
Comments by casualguy (page 53)

  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Fight the lap dance ban proposed in South Carolina 6 foot rule as well
    I'll pretend our constitution and bill of rights is alive and well for now just like most Americans. Just saw your post shadowcat. I emailed individually everyone in the Senate and on the list you had. I've had a few responses. I think I may have contacted a few of them in times past and a few may have contacted me. I happen to have the same last name as one of the senators but I'm not directly related as far as I know. Of course if Obama is related very distantly to Dick Cheney, then I might be related to a senator here.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Fight the lap dance ban proposed in South Carolina 6 foot rule as well
    Felt like ranting a little bit. I doubt hardly anyone except the posters often posting here are even going to look at my rant. If someone did, it wouldn't be hard to see how imposing laws to safeguard us can give us all less security and impose restrictions on all of us in more ways than you ever thought. Maybe the constitution is already ignored and dead. If that's true, then any or all of our rights could immediately be taken over and disappear by presidential order or decree. Financial meltdown crisis first, then martial law and congress disbanded, then removal of the rights everyone takes for granted. Then a new currency you'll be required to use to buy and sell anything. ahhh, I think I'm ranting to myself now. Hardly anyone sees what path we are on. Strip clubs are the least of our worries except for the Southern Baptists and the one lawyer who seems to be on a mission.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Fight the lap dance ban proposed in South Carolina 6 foot rule as well
    We don't need to suggest taxing lap dances. Someone here in South Carolina might think that is a good idea. Just remember if they think doing away with strip clubs and lap dances is a good idea, imposing taxes wouldn't bother them one bit. If I ever get in a position of power, I believe in tit for tat. In the future one day, you may hear about a proposed law to maintain health and safety applied to churches stating we believe they are a source of spreading diseases. Let's see 6 foot distance, fines, police enforcement. Some might say the US is headed down the wrong road but if the people in power believe and teach by example it's ok to enforce their beliefs on everyone else, guess what this country will be like 10 to 20 years from now? The American taliban is here already. Southern Baptists and friends. A possible future headline: Possible Future Newspaper Article Titled "Restrictions on church meetings" "There's documented evidence of communicable diseases and other nuisances in these types of establishments," attorney Strong told a House Judiciary subcommittee on behalf of the CDC, a group pushing the legislation with The Right to live free of disease party. "There's no constitutional right for churches to meet on a Sunday and definitely not in large numbers, he said. New proposals to limit contact among patrons, eliminate all hand shaking and enforce a 6 foot limit between church employees and customers except in special circumstances will be strictly enforced. Fines up to $10,000 will be imposed on any violators." Our constitution is being violated more and more I believe so don't count on your taken for granted freedoms staying around forever.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Fight the lap dance ban proposed in South Carolina 6 foot rule as well
    Well one senator definitely sounds like he will be voting for the bill if or when it comes up for the full vote. His name is Bill Cotty in House District 79. From a quick search, apparently he is not running for re-election. I hope his replacement has a better opinion of lap dances and believes in leaving adults alone instead of enforcing his own moral beliefs on all of us. He responded by saying he sees little if any value to the adult entertainment business including lap dancing and will vote how he feels is best.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Would you follow a dancer that is changing clubs?
    I'm thinking probably not. If I had a relationship with her away from the clubs though, I probably wouldn't care as much which club she was working at. I visit a few clubs already and I see dancers trying out other clubs I visit more often than I care to think about. It's like musical chairs. I think at least a few dancers may have even tried out one of the other clubs after I told them I visited there as well.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    breaking news, just for yuks....
