
Comments by zipman68 (page 70)

  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    the speed force!
    Fuk yeah Womcow!!!
    Fuck yeah Juice... Juice on my brother!
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    11 years ago
    the speed force!
    What is the weirdest post...
    @ranukam -- I wasn't judging ilbbaicnl. Well, I was calling him weird, but weird isn't a bad thing. As you say, we're all weird. Weird on ilbbaicnl...weird on indeed! Fuck...everybody just get as weird as you wanna be!!!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    Crabs, Pedophilia, or What?
    Coo-el...I'll try to find a scholarly article on the history of pubic shaving in my free time. Or I could have fun doing something else... If you want a serious answer, I suspect the combination of shaving/waxing bikini lines and influence of porn have promoted the hairless beaver. Pubic hair removal HAS been practiced in some areas for a while. I dated somebody who spent time in North Africa as a high school exchange and she sugared with the other girls in the house when there. Alas, she went back to bush upon returning to the states. But that was many moons ago, when shaving/waxing was uncommon. If you look at soft core and hardcore porn there has been a trend first for trimming and later for going bare that began in the 80s, picked up in the '90s, and continues now. You hear about celebs doing it and I even had an employee mention that she planned laser removal about 10 years ago (excused myself since i worried that I'd make a joke that would fall under the umbrella of sexual harassment). If you call it a fad it has lasted longer than pet rocks. Personally, I dig a landing strip!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    the speed force!
    Fuk yeah Womcow!!!
    I can't really add to jester here...hit a number of salient points. Other than I thought the original translation to Juicinese was fun... OK, OK...back to things that exist in the real world (or the Star Trek world...'cos those Vulcan strip clubs are off da hook!! All logical on the outside but pon farr 24/7 on the inside...can I have a whut whut!!!)
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Dudes lying on TUSCL
    Shark my man -- how much MSG can a stripper absorb rectally? Probably not enough to be a problem... The Colonel's XXXtra KRIS-pay lives on!!!!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Looks like Duck Dynasty folks won
    Agree with sclvr5005 and Alucard. This isn't freedom of speech. Indeed, the only "cure" would be depriving GLAAD of their freedom of speech. Didn't GLAAD have every right to say "we are so offended by what Mr. Duck Dynasty says that we think he should STFU...and we want A&E (and their parent company) to know that we'll vote with our pocketbooks if you continue to give him a platform to speak"? Why is Mr. Duck's freedom of speech more important than GLAAD's? GLAAD put the ball in A&E's court. They could have backed the duck folks or kicked 'em to the curb (assuming their contract with the production company allowed that). The should have done one or the other. The variety story makes 'em looks like pussys. Of course, I think they're banking on the anti-duck dynasty folks to remember the suspension and continue watching other programming and the pro-duck folks to think they've won and continue watching. Sad thing is that it will probably work. Personally, I would have preferred A&E pick a side and stick with it. Regardless, it ain't a freedom of speech issue!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    Crabs, Pedophilia, or What?
    Ilbbaicnl my man...you gots ta read the history o' hairless beavers! http://beavershaver.com/history_pubic_shaving.htm And now...the obligatory translation to Juicinese: y u thank bitchez shave they pubs? I likes lookin at a harless cunt when eye put a drumsick upp a chickz azzwhole. Maks me wanna bust me nut on her face afta the cickn sodomize. OK...I embellished...
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Anti Club Activists
    Takes a lot of balls to get in people's faces telling 'em not to do something like enter a strip club. Threats to photograph folks are just psycho. Outing people for thing is never cool, unless they're active hypocrites (like a pastor running an anti-SC group that clubs himself) or doing something harmful and illegal (stealing stuff, etc.). I did get stopped by a religious nut going to a stones concert. Told me and my girlfriend that we should turn away 'cos the "Bridges to Babylon" tour was a bridge to Satan (or maybe it was Santa...who the fuck knows with religious nutjobs). I told him we paid $150 for our tickets so we were going in and I sincerely hoped that Lucifer would join Mick for a duet on "Sympathy for the Devil".
