
Comments by MIDancer

  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Be wary of stippers that post on here...
    "[Shadowcat] is not the King of TUSCL no matter how much he will tell you different." This warrants repeating (especially since Shadowcat has Parodyman on ignore).
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Is my favorite club doomed?
    I don't see how this could be enforced either, unless the dancers were also prohibited from mingling with customers. Anyone who's been in a crowded strip club knows that it's damn near impossible to walk through the club while keeping a six-foot radius of space around oneself. But, then again, maybe the 6-foot rule doesn't apply if the dancer is NOT in a state of nudity or semi-nudity.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Do strippers watch porn?
    I don't watch porn. I don't have anything morally or ethically against it, I just don't like it. For me, it's a total turn-off.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Governor Spitzer to Resign
    Here is the $4,300 call girl: http://news.aol.com/story/_a/spitzer-call-girl-reportedly-identified/20080312201309990001?ncid=NWS00010000000001
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Husbands or boy friends in the club.
    My boyfriend generally won't lay foot in a strip club. He's only been in a strip club three times (twice with me, and once seven years ago when he turned 18). Sometimes I wish he'd come in when it's slow just to keep me company, but I know strip clubs make him uncomfortable, so I never push the issue.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Don't you hate it when you realize the dancer sitting next to you is sick?
    casualguy: In many cases, if a girl is scheduled, she generally has to (a) pay a fine for missing the shift or (b) bring in a doctor's note to excuse her from missing work. I was in this very predicament on Sunday. I was feeling ill (fever, chills, etc.), but if I missed my scheduled Sunday night shift, I would've lost my upcoming Friday and Saturday night shifts, AND have pay a fine. I don't have the best insurance, and I wasn't about to blow $100+ for a doctor to tell me that I just needed to get some rest and drink some OJ. So, I dragged my sorry ass to work, and plopped down at the bar. It sucked because I had several customers approach me to ask for a dance, and I had to kindly explain that I was sick and wasn't doing dances that evening. I had a couple guys who thought I was just being a bitch, and a manager who was irritated with me for turning down dances (even though I told him multiple times that evening that I wasn't feeling well). Of course, every guy that approached me asked WHY I was there if I was sick, and I had to explain the whole procedure for missing a Sunday. Luckily, thanks to the generosity of a couple regulars and my stage calls, I was able to walk out with a couple hundred bucks.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    More proof women love cheaters
    >>Your argument is a classic example of confusing cause and effect. The sun rises every day in the east and sets in the west. Therefore the sun revolves around the earth. Nice theory but wrong.<< I couldn't have said it better myself. It reminds me of the correlation studies used to "prove" that marijuana is a gateway drug: if you go around asking a bunch of junkies if they ever smoked pot, the answer will probably be yes. Conversely, if you ask most people who smoke pot if they do heroin as well, the answer is likely to be no. Correlations simply do not determine cause and effect, and I would argue that such studies are the leading cause of misleading statistics, theories, etc.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Top 40
    The Coliseum is a beautiful club, and a pleasant one to work at. However, I was a bigger fan of Trumpp's while still working in the Detroit circuit.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    More proof women love cheaters
    >>So its not just me, however I don't expect most women to accept this, and they tend to more happy in their Land Of Oz la la land believing their own bullshi.t and many expecting the faithful nice guy to both turn them on and save them.<< Save me? I don't need anyone to save me: I need someone with whom I share similar interests and values, and with whom I have sexual chemistry. Confidence is one thing, the arrogant Alpha-male behavior that you're describing is, IMO, the biggest turn-off that a man can possess. Will I pretend that it's somehow cute or endearing while at work to make some money? Sure. But in "real life," I don't care how tough you try to be, how expensive your car is, or how big your dick is... these things are irrelevant. I want a nice guy, and my dating record proves it. If any guy thinks that nonmonogamous behavior is acceptable, he can show himself the door.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    More proof women love cheaters
    Sorry, David9999, but I grew out of my "bad boy phase" as soon as I realized that the purpose of dating extended beyond trying to piss of my parents (which was around age 16 or so).
