
Comments by casualguy (page 132)

  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    She's TOO OLD to Keep as a Dancer
    I was thinking that's a rare dancer that tells you exactly how old she is and her birthday. I don't believe that's information that I would share with just anyone.
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    20 years ago
    Detroit, Michigan
    Moral Values and Political Power
    If our leaders forget that more people voted against Bush than possibly any other election, they will be really sorry in the next election. The way I saw it, Bush is pro business and strip clubs are a business. Take a look at New York City where the so called liberals live at and they are trying and have been shutting down all the strip clubs that they could. I believe in treating your neighbor as you would like to be treated. Trying to impose your moral values on everyone else and hurting the economy in the process will guarantee people like me never vote for whomever that is. Same thing applies for the gay marriage laws, other people's morals were or are being imposed on everyone else. Many people across the nation didn't like that. Just a thought, I would be in the category of people that claimed moral values were number one reason they voted they way they did and I go to strip clubs. I believe abortion is murder and don't like judges up in the northeast forcing everyone else in the nation to accept their definition of gay marriage too. Looking at other things too, Houston Texas has tons of strip clubs where Bush was governor while New York City close to where Kerry comes from has been busy shutting down strip clubs. Who is more against? Looks can be deceiving.
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    20 years ago
    Detroit, Michigan
    Moral Values and Political Power
    If the issue of strip clubs had been discussed during the election and one candidate was pro and the other not, I may have voted different. The last democrat in the white house didn't need strip clubs, he had an intern in training and gave her some private lessons. Stupidest thing he did was saying anything about it in the first place. Here's an interesting thought, it seems all of our latest presidential leaders may have an arguable criminal trait but the voters often claim they vote for them for moral reasons. The Republicans will fight wars against other countries if it's in the US interest and the last democrat had illegal sex in the white house and possibly secret deals with foreign countries such as China giving away US nuc tech secrets.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    She's TOO OLD to Keep as a Dancer
    A simple way to look at it would be to ask a simple question, would you be willing to fuck the girl if given a chance? If the answer is no then she is too old or out of shape to dance. I heard a woman ask me today if I would be willing to have sex with a wild old woman. I thought maybe it was a joke but wasn't sure. If the person asking the question meant for her the answer would definitely be no. Then she said, "darn no one wants to have sex with me."
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Would you GIVE MONEY to someone who WANTS NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU??????
    I've heard of people giving money so as to get rid of them. I'm not sure if that would work with a stripper though unless you claimed it was a loan, then they might disappear. I once ran into someone from work at a local strip club and he asked me to keep quiet about it and even paid for a free table dance to keep quiet about seeing him there. He always talked to his local work group about going to bible study etc. and his cover would be blown if I mentioned anything.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Any customer overheard a stripper RIDICULING him when she thought he didn't hear
    You obviously don't go to any Platinum Plus clubs. I could barely hear the dancers when they were shouting in my ear standing right next to me. I had to keep shouting back. WHAAAT?
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    customers who have MARRIED strippers that they have met INSIDE THE CLUB
    Congratulations RL, you found a stripper to get married to. So who's the unfortunate lady? We all want to send our condolences. Maybe we can send her a card, "Better luck next time"
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Do you find it is getting easier to go DEAF in strip clubs lately?
    Actually in the area I sat and several other places in the club I was in, I never heard one dancer say she liked the music that loud. In fact I heard the opposite from dancers several times. That is I heard them say that when I left the area so we could talk.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Detroit, Michigan
    Moral Values and Political Power
    Makes you wonder why a nipple created more Shock and Awe than the Shock and Awe bombing campaign over in Iraq. You do wonder if it really was an accident. So is the nation being very moral by condemning anything sexual while our military is off on another bombing run killing people, destroying homes, and handicapping others in the debris? Does it seem strange for someone to say they have strong moral values but support all the bombing and killing over in Iraq? If it's ok if a few innocent people die from our bombings in Iraq, then why is anything sexual in the US so horrible that it needs to be banned or heavily fined? I don't think we are the highly moral country that some of the religious right would like to believe.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Strippers who GET TIRED of their REGULAR CUSTOMERS who spend MONEY on them
    So what are the names of these various websites? I don't usually read that much info on stripper web sites. Maybe you can fill us in. I'm not going to trust your info without getting a real name of another website.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Detroit, Michigan
    Moral Values and Political Power
    I thought Bush and the more moderate Republicans were in favor of less government and more power and freedom to the states. I heard that in Nevada they voted to legalize prostitution and elected Bush as well. I don't see alot of contradiction in that. Freedom to the people means they can do as they wish in their communities. Where the contradiction lies is in what the religious right thinks of their win. If they think it means they have power to impose their will upon the entire nation, then the entire nation will rise up against them in the next election. I believe I heard this morning that it was hardly noticed that Bush did say he was in favor of supporting rights for gay civil unions just not the granting of gay marriage rights. I heard that was a break from the rest of the Republican party. Less government is better goverment. The democratic leadership doesn't believe that so I didn't vote for them. I want freedom though and I don't want to live where the religious right thinks they can impose their will on everyone else. That was a big worry about supporting Bush this time, will things go too far right? If they do, I'll never vote Republican again unless of course the democrats choose Hillary to run. She would definitely be in favor of shutting down all strip clubs. Clinton might have too much fun in them. He might even find an intern working there.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Do you actually think that you are SPECIAL to your favorite stripper?
    I also would advise to be careful with strippers who make you think you are special. They may lure you off to bed and during some wild sex, they may cause your protection to slip off and make you really special. You could really be a father figure then. I wouldn't want that kind of special. You may really stop thinking you are special if you get something extra after sleeping around with a stripper. You would immediately start wondering if that wasn't a yeast infection she had but of course you don't really feel like asking those kind of questions. The only way she could get something else is if she were sleeping around. I guess if you refused to have sex with her after that but didn't tell her why, then she would no longer feel special either. Then no one feels special anymore. I don't know, it sounds more fun to imagine you are SPECIAL than to actually be special.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Do you actually think that you are SPECIAL to your favorite stripper?
