Comments by mark94 (page 52)

  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Marines at Biden Campaign Speech
    Biden today: "I don't consider any Trump supporter a threat to the country." Biden last night: "Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our Republic."
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    2 years ago
    Marines at Biden Campaign Speech
    From Charlie Kirk: Mentions in Biden's speech: China: 0 Crime: 0 Inflation: 0 Fentanyl: 0 The Border: 0 Charlottesville: 1 January 6th: 2 Insurrection: 3 Donald Trump: 3 Extremism: 7 Violence: 10 MAGA: 13 Republicans: 16 Priorities
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    2 years ago
    TUSCL’s #1 Soothsayer!
    Inflation is Starting to “Drop Like a Rock”, leading to deflation.
    A major impediment to our economic success, both short term and long term, is the lack of young, skilled labor. Because of the low birth rate in the 1980s and 1990s, we can’t fill job openings for skilled labor. I’m not just talking about engineers but nurses, medical technicians, modern factory workers, electricians, plumbers, etc. If we don’t find a way fill these tax paying jobs, the whole system comes tumbling down, including the collapse of Medicare, Social Security, and every other government program. A society where half the population is old and retired cannot survive. And, that’s where we will be soon based on our current demographics. Really, the only answer is to greatly expand LEGAL immigration using a merit based system. Let’s open the borders to young, English speaking, law abiding, educated workers from around the world. And, let’s control the border to stop illegal immigration from unqualified border crossers.
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    2 years ago
    TUSCL’s #1 Soothsayer!
    Inflation is Starting to “Drop Like a Rock”, leading to deflation.
    Without landlords, there would be no rental properties. Anyone who couldn’t afford to buy a home would be homeless. Without business owners or corporations, there would be no jobs and no food or other goods for purchase. Other than that, it’s a good plan.
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    2 years ago
    TUSCL’s #1 Soothsayer!
    Inflation is Starting to “Drop Like a Rock”, leading to deflation.
    Globalization led to low prices. With unlimited free trade, goods could be sourced to the cheapest country. America enforced free trade and kept the shipping lanes open. That era is coming to an end. China is collapsing rapidly before our eyes. All that manufacturing capacity will need to be be rebuilt somewhere else, which will take years, cost Trillions, and result in supply chain shortages. Most of the worlds fertilizer is sourced to Russia and China. They have essentially stopped exporting this. Food output is plunging, as we’ll see over the next year. Well established trade systems, like energy exports from Russia to Europe, are being wiped out. In Germany, they are chopping wood to prepare for winter without natural gas. We are in for a rough 5 years as everything is turned on it’s head. Inflation will continue. It will be worse outside the US, in places without our energy and agricultural resources, but it will be bad here too.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Death To The Middle Class
    Terms like middle class are pretty fluid. In some countries, the middle class have incomes that are low by US standards. People who are lower income today enjoy food, health care, education, travel, and entertainment that would have been typical for the Middle class 50 years ago and unavailable to the 1% about 100 years ago.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    So what age would you consider as old?
    Any time someone ascribes a characteristic to a group of people, they reveal their ignorance. All old people are……..
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    2 years ago
    OT: Biden cancels student loan debt
    Something like 75% of the government budget involves taking money from person A and giving it to person B. Sometimes, the government then takes from person B and gives it back to person A. Meanwhile, the politicians take credit for all that money changing hands as though it came out of the politicians pocket. Some of the citizenry is beginning to see this for the scam it is. It’s about time !
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    No, being old and white doesn’t make you the customer almighty automatically
    It’s like the classic psychology experiment where people choose between 1 They get money but somebody else gets more 2. Nobody gets anything A surprisingly high number choose 2
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    2 years ago
    OT: Biden cancels student loan debt
    Comment found on the internet: “This student loan bailout is a disaster It’s the legal robbery of middle class America to bribe the modern Democrat voter base, which entirely consists of indoctrinated socialists wearing masks while working from home in overpriced shoebox apartments living with their non-binary cats and half-dead houseplants in crime ridden cities with 3 vaccines, 2 boosters, and a bachelor’s degree from SUNY-Oswego with a major in “Community Organizing” and a minor in “communism will work this time trust me”
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    2 years ago
    No, being old and white doesn’t make you the customer almighty automatically
    Strip clubs are businesses. Strippers provide a service. Everything that happens once you walk in the door is a business transaction. If you accept that, there can be a lot less drama involved in frequenting clubs. The correct response when a service provider doesn’t meet expectations is to shrug your shoulders and find another provider. Shit happens.