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Dancer choice: sit idle at the bar or discount dance prices
    Unfortunately, in most cases, cutting costs means taking a hit first. For example, to break an apartment lease, you may have to pay a month or two's worth of rent while the landlord searches for a new tenant. However, I've seen many girls cut their costs by obtaining a roommate, or selling their brand new luxury car for a used Honda. Not to mention, little things DO add up: nixing the fake nails, fake tan, expensive haircuts, brand name makeup, etc. In short, you won't see girls simply walking out in droves, but you will see many who have never before prepared an exit plan, doing so (enrolling in college or trade school, obtaining experience in another field, etc.).
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Dancer choice: sit idle at the bar or discount dance prices
    David9999: I have little sympathy for the second group you mention. Perhaps instead of buying designer purses and sports cars, they should've invested in an education. Also, (and I may be in the minority here), I'd take lower wages, harder work and longer hours over stripping for $100 or $150 per night. Perhaps the single most alluring aspect of stripping is the ridiculous amount of money you can walk away with on any given night. If that aspect of stripping disappears, so will many of the dancers. And I guarantee that the ones left won't be the happiest bunch. The best nights are those when you hear the word "yes" more than "no," and the money seemingly falls from the sky into your lap. Once THOSE nights disappear, and stripper morale declines, many will leave, IMO. And I don't doubt the possibility of a major recession. I just don't think it's going to work out in the positive fashion that you think it will: I already overhear girls in the dressing room discussing how to cut their costs and reduce their livings expenses so they can leave the industry. And since when do you hear a stripper talk about CUTTING costs?
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Dancer choice: sit idle at the bar or discount dance prices
    >>Dancer choice: sit idle at the bar or discount dance prices...<< Or, find a new job. If I found myself sitting at the bar all night for weeks on end, I'd consider it time to (a) switch clubs or (b) quit dancing.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Are dancer concepts of a good lap dance different from the customers view?
    >>Do dancers just go to their limit and hope that they please the customer to buy another dance or do they know that other dancers are doing more but that exceeds their limits? Or do they just go far enough to keep you interested and spending money?<< If I know a guy is going to spend money regardless of little effort on my part, I go far enough to keep him spending. Otherwise, I go my limit (that is, of course, unless club rules or local ordinances forbid me from doing so). I almost always ignore what other girls are doing, and regard most customer complaints about "how all the OTHER girls..." as hearsay. It all comes down to how much money I leave with at the end of the night: if I make satisfactory money, I stay. If I don't make satisfactory money, I find another club.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Do you want some breast milk with your lap dance?
    The four bodily fluids that carry HIV: Semen Vaginal fluid Blood BREAST MILK Yes, I'd pass on this.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    WHAT is going on with the "Top Ten"?
    arbeeguy: I have no problem with founder listing these sorts of establishments, but it seems to me that it might be more appropriate if there were some sort of disclaimer, or perhaps an entirely seperate Top Ten list for these places.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    WHAT is going on with the "Top Ten"?
    Okay, now that I've read through Dancer's reviews, I have to say that I'm surprised it's in the Top Ten due to its apparent LACK of mileage. Excuse my initial statement.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    WHAT is going on with the "Top Ten"?
    Ack! Okay, I must've clicked on the wrong club: Dancer's doesn't seem to be a dive at all. But it does seem to be near BBF, which I thought was the most popular in the area.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    WHAT is going on with the "Top Ten"?
    Forgot. No copy and pasting from MS Word.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Question for Dancers - If you were owner, how would you set lap dance prices?
    I don't mind tipping the DJ, so long as he makes it a point to get my music and lights correct. But that's just me.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Question for Dancers - If you were owner, how would you set lap dance prices?
    Shadowcat - Wow! We actually agree on something! ;) I think a $10 minimum would be completely reasonable in some markets; I'm basing my $20 minimum on the markets I've worked in. I once worked at a club that charged $35/dance (the "special" was 3 for $100). Even I couldn't stomach it. I worked there for about a month until I decided to move down the street to a club that charged $25/dance, but had FAR more patrons who were FAR more willing to shell out the money for dances. MisterGuy - I can certianly see where letting the girls set their own dance prices could lead to "rip-offs galore." But a "rip-off" can only occur if the customer ALLOWS it. Make sure you do your negotiations up-front and there shouldn't be a problem, IMO. And just say NO if a girl is asking for $40 or $50 per dance (unless, of course, you think her dance is worth that price or you are willing to take the risk).