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    11 years ago
    Regretting Money Spent
    GoVikings...I see where your coming from, but I think Art has a point. Strip clubbing is a bit of a dice throw. My attitude is that I don't want to let little shit intrude on the fun and I'd rather take a loss than dwell on it an poison the rest of the night. If you're too focused on "oh shit, she hoovered X number of $ out of my wallet" it takes away the fun. Obviously, that depends upon how much money you have for the hobby. But I think you should be very circumspect about the hobby if you're limited enough on funds that you can't laugh off a loss of a few hundred at least.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    the speed force!
    What is the weirdest post...
    My work is going to be cut out for me if I want to translate all of ilbbaicnl's posts to Juicinese. I'm not even sure if I COULD translate: www.tuscl.net/postread.php?PID=25730 That shit is WEIRD WITH A BEARD my friends. I bow to ilbbaicnl, King of Weirdonia. Seriously my friend...how high ARE you when you post that shit? All I can say is, as long as you're not a threat to others or yourself, weird on my brother. Let your freakiness bubble to the surface for all to see!! You have been checked out to determine whether you're a threat to yourself or others, right?
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    the speed force!
    Fuk yeah Womcow!!!
    This is yet another installment in my ongoing effort to translate ilbbaicnl's posts into Juicinese. For the original post, which we were reminded of in my recent attempt to identify the weirdest posts on TUSCL, see... www.tuscl.net/postread.php?PID=21200 To respond to ilbbaicnl's queries.... Womcow Posted December 30, 2012 (Last Comment: December 31, 2012) Suppose an advanced biotech company could take the DNA of any woman and create an organism exactly like her, but with the intelligence and docility of a cow. -- Strange premise...but OK, I'll indulge in the thought experiment. For convenience, let's call this "being" a womcow. Would it be ethical to create womcows? -- No (see below for reasons) Should womcows have the same status under the law as livestock? -- No, since it would indulge sick fucks who might want to do similar things to real women. Would you want to have sex with a womcow? -- Would you want to have sex with an unconscious woman? Wait...don't answer...don't want to know. For me, another negatory. Would it bother you if what you did to the womcow caused it fear or discomfort? -- Yes. We don't intentionally scare cattle either (except for sick fucks). Of course, some of that reflects the fact that stress hormones can negatively impact meat flavor in the case of cattle. But still. Would it bother you if you caused a womcow pain? -- Yes. See answer above about sick fucks. Would it be OK to make snuff films with womcows? -- No. Even if done painlessly it might encourage sick fucks who would ultimately want to do sick shit to real women. If you have an SO, do you think she would break up with you for having sex with a womcow? -- Yes. If she didn't there would be something a little off about my SO. And now a question from me...WHAT THE FUCK WERE YOU SMOKING DUDE???
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Dudes lying on TUSCL
    ^^^^ True dat DandyDan. I would hate for Uncle LEO to start closin' KFCs to prevent assorted perverts from usin' the Colonel's XXXtra KRIS-pay. That stuff is nutritious and delicious and pervalicious. So we GOTS TA keep the powers o' the KRIS-pay on the QT. Use one of those unbreakable codes like $$$.5 for how much you paid for somethin'. And 68 my brother....the zipman only digs puttin' drumsticks up the ass o' FEMALE strippers. Well...maybe I'd consider a post-op tranny...not like I could see the Adam's apple from that angle anyway. But only if she was a HAWT trans-woman and I wasn't all distracted by the Adam's apple or some disturbing man hands!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    the speed force!
    What is the weirdest post...
    C'mon dot my friend...I get it, you hate Alucard. I've jumped on Alucard a few times myself, but I've grown to understand his sense of humor and he ain't a bad guy. Even if he was a complete asshole there comes a time to let go. I found TDHQ stepped over the line from funny to wretched when he started posting angry torture fantasies. I decided the dude was just an asshole so I just put him on ignore. Maybe you should do the same with ol' Monsieur Alucard if he gets to you so much. Remember...anger leads to hate; hate leads to suffering. And before you know it an obnoxious kid becomes Darth Vader. D'ya want another Dark Lord of the Sith on our hands?
