
Comments by K (page 5)

  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    New Jersey
    someone has threatened to Out me for not sharing info
    Founder... if you are paying attention... new feature request... The OP should be able to close a thread
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    New Jersey
    someone has threatened to Out me for not sharing info
    "That was for 25" I know. It was a failed attempt at humor
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    New Jersey
    someone has threatened to Out me for not sharing info
    "Pathetic old trick gets drunk and trolls" I may be a drunk pathetic old trick, but I am no troll. I do admit to looking like one.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    New Jersey
    someone has threatened to Out me for not sharing info
    "or is he threatening to tell other TUSCL users that you won't share the exact details regarding dancers and extras?" This. if he tells others I would not share details of who does what, no one would share any info about clubs with me. He is on ignore now. His tantrums have ceased to be amusing.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    New Jersey
    someone has threatened to Out me for not sharing info
    "I'm as confused as others on what you mean by out you. What you choose to share is your business." In our PM's he frequently misrepresents what i posted to him. He said he would tell others I refused to share info about who gives HJs or more and I'd be blackballed. I'm paraphrasing a bit. My OP was partially to annoy him. Childish of me but he started it. Partially it was to get out ahead of him misrepresenting my comments either in a public post or PM to others. I also wanted to get I feel for the consensus on sharing such info. So far, either in public posts or PM, not one person disagrees with me that such info should only be shared with those we know or have sufficient reason to believe they are safe. Even then, what I share is up to me
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    New Jersey
    someone has threatened to Out me for not sharing info
    I'm not worried he will post my personal info. I wanted to beat him to posting, to annoy him and to make sure my side was out there before whatever he cooked up. I was also curious about the current opinion on sharing such info. It is safe to say that the veterans of this site still think we should not share such info.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Pulitzer Prize winning reviewer
    First visit of 2022
    " think I'll go over my time and have to pay more. " i always tell the dancer how many dances i want. I have never had a PH dancer go over the count i told her.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Pulitzer Prize winning reviewer
    First visit of 2022
    "The younger hires are duds in the back" - I enjoyed my recent dances with Luna and Tiffany. Both are young for PH. I think Luna is mid to late 30s and tiffany mid 20s, but it is hard to judge when the next youngest is in her 50s and a few are in their 60s
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    OTC but only private dances or dates?
    'What is GGR dancers?" GOGO Rama, a club in NJ. frequently reviewed on this site. https://tuscl.net/listing.php?id=1696 "What were they doing after dancing, escorting?" - many while dancing
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    OTC but only private dances or dates?
    "Why no sex?" I think you answered your own question with your first line 'all about the image" I don't understand it but as long as they got what they paid for, who am i do argue?
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    [OT] People will, very soon, be able to pay for things over the Bitcoin network
    "First of all, on-chain transactions are NOT priced in dollars." i did not say they were. Your OP was about buying products at retail stores. the products we buy will be priced in dollars. I guess i was mistaken when i assumed you understood your own OP. Either I pay the BTC transaction fee myself or I need to use someone that aggregates purchases and sales to minimize transaction fees. In other words, a bank. I thought my point was obvious to anyone with basic reading skills. 'Why are you being deceptive??" I am not. maybe you don't understand your own OP. read the sentence where YOU mention credit card transaction fees. Don't you think you were deceptive when you start by discussing common retail purchases in your OP and the transaction fee for 1 billion dollars in a later post and not the transaction fee for an actual common retail purchase? "Why are you comparing CC transactions to the final settlement transactions of Bitcoin??" because of your OP where you do exactly that "CC transactions are NOT final!" you do not understand the difference between confirmation, nightly posting and disbursement. I was discussing confirmation only. "DO NOT COMPARE CC TRANSACTIONS WITH THE FINAL SETTLEMENT BITCOIN TRANSACTIONS!" so why did you bring them up in your OP? "Fuck off with your misinformation. I tried to give you the information you were seeking, but clearly you just wanted to bring up these topics so you could spread misinformation. Fuck off." if you tried, you failed miserably. as predicted expected, instead of actually addressing my concerns, you throw a tantrum.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    [OT] People will, very soon, be able to pay for things over the Bitcoin network
