually
I've had regular OTC's with two amazing girls both are in a domestic relationship
Both otc ended abruptly one 6 months ago the other right after Christmas when she was given a new phone. It ended due to technology, the dreaded tracking app.
Any of you tech geeks know how to fool them into thinking there's somewhere they're not
Shutting off location, faking a dead battery or leaving them behind are red flags might work one time
I see this as a growing problem if you have access to the other person's phone the app can be installed and hidden.
I've had regular OTC's with two amazing girls both are in a domestic relationship
Both otc ended abruptly one 6 months ago the other right after Christmas when she was given a new phone. It ended due to technology, the dreaded tracking app.
Any of you tech geeks know how to fool them into thinking there's somewhere they're not
Shutting off location, faking a dead battery or leaving them behind are red flags might work one time
I see this as a growing problem if you have access to the other person's phone the app can be installed and hidden.
Not the most elegant solution but I'm not a big OTCer and haven't had to deal w/ this.
If I were this girl, and my SO installed a hidden tracking app on my phone, they'd be my Ex. I mean, it's one thing to come out and say I'd like to see your location history because I don't believe you're going where you tell me. That's gonna strain a relationship, but it's something I think most can work through. Finding out your SO is stalking you is a 100% dealbreaker, for me at least. Only reason to do some shit like that is to get the upper hand in divorce proceedings.
she could add one of the fake location apps.
If it's consensual, it's a very different story. I'd wish her well and move on. I wouldn't get mixed up in helping her evade whoever is tracking her, there is a high likelihood of being mixed up in drama. If she wants to ditch the tracker to see you, that needs to be her decision. There are tools to fake location, I'd stay away from the ones that aren't marketed to developers though. They seem shady.
Turns out hubby had gone out drinking rather than "playing poker" but he had picked up his daughter's phone by mistake.
But if this girl has that insecure and controlling of a boyfriend and she keeps her hoeing a secret. It shows the poor choices she makes and those will extend to other areas of her life.
If she's just a hoe you pay I don't see the problem though. And there are ways to get around those apps. It's more like she just uses it as an excuse to not see you.
From the OP's perspective, the best thing to do is make your OTC girl aware that this is something they should be aware of and check for (there are apps for both Android and iOS). I've heard good things about Certo and ClevGuard, but I've never used them (I've never had the need). After that, she can turn the phone off completely (which causes some people physical pain...) or place the phone in one of those anti-ESD bags that are normally used to protect hardware components. I believe that they can also act as a sort of Faraday cage, but I'm unsure about that.
The good news for iPhone users is that it's nearly impossible to cloak of hide one of these tracking apps unless the iPhone is jailbroken. It's easier hide tracking apps on Android. The other thing you can do with any newly-gifted phone is perform a factory reset before transferring data from one phone to another. The factory reset will wipe any surreptitiously installed software.
But really all that you can realistically do is, when you get a new OTC girl (who has a boyfriend, husband, whatever), let her know that this is something she should worry about and then hope that they do. People's eyes glaze over when you start talking about this stuff in any great detail. They don't take it seriously until after they get caught.
So, yeah, move on to the next one and try to educate. I also agree that you should hold onto the contact info for your burned OTC partners. They might find themselves much more single in the next few months.
Fortunately, I've never had to deal with an OTC partner being tracked. So, I'm not gloating about anything. The original premise is irrelevant to me.
Icee said: "That's nothing to be jealous of."
I'm pretty sure that you meant to use a different word in there, sparky.
Snapchat has a built in tracker
most phones have a built in find my phone accessible from the internet
almost any google app tracks your location and this is accessible from the internet
all he needs to know is here icloud or google password or just be friends with her on snapchat or any of a dozen other social media apps
I ended the OTC relationship shortly after this started because I started getting paranoid about her angry boyfriend showing up during a visit. In my mind anyone that is bothered enough about their significant other cheating on them to track their phone is unstable enough to become violent if they find proof.
Both girls did show me the app one's called Life360 forgot the other apps name. The 360 looked to be extremely accurate.
And you're correct best to avoid them until their relationships ends don't need to be on the end of a jealous pissed off BF.
I suggested removing the app as it's an invasion of their privacy both are scared of causing relationship trouble.
It was fun while it lasted but on the plus side bank account has gone up.
Not owning the latest & greatest iPhone doesn't make you respectable just practical 🤑
Her BF should know what she’s doing, and either he accepts it, or he gets jealous. Once a BF starts to track his girl, he’s either become too controlling, or he’s a bitch who can’t satisfy her and he’s making her miserable.
I would recommend cutting it off with her.
Your second option isn’t a good one, but it can be effective. You get the BF text number - and you text him a video of you fucking his girl - and making sure she does very filthy stuff. You make sure he hears her moaning and saying you fuck her better than him.
Or you try to avoid the tracking shit. But, that doesn’t fix the issue.
@elmer- I'm not offended in the least... I've never minded being one to buck a trend and couldn't care less what anyone thinks about it. 😊
My wife doesn't have to track me since when she asks where I am going I just tell her the truth.