What is an ultimate strip club?

avatar for JohnSmith69
layin low but staying high


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avatar for slickpeter
15 yrs ago

My only comment is about age ---you can keep the under 30s ---some of us older, more mature individuals defintely prefer some of the mid 30s to 40s.  At one time one of my ATFs was pushing 50 and you would never know it ---take a look at one of our posters here ---JudtJudy ---definitely worth her age in gold!

avatar for sinclair
15 yrs ago

Good article. The tattoos/piercings is a non-factor for me. I grew up in the same generation as these ladies and have never know anything different. Virtually all girls nowadays have a 'tramp stamp".

avatar for Officer
15 yrs ago

good article

avatar for mjx01
15 yrs ago

Totally agree.

avatar for gk
15 yrs ago

Well thought out article. However, I would offer three points to truly achieve ultimate perfectrion in strip clubs. 1. If the dancers can grind and touch our package, we should be able to touch theirs.  It's logical and meets a standard of putting a club above the rest. 2. Younger 30 something women  who take care ofthemselves are excellent SC dancers and are, in fact, the preferred types for many customers.  Because one of your criteria speaks to variety, it's only logical to extend this to include the 30 something dancer. 3. Your criteria IMHO is lacking one more important point:  EXPERIENCE. An ultimate strip club should have dancers who know what they are doing, no on-the-job training allowed.  The dancer employees must have prevcious experience somewhere else. This would also eliminate 18 & 19 year old dancers and maybe even 20 year old dancers.  So perhaps an ultimate strip club should not have any dancers younger than age 21  because they (the younger ones) have little experience in the real world let alone strip clubs. 

avatar for floridagator
15 yrs ago

Mons Venus can be on

avatar for rl27
15 yrs ago

Very good artlcle, although I do have a comment about age.  I seem to have the best time with dancers who are between the ages of 25 to 35.  I know two that lasted well into their early 40's before they had to quit, but that is the exception rather than the rule. Most 18-19 year olds aren't that good at dancing, sure there are some that just start out knowing what to do, but most dancers usually don't get real good at giving dances until they have been working for at least 2 years, and many take more than 3 years. Younger dancers often don't know how to present themselves.  It doesn't help that most dancers tend to burn themselves out after a year or two, which is why when I find a hot looking and experienced dancer who gives great dances, I tend to follow her from club to club.  Dancers who have a good head on their shoulder can last a good 20 years before they have to hang their g-string up.  One of my current favorites horrible when she started about seven years ago at about 19 in one of the nudie bars, and didn't get good until after dancing for 4 years ago, and has since moved to the better alcohol serving topless bars.  When she first started she didn't know how to present herself by walking sexily, or dance on stage.  Now she commands your attention while on stage, and practically rules the floor when not on stage.   Her laps are great, with quite a bit of extras.  While she was quite pretty when she started, she looks a lot better now than she did around 18-20.  She spends a lot of time in the gym, dresses a lot better and her makeup is done a lot better.   Too bad she had to go and get the tramp stamp when she first started, but thankfully that and a small tattoo on her right shoulder are the only ones she has.

avatar for kansasgent
15 yrs ago

One more comment about the music.  Each number should not have an arbitrary cutoff time.  At one club I've been to, every song ended at the 3.5 minute mark, unless the number was naturally shorter.  It was annoying.

avatar for mjx01
15 yrs ago

Consistency.  Milage will alyways vary but in an ultimate club it shouldn't vary significantly.  If one dancer give air dances and the next gives 2-way contact it becomes to much hit and miss to enjoy.  (Although, this should be a self correcting problem.)  If you are not a regular at a club, it is difficult to find the dancers who push the envelope.  Same thing goes for tipping.  If most dancer take $1 per song from you at the main stage, a rogue dance should not be allowed to demand $3,4,5 per song becasue she has it in with management.  Temperature: it should not be excessively cold, hot, or humid in a club. Dancer schedules.  On one hand I appreciate it when the night's dancer schedule is posted on a club's website but, it's not necessary, nor is it nearly as important as other criterial.  However, if you are going to put schedules on a website, it should be reasoinably relaible.  The schedule should not go for weeks without being updated, and the schedule should have twice as many dancers on than actually work in the culb.  Obviously nude with 2-way contact is best.  But I'd take topless with 2-way contact over nude with no 1-way or no contact.

avatar for minnow
14 yrs ago

 Good writeup- virtually any club is a series of compromises. It is extremely rare to find a club that scores tops in every criteria. One criteria that I'd add would be an unobtrusive staff- one that is there when needed, but doesn't get in your face too much- minimal gimmicks, being pestered for tips/handouts, etc. For nude clubs, Mons Venus belongs on list, lacking only in private rooms, and maybe parking space/ammenities for some. I could name several Phoenix or Dallas topless clubs that could be ideal, if only for lack of nude venue, and a few other factors- they certainly have the talent level.

avatar for nyteryder
14 yrs ago

 Good list and I agree with mjx01s comment on consistency and contact. It may be too much to ask but here's what I'd add:

  1. No cover. I don't want to pay a $10 or  $20 cover to get inside and find the place is a complete dump and the dancers look like meth addicts. 
  2. No drink minimums. I don't want to spend $5 on a watered-down coke. 
  3. No hustle. The pretty girls are getting plenty of table dances so it's the girls you don't want that make a beeline for you the minute you step in the door and keep coming around thirty seconds after you've politely rejected the last unattractive girl.

I realize this list makes me sound cheap but I'm not. I'd just rather spend the money on tipping girls and buying dances. If the club has pretty girls that treat the customer right then the money will flow.

avatar for bigdude012
14 yrs ago

As a guy who lives in VA if I'm going to a strip club while on vacation it has to be full nude at least for LD & VIP or I will not go.

avatar for skeets35
14 yrs ago

Nice article, but the age thing makes it sound like you are 21... Too many young dancers are all about "plop and grind" but as an adult I prefer a women who is sexy and sensual.  The young girls can't do this very well, but the dancers, oh between 25 and 40, are really good. I will agree I want a dancer to "look youthful" but age is not very important to me.

avatar for facehoser
14 yrs ago

You forgot to mention a nice, secluded lapdance area where the girls can provide all sorts of wonderful extras without everyone watching you.

avatar for Joe from NJ
Joe from NJ
10 yrs ago

With lighting, I hate when the stage lights go green. Green is the worst color to have on a girl's skin. The problem is that the new LED lights have green as one of their colors, so the DJs use it with awful results.
And speaking of DJs, why have music so loud? Maybe louder on stage, so the girls can "feel" the music, but make it softer in the room, so we don't get a headache and can talk.

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