Comments by wallanon (page 87)

  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Not been approached by dancers while inside the club: How common is it?
    "A lot of those girls run in cliques and gossip about in the locker room thinking 'Ok, he ain’t spending any money.'" This happens to unknowns, but I don't think it's as big a factor as I used to. Girls will try to get you to spend on their friends if you're interested, but especially now with money getting tight a dancer is going to get what she needs from you. Unless you're a total dirtbag to her friend as a new face they'll work it out. These days I'm getting more random referrals (if you don't like me how about my friend, etc) because even if I'm saying no I'm looking around for talent. Used to be mostly the I don't do that but she does, want to meet her? "Or if you dance with one and a group of girls don’t care for who you selected." This is a thing, but dancers will keep that to themselves unless they're comfortable sharing dirty laundry. If you're an unknown they'll probably give you a pass on that unless it's a dancer they won't go behind. And if that's the case most TUSCLers would be good by then anyway.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Fucking elites.
    This is obviously off topic, but the only reason I'm aware this even happened is because a few TUSCLers got wound up about it. Update on the dogwalker case... or Pick a link. "Five people have been arrested and charged for their alleged involvement in the February shooting and robbery of Lady Gaga's dog walker, according to the Los Angeles Police Department. Three of the suspects, ranging in age from 18 to 27, were arrested Tuesday on charges of attempted murder. The other two suspects, aged 40 and 50, were charged with accessory to attempted murder. The LAPD said four of the five suspects are documented gang members. Ryan Fischer, a close friend of the pop star who was walking her dogs, was shot during a violent altercation on Feb. 24 that ended with two of Lady Gaga's three prized French bulldogs stolen and Fischer seriously wounded. Surveillance footage later showed the brazen incident, which Fischer described as "a close call with death." "Detectives do not believe the suspects were targeting the victim because of the dogs' owner. However, evidence suggests the suspects knew the great value of the breed of dogs and was the motivation for the robbery," an LAPD news release stated. One of the suspects taken into custody is the woman who purportedly found the dogs a few days following the shooting, after Lady Gaga offered a $500,000 reward for the safe return of her pets. Once the dogs were turned in, detectives connected the woman who "found" them to the father of one of the attempted murder suspects, police said. All five suspects are expected to be arraigned Thursday. CNN has reached out to representatives for Lady Gaga and Fischer. It is unclear whether the suspects have retained legal representation."
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Not been approached by dancers while inside the club: How common is it?
    I guess the OP decided customers can have this issue after all. Was there ever a Top 3 reasons or something on why customers get ignored for an hour or two?
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Who Pays For College?
    I guess shailynn found a candle.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Who Pays For College?
    Each family should work it out as they see fit. It's an individual decision. A guy I knew was super bitter about college because his older sister used up the college fund, got knocked up after graduation, and never used her degree while being a stay at home mom. He paid his own way. Family finances can be a cluster no matter how much money is involved.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Help define this common sequence of events
    "outslutted" That's kinda catchy. Outslut is on Urban Dictionary. Outslutted not so.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Help define this common sequence of events
    Lol. How do we say that? "Yagnips"?
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Career move - What's right for this PL?
    The joy of TUSCL is threads don't close. They are immortal lol. Ten years from now this will pop up again and people will try and remember why somebody would flush all the people dying for a chance to brag out of the woodwork.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Help define this common sequence of events
    Wouldn't NPS be more likely to come from a customer?
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Lap Dance Offers End With Woman In Cuffs. Floriduh of course.
    "She also allegedly asked officers 'if they wanted to ‘bang’ on the sidewalk.'" "The arrest paperwork does not indicate whether any banging was actually consummated (though it seems unlikely)." They might want to check for an unexplained gap in bodycam footage.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Lap Dance Offers End With Woman In Cuffs. Floriduh of course.
    "Nothing kills the sexy mood quicker than a toothy blow job!" You just need to meet sluts with more skill lol. But if done badly...
