
Comments by casualguy (page 54)

  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    The spending question again
    I plan on spending money in clubs and continue having fun. I'm thinking if we all die in an asteroid impact or some other disaster just a few years from now, I don't want to regret doing or not doing certain things. I do want to have fun while saving up some for later years or retirement.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    The spending question again
    If it wasn't for my strip club spending, I might be a millionaire by now already. I'm far from it though but am trying something that has worked for me the last few weeks. If this continues I will be a millionaire in a few years despite my strip club spending. Making 15 to 20 percent a month will double my money every 5 or 6 months. I'll see how it continues to go. One month may not be an indication of how well I will do in the future but it sure does encourage me to save more money.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    golfers and strip clubs.
    I believe the Masters at Myrtle Beach allows free admission with a local golf score card.
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    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    golfers and strip clubs.
    A golf lesson from my father. He shot a 78 either on the back 9 or on the whole course, can't remember now. Anyway he was just playing with me and said, that's a new record for me (very good close to par or maybe slightly under), then he said, "I won't turn it in, it'll lower my handicap". I don't remember how handicap works anymore. It's been too long since I played regularly and didn't use it much in the casual groups I play with. I remember one strip club with lots of hot dancers near Pinehurst NC that filled up with golfers at certain times of the year. That was fun just to watch all that eye candy and let the golfers pay for all the close up table dances. I really did enjoy watching several 10's doing table dances at the same time especially since I didn't have to pay for all of that. They were nothing but air dances there but still worth watching.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    golfers and strip clubs.
    The golf lesson I learned about accidently hitting your golf ball too far into a group of people. Do not yell "Fore" as you were instructed early in life. Play dumb like others do. Wait for the people to leave. Unless you accidently hit someone and know it. Yelling down the fair way only seems to invite some loud yelling back. Nastiest cursing I ever heard was on a golf course. For those not familiar with golf, do not stand anywhere on the front side of amateur golfers. I've seen several people get hit and those golf balls are traveling over 200 mph at times and hit extremely hard. Imagine a paint ball gun on steroids. One other thing, if you park your car sideways right behind the 18th hole, expect to get a lot of dings in the side. I saw someone who did this one time. I was wondering if it had all those dings before he or she parked it there.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    golfers and strip clubs.
    If you're a bad golfer like I was at times when I was a teenager, golf is a lot of exercise. I was walking down long fairways. Then I would do a bad slice and it was so bad it would go about 200 yards into the other fairway. Then I would have to run over there and hit it back before someone came up in the other fairway. Play like that all day and you get a lot of exercise. I did get a lot better. At one time when I was playing every week with a group from work, it wasn't unusual for me to be dropping the ball within a few feet of the flag after teeing off on a par 3 hole. I once had a shot so awesome no one could believe it. We were in the middle of a very large and very long fairway. I hit the golf ball perfect and it took off so fast and so far, we only spotted it for a split second sky high. It went so far so fast and so high I never saw that golf ball again. I guess it would have been more awesome if it landed on the green on a par 5 hole. That was my other problem, if your range on your shots occasionally shoots way out there, you might tick off some people if you hit it all the way to the green on a par 4 hole and others are still there.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    golfers and strip clubs.
    I'm in the middle of golf country. Tiger Woods even bought a home up towards the mountains and is designing his first golf course up there. You'll have to walk it though. No golf carts. I still haven't seen Tiger Woods show up in any strip clubs.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    golfers and strip clubs.
    Golfers can be strange too. I remember one in-law would go to play golf to "relax". You would often see him throwing golf clubs around if his shot didn't go well.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    golfers and strip clubs.
    One dancer I know is traveling to the Masters this week I believe. It's supposed to be 78 degrees Friday where I live at. A bit warm for me but much better than the 20's forecast for this morning. Unfortunately the pollen is returning as well. My father got me to play golf many years ago but I haven't played any in the last couple of years. Golfers can be as fanatic as any sports fan. I remember one winter day it was so cold, none of my fathers golf buddies wanted to go play. My brother and I were just young teenagers and we were told to put on two pairs of pants, socks, etc. because it was so cold. Then we went to play golf. The ground was frozen solid. We were the only people at the entire golf course. The ball bounced like it was landing on concrete. I could hardly move due to all the clothing. Then I wondered "this is supposed to be fun?" Other golfers are extremely serious about the sport and if you happen to even hit a golf ball up towards them and yell "fore" at the same time, you may hear the nastiest cussing you've heard in a while. Most people seem friendly though.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Review too short.
    I would post a lot more reviews if dancers said that, lol. :)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    How long do ATF's last?
    ATF's are like the stock market. Things can get volatile at times and your mileage may vary.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Tax time. April 15th approaching.
    I say curses to the tax software companies. I didn't bother to upgrade my pc since I didn't see a need for it. However the tax software companies decided not to provide support for any of the older operating systems anymore like WinME or Windows 98. I'm going to do it manually. I read online free tax sites could be a security problem since you don't know who might gain access to their servers since you don't know anything about how secure they'll guard your information.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Economic news and politics posting on economic news sites, do you read it?
    I once had a better opinion of Hillary, Obama, and McCain. Then they spoke.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Do strippers watch porn?