    "$1 fee to move $1 billion is a fee of less than 0.000001%)." cool but a highly inaccurate answer. bitcoin transactions fees are currently 1.50 USD and has been as high as 14 USD. This is per transaction. Not per Billion dollars. I bought milk yesterday, it was just under 2 USD. I used my credit card. it was still under 2 USD. CVS kindly absorbed the small transaction fee VISA charged. I doubt they will absorb 1.55 USD to use BTC. that will be passed on to me making the milk 3.50 USD. nearly 80% transaction fee to buy milk. My credit card transactions are on my account instantly. Do not confuse a nightly account posting with transaction confirmation. Or worse, confusing disbursement to the vendor with confirmation. Doing so makes you look like you have no idea what you are talking about. it sounds as if you are promoting a middleman to handle this, to track my spending. Doesn't this go counter to the entire BTC removes all middlemen and makes our purchases anonymous? Who is regulating the middlemen? the double spend issue was not solved. it was at best mitigated. It relies on timestamps and voting by all nodes. this ensures the integrity of the block chain but if someone is quick enough, and with the help of computers some are, a guy can spend the bitcoin twice. only the first transaction will count. the second vendor gets screwed. The solution per BTC people is to have one network handle your BTC transactions. In other words, to address the problems with using BTC as a currency, they want a central bank, just don't call it a central bank. the voting by all nodes also has other problems. Every transaction requires every active node to vote. Consider the volume of transaction in society. BTC is averaging under 2000 transactions per block. A new block is generated every ten minutes. In order to get the necessary transaction times, they need someone, a central bank perhaps, to aggregate the transactions. To make this work, a central aggregator, or bank, would need to keep the volume of transactions under 2000/ten minutes. We could have 2000 banks and a Fed that would balance the books between these banks... wow, almost exactly the structure we have in place already, just using BTC and not dollars. the democracy of BTC, touted as a major reason to go with BTC, introduces potential issues. Someone with enough nodes could change the rules and fees. This was a story line in Silicon Valley. But could it happen in real life? yes, years ago, one of the mining rig companies refused to deploy a particular software update to fix an issue. The people owning these rigs largely wanted the update made but this company refused to make the change. the voting occurred, the rule did not because one company decided to not implement the change. Consider China. Hackers have installed BTC mining software on browsers and used someone else's compute power to participate in mining pools. If China wished, they could require every PC, tablet and phone in China to become a node. None of these nodes would be effective at mining but they would all have a vote on the rules and on transactions. I wonder how much money they could make if all transactions had to be verified by a Chinese government node. Would BTC survive? the solution according to BTC fans is to ignore the issue or suggest a central bank of some kind. Just don't call it a central bank. And let's not forget, the real solution to all of these is to call any one with legitimate questions or criticism a bit coin hater and a coward. have you taken your own advice and taken out a huge loan on your house to buy bitcoin? BTC is highly volatile. If the USA or EU start to seriously regulate it, it could drop to nothing or soar to new highs. There are serious underlying flaws in BTC even if you refuse to admit it. The SP 500 has a long-term ROI of over 12%. Even with a long-term average inflation rate of 2.5 %, I double my money every 7 or 8 years, on average. The infrastructure is in place for me to use my money anywhere in the world. when I wish to do something anonymously or without smart phones, I can always get cash from millions of machines around the world. I don't hate BTC, I have what I consider are better short term and long-term investments WRT stability, security and usability. When I ask questions of the BTC fans they give me inaccurate or incomplete answers, ignore the issue or call me a BTC hater. They never properly address my concerns or questions.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    [OT] People will, very soon, be able to pay for things over the Bitcoin network
    what is the fee for a bitcoin transaction and how long does it take to confirm? If i recall correctly, 90% of all transactions will be confirmed in ten to thirty minutes. Bitcoin considers zero delay to be confirmed in the next block. Besides the fee being higher for this, that means a minimum wait of five minutes on average. Confirmation times have gotten into days for low fee transactions. i know, i don't understand, i should watch some video or you'll do a what about type question. I don't expect you to address these issues and how a business like Target would tolerate it. if you do address these issues, what do you think of the double spend problem? please answer in your own words, I don't want to watch a video.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    New York City (NYC) Summary
    " We may have had different experiences.." always true. YMMV. every club has off days. The dancers react differently to regulars. And you often need to go the right day of the week.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    OTC but only private dances or dates?
