
Jenna love her hate her?

Saturday, August 9, 2008 12:32 AM
Alot of girls HATE her some worship her whats a guys perspective? [view link]


  • clubman2
    16 years ago
    If I can get palamony(sp) if we broke up I could love her other wise she'd doable.
  • wondergrl5
    16 years ago
    she's married I meant as a fan
  • clubman2
    16 years ago
    picky, picky! just a detail. She's ok.
  • wondergrl5
    16 years ago
    ok her in a bed sayin FUCK ME PLEASE. HA HA
  • clubman2
    16 years ago
    I'm all over it lol
  • wondergrl5
    16 years ago
    gotta admit she did well on Bil O'Reily He asked for "Samples" of her films after. I wonder if he watched those and called that employee of his.
  • clubman2
    16 years ago
    low blow
  • wondergrl5
    16 years ago
    im just sayin what got O' Reily Reilied up ha ha besides he was a judgemental dick on the show and then POW he pulls those phone calls. Thats why I say if your a perv shout it out cause when you deny it it looks bad on you
  • clubman2
    16 years ago
    prophetic! and he's always a judgemental dick
  • MisterGuy
    16 years ago
    I look at JJ and feel sorry for her. She has the stereotypical porno star background...her mother died when she was young, her father was never really a parent to her, she had bad experiences with men when she was young or first starting out as a stripper, etc., etc....she's so obviously fucked up beyond belief that it isn't sexy for me personally. "low blow" No way...if anyone deseves a blow like that...it's Bill O!
  • parodyman-->
    16 years ago
    Jenna? To me she is just OK. The wife likes her movies. Flashpoint has our favorite scene. (Jenna and some other chic in the resturaunt restroom. Very hot!)
  • snowtime
    16 years ago
    I have never been a fan of Jenna or any other major porn star with the exception of Marilyn Chambers(only older TUSCLers will remember he in her prime). I prefer the natural, "girl next door look" that you seldom see in a porn star. For some reason porn seems to require an enhanced Barbie doll look which doesn't appeal to me. Fortunately there are a lot of natural types on the Internet so I haven't looked at a "packaged" porn movie in many years.
  • BobbyI
    16 years ago
    Jenna just is not freaky enough compared to the modern young porn stars. Too vanilla. *snore*
  • BobbyI
    16 years ago
    Oh and since this a strip club discussion board: I say Jenna is a bad example to young strippers from a customer's POV. We much prefer the examples of freakiness set by the young porn stars these days: were we would not be surprised to say, see them do interracial, anal, gang bang all in one scene. We also love the glorification of the pimp/whore lifestyle (at least as far as strippers go) thanks to mainstream hip-hop/gangster rap.
  • Book Guy
    16 years ago
    She's hot. She's not the super-hottest-hot of all hotness girls out there, but she's very hot. In the high-A to A-plus category. I don't personally like fake-looking tits, but if you're gonna have 'em then try to get 'em to flow and seem soft like Jenna's seem to be. I don't really care about whether she is smart or talks well or has something positive or negative to contribute about the porn-to-mainstream crossover. I don't give a fuck. She's hot.
  • parodyman-->
    16 years ago
    Bobbyl, What insight could a 13 year old boy who is kept locked in shadowcat's basement have? You know nothing about what people want. You just want to be like your mentor.
  • wondergrl5
    16 years ago
    I actually prefer Gina Linn(sp?)
  • casualguy
    16 years ago
    Is that Jenna Jameson? Wasn't she a feature entertainer in the carolinas for years or am I thinking of someone else? If that's her I thought she was ok.
  • Clubber
    16 years ago
    As clubman2 said, "doable", but to me, nothing special.
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