    <<grinning>> now I'm picturing wondergrl5 getting excited watching a porn movie at my house. Then I remember one of the first porn scenes I saw. I was in college living in a co-ed dorm building. As I'm walking towards my room one evening, I hear a loud uummmh, uummmh, uummmh and wondered what all that noise was. Then after walking past several suites, I found out my whole suite is sitting in my room along with my roomate watching a porn movie along with a female or two. Home porn movies were somewhat new back then since affordable VCR's hadn't been out that long. There was once an X-rated movie theater right across the street at the University but it got converted into a McDonalds. I never did have the opportunity to go see an X-rated movie at a theater but I don't think I missed too much.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Wearing shorts
    I really don't see how so many people stand the heat in some strip clubs and some other public places. The only thing I think of is that maybe I do have some Viking blood in me and I am different than almost everyone else living here and in other places where people can stand it so hot. Unless they are drinking up a storm and it's making them colder.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Wearing shorts
    I wear shorts all the time when it's hot outside or I'm hot. I don't in the winter time though. I feel like I'm roasting if I'm not wearing shorts if it's hot outside and the air conditioning inside isn't turned up enough. I like temperatures in the 60's or low 70's if I'm drinking ice cold beer. I can stand it hotter if I'm drinking more ice cold beer. Many strip clubs will have dancers complaining about the cold if I'm comfortable. I know a couple of people that have their air conditioning set in the 50's in the summertime and say they don't turn off the air until almost winter time here. At least I've adjusted better than that. hmmm, it was about 54 yesterday evening and I finally stopped sweating. I was wearing shorts earlier and sweating up a storm working in my yard. I remember several times I went bicycling in shorts when the temperature was in the low 50's. Talk about a good chilling effect. 30 mile per hour winds or however fast you peddle and sweat to help cool you off when it's about 51 degrees, that'll help keep you cool. Actually if I drink beer, my metabolism slows down and it makes me feel colder temporarily.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Do strippers watch porn?
    What I've heard from dancers "yes, no, sometimes, I am a porn star. They just installed hidden cameras. I want to be a porn star." Actually I don't even remember all the real and so called famous porn stars I've met or seen in the strip clubs performing as feature entertainers. Several dancers told me they watch porn. I didn't ask if that was soft porn or hardcore stuff. I seriously doubt dancers watch that much porn in general since most dancers I've talked to don't seem to even watch that many movies. That goes along with my thinking that most guys can be visually stimulated while females typically aren't except for possibly a certain part of the male body in some cases. Guys in general can get more excitement out of watching something without any plot in my opinion.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Husbands or boy friends in the club.
    I never considered myself to be any dancers boyfriend even though I once had someone ask if I was in a club. I never thought of any time I spent with a dancer as a date either. Even though I was hanging out or visiting different dancers at different times away from the clubs in their off time. Most of the time, I think they talked me into it as well. Some dancers can be persuasive when they look good and aren't wearing much. In some clubs you do wonder if someone is either a dancers boyfriend or is he a big spending regular of hers? The way I see it, dancers boyfriends or SO's can have a lot of say or influence over whether or not the dancer works in a club. I think it's ok for them to visit but as a customer, I would feel better if they weren't watching.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Suggestion: Post user's # of reviews (or seniority) by name
    I have an idea. You could let us select how many years of strip club experience we have visiting strip clubs. This number could show up in a special box next to the username for the review page or wherever someone wants to see it. For me I would pick something like 15 years. Or you could have categories of experience. 0 - 1 year "newbie", 1 - 2 years "newcomer", 2 -5 years "on the ropes", 6 - 10 years "experienced", 11- 20 years "talented", 21 - 30 years "your daddy", 31 - 100 years "dirty old man"
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Hot stock tip, buy stocks, they should go up for 2 or 3 days at least.
    Well I guess this will be my last post about this on this site since no one here seems interested. I made 18 percent in 3 days and I wasn't using options or penny stocks. Someone once said buy and hold was the way to go. Yep if I want to wait months to get back to where my account used to be at.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Hot stock tip, buy stocks, they should go up for 2 or 3 days at least.
    Dow futures are down 93 points already this Friday morning. I think that's going down some more today and maybe Monday and Tuesday too.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Hot stock tip, buy stocks, they should go up for 2 or 3 days at least.
    I didn't think it would hurt posting here. After all the governor of New York was looking for escorts online so maybe others look here too. I really believe our government is interfering with the markets too much even though I believe they are trying to do a slow more controlled drop in stocks and equities instead of a big crash. I don't mind if they hold off any crash for a couple more weeks though. I'm trying to warn some others first.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Hot stock tip, buy stocks, they should go up for 2 or 3 days at least.
    Would you sell a stock that was up 14 percent in less than 24 hours after you bought it and it wasn't a penny stock? I'm really trying hard not to do day trading. I'm thinking maybe I should have since instead of being up 10 percent today, it was up only about 4.5 percent, about the same as yesterday. Oh by the way, today I read how Ben can fix the mess we're in since he said (I believe) that he didn't know how to fix it. Just read this Ben if (I know a one in a million long shot). http://www.moneymorning.com/ and read this article Dear Ben: To Save the U.S. Economy, Here Are the Moves You Need to Make Now By Keith Fitz-Gerald Investment Director Money Morning/The Money Map Report
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Suggestion: Post user's # of reviews (or seniority) by name
    My review count will be misleading since I used to post under a different name a few years ago. However that probably doesn't matter too much. Something that might be interesting to add is the total number of different reviewers for a given club in the past year if you need at least 8 different ones for a club to be listed in the top 40. Then someone might easily see why a club isn't in the top 40 if it doesn't have enough reviewers but seems to be a local favorite club. These clubs can be like hidden gems not listed on the top 40.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Google help needed (again)
    All I can say is Wow, Google stock is down like 250 bucks a share in just a few months. They must have let go some important help. Obviously I'm thinking since they don't want to list this web site. Maybe we should be asking people to start using Yahoo more often. I've been using it more often. Of course Google has all those educational videos on youtube. I would complain to Google but it looks like they are falling asleep and their ship is sinking fast. I may complain anyway when I have more time. Google probably needs to put this site back on top so they don't look so bad.