
Comments by gk (page 37)

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    16 years ago
    It's funny how getting a 2nd Job changed a dancer's attitude
    The thread should be--do dancers act different when they encounter life-changing events? And the answer is yes. But it bigger than another job. It could be anything that gives then another focus on life. A more respectable job might be one reason. A more respectable boyfrield might be the other but one I encoutntered latgely wass the dancer having her third kid. She came back to work more focused on her responsiblity as a parent. Did not want to do wild and crazy things over the line like she once did. She used to be a tag tem member for girl on girl parties. But when she cam back it all stopped. I asked hjer about it and she simply admitted, 'i'm that that person any more.'
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    13 years ago
    8 Things Dancers Don't Want to Hear
    Aa lot of comments on this and I did read all of them, but SuperDude's right. Showing some respect goes a long way and results in more friendly dancers as they try to make it through a long shift. I would add one thing though--respect is a two way street--there is no single standard by which to judge a customer based on attitude, finances, playfulness etc. Everyone is different. But respect allows you to find each other's needs and boundaries. Next time someone hits you with a bad line, instead of getting insulted, why not try saying in a friendly/constructive way something like "you may not have thought about how that sounds, but..." and take things from that point.
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    13 years ago
    Levels (Journey) of a Strip Club Hobbyist
    I'll add this, I've have had several dancers ask me how I like to play in the VIP room.
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    14 years ago
    Clubs that Get It and Clubs that Don't
    I remember when the Circus still operated in Cleveland. Ownership insisted that there always be a dancer on stage during hours of operation, regardless if the place was packed or if there were zero customers. It kept the dancer honest about what their jobs were and helped to curtail the bad attitudes that some get when business fluctuates. But those days are gone here, but it was a good lesson to follow. Clubs that let dancers cop an attitude have lost control of their employees and when they don't put a dancer on stage, they cheapen themselves, in mhy opinion.
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    14 years ago
    How to enjoy SEXtracurricular Activities (Without the SO Finding Out)
    Not thaaaat long. Good advice. Life on the edge is...worth living. Whatever your circumstances. Dull is not fun.
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    14 years ago
    The Election, Ayn Rand, and Strippers
    Tits are good. So is ass. That makes me equal opportunity.
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    14 years ago
    The Election, Ayn Rand, and Strippers
    It's Sunday morning and I'm killing time before the football game, so I read this, but not out of boredom. Now, what toi say. I like Libertarians. Nothing wrong with personal liberty, helping yourself and providing some help to others in the process--all by means of individual initiative. Interesting analogy to strippers, by the way. You're way too conspiratorial. I don't think the parties are out to screw us by design. They are out to promote their agendas. They screws us accidentally: **Dems cater to their various special interest constituencies that make up their coalition.--need something, we'll give it to you as a "right" (translation, the public pays for it). That makes for a better society in their view. More engineered fairness is better and govt gives it to you. **Republicans cater less to interests than to ideals. An arguments could be made that GOP interest constitute business and more wealthy people. BUT examining ideals reveals that everyone aspires to acquire more wealth, Republicans don't want to limit that for anybodys' ability to do that. Jobs come from richer people or poorer people who take a risk and borrow molney to fund that risk. These people create jobs for the rest of us. Government is only needed to provide some regulation to keep things honest. Less govt is better. We'll better on our own. Both have created and maintained safety nets for the incompetents and truly hardup. I'm not suspicious of this, I just subscribe to the one I think works best for me, that is the one that takes less from me. To sum up: Too much anger. Too conspsiratorial. Maybe a little anger management this week would help you.
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    14 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Eating in Strip Clubs
    Getting back in on this one, you can also look at it from a business perspective. Good food is a value-added service that better clubs can offer to customers. If a club employs a "chef" instead of a cook, as many do, you know they're making an effort to do something above average. It's not in their interest to mess it up. And if I'm on a big escape day, or a night out, I just might be interested in having food at the club if I'm there at the right hours. And if you're doing business entertaining, it would have to be good or you wouldn't be back, right?. Free buffets or lunch discounts are all part of the marketing mix of incentives to attract clientele and retain it longer. I've seen this work, so when I'm comfortable with the operation, I trust the food.
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    14 years ago
    Future of Strip Clubs
    There is a lot of mediocre talent hanging around as rickdugan says. That's probably a factor of the economy as average to under-average desperate girls tryi to make what they thnk is easy cash flow. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't--depending on the club and city. But in places where the herd of clubs is thinned by closings, the cream of the crop quickly spreads around to all clubs. Even the most run down, dive places seems to have at least one beauty shaking her ass. So it can cut both ways. But I agree that the most striking trend is the increase in contact and availability of extras compared to some 15 years ago.
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    14 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Eating in Strip Clubs
    I'll buy food in clubs. You have to trust who's cooking it if it's not a real upscale establishment, which is possible only when you've built up trust and a regular reputation. No one wants to piss off a regular customer who they depend on for income. But some places and some people I just don't want to buy food from or even contemplate having them touch it. Like Steve, I also buy food for dancers occassionally--friends, favs, or dancers who are just fun in the moment if I'm in the mood. It does pay off in the long run.
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    14 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Strip Club Drink Scams
    I've noticed my tab seemed padded sometimes when spending a long time at the bar at one of my favorite clubs. Moral: don't take anything for granted. A bartender who you may think of as a "friend" because of your frequent business may actually take advantage of you as your "party" extends itself.  Try to keep a running count of what you've ordered to avoid being taken.  Question big tabs politely simply for the sake of  getting the bartender to justify everything.--keeps them on their honest toes over the long run--but do it in a friendly way, more of a "help me with this" approach so as not to insult anyone, but the whole exercise puts them on record as knowing you're watching your tab so they won't think you're an easy mark.  
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    14 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Why do I do this?
     Yes, we have some inner drive that keeps us coming back for more.  The hunt, the chase, the score, it's all part of the rush.  The mix can be different depending on moods. Sometimes it's the faux affection, sometimes it's the flirting, but mostly it's the lusting that's not limited to window shopping--after all most of us guys hate to shop, we like to buy, right?.
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    15 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    What is an ultimate strip club?
    Well thought out article. However, I would offer three points to truly achieve ultimate perfectrion in strip clubs. <br /> <br /> 1.&nbsp;If the dancers can grind and touch our package, we should be able to touch theirs.&nbsp; It's logical and meets a standard of putting a club above the rest.<br /> <br /> 2.&nbsp;Younger 30 something women&nbsp; who take care ofthemselves are excellent SC dancers and are, in fact, the preferred types for many customers.&nbsp; Because one of your criteria speaks to variety, it's only&nbsp;logical to extend this to include the 30 something dancer.<br /> <br /> 3. Your criteria IMHO is lacking&nbsp;one more important point:&nbsp; EXPERIENCE. An ultimate strip club should have dancers who know what&nbsp;they are doing, no on-the-job training allowed.&nbsp; The dancer employees must have prevcious experience somewhere else. This would also&nbsp;eliminate 18 &amp; 19 year old dancers and maybe even 20 year&nbsp;old dancers.&nbsp; So perhaps an ultimate strip club should not have any dancers younger than age 21 &nbsp;because they (the younger ones) have little&nbsp;experience in the real world let alone strip clubs.&nbsp;