
The Election, Ayn Rand, and Strippers

Thursday, November 11, 2010 12:52 PM
With the recent election of a bunch of neo-fascists to the House of Representatives - oh, sorry - I missed those comments by Jon Stewart - I have seen various commmentators talking about America adopting the moral philosophy of Ayn Rand. (Rand Paul is not named that by accident.) I've also noticed that this seems to be an author that a lot of strippers mention - so it got me to thinking about the connection. It's been interesting to find out how many of the strippers whose company I actually enjoy are into Ayn Rand. I suppose the reason for this is (1) it's nice to find a stripper who actually reads and doesn't just talk about how shitfaced they got last Friday night and (2) it's perhaps something of a rite of passage amongst women in that age group and line of work (I am NOT going to lower myself to calling stripping a 'profession') who are trying to set aside any feelings of altruism they might have so they can fuck you over and take all your money. So it's logical choice, eh? And, of course, sometimes the girls who are there to fuck you over the most are kind of interesting as long as you prepared to deal with it and fuck them over as much as you can. I occassionally do this by spending some time and effort on a girl who clearly is into manipulation and then spending my money on someone else who is more innocent mentally, but not physically. God that pisses them off - and that's fun! I see three parts to Ayn Rand's philosophy. (1) Do whatever is best for yourself and that will be best for everyone (laissez-faire capitalism and a bit of a bastardization of Adam Smith (2) People who try to get other people to be altruistic usually do that just to take advantage of them (oddly enough, that's almost aligned with Marx saying "Religion is the opiate of the masses" and (3) Be true to yourself and you will succeed. Let's look at each of these 3 items because you must be bored shitless to have stayed with me this far. Not surprising that strippers want to do what is best for themselves. Also not surprising that some of them are trying to get over the idea of having a conscience and so they fall back on Ayn Rand as religious saint who can console them with 'Don't worry honey - it's all best for everyone.' Well, hate to inform a few of you naive and gullible bastards of this, but neither corporate leaders, nor the Republican Party, nor even - to my chagrin - the Democratic Party has your best interest as even a remote part of their agenda and the more unbalanced the power is, the more likely you are to get screwed (and not in the good way.) Likewise with strippers - the more unbalanced the power is, the more likely you are to get screwed - and not in the good way. Adam Smith was actually trying to rescue England from a spate of monopolistic price-fixing controlled by Mercantilists and was in favor of competition when there was not a vastly inequal distribution of power. So strippers like Ayn Rand and laissez-faire capitalism because it gives them a way to assuage their conscious for royally fucking you over and doing what is in their best interest. Moral: Negotiate hard. And strippers - it's in your best interest and that's the end of it - don't try to pretend some moral good comes out of it when you act like a complete cutthroat bitch. The second part - that people who tell you to be altruistic will then take advantage of you - has some appeal to strippers because they don't want anything to get in the way of their money making. I mean, how are they going to afford the mortgage and their daily hit of heroin if they have any altruistic tendencies, eh? So - fuck altruism. And I will grant that anyone who is purely altruistic is likely to get walked on a lot - especially with all the motherfuckers out there who are following Ayn Rand. The final part - be true to yourself - ok, now where the fuck did that come from? Ok - this is the fucking female brain at work and why Ayn Rand, in the final analysis, is just a big douche bag. A lot of strippers took the ingenious route of dropping out of high school or college or majoring in Medieval History, even if they did go to college at fucking Stanford. And they see themselves as budding artists, musicians, animal rights activists, whatever the fuck. But they are going to be true to themselves because, in the end, that is self-centered and will create incredible beauty in the world. So says fucking Ayn - geez what kind of fucking name is Ayn anyway? So that, in the mind of 20 year old girl who may have been sexually abused or might be shooting up occassionally or whatever the fuck her issue is, gives her the right to fuck you over as much as she wants - but she will try to engage in some interesting conversation. Just don't ask her the difference between Apolo Ono and the Ohno Bird (legs of 2 feet, balls of 4 feet and when it lands it says 'Ohno') Now Ayn Rand escaped from Russia and hated Josef Stalin. And with good fucking reason - he killed about 20 million people and I believe that still stands in the Guiness Book of World Records, although Adolf gets a mention. But what was Stalin really doing? Well, seems to me like he was just applying Ayn Rand's philosophy and looking out for himself in one ruthless motherfucking fashion. So, I guess, Ayn Rand and Stalin and strippers have a lot in common - they're pretty much interested in one thing and one thing only - them-fucking-selves. To the extent that there are rules around out there or social enforcement mechanisms to reign in the worst of this behavior, things can still work pretty well. Hey - I have actually enjoyed 90% of the lap dances I have done! But once you release all the social constraints and make everything a power struggle, well, then you get Stalinist Russia or the Capitalist excesses of the last 10 years in the United States. So if you wanna vote for Sarah Palin or some other dumb ass stripper for President in 2012, feel free - but at least you know what the hell you're getting yourself into now. It'll be like the most ruthless stripper you know running the country - good luck with that.


