
Comments by casualguy (page 96)

  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Slow times?
    When I stated slowing down, I mean the growth rate of the economy is slowing down. I've been surprised at how the stock market has been skyrocketing the last 2 months. I didn't expect that with the economic growth rate slowing down so much.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Slow times?
    At one time I was thinking about the high price of gas. It dropped back down a little here to around 2.83 or 2.85 a gallon at most stations. However I get around 23 to 24 miles per gallon without even trying too hard. If I go flying down the road, I still get 20 miles per gallon and blow an extra 3 bucks. Compared to the price of one or two drinks, the extra cost of gasoline isn't really affecting me too much yet. A few percent of the population is facing sub prime loan mortgage woes but I'm assuming they aren't visiting strip clubs with no money to spare. Overall the economy is slowing down. A couple of people I heard think we'll have a recession later this year or early next. So far that's only two people out of many. Seems like if the economy is slowing down, business in strip clubs and most places would be slowing down as well.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Ramblings of Pirates of TUSCL ?
    I read the skull and crossbones symbol doesn't mean quite the same thing to kids nowadays. When you see it on the back side of a girl's bicycle or on a young girl's bikini, you know it's not the same thing anymore. Before you know it, it might be acceptable to say whether or not you might be related to a famous pirate. I heard pirates lived in a brutal time. I was thinking yeah, no life insurance, no car insurance, no health insurance, no social security taxes, no state taxes, no federal taxes, no deductions for everything else under the sun. I really don't know how they managed to survive. :)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Guaranteed Fun?
    It does make me feel better when I go to a strip club and suddenly see a dancer suddenly have a change in mood after she sees me. She starts smiling and I often hear "it's nice to see you." Then there may be a dancer or two I like tipping a dollar at the stage and they do their bump and grind routine up against me. I hold on to the handrail so they don't knock me over. There was one dancer who was a bit too rough for me. I think she would put both legs up around a guy's neck and almost give someone whiplash if they weren't prepared. I know it's possible to get injured when tipping a dancer at the stage because I have been. That is not fun.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Taboo Subjects for Strippers?
    Suddenly I wonder what one dancer would be comfortable talking about after she grabbed my belt with her teeth, undid the buckle and pulled it off while it was still in her teeth. She was on stage and I tipped her a dollar. I decided that was pretty good so I was going to tip her another dollar. She did the same routine. I was left wondering if she did that to a lot of people or only me. I guess I have one reason to go back to shadowcat's favorite club. A subject I don't like to get too involved in is when a dancer says "you remember me?"
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Taboo Subjects for Strippers?
    Every dancer could be different in what she is ok talking about. Just like in their lap dances where one dancer doesn't want any touching licking or contact in a lap dance while another dancer will grab your hand and put it between her breasts when you try to tip her a dollar at the stage.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Taboo Subjects for Strippers?
    I don't talk about religion with strippers. When I see a nice pair of tits and think "oh my god those are nice", I'm not going to dive into a religious conversation. Likewise one topic with a dancer I just met I prefer not to discuss would be her kids, her family life etc. especially right when I'm about to get a dance from her. I remember one new dancer did this to me one time. I agreed to get a lap dance from her. Apparently the new dancer thought this met I liked her and she started acting like I was one of her old friends or something. Right before she danced, she told me she just got divorced and had 3 kids ages 3, 5, 7 or something like that. Then she went on about her personal life. I wasn't exactly getting turned on by her telling me all this right before she danced for me. If she wanted to tell me, I would have preferred she did so after she danced for me so that I could enjoy her looks rather than thinking about her kids etc.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Slow times?
    Oh, when I went to get a lap dance, I don't recall seeing every seat taken by people getting lap dances in an area as big as I was in. It was a very busy night. Go to Platinum Plus in Columbia or The Masters in Myrtle Beach on a weekend night and you won't find a seat without waiting for someone to leave.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Slow times?
    The clubs in my area were somewhat crowded the last time I visited. In fact every one I went to seemed more crowded than normal. I thought it might have something to do with everyone getting paid at the end of the month. It did seem slow around Memorial Day weekend but I thought people were traveling or didn't get paid yet. I usually don't have trouble finding a seat when a club has somewhere between 100 to 300 seats. I never asked so that's why my estimate is so wide. A few more people in each club I visited and I would think the clubs are too crowded. I don't like hunting all around for a chair to sit in.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    What does it take for you to remember a dancer?
    "What does it take for you to remember a dancer?" I'm not sure. I forgot already. One good trick at least to make me remember for at least a day or two is too wear a top where your nipples keep popping out without any effort. That was a neat trick. Maybe her breasts were too big for the outfit. I keep remembering she would adjust herself and then her nipples would suddenly pop back out after about 30 seconds. I didn't say much since I was so distracted.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    The bad girls. Lindsay, Brittany or Paris. Your choice?