    Maybe he had a secret affair with a dancer who just recently moved. He just had to drive to Ohio and see her again.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Bad news from my ATF
    I think it may be 2055 before most human life on this planet is destroyed. Therefore if you enjoy your life, it would be to your advantage to do things to live longer. However if you think we're all going to die soon anyway, it doesn't matter. A few people think there will be disasters coming up sooner like in Dec of 2012 but I believe most people will still be here. I don't consider myself a germaphobe since I'm not afraid of a dancer or another girl I don't know sticking her tongue in my ear or licking me even though I'd rather not get that personal with someone I just met. If I knew that she had HIV, I would either stop her from doing that or just stay away.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Fight the lap dance ban proposed in South Carolina 6 foot rule as well
    I got the message that [email protected] message was undeliverable.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Dancer: "Flash me"
    I had another dancer suggest that I dance for her. I guess that is supposed to be some kind of compliment. Just like one dancer told me I was in my 20's. I seriously do not think I look like I'm in my 20's. Obviously she was trying to get on my good side thinking I'm only 35 or something. She probably thought she was older than me. I did notice if you show signs of having lots of money, you get a lot of dancer attention. At least I did when one dancer talked me into getting an expensive lap dance. I'm not even sure why I did that except to say I hadn't seen her in several years and she seemed awfully determined to dance for me. I'm still not sure how she talked me into that. As far as lap dances go it wasn't much but the view sure was good. I think it's been 5 years since I got a lap dance in the one club not counting one time a drunk dancer talked me into one.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Fight the lap dance ban proposed in South Carolina 6 foot rule as well
    New law for church and public settings "masks to be worn while attending church, 6 foot rule imposed, violators will face 1,000 fines for violation." Sick people could be detained in holding cells. hmmm, I'm getting ideas to impose on churches to help fight possible disease outbreaks. I know someone in the Federal government is probably thinking the same way as me. Obviously if touching someone is that dangerous, it should be restricted everywhere. It will need to be whenever the next disease epidemic strikes killing millions or billions of people. Of course we could just let things be and then see who dies off first, the church members shaking hands or the strip club visitors watching dancers and only occasionally touching someone as they talk to them or give the dancer a hug.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Fight the lap dance ban proposed in South Carolina 6 foot rule as well
    My new email letter ended like this "Please kill this bill. If you really want to improve the health of people in South Carolina, fight cigarette smoke. Maybe you should ban hand shaking in church. That spreads more diseases and illness than I have ever gotten in a strip club from watching and talking to a dancer. Many dancers live and work here and go to church here in South Carolina as well. Please kill this bill." Now if we see a new proposal to ban hand shaking in churches, I will believe someone there is listening. Actually this could be important to reduce the spread of disease and save lives especially in the event of a sudden disease epidemic. Everybody may need a 6 foot rule when in a public setting. Then the penalty may not be 1,000 bucks but a serious illness possibly death itself. People go to church sick all the time. I really think we need some new laws for churches to protect us. After all we need new laws to protect us don't we? (ok, sarcasm off)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Fight the lap dance ban proposed in South Carolina 6 foot rule as well
    Part of what concerns me is that I believe many legislators couldn't care less about strip clubs or what goes on inside them. Therefore they wouldn't care if they passed a new law or not. However I think they would care if there was a big public outcry from the voters. I hope our legislators don't feel like more laws are necessary to protect us from ourselves. A quote from Ben Franklin that applies to this case and several instances with proposed rules of our Federal government. Ben Franklin: "Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both."
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Fight the lap dance ban proposed in South Carolina 6 foot rule as well
    Thanks for the email addresses shadowcat. I wrote another letter and emailed it to each of them as well. I guess it would have been easier if I had done a group email but I sent an email to each one individually. By the way if anyone else is copying and pasting there is one error in the above email addresses shadowcat gave. GRD@schouse,org has a comma in it when it should be a period [email protected] Just an FYI to let everyone know. I did get a couple of responses back already. One senator said there are a lot of crazy bills that get introduced. One is or was to let legislators carry guns to work. Maybe that is not crazy. The senate could be fully armed and disagree with the house. Then when the house passes a bill, the senate can put their hands on their guns and say to the house members "so you think you're feeling lucky do you?" Then shoot that bill down. I think to make South Carolina safer, every adult male that is of reasonable sanity without any criminal history should be required to carry a firearm at all times while traveling around the state. Then if some criminal tries to do a shootout and kill or impair the health of other people of South Carolina, he can kill or hold off the criminals. Obviously South Carolina legislators feel a need to pass more laws to protect us from ourselves. I'm just giving a good suggestion here. Of course this new law should override any preexisting law banning firearms within buildings in the state of South Carolina. A ban would only allow criminals to possess firearms and we can't have that now can we?
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Is my favorite club doomed?
