NFL Legend Jim Brown Passes Away

avatar for Papi_Chulo
Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)

He eas 87.


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avatar for Papi_Chulo
1 yr ago

Legendary real-estate investor Sam Zelle also passed away yesterday - he was 81

avatar for Papi_Chulo
1 yr ago

I was just thinking a few days ago that it had been a long time since I'd heard from Jim Brown - up to several years ago he was pretty-active in issues of the black-community

avatar for mark94
1 yr ago

The videos of him carrying 3 tacklers on his back are impressive.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
1 yr ago

^ he beat up on them crackers

avatar for motorhead
1 yr ago

I’m old but never saw him play. This is in no way is meant to be disrespectful but I don’t rank him as the best running back of all time.

Not above Walter Payton or Barry Sanders. You have to remember he was playing against guys that were working as plumbers in the off season. They didn’t know was a good diet or a lifting weights meant.

And he played against white guys who smoked cigarettes and probably drank a shot of whiskey at half time. He never faced Lawrence Taylor or Ray Thomas or Derrick Thomas

avatar for twentyfive
1 yr ago

He was the greatest back to play the game, I remember watching him break tackles like they were nothing, the greatest broken field runner ever. R. I. P. Jim Brown

avatar for mark94
1 yr ago

Ah, the classic debate. How would Babe Ruth do in 2023 ?

President Gerald Ford was an All American College lineman at 200 pounds.

avatar for ilbbaicnl
1 yr ago

Made it to 87 and got to make out with Raquel Welch. Doesn't sound like a bad life.

avatar for Muddy
1 yr ago

Awesome player he sort of local legend around my neck of the woods, probably the local product in athletics.

avatar for Muddy
1 yr ago

Btw somebody check on TheeOSU

avatar for Papi_Chulo
1 yr ago

^ that's right - he hasn't posted in a good while

avatar for mark94
1 yr ago

Jim Brown was also known as one of the all time great Lacrosse players.

avatar for motorhead
1 yr ago

I’m living in Ohio now, about an hour from Columbus and the cry from OSU fans is “fire Ryan Day” - the head coach.

Losing to Michigan two years in a row will do that.

Perhaps ThreeOSU is on campus protesting the University president

avatar for Papi_Chulo
1 yr ago

I was kinda surprised Ohio State didn't fall of a cliff when Urban Meyer left - that happens to a lot of programs - OSU has still managed some great recruiting classes though but it looks they are starting to slip a bit

avatar for FishHawk
1 yr ago

What I liked about Jim Brown was when he made a good run he didn’t do some silly celebration dance. He just walked back to the huddle like it was no big thing.

avatar for shailynn
1 yr ago

My great uncle played against him in college. I remember a story once where he said he tackled Jim Brown, then he dragged my great uncle about 15 more yards.

avatar for whodey
1 yr ago

Let's list a few of his "highlights" that people seem to "forget" about during his violent career from the 1960s all the to the early 2000s:

Tried to murder a model by throwing her off of a balcony. Several accusations of rape that went nowhere because of his fame at the time. Assaulted a sheriff's deputy. Choked out his golfing partner over a disagreement on the course. Vandalized his wife's car while threatening to kill her and then chooses to be sentenced to jail instead of attending court ordered domestic violence training.

He was nothing but another violent asshole that people are willing to overlook his crimes because he was a talented athlete. The world is better off without this scum.

avatar for Muddy
1 yr ago

Whodey with a different take. Hey I never knew that.

avatar for motorhead
1 yr ago

A day after his passing the internet is flooded with stories about Jim Brown - I came here to post about his dark side. But thanks to whodey, he beat me to it.

A great football player - yes A good person - hell no

It’s almost funny the same woke crowd who celebrate his civil rights activism often fail to acknowledge his long history of accusations of rape, assault and sexual battery against women

avatar for minnow
1 yr ago

Say what you will about his pros and cons, how he'd do in modern NFL, etc. I'm in the GOAT camp here. One thing I'll say is that he was smart enough to retire at the age of 29 after the 1965 season while he was still on top. Had his 2nd highest career rushing season (1544 yds), and tied for most rushing TD's (17). What a way to end a stellar football career.

avatar for skibum609
1 yr ago

Jim Brown was the best running back ever. His back up, Leroy Kelley, would have started on every other team. Brown won the rushing 8 out of 9 years, then walked away, physically intact. He would run down the sift players of today. Probably the best Lacrosse player in history as well.

avatar for shadowcat
1 yr ago

He was also a movie actor. I just watched this last week on STARZ.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
1 yr ago

Jim Brown was way b/f my time (I started somewhat watching a little-bit of football in 1981) – I’m also not a Clevelander/Ohioan so can’t say I grew-up in an environment that idolized him.

Every now and then over-the-years I’d heard about incidents about him having an altercation with an S.O.; but I don’t recall the details; and probably the bulk of that was either prior to social media and/or prior to social-media being so ubiquitous; I also wouldn’t doubt he may have largely been protected to some extent by the powers-to-be; and why I was mostly unaware of his various issues.

The posts by @whodey and @motorhead did make me think of something – from what I recall “from my mental rolodex”; I don’t recall ever seeing that guy smile – of course this isn’t some kinda of sin; but I often wonder about people that never/hardly-ever smile (for God’s sake at least use a happy-face-emoji once-in-a-while – LOL).

avatar for ilbbaicnl
1 yr ago

100 Rifles is a respectably good Western, in no small part thanks to him. I think the US was just not ready for a headliner black action hero back them. Otherwise, he could have been Ahnold before Ahnold was Ahnold.

avatar for mark94
1 yr ago

Let’s not forget the dirty dozen. He had a great scene dropping grenades on Nazis,

avatar for motorhead
1 yr ago

The highlight film of Jim Brown was pretty cool. I don’t remember watching him live - I think he retired in 1966 and I didn’t start watching football until 67-68.

There are many ways to define The GOAT. if being the most dominant player of your generation, then Brown wins hands down.

But watching that proves the point I was trying to make. As a running back, he was just about the biggest guy on the field. He ran over linebackers and defensive backs. Maybe only a few of the down lineman were heavier than he was.

He never had to face the likes of Lawrence Taylor - same size and they both ran a 4.5 forty. He’s not bowling over Lawrence Taylor or Ray Lewis.

Like I said, if your measure of greatness is most dominant against your peers, then that’s fine, but I’d like to see Brown (or Babe Ruth) in todays game

avatar for twentyfive
1 yr ago

^ LT was an amazing talent, but having seen both of them playing , even accounting for the fact I was a young teen when Jim Brown was at the end of his career, and Lawrence Taylor was a fierce competitor, there's no way that Brown would have been intimidated by Taylor, and in my opinion Brown was a more dominating running back, than any back that ever played the game, Larry Csonka included. now if we were talking about linebackers Lawrence would have been the GOAT.

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