Comments by mark94 (page 51)

  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Russians win battle of Pisky
    KYIV, Ukraine (AP) — Russia’s Defense Ministry announced Saturday that it was pulling back troops from two areas in Ukraine’s eastern Kharkiv region where a Ukrainian counteroffensive has made significant advances in the past week. The news came after days of apparent advances by Ukraine south of Kharkiv, the country’s second-largest city, in what could become the biggest battlefield success for Ukrainian forces since they thwarted a Russian attempt to seize the capital, Kyiv, at the start of the nearly seven-month war. Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Igor Konashenkov said troops would be regrouped from the Balakliya and Izyum areas to the eastern Donetsk region. Izyum was a major base for Russian forces in the Kharkiv region, and earlier this week social media videos showed residents of Balakliya joyfully cheering as Ukrainian troops moved in.
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    2 years ago
    Russians win battle of Pisky
    If Russia keeps losing ground, Putin has three options: 1. Negotiate for peace. 2. Declare a full war and mobilize the country 3. Tactical nukes Each of these options has dire consequences for Putin
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    More raids
    “giving them no choice but to charge him.” Two words. Hunter Biden.
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    2 years ago
    More raids
    After having the FBI rummage through her wardrobe, Melania bought new clothes to replace them. Seriously. I don’t blame her. They also searched through Barron’s clothes. Looking for top secret documents, no doubt.
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    2 years ago
    Russians win battle of Pisky
    The globalist order is collapsing. America is withdrawing from the wider world. In ten years, our focus will be on the Western Hemisphere plus a few allies like Japan and Australia. If a regional conflict, like Ukraine occurs, we won’t get involved. America will be wealthier, happier, and safer under this new arrangement.
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    2 years ago
    More raids
    Every modern President has kept documents. In Obama’s case, he reportedly kept 3,000,000 documents. In some cases, they are used to write a memoir. Most are donated to a presidential museum for future scholars. Some are personal mementos. And, in Trumps case, they are possible evidence to be used in future investigations of the coup against him, including Russiagate. For example, he kept the letter that the North Korean dictator sent to him offering to meet. That is likely considered classified. Among the items taken from Trump in the FBI raid were 1,300 newspaper clippings. Under what legal theory would the FBI take those ? Also, they took items of clothing including golf hats. They also took correspondence between Trump and his personal lawyer. The FBI leaks implied that they were taking back super secret, scary documents. But, so far, there is no evidence of that.
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    2 years ago
    Russians win battle of Pisky
    Russia thought it would take Kyiv in 3 days. Now, THAT would have been a MAJOR VICTORY. Instead, it’s bogged down in eastern Ukraine, taking massive casualties and depleting its stockpile of munitions. It’s army has been exposed as poorly trained and incompetently led. Congratulations on your glorious victory in the village of Pusey.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Thank God Trump is FIRED!!! Lock him up!
    Queen Elizabeth dead
    It wouldn’t surprise me if the rule of succession is designed to prevent younger brothers from killing older brothers to gain the crown. That happened a lot in the good old days.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Thank God Trump is FIRED!!! Lock him up!
    Queen Elizabeth dead
    With the death of Elizabeth, the title of Duke of Cornwall was transferred from Charles to William. That includes land valued at well over $1Billion.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    More raids
    Harmeet Dhillon appeared on Tucker Carlson to confirm that over 50 Trump supporters were raided and the press was told about the raids before they happened. “The subpoenas are intentionally broad. They’re from the “Capitol Siege Section” of the United States Department of Justice DC Office. And they ask for broad categories of documents. They ask for all communications dated from a month before the election until two months after the election. And they ask for all communications regarding dozens of people. And the categories are alternate electors, fundraising around irregularities around the election, and also a rally that happened before the January 6 situation at the Capitol. The Save America Rally that happened. Basically, all of this activity if not all of it is protected by the First Amendment. And the United States Department of Justice is telling reporters about the search warrants and subpoenas before they’re executed. This is really outrageous abuse by the DOJ.”