    Too bad our politicians aren't concerned about the same things I was. Things like a possible financial meltdown, the economy getting worse, business demand going downhill, possible runs on banks. The Fed devaluing our dollar relative to all other currencies around the world. Everyone working here in the US has already taken a big pay cut relative to what they can buy in terms of foreign goods. Foreign goods include things like oil or gas and many other products. Chinese goods and electronic items having been holding their prices I believe here in the US while they have been getting a lot cheaper overseas. It might be we have all taken a 40 percent pay cut compared to the rest of the world. Many state budgets are going to come up short either this year or next. What are South Carolina officials concerned about? Some supposed drug problem caused by strippers getting too close too customers while showing their breasts. I do wonder if our politicians are on something. I would rather believe they are just clueless about reality and where the real problems are. New strip club laws won't help the state budget. New laws will only make it worse. The state will have to pay the police to enter clubs and enforce all these new rules. Maybe South Carolians would rather keep the police off the streets and safe and secure watching strippers in the strip clubs. Then all the real criminals won't be bothered. Drunk driving, not a problem here in South Carolina, the police will be busy making sure I'm not within a 6 foot limit. (my sarcasm) I heard South Carolina has a number of drunk drivers but the lawyers help write the laws so people aren't prosecuted. hmmm, maybe we can have the same lawyers help write these laws if the bill isn't killed. I really haven't spotted any drunk drivers on the road myself and I drive at night a lot. knocking on wood now.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Is my favorite club doomed?
    At least now I know to print out these names or to remember them and never to vote for them again. General Bill Sponsors: Reps. Talley, Davenport, Brantley, Leach, Clemmons, Barfield, Pinson, J.R. Smith, W.D. Smith, Walker, Brady and Haskins They aren't names that I recognize.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Fight the lap dance ban proposed in South Carolina 6 foot rule as well
    I wonder how big a salary cut SC Teachers will have to take or other state budgets will have to be cut if the strip club business and tourism business in South Carolina is hurt badly? I thought many in South Carolina were opposed to more government regulation.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Fight the lap dance ban proposed in South Carolina 6 foot rule as well
    I almost didn't even hear about this. I heard something real briefly on the news and it was so quickly mentioned I didn't hear what they were talking about. Then as I was reading the paper, I saw a tiny little article about it. It's like someone is trying to sneak this into becoming a law without hardly anyone noticing until it's in effect.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Platinum Plus dancers switching clubs
    A couple of smarter dancers I know did the same thing with me as many of the Columbia dancers do, they lowered the price if I got more dances. I end up spending more money but I get more dances for the money.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Fight the lap dance ban proposed in South Carolina 6 foot rule as well
    South Carolina still has blue laws where some clubs can't see beer or liquor after Midnight on Saturday night. You can't buy beer or liquor in the grocery stores here on Sunday. I wouldn't be surprised if some of those elected had no clue about how I or others feel about this. I have spent enough time in strip clubs enjoying the view and I don't want it killed because of one group trying to impose their values on me. There are many couples and females who also frequent strip clubs in South Carolina. I don't even know why this got past the house. They couldn't get the smoking ban they talked about to go through.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Fight the lap dance ban proposed in South Carolina 6 foot rule as well
    I typed up a letter and emailed everyone in the South Carolina senate, a number of whom I voted for. link so that you can email them too http://www.scstatehouse.net/html-pages/senateemail.html I also emailed the judicial branch whom I think was going to get the bill next. I also emailed about a quarter of the house before I got tired of typing. link http://www.scstatehouse.net/html-pages/houseemail.html The email for the judicial section or branch who I believe gets this bill next is I believe as follows: [email protected] Here's my letter, feel free to copy, modify, and edit it to fit your tastes or just type one of your own. A personal letter would probably be better without going into any intimate details if you happen to have any relationships with any dancers. My letter: (beginning of letter) I am a voter of South Carolina and would like you to oppose or kill this bill to require all adult businesses to close at midnight, it also possibly requires 6 feet limits to stay away from exotic dancers and which also bans lap dances. The article I read in the Charlotte Observer claims the lawyer says lap dances may promote drug use. I visited strip clubs for years and I have seen no drug use except regular cigarette smoke among people in the club. If you want to promote a healthy state, please enforce a smoking ban not a lap dance ban. The proposed 6 foot