Thank You NAACP. Sincerely, Florida.

avatar for dha
Did the NAACP just do Florida a big favor by issuing a travel advisory for Florida.

Wish there was a NAANY that would issue a travel advisory for New Yorkers too.


last comment
avatar for ilbbaicnl
2 years ago
Right, who needs tourism jobs, when alcoholism and deep frying everything got you on Social Security disability from the age of 40? Ironic that you're against the mojados, since they do a lot of the deep frying for you.
avatar for skibum609
2 years ago
Who cares what the black Klan says?
avatar for rickdugan
2 years ago
===> "Right, who needs tourism jobs, when alcoholism and deep frying everything got you on Social Security disability from the age of 40?"

Right, because the NAACP's drama queen nonsense is going to suddenly dry up tourism and the never-ending string of transplants fleeing blue states. I've read some stupid things on here over the years, but this has to be in the running for Top 5 of all time. 😆
avatar for shailynn
2 years ago
I don’t see any African American families cancelling their trip to Disney in July because of this.

avatar for Tetradon
2 years ago
Anyone see Senator Rick Scott's travel advisory for socialists?

No one who isn't already in the tank takes the NAACP, ACLU, or SPLC seriously anymore.
avatar for Pussylicker2
2 years ago
The head of the naacp, Derrick Johnson, lives in Tampa. If all the people whose lives matter were to leave florida it would raise property values, we all know it. Why doesn't Johnson live in a black city like Chicago or Detroit? Because even black people don't want to live in black neighborhoods. Call me names if you want, but one thing you can't call me is wrong.
avatar for minnow
2 years ago
Please don't feed the troll.....
avatar for rattdog
2 years ago
"The head of the naacp, Derrick Johnson, lives in Tampa."

so if he's the head of that organization that must mean that he gave the final stamp of approval on that travel advisory. another example as do as i say and as i do.
avatar for Studme53
2 years ago
Lol Miami Beach during Springbreak could do with fewer visitors who might be influenced by the NAACP.
But Somehow I don’t think they’ll give a shit.
avatar for jaybud999
2 years ago
Fuck Florida. Until I get the opportunity to visit some clubs down in Miami, then I'll pause my Fuck Florida sentiment.
avatar for dha
2 years ago
Ha ha ha ha.
avatar for JamesSD
2 years ago
Honestly, the NCAAP is arguably a little long in the tooth. But I feel like we're 3-5 years away from Florida electing a Democratic Governor who Republicans can then scapegoat for all the damage DeSantis is doing.

Like if you're a National or especially Global corporation, can you imagine actually investing in Florida?
avatar for Tetradon
2 years ago
^ Funny, they're fleeing blue states like Illinois and New York for Florida, hand over fist.
avatar for mike710
2 years ago
Maybe that means BLM will refuse to send a bus load of protesters? Oh, I forgot, the BLM leaders bankrupted the movement.
avatar for mark94
2 years ago
Reading this thread, I keep thinking of the videos of black guys who go to Trump rallies and are shocked at the warm welcome they get.
avatar for mark94
2 years ago
Black-owned businesses employ 77,136 Floridians and represent an annual payroll of $2.63 billion.

Florida has the second-most Black-owned businesses in the country, according to the Florida Chamber of Commerce.
avatar for bang69
2 years ago
avatar for skibum609
2 years ago
The dishonesty of progressives here is breathtaking. You fucks actually believe what you read, but as someone who has visited Florida at least 4 times a year since 1970 I have never seen it more vibrant and busy. In fact, during the pandemic it was the one place people could go and feel normal. The fucked up places in this country, filled with angry, horrible people, are all blue areas. Fucking Blue Massachusetts is changing everything around here to stop the talent drain as people with money and a life worth living, move away.
avatar for dha
2 years ago
Hopefully that will change next year in November.
avatar for NinaBambina
2 years ago
"Fucking Blue Massachusetts is changing everything around here to stop the talent drain as people with money and a life worth living, move away."