  • Dudester
    14 years ago
    <p> 1) Your article would've been more interesting with paragraphs. You start each with <> with a p in between the brackets. You end each with a <> with a /p in between the brackets. </p> <p> 2) In 2008 I voted Libertarian. I knew that my candidate had absolutely no chance, but neither did McCain (an extemely poor choice by the GOP), plus people were having Obamagasms all over the place. It was late 1976 all over again.</p> <p>3) You're a smart guy, but waaaaay too smart. You think of yourself as the smartest guy in any room, and that's a sure way to get everyone to think "FUCK him". </p> 4) Where I grew up, we say, "If you're so smart, you fix everything". I lay that challenge at your feet. I've voted in every election (save local school board election) since 1980. I've also campaigned for five Presidential winners and I've served on the staff of one loser (Perot). I've also campaigned for W in two succesful gubernatorial elections and I was a very active campaigner in the giant GOP wave of 1994. I've been a part of positive change in this country. Can you say that ?</p>
  • SuperDude
    14 years ago
    "Fountainhead" starring Gary Cooper and Patricia Neal, screenplay by Ayn Rand from her novel of the same name.
  • jabthehut
    14 years ago
    Anyone have the Cliff Notes on this harangue? Oh, never mind.
  • farmerart
    14 years ago
    When a stripper asks you for your name; tell her it is John Galt. I went through my Ayn Rand phase in my late teens. Then I grew up and became an adult. Ayn Rand is for kids. Did you know that Alan Greenspan was an adoring acolyte of Rand's in the 40s and 50s? The current US economic mess caused by the collapse in residential real estate prices is directly attributable to Greenspan's goofy interest rate policies while he was at the Fed. And where did he get his failed ideas from? Rand = Republican IDIOCY.
  • mmdv26
    14 years ago
    Why should the author sacrifice his precious time creating new paragraphs just so a reader could find this rant more interesting (not), more readable (maybe) or longer on the page?
  • GooberMan
    14 years ago
    I am a fan of Ayn Rand and make no apologies for acting in my own best interest. As for the rant that opened this thread, I agree with the other commenter who suggested that it would benefit from adequate paragraph breaks. Persons who find Ayn Rand's book THE VIRTUE OF SELFISHNESS offensive may find the much earlier work THE ART OF SELFISHNESS by David Seabury much more palatable. The author argues in favor of self-interest and against self-sacrifice from a Christian perspective. Read reviews at [view link] and check your local library for copies.
  • GooberMan
    14 years ago
    I am a fan of Ayn Rand and make no apologies for acting in my own best interest. As for the rant that opened this thread, I agree with the other commenter who suggested that it would benefit from adequate paragraph breaks. Persons who find Ayn Rand's book THE VIRTUE OF SELFISHNESS offensive may find the much earlier work THE ART OF SELFISHNESS by David Seabury much more palatable. The author argues in favor of self-interest and against self-sacrifice from a Christian perspective. Read reviews at [view link] and check your local library for copies.
  • GooberMan
    14 years ago
    Sorry about the double posting. Connection problems. I thought there was a way to delete posts but apparently not.
  • georgmicrodong
    14 years ago
    That has to be one of *the* most complete demonstrations of the fundamental failure to understand what Rand believed and proposed that I've ever witnessed.
  • Tiredtraveler
    14 years ago
    I guess you need to be reminded that Jim Crowe, Blue laws and prohibition have been brought to you by the democrats. The true conservative philosophy is if you are an Adult you have the right to dance naked if you want as long as you do not hurt anyone else. The socialist elite that want you to only do want they want when they want and pay them for the priviledge of them telling you want to do. Tipper Gore as morality police for TV then it turns out her "happy marriage" to Algore was a gettin some on the side and she is a frigid bitch (like you can't tell that by looking at it). The "liberal" plan now uses morality freedom to distract you while they take away all you other freedoms them they unlease the morality police to regulate thought. Politcal correct think states the men are not allowed to have sexual thought about women. If you do and the authorities find out they will kick you out of school or have you fired from your job for her-ass-ment.