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    More raids
    The country was founded, and defined by the Constitution, as one where individual rights were more important than the power of the states, and the power of the central government was limited and weak. All of that changed with FDR who used the Depression as an excuse to grow the power and size of the federal government. For 90 years, the power of the government has grown and individual liberty has shrunk. That’s what this is all about. That’s why the elite is so desperate. We are going to take our liberty and power back. About 2 million politicians and government workers know their jobs and status require this movement be crushed.
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    2 years ago
    More raids
    “Good. They need to take all of them down“ All 75 million of us ?
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    2 years ago
    TUSCL’s #1 Soothsayer!
    Inflation is Starting to “Drop Like a Rock”, leading to deflation.
    Foreign capital is flooding into the US because of higher rates, stronger dollar, safety, and it will be the only economy to survive the next 5 years. China is collapsing from an aging population and the end of global trade. Within the next year, they will face mass starvation and economic collapse. Europe is approaching a depression because of the end of cheap natural gas from Russia. They either shut down their businesses or ( as the UK plans ) take on massive debt to subsidize energy cost. The US will continue to see higher prices as we are unable to buy cheap goods from abroad, but it will be a cake walk compared to the rest of the world.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Ok, but would probably go somewhere else
    I assume big boy ( also known as first review Charlie ) has never stepped into a strip club. Probably doing research getting ready for his 18th birthday.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Decreasing money spent on the hoby
    I’ve been going less because the experience is less enjoyable, at least for what I like. The clubs haven’t recovered from CoVid. I prefer the coed, girl next door types and I prefer seeing the faves I’d seen for years. Most never returned and they’ve been replaced by Cubans with more curves than I prefer. So, I’ve been spending less, not for financial reasons but because of the quality of service available.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Thank God Trump is FIRED!!! Lock him up!
    Queen Elizabeth dead
    The establishment of Parliament pre dated our Constitution. It was a radical ( for the time ) change from a pure monarchy. The hybrid structure of monarchy and elected governance worked for several hundred years. We took it one step further in 1789. Different strokes for different folks.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Thank God Trump is FIRED!!! Lock him up!
    Queen Elizabeth dead
    I lived in England in my youth. Saw her once at a Trooping the Colour. The world will be different without her.
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    2 years ago
    Student Loan Forgiveness
    It’s my understanding that Biden’s loan forgiveness has a good chance of being struck down in the courts.
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    2 years ago
    Rhode Island
    [OT] What are you reading?
    Re-reading the Foundation trilogy by Asimov. Tried watching the new mini series and it sucked so bad, I had to go back to the book.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Marines at Biden Campaign Speech
    “ I am not sure if Mark94 knows this.” I am aware. Everyone with an IQ over 80 is aware Babylon Bee is satire.
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    2 years ago
    Marines at Biden Campaign Speech
    Headline from the Babylon Bee After Using FBI To Suppress Son’s Crimes And Raid Political Rival’s Home, Biden Warns Democracy In Danger
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    2 years ago
    Marines at Biden Campaign Speech
    “ he is center-left “ Biden’s brain doesn’t know what year it is, let alone what his politics are. An MRI of his brain would look like Swiss cheese.
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    2 years ago
    Marines at Biden Campaign Speech
    If Republicans control the house, they will investigate Hunters laptop, Russiagate, Afghanistan, etc. All the skeletons in Joes closet will be revealed. And, there is a ton to reveal. The Dems are panicking.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Marines at Biden Campaign Speech
    Headlines from the Babylon Bee Biden Announces Invasion Of Poland Biden Swallows Cyanide Capsule In Underground Bunker Biden Signs Non-Aggression Pact With Russia Biden Forces Stalled 12 Miles From Moscow Biden Announces Strategic Alliance With Mussolini And Emperor Hirohito Biden Opens Camps In Which To Concentrate Political Dissidents And Other Undesirables France Surrenders To Biden Biden Publishes Autobiographical Memoir 'My Struggle' Biden Abolishes Office Of President And Names Self Supreme Führer Biden Announces New Program For Patriotic Youngsters 'Biden Youth'
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Marines at Biden Campaign Speech
    Biden press Secretary: anyone who disagrees with the majority of the people is an extremist Biden poll numbers Approve 38% Disapprove 58%