
dancer soliciting for OTC.

Have anyone been solicited for OTC activities during a dance or to go to the champagne lounge for more mileage? This happened to me the other day and what a turn off it was. The dancer did a hard sell on trying to get me to pay for her services. It ruined my time there and I left. Have you encountered this and how did you handle it?


  • Book Guy
    18 years ago
    I generally agree, pull out more money, and let her get me off. What club? Which dancer? I'll go visit soon. :)
  • Yoda
    18 years ago
    While I don't really care for the hard sell approach it doesn't really surprise me when I see it happen. Dancing is all about marketing and every lady has a different approach. I don't care for pushy dancers. I find, in general, that even though they may deliver on their promises, the "pushy" factor makes it all less enjoyable.
  • DrRon
    18 years ago
    Sorry, guys, since the term isn't in the glossary, I'll need a definition of OTC. Thanks.
  • chandler
    18 years ago
    Ron, I just submitted these for inclusion in the Glossary:

    Inside The Club - As opposed to OTC (Outside The Club).
    Outside The Club - Meeting with a dancer for anything from an after work snack at Denny's to a dinner date to an escort session. Not usually approved of by the club or by many dancers.
  • chitownlawyer
    18 years ago
    Yes, I have had it happen to me.

    If the dancer is someone I find desirable, and the sell is done is a sexy,seductive way, I like it.

    If the dancer is someone I find loud, brassy and obnoxious, and the sell is done with all the finesse of a hotdog dealer at Wrigley Field, I don't like it.
  • chandler
    18 years ago
    I don't consider upselling during a dance to be just a different approach to marketing. It violates a principle. Once a customer agrees to a dance, he should be allowed to enjoy it for what it is. He's paying for it, so the dancer shouldn't use it as a pretext for selling him something else. If she wants to make her pitch afterwards, that's fine. Or, if the customer is buying a dance only in order to find out what else might be available, then he deserves all the upsell treatment he gets.
  • theknifex
    18 years ago
    This dancer's push was to go to the Champagne room for more liberties and then OTC. Telling me I should use my CC for the champagne room to get her drunk and blah blah. Hey, I enjoy the fantasy but this was too much. Have you ever considered reporting someone like this to management?

    To one of the posters, the dancer's name is Olivia....but you'll have to figure out which club. hahaha
  • Yoda
    18 years ago
    Report her to management? I guess you could get her in trouble for the OTC thing but why not just dump her for another dancer?
    Some girls are a pain in the ass but they are all just trying to make a living. For every guy like you that is bothered by it there are plenty of drunken stupid customers who she will make some money off of. Live and let live/buyer beware.
    18 years ago
    I probably sound like a broken record but I'll say it again anyway: find yourself a girl you really like, become her regular and you avoid all this annoying nonsense.
  • chandler
    18 years ago
    Trying to make a living is no excuse for ripping off customers. I don't like to get management involved over something like that, because I believe clubs work best when customer/dancer relations are self-policing. What I might have done is tell her she was finished in the middle of the song, and refused to pay her if I felt strongly that she hadn't held up her side of the deal. If she wanted to appeal to a manager, that's her call, but usually the rip-off bitches are bluffing - they've already used up any credibility for crying to management. And if she did call a manager over, at least you'd get to tell your side of the story.

    It would be nice if you could help keep her from ruining other guys' experiences, however I wouldn't waste an ounce of energy on anger or revenge. Instead, try to learn from the experience to better spot that type of bitch so you can avoid them before you agree to a dance. Buyer beware.
  • Book Guy
    18 years ago
    Chandler said: "I believe clubs work best when customer/dancer relations are self-policing".

    In my opinion, that is an EXCELLENT point, and truly ought to be the centerpiece of all competent strip-club management.

    (Then again, how would Bluto the idiot bouncer get his free blowjobs, if he let that brilliant idea operate ...)
  • Yoda
    18 years ago
    I think, by and large, most clubs and dancers ARE self policing. Honestly Chandler, I think you and I may draw a different line as to when a sales pitch becomes a rip-off. I just don't think it's that big of a deal. If you don't like the hard sell simply move on.
    There have been dozens of threads on this board over the years about dancers lying to get you to spend money on them. For the dancer it's a sales environment and everyone has a different approach. There is a fair amount of BS on the customer's side in many cases as well. It's all part of the environment once you walk into a club. Maybe I'm jaded but to me it's just not that big of a deal.
  • chandler
    18 years ago
    Yoda: For me, the keywords are "during the dance". When it's not on my dime, I might tolerate all kinds of rude behavior that, during a dance, I would consider a rip-off. And, frankly, I think that to characterize it as just an alternative sales technique is unfair to other dancers.