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    An Army major was allegedly drugged and bitten by strippers
    The Way of the TUSCL is not for the faint of heart. He's lucky his fellow soldiers were around to find him before he got disappeared after his money ran out. "The report said strippers 'bit his nipples to keep him awake, and repeatedly had his card swiped.' Though the report did not determine how the night ended, Conner was found in a different hotel the next morning by the unit’s sergeant major and battalion commander, Lt. Col. Matthew Fix." Conner and Fix are both on their way out of the uniform.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Help define this common sequence of events
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Career move - What's right for this PL?
    Mark94 gave a lot of good pointers, but man that sounds like a lot of work! Oh, to be a go-getter again lol
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Career move - What's right for this PL?
    Do you like your job? Is your job going to get you where you want to be in life, if you're not already there? Do you care about job satisfaction? If you had a clearer view of what you're trying to get out of life the decision might be easier.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    On the prowl in Tucson and Phoenix
    Ghosting - WTF???
    Maybe this thread was supposed to be satire and people (me included) just missed the joke.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    On the prowl in Tucson and Phoenix
    Ghosting - WTF???
    "You resist texting again cuz it looks desperate." They already think you're desperate because you're in the hobby to begin with. Even the dancers who like you. Until they know enough to think differently, you're just a customer who may or may not have enough money to rate their time. We all are. Don't worry about it and just write again if you're really trying to link up with the dancer. If you're a new customer for them, you may need to show your face another time if she's local. Sometimes it's just to get another transaction under your belt, and sometimes it's because they forgot who you are. A busy club means you could be one of dozens she noticed enough to work a lead on. For me if it's a dancer I might want to know better who just gave a number, I'll write them a quick message with a name and something random about the visit. Also helps me remember who they were.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    What makes you decide to review a club?
    Hey doc evil, I'm getting your post was another entry in your standing fued with Dugan. But I don't completely disagree with keeping some of finer points of how a club works out of the reviews. For one, YMMV and for some things YMWV. That's obvious stuff for the longtime TUSCLers, so my point on this is dancers and clubs do read here from time to time. I pick and choose which details to share because I don't want problems with dancers and managers in places I like.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    What makes you decide to review a club?
    "What makes you decide to review one club but not another?" I find value in the TUSCL reviews, so I do try to write them but haven't posted many lately. The clubs I go to the most I'm least likely to review after a visit unless there are big changes. For the other clubs it's mostly time available. When I was traveling all the time and seeing the most clubs, I was traveling all the time and busy working so reviews weren't a priority. Now I'm traveling less but writing reviews is still pretty far down the list. And boring. The minor details aren't really interesting to me anymore, so it's a chore to write them out so they don't read like boilerplate content. Plus I bounce around clubs, so I don't notice things like prices unless it's an $8 domestic or $12 mixed drink with rail liquor. Or $40 to walk in on a day shift with seating I prefer when it used to cost $0 (thanks pandemic). When I'm in the club I'm busy with the girls, so I'm not jotting down notes to pacify the bookkeeping crowd. When I was in a bunch of different clubs on business trips I had notes mainly to keep the girls straight, but now not so much. Speaking of the pandemic, around where I live the COVID response in clubs were changing so often over the past year I didn't feel like going back to the so-so clubs for updates. Even when I do start a review, most of them end up half-written and not posted because I don't get around to finishing them.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Club ripping off customers.
    This was posted to the Diamond Club ATL club forum. All the club discussion posts show up in the Front Room forum.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    FUCK IT!
    CNN director admits to the spreading of fake news.
