
Comments by casualguy (page 97)

  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Stripper image
    I've seen dancers wear all kinds of outfits outside of the club. I think one dancer and her friend I went to the beach with were wearing daisy dukes. Another dancer I knew seemed to like wearing something that looked more like a nightgown. She was typically alone with me when she wore that. Other dancers dressed just like everyone else.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    I think I need a new hobby!
    I guess I have a dirty mind at times as well. Sometimes it's hard not to notice when you go look up the word "strippers" to try to find an order you made for a wire stripper. Then there are a few other words that make you think whoever thought of these words had a dirty mind.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Private Messaging?
    I missed the part about the cam. Suddenly I started thinking if EvilCyn had a webcam and was taking a shower, I'd be here for her. :)[wink]
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Web site problems
    ok, thanks.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    IMPORTANT! Google Us again...
    Maybe if we all remember to end our complaints to Google with "Live long and Prosper", they won't forget us.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    IMPORTANT! Google Us again...
    For some odd reason, I keep thinking the people in charge of Google are big Star Trek fans. Maybe if I told them one July I got a letter in the mail saying my name had been added to a microchip on the first rover mission to Mars and was now sitting on the surface of Mars. I started to immediately think hopefully there aren't any aliens or Martians up there, now they have my name as an invader. Not to fear though because the next day, I got another letter in the mail along with a card saying I was now an honary officer of the Star Ship Enterprise. Probably coincidence. I'm still waiting for some angry alien to come fuss at me for leaving some junk on their territory though. It has my name on it now. Just joking but I wouldn't be surprised if some Google people think like me. Someone has to think up all these crazy ideas.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    What's the most unusual ...
    Oh, I just thought of a new one. There was one club I visited several years ago (Pure Gold in Southern Pines, NC) and I swear almost every single dancer working there was a 9 or 10. The dancers had to audition to get a job there and apparently there was some competition. For me now, going to a club that has all the dancers looking very hot seems unusual. It was definitely a no contact club but I liked visiting especially when a large group of golfers were buying table dances and you could just sit back and watch all the nice tits and curves. Eye candy everywhere.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    What's the most unusual ...
    I'm almost drawing a blank on this one. The most unusual one I can think of would be Rick's Lounge in Fayetteville, NC. It's been closed for years (probably torn down now). It was a strip club ever since WWII unless I got that wrong. I just knew it had been around for awhile. The local DJ liked to call the area Fayettenam. I heard it had been a bit wild there at times but I never noticed anything that wild.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    The Bible Belt...defined
    Is best strip club city based on the number of strip clubs?
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    The Bible Belt...defined
    I'm in the Bible Belt in South Carolina but hopefully many people here are like me. Less government is better government. Less regulation is better unless it's hitting me in the pocket book as well. One case where I'll agree to that is the new seat belt law for South Carolina. All the people getting killed here or a lot of them are not wearing their seat belts and getting thrown from their vehicles and dying. It's a waste and only takes a few seconds to buckle up. Everybody else pays via higher insurance as a result. Lol, if I was one of the original Bill of Rights people back in the 1800's, I would have tried to add a right to a high contact lapdance if both dancer and customer agree. No 6" rule, no 6 ft rule, no other stupid rules that seem to keep popping up all over this country. Maybe I would have even attempted to throw in a right to go topless as long as you aren't considered obese or in a private setting where more formal attire is required.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Serious illness?
    I've heard a number of cons from dancers. If they didn't ask for money, they might have been telling the truth but sometimes it may be hard to tell if you hear lies all the time. I remember one time a dancer gave me some ridiculous excuse I thought. She told me one of her fellow dancers a friend of hers was short on some money she owed to her drug dealer. She said I could give her some money to give to her friend or not. It was up to me. If not she said her dealer would beat her up. I thought that was a ridiculous excuse to try to con money out of me. I've heard a lot better stories than that. I wasn't about to give anyone any money especially when it came to drug dealers. She would of had a slightly better chance at saying her sister was dying of cancer and asked for a small donation. Well not really. One attempted con was more than enough to avoid her.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Favorite porno stars
    I occasionally see feature entertainers show up who are porn stars according to the advertisements. That actually seems somewhat meaningless to me as a factor if I want to see them on stage. If they look good and happen to be in a club at the same time as me, I don't mind watching their shows. I may watch from a distance at first since I don't want to meet any more feature entertainers that think it's ok to tear apart my shirt.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Forgetting what you said to one stripper versus another
    This might be one good reason for not lying. You don't have to remember which story you told to a number of different dancers.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    IMPORTANT! Google Us again...
    Well if I do a search while at this site, www.tuscl.com pops up as number one. I did not see it when I cleared my history and had not visited this site yet. I did a search for strip club and didn't see this site at all. I sent a message to Google.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Web site problems
    so far it's been going ok. For about a week if it's still not going on, I got messages when logging on that the page no longer existed. I still was able to log on ok so I didn't mention it. Didn't know what that was about. I'll just be happy if this site doesn't hang up on me while surfing it.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Private Messaging?