    I agree that most clubs do allow dancer/customer relations to be self-policing as much as possible. As Book Guy notes, it's the crappy clubs that don't get it. Policies like counting dances in order to take their cut, or limiting the time dancers can sit with a customer are always a sign of bad management. The best clubs see their role as providing a venue for hot women to do their thing, then turning 'em loose. At any rate, knowing that a better-run club is disinclined to ingtervene in a dispute is good to bear in mind.
    18 years ago
    Seems to me that in every service business there are those who try to give their customer full value and those who try to take advantage of customers. Why should strip clubs be any different? I agree with Yoda, when you run into a bad one, move on. It's one of the risks of clubbing.
  • chandler
    18 years ago
    Moving on is exactly what I mean by ending the pseudo-dance mid-song but not wasting an ounce of energy on anger or revenge. I just don't necessarily see any reason to pay her for her upsell pitch before I move on.
  • driver01
    18 years ago
    I hear you theknifex (interesting moniker,btw). Why just the other day, a dancer offered ME $300 if i'd let her take me out to dinner and then back to her place so she could have her way with me. I was stunned! She treated me like a piece a meat- as though I could be bought and paid for like a commodity. It was an absolutely shocking experience...and then, like Bobby Ewing, I woke up.
  • Yoda
    18 years ago
    Chandler: I don't see how being a rude or pushy dancer is somehow unfair to other dancers. If anything, she is helping them out by driving upset customers in their direction. No one is obligated to spend money on a dancer they don't like but the unfortunate truth is you almost always have to buy at least one dance to find out if the lady has what you are looking for.
  • chandler
    18 years ago
    Yoda: What I said was unfair was your finding some kind of equivalence between upselling during a dance and the relatively legitimate sales pitch practiced by most dancers, pushy or not. The way I see it, the issue isn't pushiness - it's the classic con of promising the guy a dance, but not delivering. Instead, telling him he needs to pay more if he wants to have fun. But, of course, nothing never happens. Most likely, she just keeps demanding more money until he goes broke or gets wise. I don't agree that it's an equally valid approach to making a living. Nor do I think that she's directing upset customers to her co-workers. She's driving them out the door, which is the reason that I find most dancers resent the presence of such a bitch in their club.

    I agree that you can't be sure whether you'll like a girl's dances until you buy one. However, one can learn to spot the outright rip-off bitches and avoid them. It's not just a matter of personal preference. They're a different breed. I often see dancers who bear all the signs, but it's probably been 10 years since I've been suckered by one. That's why my main advice to theknifex (the original poster) is to try to learn from the experience.
  • Yoda
    18 years ago
    Chandler, I agree it's easy to spot them. I also agree that the tactic is a rip-off. That doesn't mean it isn't a valid approach. Is it a bad approach? Sure it is, but since some girls do it, and appear to be somewhat successful at it, it is valid weather you and I like it or not. I understand your issue with the tactic but, as I said, it's all part of what goes on in clubs everyday. Customers are responsible for how they spend their money. An educated consumer spends wisely.
  • Book Guy
    18 years ago
    Wait, WHAT? I'm not responsible for how I spend my money, the LITTLE HEAD is responsible ...
  • Pete22z
    18 years ago
    I've been solicited twice...and if I'm not mistaken, both clubs have been shut down (go figure). I never took them up on it, but I often wonder what might have happened?
    RIP Gold Club. I barely knew ya.
  • casualguy
    18 years ago
    I'm not really sure what happened last night. I went to one club and the hottest girl in the club seemed to be all over me and I found out she actually lives not too far away from me. No outside the club offer suggestions though. I was wondering if she rubbed some kind of strawberry like perfume or fragance on me though because it seemed like an aphrodisiac for all the other girls I met last night. Another dancer was giving me a line going mmmmm, mmmmm or so I thought, smelling me. However I found out I could smell a strawberry like fragrance on my skin after I got home.

    I thought one dancer at one club was joking when she told me she wanted me to take her out to dinner. Little did I realize at the moment she wasn't. Everything else she was doing makes sense to me now. Told me she didn't have a boyfriend for 3 years (thinking yeah right). I made a few casual comments that made her think I may like her. The waitress asked me if I would like to pay for her drink as well as mine so I said ok. When the dancer saw that, she insisted on paying me for her drink saying she never asked me to pay for it. When was the last time a dancer insisted on paying you for her own drink after you already paid the waitress? Then she sat and chatted with me for a while and kept coming back. Then she asked me again saying she would like to go out to eat with me. Meanwhile I spotted another dancer (not working) from another club who I had been thinking about going out with (I have her name and number). She waved at me even though she was with some guy. I never asked her out so far. Meanwhile I'm left thinking, do I want to go out with the dancers or do I want to find some other girls to go out with? I guess a light bulb goes off when you realize a dancer is not joking and they don't seem to be after money. Either that or I need to stop leading dancers on when I'm drinking. It confuses me when I get approached by a female customer who is sitting with a guy. I'm thinking WTF? but then I found out she was a dancer at another club and for some reason wants me to get a dance (not from her though). said a girl was fingering her pussy and she wants me to get a dance from her. I'm thinking I didn't see that. Where was I? Obviously this was not in the club. I wouldn't mind meeting those girls OTC even though I did feel like they may know each other and tried to do a double team on me to get me to get a dance. Both hot girls. I'm wondering what was in that strawberry fragrance? I might be willing to put that on myself if it's that strong of an aphrodisiac.
  • parodyman-->
    18 years ago
    A topic all about a guy who is AFRAID of the PUSSY and DOES NOT KNOW WHAT TO DO WITH IT when it is offered to him. Too many fucking geniuses on this board.
  • casualguy
    18 years ago
    I think it's easy to turn down a dancer when she wants money for whatever. Now if she just wants to be friendly and doesn't want money, then it can get interesting.
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