    Did a quick search on the bounty story desertscrub mentioned. Low confidence intel reporting isn't the same thing as a hoax. What politicians and their staffers choose to do with the information they receive is up to them. Want better decisions in the USA? Elect better representatives in the two branches of government that install the third. Competence can be taught, but basic intellect and common sense cannot. Fox News interpretation: "A senior Biden administration official said the intelligence community only had 'low to moderate' confidence in the Russian bounty story, meaning it is unproven and possibly untrue." Quotes from Fox News story: "'The United States intelligence community assesses with low to moderate confidence that Russian intelligence officers sought to encourage Taliban attacks against U.S. and coalition personnel in Afghanistan in 2019, and perhaps earlier, including through financial incentives and compensation,' the official said. 'U.S. intelligence community agencies have low to moderate confidence in this judgment in part because it relies on detainee reporting, and due to the challenging operating environment in Afghanistan, our conclusion is based on information and evidence of connections between criminal agents in Afghanistan and elements of the Russian government,' the official continued."
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Best Club In America (layout/building-wise)
    I'll add that if I'm just going off looks and layout alone, it'd probably be one of the Vegas purpose-built clubs or something set up for touristy spectacle. They're paying a huge investment in curb appeal to get foot traffic, and money talks. Haven't been to Miami (thanks pandemic) but I'm guessing clubs there have the same basic motivations driving the SC scene. Dallas is also on my list so I'll have to check out the Lodge, but it sounds similar to a club I saw in Houston. If I'm talking cool factor, club vibe is just part of the answer for me so that's where my list is coming from.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Best Club In America (layout/building-wise)
    So I have an answer for planet Earth, and it's Teatro in Switzerland. The first line in my TUSCL review was "This is one of the coolest clubs in the entire fucking world." The rest of it's over at As I think about an answer, hindsight is playing a role because I'm trying to separate my experience from the objective pros and cons of the club. Twentysomething wallanon was looking at things differently than the same guy decades later. The answers I've seen here mostly sound like great options, but to me the coolest club is a place I'd hang out in even without smoking hot chicks minus their clothes. That's a very short all time list, and in 2021 it's a list of zero clubs. Throwing that factor out, then I think of places like Casa Diablo in Portland, OR. A place with personality. As much as I like the style of a place like Palazio in Austin, TX, it's still cookie-cutter and I've seen a hundred other places trying to put on that big time GC character. Casa Diablo's not my pick, at least not yet, and I'm also thinking of places from when I first really got into the SC scene in the 2000's that were in decline but still had some of the old mojo left. Like MBOT in San Francisco. It was going mostly on reputation even then, but my first visit was still pretty mind blowing because it was room after room of temptation with top flight talent. Or Spearmint Rhino Vegas, that to me had a cool factor the other major clubs in town didn't. As I'm typing this, BELAX in LA is also coming to mind as still being in the conversation. Also 4Play, but I prefer BELAX. But then there's that GC template, and does 4Play really break the mold? Actually, it's been a while since I thought about LA and there's some standout clubs there. Maybe my answer is somewhere in Southern California. But whatever, if I can get to a list of ten clubs then I'll just pick one of those.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Best Club In America (layout/building-wise)
    I was thinking about St. James, but didn't remember it well enough to mention it. I spent most of my time there getting dances lol. Was thinking about making another run through Houston this year so maybe I'll go refresh the memory.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Best Club In America (layout/building-wise)
    The higher end GC's tend to run together, especially when they change brands with essentially the same bones and decor. When I went to Sapphires in Vegas I didn't hate it, and it's definitely big. You can tell there was money put into the place and it has a decent vibe. But I thought it looked like a converted department store and the layout didn't really speak to me. That said it's been years since I really clubbed out there regularly, back when OG was open. I was impressed with Treasures in Vegas, and also the club that used to be Rick's. Don't know that I'd call them the coolest, but they're high on my list. I liked Hustler Club in Shreveport, but the same thing. And Hustler Club in New Orleans, but thought the one in Shreveport had a better layout. The Mens Clubs around the US also tend to have a nice vibe and layout to them, and Penthouse Club in Detroit was really well done. The Furnace in Birmingham was shockingly cool given the awful reputation for clubs the town has. But "coolest" is something else. Need to think on this a little more.