    I like the idea of private messages. I would also like the ability to block a certain user same as I can ignore someone in the discussion if that particular person chooses not to be civil.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Help I dont know how to delete my account...
    If you're worried about your wife spying on your internet activity, you might want to install some internet eraser software since your past history of all web sites visited is automatically stored on the computer in various files. Clicking on delete history won't get rid of it. That is if your wife hasn't already installed some web tracking/monitoring software. One good piece of advise, don't change your routine or you'll raise suspicions.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    I think I need a new hobby!
    ...and then the priest started talking about spirits. What a coincidence.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    I think I need a new hobby!
    I don't really have that problem with strip club related things. Perhaps I spend more time watching sci-fi movies and tv shows. I start wondering why I'm getting weird static electricity shocks in places I've never gotten shocked before. I didn't think you could build up static electricity by simply walking across a tile floor either. I was wrong. I read about an astronomical event going to take place with Venus the moon and possibly 12 stars one night. Then the next day I'm wondering, where in the world did I read that weird stuff? Maybe it was just a dream. Then lately one night I start wondering if that was a shadow moving out of the corner of my eye in my house. That wasn't as startling as when I woke up from dozing off on the sofa and for a fraction of a second, could have sworn I saw a woman standing next to me in some old style dress. I've even considered learning more about EVP recording to see if I have a ghost living with me. Doesn't scare me but just makes me curious. If I see things start moving by themselves, I may consider finding out more. If not I guess whatever female ghosts I have are just going to have to live with me. lol. I've daydreamed about a lot of weirder stuff as well. Here's one weird idea I haven't seen in a movie. How about a girlfriend who is also a ghost and partially materialized in our dimension so everyone can see her? This is what happens when I get bored. I think up stories. I was in church and was thinking if a phantom female ghost appeared and wanted to stand beside me, I bet everyone else would clear away for her as she floated over towards me.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Thanks to a Hero - unrelated website topic
    Yes, thanks for your post Bones. I read tonight if you do nothing else tomorrow to remember those who died to defend this country in all the past wars, then please pause for a moment at 3 PM to remember. I believe at least one of my friends is currently in Afghanistan. I remember seeing a new TV program on Fox news. I thought maybe it was news. But then I heard the announcer saying something like "and today at Fort Dix, terrorists plans were stopped. They wanted to gun down as many soldiers as possible saying the pizza delivery people had free access to the base. Democratic senator Ford Pelixa (forgot name they used) immediately said we should withdraw all forces from Fort Dix." Obviously it wasn't just the news. Thought some humor could be used here.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    What does it take for you to remember a dancer?
    I don't even bother trying to remember stage names unless they're one of my favorites. I've had a few dancers tell me both their stage name and their real name as they introduced themselves to me. If a dancer tells me her real name, she should also tell me if she's minds me using her real name in the club. Perhaps her first name is ok. Not that I would remember it longer than an hour or two. Maybe less if I was drinking and 20 more dancers told me their names.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    What does it take for you to remember a dancer?
    If she looks very pretty, I might remember her longer than many others. The more time I spent with her especially outside of any busy club, the better the odds are I'll remember her. Maybe I should start taking pics so my mind will be like a steel trap. If it's not, I could just pull out the pic. :)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Totally forgetting a stripper who says she knows you?
    I would need a pic of the dancer to go along with any file to keep remembering many dancers. So far I haven't been taking any pics of dancers I've met outside the clubs. I did get one on my camcorder but that was by accident. I had it going while at the beach one day and she walked right into view. Wasn't too much of a coincidence since she did go to the beach with me. There is apparently a pic of me in a strip club in NC I was a regular at about 11 or 12 years ago. A dancer told me about it. I never even knew it when I was a regular there. The club took pics of dancers and customers around their grand opening and put them under the glass at their bars.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Totally forgetting a stripper who says she knows you?
    Sex god? Lol, ha ha, very funny. Most of the time I suspect the dancer is simply prying for information. A few times a dancer may be sincere but if she doesn't offer any evidence it would be hard to know. I do remember one of my past friends was sleeping with a different hot girl about every week. He didn't go to strip clubs because I think he was too busy. He moved away and moved in with 2 female roomates to help pay the rent.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Totally forgetting a stripper who says she knows you?
    Instead of sex god, maybe I did actually forget a couple of people. I wouldn't even recognize former roomates from college over 10 years ago. I do like the way some dancers remember so well. I remember one dancer who used to work at PP in Columbia. I think she went by the stage name Ivy (not referring to any dancer that may by coincidence be using that name now). I got a few dances from her off and on over a couple of weeks. Maybe just 2 different days. Then I didn't visit the club for a while. When I tipped her on stage she said something like "where have you been? It's been 4 months." It was hard to forget someone who stood out as a bit unusual (I think she had a bunch of piercings.) When I first met her I believe she told me I had to massage her breasts. She said she just had breast implants and her doctor said they needed to be massaged. I wasn't arguing. Now something like that I can remember.