In the last two days there are the links, above, of accepted adjudication by Minnow. You can also find a couple of rejected over the last few days. Easy to see comparisons in what makes one deferent than the other.
With yet another post, dha keeps making the case for him being dubbed "Tuscl's Crybaby". Besides this thread, you started another one whining about too many members rejecting reviews for lack of details. You also failed to answer my question in that thread. Namely, has any of your reviews been rejected by me and at least 3 other members ? If you can't back up your whines with actual evidence, your board cred becomes very suspect. Think before you post, otherwise you come across as an impulsive head case.
But it's pretty obvious (at least to me...) that dha's most recent comments and threads are being posted more for attention and his own entertainment than any sincere sense of bad practices on the part of others. So, unless giving dha his jollies is on your to-do list, maybe let this and other threads fade away.
I'm okay with not letting anyone fill the existing troll vacuum left behind by Icee and Scrub, etc. But that's just me.
Pl2: One needing to ask if a club (Boardroom Cabaret in Brockton MA for instance) is fully nude in every review resembles your Tuscl idol and his value add, especially when you are from O-H-I-O. Trying to stand up for Desert ASS is mind numbing and yet you do bring more here than your idol.
Minnow is precise in his quest for grammatical perfection and doesn't believe he should have to imagine what any author is trying to convey. I find his fixation on grammar, content, et al to be unrelenting (given the subject matter), but Minnow often contributes value add to Tuscl!
Scrub became a Tool! Thank you Founder for losing the Tool!
Imagine tuscl as a strip club, and you walk in, and some patron at the bar says basically "what the fuck are you doing here, twat?". I'm pretty sure the bouncer would kick that guy out.
Treat others with respect until they prove unworthy of your respect."
From this I took it that it was founder that took action. If something else was posted somewhere else, I missed it.
Sheesh, I joined tuscl because I like T & A, and good looking high mileage strippers. Here I am the subject of a thread. Rockie, thanks for the remarks. "Quest for grammatical perfection". My BS Degree isn't in English Composition, nor was it my strongest suit on SAT's. I did, however, take the time to read founders guidelines, and suggest that people offended by not getting a 7 - 0 vote, or having review rejected do the same, particularly wrt length, composition, and some general suggestions.
Before I retired, I traveled a lot, and really appreciated detailed reviews that gave me a good idea of what the club was really like. Which clubs would be worthwhile to go out of my way to visit, and which clubs should I avoid, even if it is right by my hotel. I try to write my reviews to cater to traveling businessman on his 1st visit to club. Meaning Tuscl review is a Fucking REVIEW , not a buddy or hometown circle jerk tweet. Assume potential reader doesn't know, what the "usual mileage or price is", or what Diamond, Lexi, Michelle, Sophie, or Tabitha looks like. Review isn't about you. Submitting "I walked in, paid $5 cover charge, $3 beer, saw ATF, left happy" doesn't constitute review. A few other pointers:
1) "Not enough details"- I often check that for a review that may contain **some** information, but just falls short of tuscl 4 paragraph, 4 sentences each guidelines. 8 - 9 lines of text does not constitute a review. Many members (including me) have put some effort into review, I expect the same from new submissions. The more closely review meets Tuscl guidelines, the more likely an upvote from me.
2) "Incoherent"- I see so many submissions that looks like a wall of text. Please make it easy for someone to read. Adapt to your audience, don't make them adapt to you. Hint- learn to hit the "Enter key" to paragraph space. That really makes review easier to read.
I understand that some may be new to the game. I would suggest when you read reviews, pick out the top 2 -3 reviews that you felt were most useful ( I mean like more expressive and detailed than this place sucks, or I left happy) and try to model your future submissions after them.
To reader who is offended by what I wrote, or just wants to flip me the bird: Tough shit, I'll treat others like a mature adult until they give me reason to think otherwise. I've met/corresponded with many other Tuscl members who are super people. I'm not going to waste my time feeding trolls, or dealing with immature, self centered asshats. You are now free to surf the site...
There are a "significant" number of reviews you rejected, but others voted to publish.