  • rickdugan
    14 years ago
    <p>This comes off as a bitter academic with more theoretical exposure than real world experience. It is also more of a rambling monologue than something with a finely thought through point.<p> <p>First off, I don't know many strippers that could even tell you who Ayn Rand, never mind become acolytes of her philosophies. IME each girl's self interest is more personally, and viscerally, driven than a result of some theoretical philosophies dervided from a collection of 80 year old manuscripts. Guess I'm meeting the wrong class of stripper. ;)<p> <p>But then this article went on to imply that, when dealing with strippers, one should essentially be an asshole. As a regular procurer of OTC, I can tell you that the "negotiate hard - fuck them over" approach will invariably backfire in any number of ways. The approach that works for me is friendly and calm, but also firm. I can usually smell the bullshit before it hits and won't get involved in anything that seems dicey. But getting all worked up about it is pointless. To a degree this is adversarial, but also very personal, so a certain amount of balance is needed.<p> <p>Finally, the ramblings about Sarah Palin made this guy come off as a bit of a crackpot. Comparing her to a stripper? Really? Now we all know that political balance is good, but I would agree with another poster in pointing out that, in matters of personal behavior, it is primarily Democrats that feel the need to conduct morality policing.<p>
  • paulrevere
    14 years ago
    <p>First of all, I humbly apologize for the lack of paragraphs. I wrote the 'rant' (hey - that's a fair assessment!) in paragraphs, but it did not come out that way. I will try to fix it if you each of you that complained sends me $500 and joins my AmWay pyramid scam.</p> <p>There are a lot of interesting comments here. Perhaps the most amusing are that I'm 'waaaay too smart' - wow, glad to hear it - I'll tell my kids - and that I have no 'real world' experience. Oh brother - there - I've got waaaaay too much real world experience.</p> <p>I'm sorry if it sounds like I encourage generally fucking over strippers - I don't. There are a few of them who occassionally deserve it, but that is not the general case. Once in awhile, it's fun to piss one off, though - admit it.</p> <p>When Conservatives want to legalize prostitution, I'll take them seriously and believe they are real Conservatives. Right now Libertarians are allied with Creationists - gimme a break.</p> <p>Finally - nobody laughed? Not once? The whole fucking thing was supposed to be funny. Geez - people - lighten the fuck up. Or does Ayn not allow that?</p>
  • GooberMan
    14 years ago
    <p>From [view link] we have this:</p> <p><i>Humor is not an unconditional virtue; its moral character depends on its object. To laugh at the contemptible, is a virtue; to laugh at the good, is a hideous vice. Too often, humor is used as the camouflage of moral cowardice.</i></p> <p>"Bootleg Romanticism," <i>The Romantic Manifesto,</i> 133.</p> <p>(I hope I got the formatting right on this post.)</p>
  • Dudester
    14 years ago
    <p>I'm a freakin genius wrote: "Finally - nobody laughed? Not once? The whole fucking thing was supposed to be funny. Geez - people - lighten the fuck up. Or does Ayn not allow that?" </p> <p>Most of us here enjoy each other's company. We are all different, with different views on politics, religion, and elections, but we all agree on enjoying strippers and networking with each other about clubs, girls, etc. The way we do that is relating to each other as men and adults. You came in here screaming "I'm a pseudo intellectual smarter than everyone !!" I graduated near the top of my class in college, but there are a lot of guys here smarter than I am, and I'm intelligent enough not to insult their intelligence. A little bit of maturity might teach you that lesson. </p>
  • georgmicrodong
    14 years ago
    "The whole fucking thing was supposed to be funny." <p/> What's so funny about misrepresentation?
  • rickdugan
    14 years ago
    paul, the humor really didn't come through in your article.
  • paulrevere
    14 years ago
    <p>Rickdugan - fair comments - appreciate the opinion</p> <p>Quicksandman - don't agree, but good response</p> <p>Dudester - thanks for launching a personal attack on me and lecturing me about 'maturity'. Your efforts in support of people like W have play a wonderful role in destroying America and even undermining healthy sexuality - if that's your idea of positive change, you can have it. I see you spend most of your time writing articles and reviews out here so I won't pretend I'll ever get in the last word with someone like you. You use typical right wing bullying and intimidation tactics to scream louder than anyone else.</p> <p>The strippers I had read this thought it was funny - guess I'll stick with them - they have better tits and drink more tequila.</p>
  • sinclair
    14 years ago
    I am guessing you just wanted a free month of VIP.