rule I believe is ridiculous as well. Imagine if you went to church and there was a 6 foot rule against approaching someone and the state had to pay the police to come into the church and you could face jail time and a large 1000 fine if you got too close. This is how I feel about this proposed rule for adult night clubs. Please kill this bill and forward it to whomever will listen. Sincerely (my name goes here) I don't believe this bill will help the tourism business in South Carolina either. Many golfers and other visitors don't want to worry about the heavy hand of the law in their daily life when they just want to relax and enjoy the evening. I don't either. I work during the day and the weekend later at night is the only time I have a chance to get out. Please kill this bill. (end of letter) This was just something I typed up without editing in any matter. South Carolina did try to pass a smoking ban recently but that has been delayed as well if someone in the house is that concerned about drug use, I think cigarettes should be the first target not lap dances. I do believe smoking causes harm to my health but I'm not worried about a scantily clad female brushing up against me. No one needs to pass any laws banning females from brushing up against me or requiring tax money be spent paying the police to enforce a 6 ft rule or all these other rules proposed. This bill should be killed now in my opinion. Send the lawyer packing. If you believe that every email or message may represent 100,000 quiet people, please speak up and let our politicians know that people don't want this bill. Even if you don't think the number is that high, let them know that you care. Thanks.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Is my favorite club doomed?
    By the way, the constitution was drafted because our Found Fathers knew there would be people like this lawyer trying to restrict everything we do. There was no such thing as a car or lap dance back then.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Is my favorite club doomed?
    Does anyone have a constitional right to drive a car? Just because it's not in the constition, that is not a good reason to ban something.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Is my favorite club doomed?
    Maybe a large group should try to set up homo sexual shops next to this guys neighborhood or start promoting all the other things he is against. Obviously he is trying to impose his beliefs on everyone else. I have never seen drug use in strip clubs and I've been visting years. Maybe one or two dancers use them in their private rooms but I have never been in there. I certainly don't want our south carolina tax money wasted by requiring the police to stay inside strip clubs making sure we all stay 6 feet away from all strippers. I could get more action in a church brushing up against girls in the aisle. I certainly would dread the thought I could be arrested and jailed and fined 1000 dollars because a female was only 5 feet away from me or accidently came into contact with me. Heaven forbid that a dancer slipped and fell off a stage and I would have a choice between catching her and going to jail for violating the no touch rule or simply let her break her neck or leg and be crippled or killed. Some lawyers are just plain evil and it would be nice if the people involved in this case saw that this lawyer really just wants the money and to inflict as much pain as possible on a legitimate business, the dancers, the customers, and the tourism business of south carolina just to line his own pocketbook or his ego or sense of power. I hope the other legislators have more sense but I plan on writing to them as soon as I find out their addresses. I urge everyone else to write as well even if you are out of state just to let them know your tourism dollars will no longer be spent here in South Carolina if this law takes effect.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    The spending question again
    As far as lots of money not being important, I might find more agreement among the strippers than among the well off retired folks here. I don't think too many strippers would be stripping if not for the money. I'm not expecting to live to 97 either. Everyone on my father's side died about 30 years earlier than that. If things are going well for me when I'm older, I wouldn't mind outliving them. However right now that seems like an eternity away from my current age. Right now I was thinking I would enjoy professional trading for myself much better than being pressured by someone else to get some work done on a tight schedule because a boss guy thinks it's important to get a project done according to his own deadline. Then they don't even give you a salary increase that keeps up with inflation. Ok, I'll stop ranting.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    The spending question again
    I would like lots of money so I can retire like 20 or 22 years earlier than normal. Then I can do things I enjoy doing more often other than what I call work now. My current job seems to be work hard now, if you succeed, you get even more work and have to put in longer hours because they saw that you were able to do it. Then they delay your pay increase and it doesn't even keep up with inflation. Besides I'm looking at doing well in the markets as the goal and the money in my account as a scorecard as to how well I did. I guess once you feel like you have plenty of cash, it doesn't seem like a big deal anymore. If you're putting off things until your next paycheck, money seems like a big deal.