Maybe, reread the guidance, loosen up your tight ass, and reconsider your evaluation for a few extra seconds before pressing the red reject button, or just stop adjudicating, and enjoy some other activity in your retirement like leather crafting.
Eh. One thing I'm pretty certain about with regard to all of these threads complaining about how users adjudicate reviews... they don't change how anyone adjudicates reviews, at least not fundamentally. On one end of the bell curve are guys who approve everything that isn't 'lorem ipsum' text, and on the other end are guys who are more strict. That's not going to change.
Just like there *will* be another thread in the future complaining about review adjudicators because a guy got his dick bent over a rejected review. And that next thread will also not fundamentally change how guys here adjudicate reviews.
For example, how the owner made site improvements recently.
Maybe, if enough people agree on an issue, it may change a person's thought process. We all seem to be intelligent people here capable of facilitating change and changing our own behavior.
dha said "For example, how the owner made site improvements recently."
Good point. You should reach out to founder about these issues. He's the only one who can change the review guidelines and/or the review process. Let us know how that goes for you.
It’s a voting system. It is INTENDED to work with differing viewpoints. Majority rules and mostly, but not always, the good reviews get through and the bad ones get rejected. If everyone adjudicated the same, we wouldn’t need to vote. Don’t take down votes personally. Maybe see them as constructive criticism and embrace the “change” that the anonymous voting system is telling you that you need.
Fact remains, there's also a bunch of guys who up vote absolutely everything. It's also true that you're having a really long temper tantrum over having one of your reviews rejected.
I largely agree with Minnow's extended comment above. The only area where I would slightly differ on how I evaluate reviews is that, while the traveling businessman is probably the primary user here, I think some members like to look at the reviews of their hometown clubs just to see what others are saying about the clubs they visit frequently. I think locals writing reviews primarily for other locals is acceptable, so I tend to not reject those reviews. I also believe, based on what I see, that the traveling businessman type is declining in strip clubs as more business is now done online. When I've asked long time strippers about this, they agree with me.
I once wrote a review of a small local club. It's a bad club in a bad neighborhood and hadn't received a review for over a year and very few reviews overall. I can't imagine that any visiting out of towner would ever go there since there are so many other better options in town. Because of that, I tried to aim my review more at locals. I thought it might be useful for them to know the club was still open and pricing and dancer quality was about the same and added some details I thought would be of interest to them. I warned out of town visitors that there were better local clubs, even though I didn't think anyone was stupid enough to not figure that out on their own based on the low review count of the club. I was chastised for my review. Others can criticize me if they want to but I'm not going to spend time writing a review aimed at the nonexistent person who seeks out the worst strip clubs whenever he visits a city. There may be people like that, but it would be a tiny minority.
Minnow is one of the tougher reviewers (as am I), but I've never known him to make uninformed or dumb comments, and certainly not to be an angry, immature little dildo like Ol Scrubby was. And his guide above is on point.
We need more reviewers like him that assure we don't have to waste time scrolling through useless shit. What bothers me more are the people who obviously approve everything, even crap from people who either pulled info from other reviewers or used ChatGPT to write it. Use your fucking heads, people.
Not that I haven't seen some horseshit rejections. Someone actually accused me of plagiarizing my own review!
At base, I want useful info about the dancers, services, and the sort of atmosphere. If you didn't do at least that, or didn't proofread, or use text slang, you don't deserve a month of free VIP.
The free month sb eliminated. Thanks for the excellant value added comments by Doc and Tet.
Those of you who are members of the whiteknight squad who get upset when someone else surfaces issues with one of their squad, should think before responding with unfounded accusations and name calling. Its
The simple truth is that minnow rejects many reviews that are approved. That's all.
I'm sure he is a good guy with all the best intentions.
I'm a sinner, a hypocrite, a liar, cheater, profiteer, a charlatan, etc etc etc. Lol
Now that we got that out of the way, how about you coming clean about what you are. Or are you just the righteous ideal of what a person on this site should be?
Lol. Fact remains. Minnow rejects a lot of reviews. Live wiith it.
