
Comments by casualguy (page 39)

  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Why is the time posted so far off now?
    Just testing. The current time is 1 AM.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Strip club life 2 years in the future
    How bad could it get? Strippers offering a lot more for free? I would think if things got really bad, the courts would be more lenient. There wouldn't be enough money to house everyone in prison.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Strip club life 2 years in the future
    I'm still undecided whether we will have deflation or hyperinflation. Maybe we will have something in between. The deflation folks think housing prices in the UK may decline up to 90 percent and possibly back to the year 2000 here. I read somewhere it's never as bad or as good as you often here.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Strip club life 2 years in the future
    Supposedly the old way of counting unemployment would have the unemployment rate at 12 percent so 20 percent unemployment would only be a 8 percent increase if that is more realistic for a depression. http://www.shadowstats.com/ Anyway what would strip clubs be like in this scenario?
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Why is the time posted so far off now?
    It's after 11 PM when I posted this message.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Breaking the cycle
    It's simple, find another addiction that you like as much or better that happens to be cheaper. If you're stuck on strip clubs, find another strip club or two and don't buy any lap dances at those clubs. Tip slowly. That should limit your time and spending at the other club. If you're spending too much on one thing such as drinks or lap dances, select a cut off time or none at all. Or just stay home and find another hobby to entertain and keep you busy. Figure out how much money per month or week you can take and only take that much. If you don't have enough don't go. Maybe even experiment with a different hobby like a massage parlor. That might be cheaper depending upon how much money you are spending. Or learn a new hobby such as golf where you have to get up in the morning and can't stay very long at the strip clubs anymore. Then you can go with your buddies and laugh at your buddies looking awkward with the dancers or just watch them pay for a table dance. I haven't tried massage parlors myself (I'm not talking about shady places here but legitimate ones.) I did pick up a relative from one and there was a hot blonde girl working there. I saw her leave. I found out a few months later my relative told me she was asking if I had a steady girlfriend or not because she was looking for a new boyfriend. I wish I had known sooner. She was hot.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Government Strippers 4 The War on Terror-------- YES or NO ? . . .
    I say no thanks. What government worker is going to seriously take someone called Buffie the stripper or whatever name calling at 2AM saying in a drunken voice, I think this guy here is a serious threat. Government employee "why, did he threaten you mam?" Dancer "yeah, he said I overcharged him for his dances and if I didn't pay him back, he was going to send some guys over to New York where my relatives live." government worker "ok, mam, just call the local police, they can handle the matter." click. Government efficiency at work. Pass the buck.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    I wonder if shadowcat's memory is better than mine. It seems hard for me to hold a grudge against any stripper for too long because I don't even remember them for too long usually. I'm thinking about a stripper who actually picked my pocket several years ago. I helped to get her fired. At least 3 clubs later and a number of months later, I actually bought a dance from her. A few months earlier I didn't even want to be in the same club as her. This dancer was originally one of my favorites so she must have been pretty desparate to pick my pocket. The manager of that club wasn't too pleased to find out why all the customers had been leaving and not returning. I always thought the dancer who did the stealing would not have been happy with me if she knew I caught her and helped to get her fired but I decided not to ask her. Ok, time for happier discussions. I'm feeling in a better mood. I'm hoping for a stock market rise so I buy back a short ETF at a cheaper price. Maybe we need more girls to raise their skirts to get the stocks going up again. :)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Would strippers like pirates as in the old days?
    Somehow, these folks look out of place at a renaissance festival. http://www.rengeekcentral.com/Album/RPFS/ RPFS01-0128-ImperialArchers.jpg You have to combine the two lines above. I split them up to avoid the extra wide screen.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Would strippers like pirates as in the old days?
    I see what you mean. One quick search and I found the dancing wenches at the bottom of the page. http://www.thelope.com/2007/04/ spring-2007-great-plains-renaissance.html
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Would strippers like pirates as in the old days?
    I can just imagine the conversation with a dancer. Arrr, I've got some booty back at my place. You want to come take a look at my gold stash? Would a pirate talk like that?
