Anyone else notice a lot more super short reviews?
Hank Moody
I'm fine. I'm disgusted with my life and myself, but I'm not unhappy about that.
Like one or two sentences? Just rejected one that was 6 letters in no particular order. That’s it. Not even an attempt at an actual review. My guess it’s a lot of new members who have never read a tuscl review or realize that the collective membership actually adjudicates reviews. Seems to be a side effect of Founder taking away the couple of free reads he used to allow non VIPs to read. They have nothing to model after (or plagiarize).
Vip, but I’m less incentives to write one knowing that so many reviews getting through has the sense of diluting the quality, so I don’t need the Intel that’s being written if there is less value for n them. No thanks. I’ll keep my reviews to myself.…
2. An easy workaround to maintain VIP is to recycle a perfectly acceptable review and resubmit every month or so. I see that a lot. Unless the adjudicators recall the review or go back and look at recent reviews for the club (which is a lot to expect), there's no apparent reason not to approve
Super short, low effort reviews have been a thing on TUSCL for years now, including one I saw that read "Great club. Now give me my free fucking VIP.", which shockingly did not result in a free fucking VIP. For a lot of guys submitting sub-50 word reviews, it's not that they don't know better. It's more likely that they don't care. So, really I think the only solution is to keep voting them down.
Regarding guys who review the same club over and over, I'm one of those. For Club Desire I have boilerplate copy aimed at the newcomers (lol) which gets light editing only when things change. And then I have a couple of sections where I write about that specific visit in detail. This has always received positive feedback (except from desertscrub...). So, if a guy is copying and pasting the exact same review with no attempt at updating, that's not great. But I don't think some recycled content along with updated content is okay (speaking selfishly here).
The reality is that some reviewers are lazy, and nothing is going to make that go away.
And, a lot can be communicated well in 4 to 5 well written sentences.
Having a standard format equals consistently boring repetative reviews.