You're the one who decided to start a thread stating that minnow rejects "every review, period, no exceptions." and float that minnow is a desertscrub sock puppet.
Minnow downvoted and bitched about me writing a dancer review of a club a while back and told me to submit to stripperweb. He didn’t comment about any faults with the review content itself though—and I’m sure there is plenty, because I just write reviews on my phone without editing before I submit them. So I suspect he probably downvotes stuff without reading sometimes.
I would pay to see more reviews by strippers, Nicespice. Gives us a perspective we can never experience on our own. The insight is valuable so please keep your reviews coming.
Personal opinion only of course, but I don’t think somebody who has seriously speculated whether Black Lives Matter hacked his Sirius radio station to play soul music is the most “with it” as somebody in a position to call out technology shenanigans.
@dha: "I'm a sinner, a hypocrite, a liar, cheater, profiteer, a charlatan, etc etc etc. Now that we got that out of the way, how about you coming clean about what you are."
Well, I'm not a sinner, nor a liar, cheater, charlatan. I do my best not to be hypocritical, but I doubt I succeed. And I am definitely not a profiteer, though there's nothing wrong with profiting from one's intellect and/or labor.
Nice spice, with regard to dancer submissions, discussion posts created by whiffle shwaffle a few years ago for landing strip and flight club in romulus and inkster Michigan were really good reads. If more dancers could make submissions like those, the readership would likely welcome them as those submissions were very enlightening.
@nicespice- You're welcome. You should thank me for the downvote because I enabled your review to be published 15 - 30 minutes sooner than it otherwise would have been had I deferred a decision on review to other VIP members. "Minnow downvoted and Bitched...." Who's doing the bitching here, ns ? Are you so thin skinned that you're bitching about not getting a 7 - 0 upvote slate on something that happened 3 years ago ? "Minnow .. accused somebody of using AI....." If you'll read more closely, you should notice that I had a ? mark at the end. I was questioning if the review was AI generated, not making a positive statement that "this review is AI generated." The later, ns, is making an accusation. You need to brush up on English comprehension if you're thinking of going pre - law. If anything, you're the one taking an accusatory tone by suspecting that I downvote some reviews without reading them. You have no idea how much time I spent reading your review. So, I'll clue you in: My thoughts after reading your submission was "can I have 3 - 5 minutes of my life back." It struck me as more like a dancer gripe session and guide for dancers seeking employment at club than a useful review for customer POV. Hence my suggestion to submit to stripperweb rather than here. Does merely submitting a suggestion equate to bitching ? So you got a 5 - 2 vote instead of a 7 - 0 vote- get over it after 3 years already, quit bitching and stirring the pot. You should thank me for spending 3 - 5 minutes of my time to wade through your submission.
Wrt your last paragraph personal opinion : "Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one and they both stink." I'm not interested in your asshole, or your opinion. I've spent enough time on this diversion already, the pool beckons for a late night swim (just opened)- Bye.
Oh, well my bad for mocking your lack of reading reviews before downvoting…since you do read just enough on here to recall the grand total of zero times I ever talked about “thinking of going pre-law”
Enjoy your swim! Supposedly some scientific study indicates cold water might be beneficial for protecting against dementia. 😋
..... Never been a sinner. You never sinned, You got a friend in Jesus, So you know that when you die, He's gonna set you up With the spirit in the sky, .....
Nah. Even if the god of Bible *is* real (unlikely in the extreme), he's not worthy of my worship. And spending eternity kissing his ass would be worse than any hell I can think of.
last comment…
In the last two days there are the links, above, of accepted adjudication by Minnow. You can also find a couple of rejected over the last few days. Easy to see comparisons in what makes one deferent than the other.
But it's pretty obvious (at least to me...) that dha's most recent comments and threads are being posted more for attention and his own entertainment than any sincere sense of bad practices on the part of others. So, unless giving dha his jollies is on your to-do list, maybe let this and other threads fade away.
I'm okay with not letting anyone fill the existing troll vacuum left behind by Icee and Scrub, etc. But that's just me.