    i know a dancer that only does lap dances when she meets up with a guy. her lap dance gets wilder than the dances in the club. She does a toy show, she is full nude and encourages the guy to jerk off while she fucks herself with a dildo. two former GGR dancers got paid handsomely to go on dates with guys. dinner, shows, dancing but no sex. The guys wanted to show off and convince total strangers they have a really hot stripper girlfriend. Ten or twelve years ago, some guy had a blog about his dates with one of them.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Sex toys in private dances, and reasonable prices for vip
    "@K if you scroll up it looks like Icey was claiming im autistic for wanting to ask a stripper about otc." I think he did that because you post nonsense and it seems you lack basic reading comprehension. I have SJG blocked. many of us do. there are reasons we do. "I cant believe theres people even on a strip club site who spend all day trolling and posting nonsense." You don't believe you are posting?
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Sex toys in private dances, and reasonable prices for vip
    "So you cant ask what she charges for otc?" "People on here act like you can just directly ask dancers about otc" what are you talking about? the best advice given to you is to ask her and not us. how do you warp that into the nonsense above? Are you having a conversation in your head we are not part of?
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Sex toys in private dances, and reasonable prices for vip
    "So any otc has to be done at the club" OTC is Outside the club, at the club is ITC, inside the club. "or someone elses house or a hotel" Smart even if you aren't living with your parents. At least until you know you can trust her.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Sex toys in private dances, and reasonable prices for vip
    in all seriousness, you really do come off like a troll account but for pretending you aren't.... You have a much better chance of getting the answer if you ask the dancer and not us.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Sex toys in private dances, and reasonable prices for vip
    "I was wondering how common and easy is it to use things like butt plugs and dildos in the private dances" i have no idea how common it is but how will they know if you don't tell anyone you have a butt plug up your ass?
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    How to have a healthy relationship with the strip club?
    "I don't like to waste all my money" set a budget. only bring that with you. "First off - if you go to clubs - you should post a few reviews." yes, please do. "I just like going to talk to girls because I don't know how to talk to them at bars" can you talk to them other places? Then you can talk to them at bars. Practice. Start with simple safe things. Don't push it. the idea is to get comfortable approaching a woman. Build on the confidence. Be interesting. read. go to movies, art galleries, concerts, take up a hobby or two. "Spend your money on world travel." You will have interesting things to discuss with a woman. Women like spending time with interesting men. You will have date ideas. "They just say that you SHOULD go to the club and spend your hard earned money." every service provider in my life says i should hire them more often and get add on services. my mechanic, my landscaper, my barber all want me to spend more for their services. I discuss what i will get for my money. then i decide if i am buying or not. This same tactic works with strippers.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    A dancer I go see didn’t show up. How should I respond in a classy way?
    "How did you guys set up the first otc" - i asked her
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Nyc Clubs
    "Hi all - any advice on nyc clubs?" - yes. read the reviews and pick some NJ clubs to visit post a few reviews of your own to build some credibility and reach out to muddy, NJballa, cashman and a few other of the NJ PL crew.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    A dancer I go see didn’t show up. How should I respond in a classy way?
    "So you’re saying it’s better to take the loss than to stand up for yourself?" if you consider it a loss, you already lost. Why embarrass yourself with anything other than finding a different dancer?
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    How do I politely tell dancers say no?
    "no thank you" works for me most of the time. Sometimes i add something like "have a good night" and turn away why does anything she says bother you? "You can’t behave like this at other jobs." this is a big reason many don't have other jobs and must rub up against pathetic losers for money.