Lol! "Party foul"!
Well-written article, Sinclair!
I will say a dancer told me the VIP price increase at Brad's Brass in Indy (our #2-ranked club) jumped from $50 for a half hour VIP to $100 because of the "legal troubles of the club." Specifically, they served a guy and served and served him until his blood alcohol level was waaaaay over the legal limit. He then left the club, drove through a stoplight and hit and killed a married father of three. The wife's attorney sued the club for not cutting the guy off. Unsure where the matter is now, but I sure wish it would've stayed at $50 for the VIP... The comments from the dancers about the change was that it used to be so easy to keep guys in there for a loooooong time. Well, when many clubs are $250+ for a half hour VIP, $50 is a breath of heaven.
I had a dancer or fee collector not sure which short me change for a LD. Instead of throwing a fit I just let her know that I would just add it to the tip. Truth was it was only $10. I'm almost certain it was the fee collector, probably b/c i didn't put any money in the tip jar when I arrived.
The issue I tend to run across the most is No. 2 - weak or watered drinks. This problem lessened when I moved to straight Jack on the rocks, but even then there are some places that are clearly inserting the water nozzle into the bottles, particularly in some major cities.
I usually sit at the bar so my gig involves tipping the bartender well, which helps me out on a lot of fronts. When I used to mix my Jack I would ask for a drink "with a kick" and tip a few bucks when I received it. If drink #1 was weak, I re-emphasized the "with a kick PLEASE" on my second order. If #2 was still weak, I tipped less. The message was usually received by my 2nd or 3rd drink and, if not, then the tips remained low.
Fortunately, while the dancer drink prices are ridiculous around here, they aren't truly a scam, because you know (or should know) what you're getting when you pay $20 for a drink, i.e. time with a dancer. And since I don't drink alcohol when I'm in a club, and my wife only drinks bottled beer, watered down drinks isn't a problem for us.
That said, for general purposes in any bar, not just a strip club, good article.
I've noticed my tab seemed padded sometimes when spending a long time at the bar at one of my favorite clubs. Moral: don't take anything for granted. A bartender who you may think of as a "friend" because of your frequent business may actually take advantage of you as your "party" extends itself. Try to keep a running count of what you've ordered to avoid being taken. Question big tabs politely simply for the sake of getting the bartender to justify everything.--keeps them on their honest toes over the long run--but do it in a friendly way, more of a "help me with this" approach so as not to insult anyone, but the whole exercise puts them on record as knowing you're watching your tab so they won't think you're an easy mark.
I don't mind the waitresses padding on an extra $1 to the price because I understand there are people out there that won't tip. But what makes me upset is when they refuse to serve an ice water claiming they are "not allowed" and you have to order a bottle water instead. Then later you see a couple come in and they both order their ice waters w/ lemon no problemo. Then you also go up to the bar and ask for an ice water and she serves it no problem (I usually give a $1-2 tip for it).
What a lying bitch but I doubt it would get you anywhere trying to complain. The only way mgmt takes your complaints serious is when you tip them lol
Some strip clubs have "happy hour" on certain days and certain times. Sometimes this means the prices of drinks will be cut in half and at other places it may only mean the prices are reduced by a $1. Also I have noticed some places have prices like $5.25 instead of just $5 or $6...they do this thinking you will tip $1.75 instead of $1. I also think I remember reading about some strip clubs (I am thinking Vegas here) having an "open bar" (excluding top shelf) during their slow times to attract customers.
To be honest, drink prices should not be so high in SC's. They don't pay the dancers. I tip dancers but F*** the bartenders! Tell them if they want tips, show the patrons some skin on stage. Anybody can pop a bottle top, takes talent to dance on stage, luridly!