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    2 years ago
    OT: Biden cancels student loan debt
    Higher education is broken. It exists to prepare young people for life. Giving them employable skills. Making them competent and able to succeed. It does a miserable job of that. The system needs massive reform. Normally, market forces would force it to change. By subsidizing college through loans, grants, tax breaks, research grants, and state funding, there is little incentive to reform. If you are a President of a University, the status quo works great. You’ve got a big salary, a huge staff, and the money keeps rolling in. There is something called Moral Hazard. It means that if you are protected from the financial harm of your bad decisions, you’ll keep making this bad decisions. Both the college administrators and students are being protected from their bad life choices.
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    2 years ago
    OT: Biden cancels student loan debt
    Veteran Johnny “Joey” Jones reacted to President Joe Biden’s plan to cancel student loan debt for Americans making less than $125,000 a year. The plan would cancel $10,000 in debt for those earning less than $125,000 a year, and for those who received Pell Grants, $20,000 in debt will be wiped. “I cannot believe I gave two legs for my tuition,” Jones posted to Twitter, referring to the price he paid while serving as a U.S. Marine to have his college paid for.
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    2 years ago
    OT: Biden cancels student loan debt
    Headline from the Babylon Bee Hard-Working Plumber Looking Forward To Paying For His Neighbor’s Gender Studies Degree
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    2 years ago
    OT: Biden cancels student loan debt
    college tuition should be $10,000 per year.instead, it’s $25,000 to $50,000 and up 1. The “Administrators” ( Diversity Czars, etc ) now have a budget larger than paying professors 2. Professors don’t teach.Or, if they do, it’s one course a semester. They are actually paid for “research” ( also know as wasting time ) and meetings. 3. Campuses are built out like huge country clubs and are marketed as an enjoyable 4 years to get indoctrinated. 4. Students aren’t expected to study, or meet high standards, so the Affirmative Action enrollees don’t get embarrassed.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Too much of a good thing is never enough
    University towns that lack strip clubs....... Why?
    Strip clubs are located where the customers are. Men with plenty of money. That’s not the demographic of small college towns.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    First timer tips
    Really, the only way to learn about strip clubs is to go a few times and make a few mistakes. Hopefully, the mistakes aren’t too expensive. After a while, you’ll get an instinct for which dancers are good value and how to approach them. Avoid dancers who want to be paid up front or make vague promises about how good the dances will be. If they offer extras, be specific about what you are getting and for how much. If they overcharge, stand your ground and suggest talking with a manager. Use the floor dances to predict how good VIP will be. Actions, not words.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Radio shows you listened/listen too
    Rush, Howard Stern, Terry Wogan, Don Imus
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Vehicles - What Could You See Yourself Buying?
    “Because as a man that is 6 ft 5 in “ I also have a headroom issue with vehicles. My first step in shopping is to look up the headroom for all the new models. I need at least 41 inches of headroom, so I’m pretty well stuck with SUVs or trucks, and few of them even work. The tiny BMW X1 SUV has a surprising 41.9 inches of headroom. A new model will be out in weeks. The Mercedes GLB SUV isn’t bad. In both cases, I’d need to get the base model without a sunroof for it to work.
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    2 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Vehicles - What Could You See Yourself Buying?
    For the record, the Japanese had some pretty nasty detention camps. One of my ancestors died in one during WWII. Plus, there’s the Batan death march. So, for those avoiding German cars because of the Nazis, you might want to read some history about the Pacific war.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Sugar 44 is sweet...
    VIP is $25. Has been for 2 or 3 months.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    I hereby transfer the “Grumpasaurus” title from Phoenix tusclers over to…
    Immigration officials stopped more than 175,000 Cuban migrants who entered the US since October — easily eclipsing the number who arrived during the massive Mariel boatlift of 1980, according to the latest figures released by US Customs and Border Protection. The overwhelming majority of the CPB’s 177,848 “encounters” with Cuban nationals recorded during the past 10 months took place along the southwest border, where 175,674 were stopped by Border Patrol agents or at established crossings between the US and Mexico, the statistics show. Single adults accounted for 137,435 of the migrants from Cuba, with 39,731 made up of various family members who entered the US together.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    I hereby transfer the “Grumpasaurus” title from Phoenix tusclers over to…
    The Cuban economy is collapsing. It now takes 5 times as many pesos to buy foreign currency as it did a couple months ago. Expect lots more Cuban dancers
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    The Square Above Charlie Weaver
    "My mother is such a bitch"
    Crazy girls can be fun but crazy fun is just a few inches away from ruin-your-life crazy.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    For those who blame Putin for inflation: From the start of the Covid hysteria until today, the Federal Reserve has printed more money than it has for the entire existence of the US. For example, from the founding of the US, it took over 227 years to print its first $6 trillion. But in just a matter of months recently, the US government printed more than $6 trillion. During that period, the US money supply increased by a whopping 41%. In short, the Fed’s actions amounted to the biggest monetary explosion that has ever occurred in the US.