So is the reason you haven't moved away from Fucking Blue Massachusetts because you have no money and no live worth living? As you types of people like to say, if you don't like it, leave.
avatar for skibum609
2 years ago
^Stupid cunt, I have a disabled relative and cannot move.
avatar for Tetradon
2 years ago
I'm conservative but I like Mass, overall. It's expensive, but I'm not hurting for cash. Unlike a lot of other blue states like Illinois, New York, or California, we're not given to wild progressive experimentation that's turning those states tits up.
avatar for NinaBambina
2 years ago
"^Stupid cunt, I have a disabled relative and cannot move."

Sucks to be you, bitch.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
2 years ago
Exactly, people with sick relatives stay in blue states, cause DeSantis says not letting them just die is "woke".
avatar for Papi_Chulo
2 years ago
"Chicago’s Endless Summer Violence: 34 Shot, 8 Dead So Far This Memorial Day Weekend"

As of early Sunday morning, there were already 34 individuals shot with eight dead in Chicago over Memorial Day Weekend.

Last year, Chicago had its deadliest Memorial Day in half a decade. More than 50 were shot and nine were killed. Based on those numbers in comparison to this year, it doesn’t really seem like Johnson’s having a major impact in curbing crime. The weekend is not over, and Monday’s Memorial Day events will likely only bring more bloodshed.

Perhaps those inclined to commit such recklessness in Chicago don’t exactly fear Johnson or his soft-on-crime policies.…
avatar for dha
2 years ago
Thank you NAACP for protecting Floridians from some of these criminals.

Actually, considering the florida stand your ground laws the NAACP may be saving some of these criminals lives.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
2 years ago
The NAACP is over 100 years old. It has always sought change in an entirely peaceful, non-violent way. Even in the depths of Jim Crow and debt slavery. Clearly racist to assert they are somehow associated with criminals.
avatar for dha
2 years ago
Racist and just generally ignorant of reality to think that way.

Plus I dont care what you call it. NAACP is associated with criminal activity. However, they should be applauded for issuing a travel warning to Florida.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
2 years ago
accusations - facts = slander
avatar for dha
2 years ago
..... yeah, best thing since sliced bread .....…
avatar for skibum609
2 years ago
Lmao @ its racist to call the racist NAACP, which exists to make money only, the criminals that they are and support. No wonder some communities that rely on white guilt fail everywhere.
avatar for gammanu95
2 years ago
And now the Alphabet People have declared a state of emergency in Florida. "Woke dies here" is fucking awesome!
avatar for dha
2 years ago
For those that are wondering who the alphabet people are, it's LGBTQ. As a Floridian, I hope the Human Rights Campaign also issues a travel advisory for lgbtq rstuvwxyz people to not travel to florida and to evacuate immediately.

They just want attention. Just wait a while and it will disappear into oblivion.

Desantis quote: "We're going to stand up for the truth, we're going to stand up for the core principles that made this country great. And our state is the state where woke goes to die." Applause applause applause.

Don't the rest of you wish the governors of your states had theballs to say the same?
avatar for twentyfive
2 years ago
I wish Governor DeSantis would pay attention to the state of Florida instead of sticking his nose in all of the crap he has no mandate to take care of
I’ll let y’all know that down here in Florida our home insurance rates are 6-10X the national average, my own insurance premiums are close to 10K taxes her have increased by a multiple of 4 and he’s concerned with people coming across the border in Texas and restrictions on abortions and shit like fighting with the largest employers in his state

I might have considered voting for him but nope he’s not my candidate
avatar for dha
2 years ago
Your insurance is high because insuance companies don't like shelling out cash for hurricane damage. And, neither do tax payrrs that don't live here.

It's a fact and opportunity cost you pay to live here.

It's great that he takes a strong stand on abortion, excessive illegal immigration, and a rediculous budget.

Hint: insurance is cheaper in other states.

