
How to get scammed

After listing my guidelines on how not to get scammed, it occurred to me that some of you like getting scammed because it reinforces you're preconceived notions that all strippers are scam artists. So to be fair I thought I'd tell you how to make sure you get scammed. It's pretty much the opposite of the other list.

(1) Treat the dancers with total disrespect. You know you're better than them, make sure they know it too.

(2) Sit at the stage and make fun of the dancers.

(3) Get a private dance, ignore the rules and grab everything you can. Tell the girl to do something illegal and call her names if she refuses. You know she does it for other guys.

(4) Tell the girls in explicit detail all the obscene things you'd like to do to them.

(5) Flash a roll of bills and brag about how rich you are.

(6) Get really shitfaced.

(7) Tipping - now this is the hard part. Either tipping too much or not tipping at all seem to work equally well. Just be sure you don't tip an appropriate amount.

(8) Insist that at least one of the girls goes out with you. You know they're all whores, so don't take "no" for an answer.

(9) Find a girl who pretends to like your obnoxious behavior and fall in love with her. Take her into the VIP room for a couple of hours. Keep drinking heavily while there.

It's really quite simple, you don't even have to do all of these things, all you have to do is act like a total asshole and you're bound to attract a scam artist. Next time you're in a club, especially late on a Friday or Saturday night, look around and you'll see plenty of young guys acting this way. Just follow their lead.


  • davids
    19 years ago
    Oh, also: Assholes are very unlikely to get scammed. They don't trust stripper enough. Assholes are mostly just in the club to be mean to or make fun of strippers not to spend money.
  • davids
    19 years ago
    AN: Ok, I consulted an inside source about this and here is what I learned:

    Strippers who scam customers are often exploiting the customer's lust. You are also right that they often rationalize it as "well he is only trying to get sex from me so it's ok for me to just try and get money from him but without giving him sex (or as little as possible!)".

    Now I'm sure everyone here sees the obvious problems with this "rationalization":
    a) Two wrongs don't make a right.
    b) Is it really so "bad" for a man to want sex from young and beautiful woman? Is that as bad as lying? (I would agree that if both are being dishonest about their feeling toward each other it's just a matter of "no honor amongst theives".)

    Those are two obvious problems with the rationalization:
    However, there's another subtler and more surprising problem: as incredible as it may sound, the scam victims often are not that interested in sex!

    These victims see some strippers as princesses "trapped" in a terrible world they do not belong in and they see themselves as her saviour. These men are typically middle aged to older men with lots of money. In some sense they are seeking to be her "daddy" and it is this desire the strippers are exploiting. Is wanting to be her "daddy" in the sense of helping her get life together stupid? Probably! It is as unethical as scamming someone desiring to help others? No way!
    19 years ago
    AN, I agree, but it goes further than that. If you act like a total asshole, all the nice girls will avoid you. The only girls who will approach you are the ones who don't give a shit about you as a person, they only care about your money. In other words, the scam artists. If you're courteous you'll automatically attract the nice girls.
  • AbbieNormal
    19 years ago
    There's a saying among con artists they use to justify scamming. You can't con an honest man. For the most part scams rely on greed (or lust in this case) and a bit of dishonesty on the part of the victim to succeed. In this case my guess is that they don't need to scam to get money out of the decent quiet ones, and if they do cheat them the quiet ones merely move on, so they may get paid for an extra dance or something, but that's it. As far as FONDL's tips, not all deal with being a jerk. Most deal with staying sober, keeping count of what you ask for and spend, and keeping it in perspective. In the end assholes are more likely to be scammed 'cause it's easier to scam someone you really dislike.
  • davids
    19 years ago
    I suspect FONDL is way off track with his advice. I bet it's nice/non assertive guys who are the ones who get marked as dupes and get the most scams run against them.

    Maybe some stripper told FONDL that they only try to scam the jerks and FONDL beleived them.

    Think about it: who is a con artist going to think is more likely to fall for a scam? A nice, weak, guilible person, or an asshole? With this in mind read FONDL's rules again and then decide for yourself if he knows what he is talking about.
  • AbbieNormal
    19 years ago
    Don't forget you should repetedly ask her to tell you her real name, her phone number, address, if she has a boyfriend, husband or kids and demand that she meet you outside the club. She'll appreciate your honesty and forthright nature. If she doesn't she's a manipulative whore using you to make money.
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