    With being an heir to a fortune, Paris should have hired OJ's attorney. I bet he could have gotten her off without time. On the other hand maybe Paris wanted some R & R without the paparazzi. (Lol, I seriously doubt that.) However all the other prisoners could play a game to see how many extra cameras, helicopters or other people are trying to make a presence during her special paparazzi "vacation".
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    I have seen a dramatic increase in the number of large or should I say bigger dancers. I think it goes along with national trends towards America being a bigger nation. I read an article the other day about some governor somewhere or a politician doing a political stunt seeing if he could survive on something like $31 a week for the average in weekly food stamps. He quickly went over the limit. However the editorial went on to say that is not looking at all the information. The poor also get a tax credit. Also there is medicare, extra subsidies and other programs to help the poor out. I forgot the details. The schools also offer breakfast and lunch full of high fat foods and high calorie soft drinks. More people die of obesity in this country than of starvation. Meanwhile the college educated and richer folks have easy access to better nutritional information via the internet and other means and are more likely to know about the benefits of exercise and have the time to do so in my opinion. I'm not working all day doing 2 jobs but I heard about some people on minimum wage doing so. I don't recall seeing a fat 2 job person though. I'm not trying to say strippers come from poor walks of life but I believe the poor may have a more difficult time eating nutritional food and exercising well. I enjoy seeing fit dancers in the clubs. However a little bit of fat doesn't gross me out. It's when I see a dancer that could easily pin down a 150 lb lightweight like shadowcat that grosses me out. If she's 190 or 200 lbs, I prefer to look away. I don't like paying money to enter a strip club and get grossed out.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Taboo Subjects for Strippers?
    17.5K Bonus? I'm envious. The biggest bonus I've ever received was something like a $20 gift card for Walmart. Taboo subjects. Almost anything the stripper you are talking to says she hates. I remember one time I wanted to talk about computer related things either it was something on the internet, a pc game or something else. I barely got a word out and she said "I hate computers." End of discussion there. I found someone else to talk to.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Guaranteed Fun?
    I don't consider anything guaranteed but if you keep going back for more and keep seeing or getting the same treatment, that is about as close as you can get in my opinion. I'm almost at a point where I can't afford to have too much more fun. Too many dancers and too much fun can make your spending go up. I must be doing good if this happens even in crowded clubs. I think I may be going on a record streak for the number of females telling me I look good within a 2 day time period. I guess flattery works to some degree. I like it when a pretty scantily clad dancer says it's nice to see you. Then I say "it's nice to see you" and I really mean it when they wear those small outfits. One dancer I met for the first time this weekend was complaining or kept adjusting herself saying her tits kept popping out of her top. I actually liked that quite a bit. It was almost mesmerizing watching her nipples slowly creap out from the side of her top as she sat in the chair beside me breathing in and out. Slowly her nipples seemed to come to life as they were yearning to be free. Earlier after a table dance, I bought her a somewhat expensive drink along with my beer without even thinking about it ahead of time but I thought it was quite entertaining to watch her nipples keep popping out. Others would have been disappointed later that evening if they knew since she changed outfits to correct that "problem".
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Ramblings of Pirates of TUSCL ?
    Aye, the pink treasure is a sight to behold.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    The bad girls. Lindsay, Brittany or Paris. Your choice?
    30 days in prison? Just reread that post. Shadowcat I think you are officially crazy. For some reason I imagine Paris to be some prissy and pampered girl who wants everything done for her. I can't stand to be around those types of people for too long.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    The bad girls. Lindsay, Brittany or Paris. Your choice?
    If I had to choose that would be difficult. Brittany seems more down to earth so I might pick her followed by Lindsay. Personality plays a big part in how well you like someone and it's very hard to know someone's personality from a music video you saw a couple of times. I did see a stripper with nice legs dressed up in an outfit that reminded me of Paris Hilton. I guess they all have something in common. Rehab or prison. Hopefully they will be able to handle things in moderation better in the future. They all look good.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Thanks to a Hero - unrelated website topic
    Since a few other people are getting political I'll throw in my two cents. I believe a lot of people are pissed off at the president for lying about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq (at least an obvious weapons program not some conspiracy topic that they got shipped to Syria or buried). He tried to justify to the American public that was the reason for going to war again with Iraq. The way I saw it, we were already at war with Iraq with a temporary cease fire. Sadam H. kept violating it and then shot down one of our planes. That ended the cease fire and we were back at war but the president came up with an excuse or lie about Sadam getting ready to start building nukes. I think either that was a flat lie or some intelligence agency butts should have been kicked. I thought there were some more important reasons for going back to war such as a hothead Sadam who was giving aid to suicide bombers and any terrorists he chose. He was also busy rebuilding his army and it looked like sanctions would be dropped on Iraq and Iraq is sitting on some of the world's largest oil reserves. He would have the money to rebuild a massive army and be a new massive threat to the whole Middle East. He could have been. I certainly don't regret getting rid of Sadam. I thought he was a threat to the whole world. His sons from what I heard were evil as could be. I think one of his sons ordered thousands of people put to death by feeding them into some kind of plastic shredder. He had them put in feet first because he enjoyed hearing their screams and they would scream longer if you put their feet in first. He could have easily become president of a powerful Iraq. ok, my two cents. sorry for the rant if you weren't interested.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    are you honest with your ATF?