Maybe calif and Gavin would be a better choice for you 25.
avatar for twentyfive
2 years ago
Not really necessary for you to be a smart ass, if you like guys who pick fights, why go for Trump Light, why don’t you vote for the real thing, me I like folks that take care of real business not phony populist jerks, that figure they can get elected by being as big a jerk as possible, not to mention actually being a conservative, there are some actual principles you know, mind your own business is not just a good practice, it’s also a real conservative principle.
avatar for dha
2 years ago
Everyone likes a little ass, but no one like a smart ass.

But, sometimes you need to be a smartass to make a point.

They are politicians. You expect too much from them.

Desantes's and Trump's wives are hot. Focus on that and give them credit for providing us with some eye candy.
avatar for twentyfive
2 years ago
I’m not into stepford wives, I date much hotter women than either of them I’ve been married to better women than either of them as well
avatar for gammanu95
2 years ago
And all those better women left you, but Trump and DeSantis have kept Melania and Casey. How about you mind your own business, loser?
avatar for twentyfive
2 years ago
^ What a dope
You’re such a loser you can’t even keep your lies straight
avatar for skibum609
2 years ago
While we are bitching about the cost of insurance let us not forget that flood insurance is very low cost for the Massachusetts rich/ living on the ocean because despite the millions upon millions paid when places like Scituate flood every other year, the Federal Government screws the poor taxpayer and pays for the rich to live on the ocean. Thats an example of how much democrats care for anyone other than the wealthy.
Anyone check out fucking retard Gavin Newsome's call for a Constitutional Convention to pass the 28th amendment limiting gun ownership? He wants to bypass Congress because they won't be enough votes to pass the amendment and start the process. Great idea right? All he needs is 2/3 of the states to sign on and t hen 75% to approve it.

Do you think he knows that calling a Constitutional amendment opens up the entire document to be changed and not just the amendment he wants? I support him because buh bye birthright citizenship for foreign scumbags and can you imagine a constitutional amendment outlawing unions? Abortion? Taxes?
avatar for gammanu95
2 years ago
That's your comeback? That dementia is really kicking your ass. I should feel guilty about wiping this board with you every time... nah, you are a shitty enough person to deserve it. You date hotter women than Melania? HAH HA HA! That's the biggest lie since you tried to convince everyone you were a conservative Republican. I cannot even imagine what kind of skanky trailer trash would barely give a failed loser handyman like you the time of day. Ladies like Casey or Melania would cross the street into a gang of Bloods and Crips to avoid your waddling penguin ass drooling towards them on the sidewalk.
avatar for twentyfive
2 years ago
^ you’re not even worth an answer, didn’t your mother tell you to shut the fuck up when adults are having a serious conversation.
avatar for dha
2 years ago
Brotherly love!
avatar for rickdugan
2 years ago
===> "The NAACP is over 100 years old. It has always sought change in an entirely peaceful, non-violent way. Even in the depths of Jim Crow and debt slavery."

Once upon the time, the NAACP was a real force for justice. Now it's just a sad political organization that puts its own political views over real results.

Blacks in blue state urban centers are living with surging crime, failing schools and forced government dependency. Compare that to endless economic and educational opportunities they enjoy in Florida, including low crime, a surging economy, manageable cost of living and universal school choice, and it's a no-brainer.
avatar for dha
2 years ago
No Rick, no. Don't ruin it.

Everyone stay out of Florida. It's hot, gives you cancer. It is racist and not freindly in any way. Its crowded, expensive, and rains a lot when hurricanes are not destroying homes and property. The strip clubs suck and get raided.

Geogia is much better. Go there or New York, Chicago, Oregon, Washington state, or California.

Florida es no bueno. Avoid it. Boycott it.
avatar for gammanu95
2 years ago
We adults are having a conversation, so STFU. Have a sippy cup and stew in your own shit-filled Depends. No wonder your wife left you.
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