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Any place that interests me.
    63, 63 plus 3
    The US only had 2 bombs at the time and if the Japanese knew that, I doubt they would have surrendered. I heard that some of the Japanese commanders did not want to surrender even with 2 cities getting nuked. They didn't surrender after one city was nuked. Based on what I know about WWII, if I could go back in time and persuade either the German or Japanese commanders, I could have provided information to let the Axis win the war. The outcome of the war was not certain in the beginning. I believe many Americans take it for granted that we will be able to easily defeat any enemies. I believe that could be a grave mistake.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    oh oh edwards a "baby daddy?"
    On the other hand just think if Edwards had been Hillary Clintons's VP? She'd kick him out faster than you can spit. People would start questioning her decision making ability. Then Mr. Clinton would speak and blow it off. He might just say Mr. Edwards was going thru some hard times.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    oh oh edwards a "baby daddy?"
    New law, mandatory concubines for president of the US. Cheating on your wife while running for office and trying to get sympathy because your wife is dying of cancer, despicable. Everyone has their standards. Clinton just smiled and said he didn't have sexual relations. I respect liars a lot more than those who lie and try to get our sympathy at the same time.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    How important are reviews?
    They are all important. If a club has lots of bad reviews and the reviewers say the club sucks as well, you can believe it if the reviewers have several reviews. However one bad review and they don't state that the club sucks, it's just something that pissed them off.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    I vote shadowcat for most original topic title tonight. Maybe I should start another topic called Miller Lite.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    By the way the view is usually pretty good when they are up on a stage.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    I've only started my 4th beer but I'm feeling a lot better already. I don't consider myself a follower but an independent. I have nice views of women. I just don't like the rip off bitches.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Jenna love her hate her?
    Is that Jenna Jameson? Wasn't she a feature entertainer in the carolinas for years or am I thinking of someone else? If that's her I thought she was ok.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    oh oh edwards a "baby daddy?"
    Anyone who is running for the highest office in the US should be held to a higher standard than an ordinary scumbag cheating on his wife who happens to be dying of cancer. Seeking sympathy from voters in the meantime is just despicable. Those actions speak a lot louder than words about what kind of character you have. Supporting people like this speaks only about your own character. Despicable. Only out for themselves and what they can get for themselves. This is a major reason why I think this country may be headed towards hell in a handbag. I think we still have about 47 years left before most human life on this planet is destroyed so go ahead and live it up.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Am I spending too much money for nothing?
    If another dancer charges only $50 for two lap dances and she gives you a happy ending, you're spending too much on the other girl. Unless you're really a millionaire and don't care how much money you spend.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Listen bitch. I tried to not involve you again.
    We could all agree to stay home and not spend any money on strip clubs. That's what I'm going to do, at least for a while.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    What's in a rating?
    chandler you seemed to have missed the point of my posts. I'm just warning the locals she'll rip you off because she's a liar. You can't believe what she tells you. It's that simple. You agree to pay someone for a service and they don't perform, you can complain and warn other people but I doubt you can do too much more when it comes to a lap dance. I won't be returning to that club for some time. The dancers set their own prices for lap dances to the best of my knowledge. The club doesn't get a set amount per dance. If they did I wouldn't have been a regular customer. I was also letting other regulars know my rating shouldn't affect the overall club rating very much. My posts weren't directed to people who don't visit the club unless you just wanted to add that you don't like ROB's.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    What's in a rating?
    I guess when a dancer has a technique to rip off unsuspecting guys or customers and it's worked great in the past, she'll continue business as usual. She had her technique down. Have you pay first. If she's caught she just uses probably one of a dozen lies she has already used before. Oh, I didn't hear you if questioned about it. Selective deafness, only hearing everything else I said but claiming not to hear the "two for" part. I told her I didn't believe her. Didn't matter to her. Apparently she's confident she can continue to rip off more customers.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    What's in a rating?
    I wonder if their security cameras in the lap dance area have audio as well? I was having fun until she came over and harassed me.