    The marriage question seems to come from dancers who just want to talk and ask questions at least in my very limited experience. A couple of dancers I've met who wanted a more sexual encounter with me never bothered to ask that question. I think they were more focused on a way of getting alone with me. Sometimes I wonder why is it that girls you aren't that attracted to are usually the ones who seem to want you the most. Maybe they just expect an answer of no and feel no harm in trying. Now if a very hot dancer tried that with me, I might be wondering if she was serious about it or not.
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    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    The Bible Belt...defined
    I've always heard the Bible Belt as some kind of referal to the southern states and the implied concept that there are a lot of people here who strictly follow the Bible. I have jokingly called the Bible Belt as the region where there is a church on every street corner. That actually seems true in many places. I guess using that reasoning, the college I went to would have to be called the Alcohol Belt. There was a bar on every corner near campus. I believe I heard around 26 bars dotted the area around campus. This was when it was legal to buy beer at 18 years of age and you could easily buy it younger if you tried.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    are you honest with your ATF?
    If I get repeatedly asked for why I'm not married, I just say "I haven't met the right girl yet." I never heard a dancer say that was not a good answer. In fact I've heard a couple of dancers say something like "better to not be married than stuck with someone you don't like"
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    What are the last call for alcohol times at your favorite clubs?
    I once thought these stupid laws should be done away with. However I acquired a taste for them since it allows me to visit a club at later hours and not be asked to buy drinks. I like that. The Greenville PP still sells some kind of draft beer in a small plastic cup after midnight. I think it's beer but I rarely ever drink something that is not from a sealed container in a strip club.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    What are the last call for alcohol times at your favorite clubs?
    Platinum Plus in Greenville on Saturday night the official cut off time is midnight but to make sure they were compliant with the law in my opinion, the club moved their cut off time to about 11:45 PM. The waitresses may give you 15 minutes to drink up whatever you have left but they will also demand the bottles you already purchased by midnight. I'm not sure what's up with that. Meanwhile down the road, a private club Nepals still serves bottled beer well after 1 AM. Maybe the cutoff is 1:30 AM on Saturday night but I'm not sure of the details. Must have something to do with Nepals being a private club in the city versus Platinum Plus being in the county. In another county a nude club has a cutoff in the adjoining club around midnight for buying beer. They don't care if you're still drinking later from what I've heard. You just can't buy it anymore. I'm not sure why the Greenville PP requires the beer bottles by midnight as well. You already paid for it.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    are you honest with your ATF?
    I'm usually a bit more truthful so my experiences won't help too much here. I typically do not worry about things like this either. I once lied to a girl in a regular bar who came up to me and kept insisting I must be married. I said I wasn't for a while. Then I got tired of it all and said I was. I'll let the better liars here give you the benefit of their experience. :) No insult intended here guys.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Stripper as therapist
    Talking to a favorite stripper can be therapy as well as enjoying some lap dance attention. To me it often seems to get a bit more complicated at times when before I realize it, I'm suddenly on a first name basis, have her personal cell phone number she only gives to friends, and I know she wants to get to know me better away from the strip club. A dancer can leave an impression on you if she says she wants you to take her out to dinner and she seems sincere. This coming from the mouth of a dancer whom you weren't even paying much attention to. I remember my first ATF was like a puppy dog all over me as soon as she found out I was in her club. I think she made of habit of getting to me first. At times I thought she seemed like the top bitch in the strip club since she would chase away any dancer who dared to talk to me before she got to me. Only new dancers ever seemed to do that. I thought she was thinking of me as a customer even outside the club for a while so I got a bit startled when she made a comment to me one time. I was talking about the possibility of getting a job in her hometown and then she smiled and said she could come over to my house and dance for me everyday. I was startled and thinking "I can't afford that." I didn't even realize she wasn't thinking of me as a customer at that point. Knowing where you stand takes some experience to know whether you are still a customer, fuck buddy, or friend.