    You may also want to ask yourself if your special stripper were in a regular bar, if you would even want to go out with her. If the answer is no, then I wouldn't want to feel special. Lol, I'm starting to think too much about an old Saturday night live show where a church lady says "Isn't that SPECIAL?"
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Would you GIVE MONEY to someone who WANTS NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU??????
    I forgot to add, this guy stated that his friends made him come to the club with them. Then he introduced me to his friends by saying "and this is the son of the mafia leader for the county."
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Often the reason is NOT SAFETY, it's the (sometimes CRIMINAL) BOYFRIEND
    Leave it to RL to start talking about criminals. hmmm maybe RL knows something about the criminal mind. I'll say this is one of the better posts by RL. I suppose he's saying all you have to do to become a dancer's boyfriend is to be a dangerous criminal. RL you sure you aren't a dancer's boyfriend yet?
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Do you find it is getting easier to go DEAF in strip clubs lately?
    I need to buy a new set of ear plugs and then I can go sit in the middle of a big group of empty seats in the middle of the club. Good idea.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    My God, what is the obsession with $5 dances?
    If someone wants to pay $20, $30, or even $40 per dance because that's what the going dance rate is then go for it. I just don't like paying more than what I consider is the average price for a dance in my area. I can't really afford high priced dances either. There is one club I go to sometimes where dance prices are pretty routinely set at $40 and that is way more than I want to pay so I never get any there. It must be nice to have money to burn and not be at all concerned about dance prices.
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    20 years ago
    My God, what is the obsession with $5 dances?
    It is a few of the dancers who seem to haggle with me. I have a take it or leave it attitude when a dancer tells me how much her dance is. (Dancers keep telling me different prices for their dances.) If I'm not interested in a dancer or her high price, I'll either say no thanks or maybe later. Then the dancer will sometimes say well how about $25 for two dances or sometimes will just walk away. I don't see this as haggling on my part. It is the dancer trying to convince me to get a dance from her. I really don't care for dancers who say they won't take no for an answer or even a maybe later. Sitting on my lap and then refusing to leave until I get a dance is not the way to make me want to get a dance.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Do strippers get ATTACHED to customers who pay SMALL AMOUNTS for SEXUAL ACTIVITI
    So RL you want me to guess at what the strippers would say back to you? I guess they may something in response back to you something like "F**k O*f or "Kiss my *ss which RL might misintrepret as a come on. Another response might be "Bouncer! Take this guy out back!" For someone who doesn't get it, the posts above were a joke.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Would you GIVE MONEY to someone who WANTS NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU??????
    RL the reason your comments may appear stupid is because the few guys getting played like that probably do not have the common sense to read about strip clubs. I doubt they would ever read any advice here and believe it. If they are that smart, it doesn't seem they would get as easily played. I believe almost everyone here already knows there are a few dancers who will play guys for every last dollar they can get and pretend to be sort of like a girlfriend. Of course these clever dancers are nice to their victims because that is their source of income. These type of dancers may have a small group of guys believing that she really likes them. (Meanwhile she is counting so many dollars from each guy as part of her monthly income.) Some of those guys may actually enjoy the attention but may have problems paying bills. If not then it's just a good time. RL, there must not be alot of other things to talk about other than strippers in the trailer park is that right?
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Would you be friendly with a stripper who picked your pocket?
    I believe I will remember what she did for the rest of my life. As far as her name goes, well I have at a minimum temporarily forgotten what it is. I know her stage name but I once knew her real name. She didn't tell me but the manager of the club she used to work at had me id her based on a photo of her driver's license. She's lucky I'm not RL or she would never hear the end of it. I suppose if I hadn't gotten my money back (from the manager not her) then I would still have hard feelings and not in a good way no pun intended.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Do large club managers tell the dancers to go ask certain guys for dances?
    Not really, maybe it's just all the dancers circling the club so much and I'm not used to that at other clubs. It's probably because I went into the club by myself and most other groups were mixed with male and female customers or large groups of males or females. I did see some dancers dancing for some of the female customers and some of those females looked better than the dancers. Now that I think about it, I once sat close to about 5 female customers and the dancers didn't bother me then. I guess I just need to appear as part of a group.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Identifying high mileage dancers
    There are rules? really? Oh ok, I guess I forgot. Just joking of course. I've always heard don't do anything that I wouldn't do and if you do, don't get caught, lol.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Would you be friendly with a stripper who picked your pocket?
    Now I'm wondering if she might be finished with her pick pocketing stealing days or if other strippers in the club might be at risk. Oh well, I guess I'll let the strippers fend for themselves for awhile before I start any rumors. I suppose strippers have to look out for this sort of thing all the time don't they?
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Do large club managers tell the dancers to go ask certain guys for dances?
    I don't need any help in getting attention most of the time. Concerning wedding rings I remember one time a probably drunk girl in a regular bar came up to me and insisted I must be married. She wouldn't take no for an answer so I finally told her what she wanted to hear. Sometimes people will make you lie. Just like a roomate I once had that had like 20 girlfriends. He would have me answer the phone for him on occasion and tell stories. It can be kind of fun doing that though. I remember one of his lies now. He called up a girl and within one minute said "can you call me back in a few minutes? The firealarm just went off and we have to evacuate the building." There was no alarm but he didn't want to pay a long distance phone charge after he made the first phone call. He was good. Sometimes I think strippers like playing games like this but just with a slight twist on the customers in a strip club.