
Comments by casualguy (page 40)

  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    What's in a rating?
    Actually I asked a bouncer her name. Just so I could warn anyone reading this. I wasn't making up the part about a lot of police in the back parking lot. I don't know what was going on. I didn't see the police inside the club. If she didn't have me pay up front I might have believed her lie about not hearing me. She's such a good liar she can make up a story without hardly a thought. I don't know why the staff was concerned if I was ok or not. Were they going to pay me back what the dancer stole from me? I think not.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    better than google?
    Is it an adult search engine or just everything?
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Sorry off subject
    I guess it's good to take advantage of opportunities. All this talk about restaurants, pizza, Waffle Houses is getting me hungry.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    The mighty theomorphic shadowcat...
    Be very careful, it's hard to read that as Elmer Fud would say it. You might get struck by some shadow lightning coming down. Ok, who let the dogs out? I guess I'm not being nice tonight.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Waffle Houses...
    You guys made me hungry talking about pizza. I haven't been to a Waffle house in many years but now I'm getting hungrier thinking about some waffles as well.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Sorry off subject
    Oh ok. If you've checked it out and know what you're getting into, go for it. I'm sure some guys will be disappointed if you're not stripping anymore.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Do you watch hot female customers in strip clubs?
    The local DJ's seem to encourage girl on girl or rather dancer on female customer especially if the female customer is hot and goes topless on stage with the dancer helping her.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Do you watch hot female customers in strip clubs?
    I did think it was strange to have a lone female customer. She looked ok but was acting a bit too crazy I thought. She made me nervous saying someone thought we were sleeping together. I didn't know what she was telling someone or why. You never know what a drunk female customer might do.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Do you watch hot female customers in strip clubs?
    I'm used to a lot of couples and sometimes groups of females. Female customers in a club doesn't seem like any big deal to me. The biggest surprise I had was one night I was waiting to tip a dancer at the stage and a female customer snuck up behind me and got right next to me and tipped the dancer at the same time. I don't remember what she said. When I sat down, she waved me over to her table which was nearby. Then she started laughing saying that someone thought that she and I were sleeping together. I started thinking "this girl is drunk and crazy and she just got me to sit at her table." Then I was wondering if some jealous guy was going to cause trouble. Didn't see anyone. The dancer on stage thought she was my girlfriend and even asked if I wanted my girlfriend to join us after I agreed to get a lap dance. Crazy.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Fantails Myrtle Beach
    Is she a feature entertainer? I've been to Myrtle Beach several times but haven't stopped by Fantails.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Sorry off subject
    I like going off subject. Seems like a tough time to try to start a restaurant business though with people trying to cut back their spending.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How many times has excessive alcohol fucked up a fuck?
    Easy solution. Don't drink and ... fill in the blank whether that is drive or fuck or try to remember some girl's phone number.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Listen bitch. I tried to not involve you again.
    Shadowcat is getting slandered? I must have missed something. Sounds like a religous discussion talking about having followers. I must have missed a lot. I'll go get some snacks and watch.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Do you watch hot female customers in strip clubs?
    She wasn't too much of a spectacle, unless you were sitting nearby. I didn't mind though. I was watching 3 dancers on stage, dancers walking by, and her skirt kept going back up doing a little bit of dancing with the guy she was with. Some other guys were just watching her instead of the dancers.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    How bad is the economy is your area?
    Shadowcat, if you get tired of getting credit card offers in the mail, you can call up the opt out phone number and have your name taken off the mailing list so you don't get about 99 percent of credit card offers anymore. I remember I spent over an hour or two shredding nothing but credit card offers one day before I decided to stop it. Works great. You can always call up a credit card company and apply for another credit card if you want to, opting out just helps eliminate most of the junk mail. Just throwing credit card offers away without shredding them increases your risk of identity theft. I was going to say, no homes for sale in my neighborhood anymore. Apparently I'm in a prime spot to save on gas and to downsize from the big mcmansions out in the suburbs. My neighborhood has smaller energy efficient houses. I did beat someone out when I bought my house by only a few minutes. That was several years ago though. Gas here has dropped to $3.59, I can now tip an extra 2 bucks in the strip clubs and be out the same amount of cash.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Waffle Houses...
    The little town I live in used to have no Waffle Houses. Suddenly we seem to have them all over the place. I've counted at least 3. Can the strip clubs be far behind? We don't have them either. That would be a good way to increase business at Waffle House apparently. Then I could become a true rock just paying cover and sitting in the club not tipping hardly anyone.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    South Carolina
    "Did you miss me?"
    I was asked tonight, "do you remember me?" I hesitated and just said she looked familiar which was true. She said she would give me a few minutes. An hour later she asked me again. I guessed at another club but apparently that was the wrong answer. I don't know why some dancers want me to remember them so much.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    How bad is the economy is your area?
    I don't know if whole towns are bankrupt, I believe I just read a comment online stating something like that may be possible or getting close to it.
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    16 years ago
    How bad is the economy is your area?
    I believe our GDP would have been negative if not for exports. Now that the rest of the global economy is starting to slow down, those exports should start decreasing which will only make things worse here. Besides if everything were rosy, McCain would stand a much better chance of getting elected. I've noticed a bias in the major media evening news. CBS seems to be bias in favor of the democrats. They often seem to start the news talking about how bad things are in our economy. Another network only mentions economic news later and makes it seem less important. We're heading towards a financial crisis but it may be another year or two before it becomes more evident for everyone. I'm not even sure what California is going to do with their massive multi billion dollar budget deficits and whole towns that are pretty much bankrupt. At a minimum I wouldn't be surprised if they were on the verge of being bankrupt with so many homes dropping in price and people not paying taxes. The optimists out there might think this is a good time to buy. Sometimes prices of things can take decades to return back to where it used to be. Real estate is one of those things but not all local markets are the same.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Whats next? Condoms? Vasectomys?
    I may be against abortion but if someone is trying to buy a legal product and someone refuses to sell it to them in the pharmacy, I think they should be fired. What's next? Some stores refuse to take money issued by the US because they have moral objections against using US currency? If it's legal, they should be fired in my opinion for refusing the sale. If enough people have a moral objection against selling a product to use to abort a fetus, then make that use of the product illegal.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    I know its a pipe dream but if you could
    I'll agree Jessica Alba, plus a few of those Deal No Deal girls.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    South Carolina
    "Did you miss me?"
    I just give the standard lie. "Yeah, I missed you." Even if I don't remember who she is. I thought that line would make her feel better about me rather than me stumbling and saying something like ,"uh, what did you say your name was?" "oh, yeah, I think I remember you now, did you work here at this club?" Then, "yeah, I missed you." Somehow, I think talking too much gives away too much information about how you remember her.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    guess im not welcome
    wondergrl5, I think you're welcome here. I've been too busy to post or read most of the junk these guys have been posting. I may start posting more frequently here since I'm thinking about staying home instead of going to strip clubs for awhile. Not really because I want to but because I don't have much cash if I want to pay all my bills. Besides, strip clubs aren't as much fun if you're the only one going to the stage to tip the dancers when the club is crowded. This economy seems to be going downhill fast.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    What's your favorite dancer line?
    I've never had a dancer ask me about comparative literature. I did have one dancer ask me about art and she went and got some drawings she did and showed them to me. I was surprised she had them at the strip club.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    What's your favorite dancer line?
    I just remembered another line. A dancer asked me for a dance. I told her I needed to use the restroom first. She asked "can I hold it for you while you go?" I thought she was joking but she had this serious look on her face.