Minnow is precise in his quest for grammatical perfection and doesn't believe he should have to imagine what any author is trying to convey. I find his fixation on grammar, content, et al to be unrelenting (given the subject matter), but Minnow often contributes value add to Tuscl!
Scrub became a Tool! Thank you Founder for losing the Tool!
I thought @Founder posted that scrub had asked him (Founder) to delete his account.…
... Founder's one post was:
"He discouraged new members.
Imagine tuscl as a strip club, and you walk in, and some patron at the bar says basically "what the fuck are you doing here, twat?". I'm pretty sure the bouncer would kick that guy out.
Treat others with respect until they prove unworthy of your respect."
From this I took it that it was founder that took action. If something else was posted somewhere else, I missed it.
Either way, we get the same net benefit.
Rockie, thanks for the remarks. "Quest for grammatical perfection". My BS Degree isn't in English Composition, nor was it my strongest suit on SAT's. I did, however, take the time to read founders guidelines, and suggest that people offended by not getting a 7 - 0 vote, or having review rejected do the same, particularly wrt length, composition, and some general suggestions.
Before I retired, I traveled a lot, and really appreciated detailed reviews that gave me a good idea of what the club was really like. Which clubs would be worthwhile to go out of my way to visit, and which clubs should I avoid, even if it is right by my hotel. I try to write my reviews to cater to traveling businessman on his 1st visit to club. Meaning Tuscl review is a Fucking REVIEW , not a buddy or hometown circle jerk tweet. Assume potential reader doesn't know, what the "usual mileage or price is", or what Diamond, Lexi, Michelle, Sophie, or Tabitha looks like. Review isn't about you. Submitting "I walked in, paid $5 cover charge, $3 beer, saw ATF, left happy" doesn't constitute review. A few other pointers:
1) "Not enough details"- I often check that for a review that may contain **some** information, but just falls short of tuscl 4 paragraph, 4 sentences each guidelines. 8 - 9 lines of text does not constitute a review. Many members (including me) have put some effort into review, I expect the same from new submissions. The more closely review meets Tuscl guidelines, the more likely an upvote from me.
2) "Incoherent"- I see so many submissions that looks like a wall of text. Please make it easy for someone to read. Adapt to your audience, don't make them adapt to you. Hint- learn to hit the "Enter key" to paragraph space. That really makes review easier to read.
I understand that some may be new to the game. I would suggest when you read reviews, pick out the top 2 -3 reviews that you felt were most useful ( I mean like more expressive and detailed than this place sucks, or I left happy) and try to model your future submissions after them.
To reader who is offended by what I wrote, or just wants to flip me the bird: Tough shit, I'll treat others like a mature adult until they give me reason to think otherwise. I've met/corresponded with many other Tuscl members who are super people. I'm not going to waste my time feeding trolls, or dealing with immature, self centered asshats.
You are now free to surf the site...
There are a "significant" number of reviews you rejected, but others voted to publish.
Maybe, reread the guidance, loosen up your tight ass, and reconsider your evaluation for a few extra seconds before pressing the red reject button, or just stop adjudicating, and enjoy some other activity in your retirement like leather crafting.
Just like there *will* be another thread in the future complaining about review adjudicators because a guy got his dick bent over a rejected review. And that next thread will also not fundamentally change how guys here adjudicate reviews.
For example, how the owner made site improvements recently.
Maybe, if enough people agree on an issue, it may change a person's thought process. We all seem to be intelligent people here capable of facilitating change and changing our own behavior.
Good point. You should reach out to founder about these issues. He's the only one who can change the review guidelines and/or the review process. Let us know how that goes for you.
Only one person I see here doing any whining...
I once wrote a review of a small local club. It's a bad club in a bad neighborhood and hadn't received a review for over a year and very few reviews overall. I can't imagine that any visiting out of towner would ever go there since there are so many other better options in town. Because of that, I tried to aim my review more at locals. I thought it might be useful for them to know the club was still open and pricing and dancer quality was about the same and added some details I thought would be of interest to them. I warned out of town visitors that there were better local clubs, even though I didn't think anyone was stupid enough to not figure that out on their own based on the low review count of the club. I was chastised for my review. Others can criticize me if they want to but I'm not going to spend time writing a review aimed at the nonexistent person who seeks out the worst strip clubs whenever he visits a city. There may be people like that, but it would be a tiny minority.