Tipping only proliferates laziness. They'll never work for a living if you GIVE them money. You get an hourly wage, work for it. A monkey can be trained to open a bottle.
last commentLol! "Party foul"! Well-written article, Sinclair! I will say a dancer told me the VIP price increase at Brad's Brass in Indy (our #2-ranked club) jumped from $50 for a half hour VIP to $100 because of the "legal troubles of the club." Specifically, they served a guy and served and served him until his blood alcohol level was waaaaay over the legal limit. He then left the club, drove through a stoplight and hit and killed a married father of three. The wife's attorney sued the club for not cutting the guy off. Unsure where the matter is now, but I sure wish it would've stayed at $50 for the VIP... The comments from the dancers about the change was that it used to be so easy to keep guys in there for a loooooong time. Well, when many clubs are $250+ for a half hour VIP, $50 is a breath of heaven.
I had a dancer or fee collector not sure which short me change for a LD. Instead of throwing a fit I just let her know that I would just add it to the tip. Truth was it was only $10. I'm almost certain it was the fee collector, probably b/c i didn't put any money in the tip jar when I arrived.
The issue I tend to run across the most is No. 2 - weak or watered drinks. This problem lessened when I moved to straight Jack on the rocks, but even then there are some places that are clearly inserting the water nozzle into the bottles, particularly in some major cities. I usually sit at the bar so my gig involves tipping the bartender well, which helps me out on a lot of fronts. When I used to mix my Jack I would ask for a drink "with a kick" and tip a few bucks when I received it. If drink #1 was weak, I re-emphasized the "with a kick PLEASE" on my second order. If #2 was still weak, I tipped less. The message was usually received by my 2nd or 3rd drink and, if not, then the tips remained low.
I can honestly say the ONLY drink issue I have with clubs is the price of dancer's drinks. It's OUTRAGEOUS.
Fortunately, while the dancer drink prices are ridiculous around here, they aren't truly a scam, because you know (or should know) what you're getting when you pay $20 for a drink, i.e. time with a dancer. And since I don't drink alcohol when I'm in a club, and my wife only drinks bottled beer, watered down drinks isn't a problem for us. That said, for general purposes in any bar, not just a strip club, good article.
I've noticed my tab seemed padded sometimes when spending a long time at the bar at one of my favorite clubs. Moral: don't take anything for granted. A bartender who you may think of as a "friend" because of your frequent business may actually take advantage of you as your "party" extends itself. Try to keep a running count of what you've ordered to avoid being taken. Question big tabs politely simply for the sake of getting the bartender to justify everything.--keeps them on their honest toes over the long run--but do it in a friendly way, more of a "help me with this" approach so as not to insult anyone, but the whole exercise puts them on record as knowing you're watching your tab so they won't think you're an easy mark.
I don't mind the waitresses padding on an extra $1 to the price because I understand there are people out there that won't tip. But what makes me upset is when they refuse to serve an ice water claiming they are "not allowed" and you have to order a bottle water instead. Then later you see a couple come in and they both order their ice waters w/ lemon no problemo. Then you also go up to the bar and ask for an ice water and she serves it no problem (I usually give a $1-2 tip for it). What a lying bitch but I doubt it would get you anywhere trying to complain. The only way mgmt takes your complaints serious is when you tip them lol
Some strip clubs have "happy hour" on certain days and certain times. Sometimes this means the prices of drinks will be cut in half and at other places it may only mean the prices are reduced by a $1. Also I have noticed some places have prices like $5.25 instead of just $5 or $6...they do this thinking you will tip $1.75 instead of $1. I also think I remember reading about some strip clubs (I am thinking Vegas here) having an "open bar" (excluding top shelf) during their slow times to attract customers.
To be honest, drink prices should not be so high in SC's. They don't pay the dancers. I tip dancers but F*** the bartenders! Tell them if they want tips, show the patrons some skin on stage. Anybody can pop a bottle top, takes talent to dance on stage, luridly!
Tipping only proliferates laziness. They'll never work for a living if you GIVE them money. You get an hourly wage, work for it. A monkey can be trained to open a bottle.