
Comments by casualguy (page 105)

  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Things You'll Never Hear a Stripper Say
    I've heard "do you mind if I smoke?" a lot. How about "this dance is free." ? I heard that one recently but that doesn't happen very often with most dancers. "That song was too short, I'm not counting it." Well, I've heard a few dancers tell me this but most don't. "You should be dancing for me."
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Common web site internal 500 error server messages?
    Didn't get a message tonight but the site was pretty slow at times.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Inquiring dancers about extras
    I don't ask about extras either. Ask a lot of questions and you might be suspected for a cop or vise. If not that, then the dancers might just go around telling everyone what a jerk you are and point you out to the other dancers. I believe I saw something like this in IGU's favorite club where some guy apparently thought he could just ask a dancer how much for a blowjob. I bet he didn't get any more dances. I think in some clubs, you can get thrown out for asking such questions. Several dancers probably think it's an insult to imply they will do extras for some money. Of course some guys are willing to look for that needle in a haystack.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How many email addresses do you have?
    I have at least 3 but I really only use 2. One at work and one at home. I've had others but I'm sure they were dropped due to inactivity. When I had dialup years ago, I used to get spammed like crazy after I replied to them to remove me from their mailing list. Didn't realize at the time that was a big mistake. I think I was getting 30 spam messages a day. With DSL, I get none to only 1 to 3 every 2 days or so. It was only about one or two spam messages for almost 2 years though. I automatically delete the spam without even opening it. I still remember when I first used the internet in the 90's, I was excited to get any email.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    What Does A Stripper Spend Her Money On
    Just added one more person to my ignore list. Anyway, I wouldn't be surprised if some dancers have enough extra to actually have investments in stocks and mutual funds but I've never had a two way discussion with a dancer on the topic of investments. That makes me think almost all of the dancers I meet are not saving that much and do not have investments other than perhaps a house. If I knew in college what I know now, I could have a ton of money by now. I guess that's easy to say with hindsight though.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    What Does A Stripper Spend Her Money On
    I'm more impressed with dancers who spend their money on a mortgage or something of value. I've met some who seemed to be blowing their money away on drugs or who knows what and then they have to dance away to have enough just to pay their bills. Now for a dancer to suddenly have to go from claiming almost nothing to $60,000 in income, that would be a big tax bite. She might get a large portion of it back with the tax advantages of owning a home and deducting interest but she essentially would be in the same tax situation as a lot of other people. Seems like maybe her husband could have claimed some income to reduce the amount needed.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    What Does A Stripper Spend Her Money On
    I remember meeting one dancer who told me she was a real estate agent. She was only moonlighting as a dancer. I was wondering if she was telling me the truth but then she told me her picture was in the paper or some real estate ads. She could have gotten me to go look at some houses. When I hear a dancer is paying a mortgage or bought a house, I sometimes wonder if she has a significant other to use as the income requirement or if she is reporting enough income and taxes to be accepted for a loan. Thinking about possibly easy mortgage loans, it appears it has been much easier in the last few years, it sounds like several million people got loans or mortgages they shouldn't have. They're all in danger of losing their homes even if they keep their jobs with housing prices dropping and/or adjustable rates skyrocketing mortgage payments by over $1,000 a month. I think the problem is so bad that the state of Ohio is offering a bailout plan with certain restrictions. It's my opinion the people there are trying to help stop a steeper decline in the price of houses. I read somewhere today the average price of housing is expected to drop 7% in 2007. If a dancer or anyone else has an adjustable rate mortgage, it's easy to know where their money is going. I was a bit surprised when I read a few million people are expected to lose their homes. Then I started hearing about the problem in the national news. This problem may not apply to dancers as much as others but I really don't know. a few million people is a lot.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    To shave or not to shave? Customers....
    I do prefer dancers with smooth legs.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    To shave or not to shave? Customers....
    I don't like to shave at all. I shave my face before I go to work. I typically shave on Saturday as well whenever I get around to it. I thought about growing a beard and mustache a long time ago but decided I didn't want to look like Blackbeard the pirate.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Medical issue or mental issue?
    I have another question. She wasn't lying on the bed with her eyes closed before she fell asleep was she? Maybe she was sleepy.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Medical issue or mental issue?
    I did a search for passing out. It sounds like a medical issue to me. http://everything2.com/index.pl?node=fainting It might just be a case of being too excited and suffering hyperventilation. Could be worse though. Other than that, you could just imagine it was a sign from above that you weren't supposed to have sex with her.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Menage a trois? Yes or no?
    So if you took 4 dancers into the back at one time, do you call that Menage a cinq? or did you only take 3, then maybe it would be Menage a quatre? I've never had dances from more than 2 dancers at one time I believe.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    dancer soliciting for OTC.
    I think it's easy to turn down a dancer when she wants money for whatever. Now if she just wants to be friendly and doesn't want money, then it can get interesting.
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    18 years ago
    Best way to turn down a dancer?
    hmmm, juicy details... Suddenly I'm getting very sleepy... :) Keep imagining things. :)
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Best way to turn down a dancer?