  • paulrevere
    14 years ago
    Thank you Sinclair - good guess
  • inno123
    14 years ago
    <p>Actually the current crop of 'Tea Party' types is less in the Ayn Rand mold that the Bush/Cheney type conservatives. The real reason why she is so associated with neoconservatives is her book <i>Atlas Shrugged</i> which is at the top of their reading list.</p> <p>The part of the premise of that book that the neocons love so much is that there is a tiny elite of people, the titans, who uniquely possess the ability to generate economic benefit not just for themselves but for everybody else too. And if you annoy them too much (such as by failing to give them lower taxes and no regulation) then they will just take their ball and go home and everything will go to hell in a handbasket in no time flat. Although contradicted by emperical reality it none the less is an attractive myth since it means that investment bankers, hedge fund managers, etc. have every reason not only to feel no guilt about their disproportionate earnings and political clout but to feel entitled to it since it is the reason why the rest of us can even manage to get by at all without klutzing ourselves to the stone age.</p> <p>But since this is supposed to be a lighthearted site about strip clubs, let's write a plot synopsis for <i>Atlas Stripped</i> <p>Joannie Galt was the hottest stripper ever. Her pole moves were astounding and her lap dances to die for. She raked in tons of money for herself and Club America. She wasn't just a Ten, she was a TenTen, and the most respected of the TenTens at Club America. Until the owner got greedy in order not simply to keep the club maintained but also to keep up with the ever growing demands of the TenTens. So the TenTens decided that they would just take their money and go on permanent vacation. After which the club completely went to crap until the owners came pleading back to the TenTens and give them whatever they wanted to save it.</p> <p>...or maybe instead the owners of Club America just went out and hired a bunch of new girls who quickly learned the moves and weren't the arrogant greedy demanding b****es that Joannie and her friends were. Just saying....</p>
  • MisterGuy
    14 years ago
    <p>"With the recent election of a bunch of neo-fascists to the House of Representatives"</p> <p>Come on now...calling people a bunch of fascist right off the mark is just a tad off the mark & off-putting don't ya think?</p> <p>"Rand Paul is not named that by accident."</p> <p>Actually, his name's Randal (or Randy). Ron Paul definitely is a fan of Ayn Rand though.</p> <p>It is amazing how many people took a *completely fictional book* that Ayn Rand wrote a long time ago to heart. It is a nice book to point to though if you're a fan of greed or the running "conservative" idea that man is essential bad to the core...hence almost all group efforts by man should be shunned as "bad" for society.</p> <p>"Adam Smith was actually trying to rescue England from a spate of monopolistic price-fixing controlled by Mercantilists and was in favor of competition when there was not a vastly inequal distribution of power."</p> <p>He was also a fan of progressive taxation, and not so much a fan of valuing "trade deficits" as something that one needed to be overly concerned about.</p> <p>"So strippers like Ayn Rand and laissez-faire capitalism because it gives them a way to assuage their conscious for royally fucking you over and doing what is in their best interest."</p> <p>LOL...one of my former ATFs said it best about her attitude towards draining those that obviously had a lot of money to spend on her in a strip club:</p> <p>"Hey, why not share some the wealth?"</p> <p>So much for being opposed to spreading the wealth around, eh? ;)</p> <p>"So says fucking Ayn - geez what kind of fucking name is Ayn anyway?"</p> <p>A made up one, since she was born Alisa Zinov'yevna Rosenbaum in Russia.</p> <p>"But what was Stalin really doing? Well, seems to me like he was just applying Ayn Rand's philosophy and looking out for himself in one ruthless motherfucking fashion. So, I guess, Ayn Rand and Stalin and strippers have a lot in common - they're pretty much interested in one thing and one thing only - them-fucking-selves."</p> <p>I think you're getting a little confused between totalitarianism & communism, but don't worry...the Tea Party people & their buddies on the far Right do that all the time as well. Both the Nazis & Stalin rounded up people that they thought had "wronged" the state somehow so that they could be cleansed, but that's totalitarianism more than anything else.</p> <p>"So if you wanna vote for Sarah Palin or some other dumb ass stripper for President in 2012, feel free - but at least you know what the hell you're getting yourself into now. It'll be like the most ruthless stripper you know running the country - good luck with that."</p> <p>Hmmmmmm, I didn't know that ole Sarah ever stripped, but she would be the worst President in American history for sure. It's NEVER going to actually happen though.</p>
  • MisterGuy
    14 years ago