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    the speed force!
    What is the weirdest post...
    'Tis true Dougsta. I've been spearheading an effort to translate ilbbaicnl's words into Juicinese. Just a gentle joke at the dude...no malice intended. He is actually kind of funny.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    the speed force!
    What is the weirdest post...
    Well Alucard my brother...there is good weird and bad weird. I'm a champion of the good weird. Dudes like LDK who proudly proclaims his love of jizzin' in his trousers. Not every man is man enough to admit diggin' the jizz in trou action. But that dude wears his freakitude on his sleeve. Weee-yaw!!!! Then there's the weird ass haterade that's been showin up here on the TUSCL. Where's the joy in that? Even some of the dudes that really get on my nerves like ol' boner...bless his soul, if that dude could go at least 5 posts without saying "nigger" or "queer" I bet he wouldn't be a half bad dude. Those of you that are drinkin' the haterade come back from the wilderness and jump on the Soul Train. Don Cornelius just hired some HAWT pole dancin' angels my friends! Weee-yaw!!!!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    What other entertainment do you guys enjoy?
    I like groovy Sci Fi my friends. And comic books. Don't get better than comic books! Qapla'
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    the speed force!
    What is the weirdest post...
    Ilbbaicnl has posted some pretty weird stuff. And I'm sayin' that as a description, not a value judgement. Ev'rybody should let their freak flags fly my friends. If you're a weird dude just come out and say bIQapqu'meH tar DaSop 'e' DatIvnIS. FUCK YEAH!!!!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Does anyone know which club this Las Vegas stripper works at?
    pujwI' HIvlu'chugh quvbe'lu' caleb. pujwI' HIvlu'chugh quvbe'lu'.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Dudes lying on TUSCL
    Deogol my friend...Juice has assured me the the drumstick up the asshole stuff is totally -- no foolin' -- true. Totes McGotes amigo. The Colonel's XXXtra KRIS-pay is the way to get free sex with strippers! On the other hand, it hasn't worked for me yet...last time I tried the bouncer totally kicked my ass...maybe Juice was lying. Whadya think?
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Excuses Strippers Use Not to have Sex with You
    #16 is friggin' high-LAR-ee-OUS!!!! I'll add a few: 87 I got a tampon stuck inside me last week and IT IS STILL THERE. 88 The mother ship is coming to pick me up later today and sex is contraindicated in the period 12 hours prior to entering warp speed. 89 bogh tlhInganpu', SuvwI'pu' moj, Hegh. (If she says this DON'T push your luck...especially if tou see a bat'leth in the room) 90 Your dik is just TOO big for me. It would hurt.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    So really, how long is it?
    Hmm... Why did this thread get revived?
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    SCORES in NY 20 years ago allowed to have sex inside?
    Micjunior, I'm going to interpret this as a serious question, despite the fact that you've asked it before... Short answer, if your SO ever having been slutty bothers you you need to dump her. It appears that you can't accept the idea that she was once a dancer. IF you can't accept that she might have been a slut you should stop wasting her time and your own time. Remember, many non-dancers have slutty periods in their lives. If she was a high school cheerleader how do you know she wasn't getting gang banged by the football team? if you're that down on sluts you need to try to find a virgin. Good luck on that. Alternatively, you can ask yourself whether she would cheat on you now. If you like her and the answer is "no, I don't think she would cheat on me" it shouldn't matter to you what she did before. Hell, if my SO filmed porno scenes where she drank cum from 100 dudes after being DPed and facialed I wouldn't care. I like her and trust her not to cheat (and I don't cheat -- I I like to look at the pretty girls and get lappers but don't do more -- I just come here to here 'bout the crazy antics of you pervos).
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    What sign are you?
    Groovy topic Mikey. Well, I'm a Cancer, but I really focus more on what my mood ring tells me than my sign. My mood ring gets all mellow when I sit around and smoke weed with my pet rock. Then I feel more like a Libra. Say, you wanna bring the wife over to the key party we're havin' tonight? I got the new Village People 8-track! Whoa...head rush from the '70s flashback!