    I might tell her maybe later if she brings up the subject to me again. About every single dancer that I remember wanting to see me outside the club for a bite to eat or whatever, seems to have been honest with me at least about hooking up.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Best way to turn down a dancer?
    I got what I expected from everyone else. Not much. However I did figure out what I was going to do. Now if you're tired of me wasting your time, maybe I can improve your mind by directing you to http://www.wyff4.com/health/11253058/detail.html or some free stuff at http://brainmetrix.com/ I beat the computer chess opponent fairly fast.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Common web site internal 500 error server messages?
    Couldn't even get the web site to load up an hour or so ago. Seems to be working pretty good at the moment though. I'll see if that continues.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    What are tip walks?
    I guess if tip walks were normal, maybe they could be done in a manner I could get used to. I very much prefer clubs where the dancers make their money by getting dances though.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Best way to turn down a dancer?
    I got it. I'll just say I'm flattered you asked me but I already was thinking about going out with someone else, whenever I get the time to do so. Hopefully she's not a drama queen.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    What are tip walks?
    I've encountered maybe 7 or 8 dancers over the years who asked me for a dance, then they asked for a tip after I said no. I remember one who was quite obnoxious afterwards when I tried to hand her and her friend a dollar each. She was rude. Apparently she didn't even understand how rude she was because she kept popping back by asking me for a dance at least two more times. Since any dancer asking for a tip when you're not even close to the stage is rare where I live at, asking guys in the crowd who weren't even watching the stage show seems rude to me. I'm glad tip walks are unknown where I live at. I got a hunch many guys would just say no where I live at. I think I would if it became common and I'd probably stop tipping at all. Then if the club was no more fun, I wouldn't even visit. If you can't reach a stage to tip dancers, it seems like a poorly designed club in my opinion. I'd rather have small satellite stages and let everyone tip a dancer that wants to instead of having dancers walking around like beggars pissing a number of guys off asking for money like a beggar. I guess if you grew up used to that, it'd probably seem like no big deal.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    South Carolina
    Shadowcat/Igiveup banned again
    I didn't realize Bones postings were removed. Did he get the founder upset as well or do you think it's because TUSCL is feeling some pressure from the law? I must have missed out on what went on there.
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    18 years ago
    South Carolina
    Shadowcat/Igiveup banned again
    I was thinking lost interest in strippers and strip clubs? Maybe the ones in Atlanta but I'd be surprised if it was all of them.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    What are tip walks?
    Thanks for the info. I'm glad I visit clubs where the customers tip at the stage. I enjoy watching a dancer work for her tip even though that may only last a matter of seconds. I get to decide when to tip a dancer and get her attention at the same time. Do these places with tip walks not have any stage side seats?
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    How Much Does A Stripper Make?
    I met a hot dancer in a club that was almost dead for a while who told me she was only making $100 to $120 a night. But she told me that was tax free. Well that just tells me she's not reporting her income. I also don't know how many nights a week she was working. She's obviously not too happy with her income if she tells me she's only making.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    dancer soliciting for OTC.
    I'm not really sure what happened last night. I went to one club and the hottest girl in the club seemed to be all over me and I found out she actually lives not too far away from me. No outside the club offer suggestions though. I was wondering if she rubbed some kind of strawberry like perfume or fragance on me though because it seemed like an aphrodisiac for all the other girls I met last night. Another dancer was giving me a line going mmmmm, mmmmm or so I thought, smelling me. However I found out I could smell a strawberry like fragrance on my skin after I got home. I thought one dancer at one club was joking when she told me she wanted me to take her out to dinner. Little did I realize at the moment she wasn't. Everything else she was doing makes sense to me now. Told me she didn't have a boyfriend for 3 years (thinking yeah right). I made a few casual comments that made her think I may like her. The waitress asked me if I would like to pay for her drink as well as mine so I said ok. When the dancer saw that, she insisted on paying me for her drink saying she never asked me to pay for it. When was the last time a dancer insisted on paying you for her own drink after you already paid the waitress? Then she sat and chatted with me for a while and kept coming back. Then she asked me again saying she would like to go out to eat with me. Meanwhile I spotted another dancer (not working) from another club who I had been thinking about going out with (I have her name and number). She waved at me even though she was with some guy. I never asked her out so far. Meanwhile I'm left thinking, do I want to go out with the dancers or do I want to find some other girls to go out with? I guess a light bulb goes off when you realize a dancer is not joking and they don't seem to be after money. Either that or I need to stop leading dancers on when I'm drinking. It confuses me when I get approached by a female customer who is sitting with a guy. I'm thinking WTF? but then I found out she was a dancer at another club and for some reason wants me to get a dance (not from her though). said a girl was fingering her pussy and she wants me to get a dance from her. I'm thinking I didn't see that. Where was I? Obviously this was not in the club. I wouldn't mind meeting those girls OTC even though I did feel like they may know each other and tried to do a double team on me to get me to get a dance. Both hot girls. I'm wondering what was in that strawberry fragrance? I might be willing to put that on myself if it's that strong of an aphrodisiac.