    <p>"I've also campaigned for five Presidential winners and I've served on the staff of one loser (Perot). I've also campaigned for W in two succesful gubernatorial elections and I was a very active campaigner in the giant GOP wave of 1994."</p> <p>Ugh, that's not surprising at all Dudster...you're part of the PROBLEM, not the solution...not that you'll ever realize that or anything...sheesh...</p> <p>-------------------------------------</p> <p>The current US economic mess caused by the collapse in residential real estate prices is directly attributable to Greenspan's goofy interest rate policies while he was at the Fed. And where did he get his failed ideas from? Rand = Republican IDIOCY.</p> <p>Exactly!</p> <p>-----------------------------------------</p> <p>"I guess you need to be reminded that Jim Crowe, Blue laws and prohibition have been brought to you by the democrats".</p> <p>...and now they are championed mostly by the GOP. You do realize that the major U.S. parties basically switched sides on civil rights in the 1960s & 1970s, don't you??</p> <p>"Tipper Gore as morality police for TV"</p> <p>...and there are just as many, if not more, of the same type of people on the far Right in the USA right now. Once again, BOTH of the extremes have it all wrong on these type of issues.</p> <p>----------------------------------</p> <p>"but I would agree with another poster in pointing out that, in matters of personal behavior, it is primarily Democrats that feel the need to conduct morality policing."</p> <p>Nope, open your eyes noob...ugh...</p> <p>-----------------------</p> <p>"there are a lot of guys here smarter than I am"</p> <p>...but that's not really saying that much in your case Dudster...ugh...</p> <p>-----------------------</p> <p>"The part of the premise of that book that the neocons love so much is that there is a tiny elite of people, the titans, who uniquely possess the ability to generate economic benefit not just for themselves but for everybody else too. And if you annoy them too much (such as by failing to give them lower taxes and no regulation) then they will just take their ball and go home and everything will go to hell in a handbasket in no time flat. Although contradicted by emperical reality it none the less is an attractive myth since it means that investment bankers, hedge fund managers, etc. have every reason not only to feel no guilt about their disproportionate earnings and political clout but to feel entitled to it since it is the reason why the rest of us can even manage to get by at all without klutzing ourselves to the stone age.</p> <p>Very, very well said!!</p>
  • paulrevere
    14 years ago
    <p>Yah - shouldn't have started off with the comment about Neo-Fascists, but Obama's been getting called a Socialist for two years because he believes in Mixed Capitalism.</p> <p>Man - you people think way too hard.....Did I mention I like tits?</p>
  • gk
    14 years ago
    It's Sunday morning and I'm killing time before the football game, so I read this, but not out of boredom. Now, what toi say. I like Libertarians. Nothing wrong with personal liberty, helping yourself and providing some help to others in the process--all by means of individual initiative. Interesting analogy to strippers, by the way. You're way too conspiratorial. I don't think the parties are out to screw us by design. They are out to promote their agendas. They screws us accidentally: **Dems cater to their various special interest constituencies that make up their coalition.--need something, we'll give it to you as a "right" (translation, the public pays for it). That makes for a better society in their view. More engineered fairness is better and govt gives it to you. **Republicans cater less to interests than to ideals. An arguments could be made that GOP interest constitute business and more wealthy people. BUT examining ideals reveals that everyone aspires to acquire more wealth, Republicans don't want to limit that for anybodys' ability to do that. Jobs come from richer people or poorer people who take a risk and borrow molney to fund that risk. These people create jobs for the rest of us. Government is only needed to provide some regulation to keep things honest. Less govt is better. We'll better on our own. Both have created and maintained safety nets for the incompetents and truly hardup. I'm not suspicious of this, I just subscribe to the one I think works best for me, that is the one that takes less from me. To sum up: Too much anger. Too conspsiratorial. Maybe a little anger management this week would help you.
  • Dudester
    14 years ago
    MisterGuy said: I live in my mom's basement and I have no friends. True enough.
  • gk
    14 years ago
    Tits are good. So is ass. That makes me equal opportunity.
  • SometimeVoyager
    14 years ago
    Sir: With reference to your original post, you have managed to take three of my favorite topics (politics, literature, and strippers) and weave them into a virtually unreadable paragraph. The stupidity of your ideas is exceeded only by the tedium of your writing style.
  • MisterGuy
    14 years ago
    <p>"MisterGuy said: I live in my mom's basement and I have no friends"</p> <p>...in your wildest dreams that is Dudster, but what else is new eh??</p>
  • paulrevere
    14 years ago
    Still sorry about the paragraphs - geez - I wrote it with paragraphs. And yah - it's a tad too angry - must've had a bad watching election results or Dancing With the Stars. Ok - that was funny - come on, guys. Geez. So gk - you're on target and inno123 was actually the funniest comment - I like the ten-ten story.
  • 2ofus
    14 years ago
    way too heavy for a strip club forum, man let's talk about women that do things for money, ok?
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