
"Hell has no fury" like when a REG goes cheap

I am now starting to feel the dancer backlash with several AFTs/reg types. However, the economic situation is getting increasingly serious up here in the northeast USA, that I don't think I'll be "fired", and of course some of these girls are still getting signficant amounts of cash out of me in some manner, simply far less than before, and w/o any regularity to the flow of cash

Actually its a bit more about spending smaller amounts on more dancers, in a more unpredictable/erratic manner, as opposed to just cutting spending overall - in effect commoditizing dancers in a way certain to tick them off.

Keep in mind, that as a general rule in the past that any dancer, (e.g ATF type or semi-reg) that happened to be hanging around me, most typically in-between CR sessions or VIP etc - would be earning lots of money, and it would typically avg about 150 to 200 dollars an hour, or sometimes more. In fact I made a conscious effort to make sure that happened. For example if I was in a club and I was talking or socializing (often dancer-pushed talk sessions) with one dancer, for lets say 2 to 3 hours, she would always be getting 400 to 500 from me before dance fees. My attitude was this: they are their doing a job, they need the money, I got some money, why not keep them happy. I would sometimes even say "lets go make you some money"

Note also since I nearly always hit clubs when they are slow - meaning when I was spending large sums on select dancers - generally there would maybe be 6 or 7 girls standing idle w/o paying customers in the club to solicit

As I've posted before, I believe spending large sums on a limited amount of girls can produce a very odd result: a building resentment against the economic control the customer increasingly has over them

Another strange thing: is when you go into CR sessions with some of these same (formerly cash heavy) dancers, the fury I am detecting actually picks up the session itself. Anger in this situation apparently can make a woman very horny.


  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    I forgot, what does CR represent?
  • DougS
    17 years ago
    Champagne Room
  • David9999
    17 years ago
    CR would be a so-called Champagne Room, which of course is basically a strip club gimmick to jack the price up, by in effect forcing you go buy champagne, or another drink - basically 15 minute or 1 hour blocks of time in relatively private rooms, and range from around 120 to 400 dollars.

    Although strippers in general hate it when the feel they are losing control of a customer, since most are classic drama junkies anyways - it probably makes their day more exciting

    I now estimate probably 1 to 2% of strippers in the business a year or longer are anything close to normal (I've met a few like this, and they are quite wonderful), however I used to believe it was probably around 10% - but I think the nature of the business just screws most of them up - so one has to think of them as commodities.

    The other day this particular dancer with whom I could detect a particularly seething anger, apparently had believed she had been grooming me over the past few months into the ideal customer, using various techniques that could only be described as SUPER stripper sh..t, as plain old SS would not fairly describe it

    Any guy getting a full treatment of this SSS from both a highly experienced and exceptionally beautiful dancer, and who hasn't been on a site like this - is going to be running into huge problems
  • David9999
    17 years ago
    As for angry dancers becoming "horny" - no doubt it connects to a customers apparently increasingly higher rating on the JERK SCALE - usually a good thing in this context

  • Crosscut
    17 years ago
    Super SS????

    Please tell us more.
  • David9999
    17 years ago
    (regular) Stripper Shit in the context above is simply the standard menu of deceptions, tricks, fabrications and so forth - that many experienced and established strippers either consciously or subconsciously use in their day to day working lives to among other things - either reel in, hold onto, or lock in, either one time big spenders, regulars, big spending regs, or (the ultimate prize) high rolling regs

    Super Stripper Shit (for want of a better term) would be stripper shit brought to such a level of absurdity that any objective rational person standing outside the process would conclude it met the legal test of "shocking the conscience"

    I am not going to precisely detail what I've encountered as to do so would in effect provide identifying information

    I will say that when someone is spending lots of time and dropping large amounts of cash in lets say Club A and then this same person is later spending instead lots of time in Club B and/or Club C - all clubs being in the same city, the dancers in the later two clubs via their friends and contacts in Club A will generally be aware of such customers. Now if you overlay that onto an increasingly tightening economy that we have in the northeast USA where 2 dollar cheapskates have taken over many clubs -some weird shi.t starts to happen, and some of that I would suggest would be standard SS brought to a new level or a level one might properly label SUPER STRIPPER SH.T
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    Thanks for the definition of CR.
  • Yoda
    17 years ago
    LOL, this is all very entertaining but nothing really earth-shattering. If you spend money on a dancer she likes you. If you spend a lot of money regularly she likes you more. If you start to spend less she will like you less. I agree there are some dancers who resent their dependence on your cash but they are easy to spot and I ignore them.
  • David9999
    17 years ago
    Actually in the case I'm referring to above about being "groomed" its really not simply just about spending money, then not spending money. In this particular case (in effect) the Dancer had assumed the role of a PL (i.e. a role reversal of sorts) because when she went into the extended SUPER STRIP SHIT mode, and when she mounted this recruiting campaign of sorts, it took both enormous time and effort on her part, and she placed her reputation within the club with other dancers - on the line. Since she is one of several dancers setting the benchmark standard of this club, and w/o any question the most popular dancer, and only unquestionbly 10 level dancer in the club - this reputation matters to her, and the campaign's ultimate failure will be a major embarassment. Ok she did get some cash, however not enough to offset the investment made, and that is why her anger is growing as she sees it all falling apart

    We know PLs (especially the RIL types) often make large cash investments in particular dancers, figuring (incorrectly in nearly all cases) of getting the payoff down the road. Dancers most typically make investments of a small nature, like sitting at a table for 3 songs, and then perhaps losing out when the patron fails to buy a song. In the above example, this dancer made a very large investment over several months - with the idea that HER big payoff would come down the road, and (looking at it in the most cynical manner possible) I believe her plan was to lock-in what she perceived to be a High Rolling RIL, the goldmine standard of dancers hitting the jackpot. I use 1000 a week as meeting that criteria and extending over many months and assuming normal PL reasoning ability and the expected duration of the string along -lets say 6 to 8 months or at least $25,000 to $30,000 if not more

    Strip club patrons today with sites like this and others have the ability to level the playing field between customers and dancers, there is no need to be fooled

  • Yoda
    17 years ago
    I dunno, what I see in clubs on every visit tells me that lots of guys are still being fooled. These sites are really not as popular as one would think. Guys like us are informed consumers but the vast majority of SC customers are still just idiots thinking with the wrong head once they get inside the club...
    As far as the role reversal thing goes, I don't think I've ever met a dancer that would waste that much time trying to get a guys money when there are other customers in the club. What kind of dopes are dancing at this club of yours!
  • David9999
    17 years ago
    The supply of gullible strip club patron PL's is not necessarily abating, what may be in increasingly short supply in certain locales - is gullible PLs that also happen to have lots of cash and a willingness to spend it

    The current patron audience for sites for example like TUSCL.com and Stripperweb is so small, that yes it still doesn't put much of a dent in the supply of uninformed PLs
  • chandler
    17 years ago
    At least it's nice to know that reading TUSCL cures PLs of their gullibility. I guess all those posts about having something more going on with their ATFs must be grounded in hard-nosed reality after all.
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