We need more reviewers like him that assure we don't have to waste time scrolling through useless shit. What bothers me more are the people who obviously approve everything, even crap from people who either pulled info from other reviewers or used ChatGPT to write it. Use your fucking heads, people.
Not that I haven't seen some horseshit rejections. Someone actually accused me of plagiarizing my own review!
At base, I want useful info about the dancers, services, and the sort of atmosphere. If you didn't do at least that, or didn't proofread, or use text slang, you don't deserve a month of free VIP.
Thanks for the excellant value added comments by Doc and Tet.
Those of you who are members of the whiteknight squad who get upset when someone else surfaces issues with one of their squad, should think before responding with unfounded accusations and name calling. Its
The simple truth is that minnow rejects many reviews that are approved. That's all.
I'm sure he is a good guy with all the best intentions.
You mean like suggesting in the top post that minnow is desertscrub's sock puppet...?
And, this one. You are a long standing member of the whiteknight squad. Makes your childish, ill-conceived responses, worthless and immature.
Now you can respond with one of your childishly rediculous comments. Go ........ !
Now that we got that out of the way, how about you coming clean about what you are. Or are you just the righteous ideal of what a person on this site should be?
Lol. Fact remains. Minnow rejects a lot of reviews. Live wiith it.
You're the one who decided to start a thread stating that minnow rejects "every review, period, no exceptions." and float that minnow is a desertscrub sock puppet.
Minnow downvoted and bitched about me writing a dancer review of a club a while back and told me to submit to stripperweb. He didn’t comment about any faults with the review content itself though—and I’m sure there is plenty, because I just write reviews on my phone without editing before I submit them. So I suspect he probably downvotes stuff without reading sometimes.…
Hmm, maybe I’ll write another club review sometime soon 😊…
Personal opinion only of course, but I don’t think somebody who has seriously speculated whether Black Lives Matter hacked his Sirius radio station to play soul music is the most “with it” as somebody in a position to call out technology shenanigans.
Well, I'm not a sinner, nor a liar, cheater, charlatan. I do my best not to be hypocritical, but I doubt I succeed. And I am definitely not a profiteer, though there's nothing wrong with profiting from one's intellect and/or labor.
"Minnow downvoted and Bitched...." Who's doing the bitching here, ns ? Are you so thin skinned that you're bitching about not getting a 7 - 0 upvote slate on something that happened 3 years ago ?
"Minnow .. accused somebody of using AI....." If you'll read more closely, you should notice that I had a ? mark at the end. I was questioning if the review was AI generated, not making a positive statement that "this review is AI generated." The later, ns, is making an accusation. You need to brush up on English comprehension if you're thinking of going pre - law.
If anything, you're the one taking an accusatory tone by suspecting that I downvote some reviews without reading them. You have no idea how much time I spent reading your review.
So, I'll clue you in: My thoughts after reading your submission was "can I have 3 - 5 minutes of my life back." It struck me as more like a dancer gripe session and guide for dancers seeking employment at club than a useful review for customer POV. Hence my suggestion to submit to stripperweb rather than here. Does merely submitting a suggestion equate to bitching ? So you got a 5 - 2 vote instead of a 7 - 0 vote- get over it after 3 years already, quit bitching and stirring the pot. You should thank me for spending 3 - 5 minutes of my time to wade through your submission.
Wrt your last paragraph personal opinion : "Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one and they both stink." I'm not interested in your asshole, or your opinion. I've spent enough time on this diversion already, the pool beckons for a late night swim (just opened)- Bye.
Enjoy your swim! Supposedly some scientific study indicates cold water might be beneficial for protecting against dementia. 😋
Spirit in the Sky by Norman Greenbaum. Released 1969
..... Never been a sinner. You never sinned,
You got a friend in Jesus,
So you know that when you die,
He's gonna set you up
With the spirit in the sky, .....