Comments by how (page 50)

  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Credit card use for Champagne Rooms.
    Again, as others have stated: Do not use your credit card in a strip club. Don't even have a credit card with you there. Don't get money from an ITC ATM. Get your cash before you go to the club.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    casualguy, I am unaware of such a movie as you describe, but could produce one for you. You pay for the hot girls!
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    A question ...
    Digitech, go for it. You know what you do not want: So, don't do that. If the arrangement she has in mind does not suit you, bail. The French say: "Qui ne risque rien, n'a rien." Literally: "Who risks nothing, has nothing." Commonly: "Nothing ventured, nothing gained."
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    'Lion of the Senate' paralyzed
    jablake, the outburst, "You lie!" referred to the claim that illegal immigrants would not get healthcare, post-reform. The president has been proven to be lying about that (and many other claims); however, the congressman was right to apologize for the outburst. He never backed away from pointing out the falsehood of the president's claims, but apologized repeatedly for the inappropriate outburst during the speech.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    'Lion of the Senate' paralyzed
    MG said Iraq had "NO ties to Al Qaeda." 1. This is not a war on just Al Qaeda. If you claim that semantically the term Global War on Terrorism is bogus, assume the T stands for Terrorists. Regardless, the war is about convincing those who would choose terrorism as a tactic to get their way that it will be too costly for them and won't be successful. 2. Salman Pak. MG said Iraq had "NO WMDs." 1. Opponents of going into Iraq said beforehand that a key reason NOT to go in was that Saddam would use his WMDs against our troops. 2. Clinton, Kerry, and many other prominent US politicians made the case for removing Saddam based on his WMDs before Bush did. 3. We did find hundreds of WMDs in Iraq, just no nearly what was expected based on the intel. 4. If the president assumed Saddam only prevented the UN inspectors from having required access because he was playing around, and subsequently Saddam provided the banned weapons to terror groups for use against us, I'm sure the caterwauling from MG and others would have been deafening. Dougster said that my claim about the hysteria related to the banking crisis shows I am "an idiot." Reasonable people can disagree about the need for and effectiveness of that bailout. But the hysteria was proven baseless. You may remember the claims were that if we did not bail them out within 48 hours, the entire world economy would be destroyed almost immediately. The agreement on the bailout took over a week, but none of the dire predictions happened at all.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    A new line and a new LD "action"
    Way to go, magicrat. It is always a good thing when a ROB suffers.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    A question ...
    Do you want to spend time with her OTC? If so, that's almost certainly why she gave you her number. If not, just do nothing.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    2 Girl Dances
    I agree with the common sentiment here that tag-team partners who patrol the clubs are typically a rip. So I don't seek out 2-girl dances. However, every rule is made by exception, and I have had two good experiences in more spontaneous 2-girl encounters. One was ITC, and included BBBJ. The other was OTC, involving cousins (only one of which I had met in the club, and the other of which I subsequently dated for about a year). That encounter involved...everything short of Greek...
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    The isgnificance of "The Interview"
    Small states = better mileage? Not really. Texas has great mileage in many clubs. Florida's not small, but also has some great mileage.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    The POV shot is a standard part of the film-making lexicon, not particularly adult movies. Hitchcock famously incorporated POV to tell his stories, for example.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Club Persona?
    I'm genuine, and I gravitate towards dancers who can also be genuine, even in the fantasy environment. The difference is obvious: I don't typically have sex in public at other places than an SC...
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Queen Bees
    It is generally a poor idea to share info with any dancer that you don't want to share with ALL the dancers at her club... With a Queen Bee, this is amplified many-fold. Do not share information "in confidence" with a Queen Bee.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Hot older women
    Monica Bellucci and JudyJudy, of course
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Short Dancers
    Mr Zissou, the shorter ones are often quite charming, I find. And the ones who take off their shoes for our activity are typically very accommodating...
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Here we go again.
    So, RI didn't "intentionally" have legal indoor prostitution all this time? It was merely a "loophole?" Interesting spin.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    A new line and a new LD "action"
    The hummer as an actual's been awhile since a dancer did that move on me, but it used to be fairly regular. And some greetings are truly memorable... Dancer grabs my crotch, misses nary a beat, "Wanna fuck?"
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Pros & Cons of Negotiable Dance Prices & How to Handle Them
    Someone is bitter to the point of insanity... Meanwhile, here are some pros and cons of negotiable dance prices: Pros: You may get a good deal You should know what you will pay and not be surprised Cons: The illusion of an actual intimate encounter is basically shattered You may get into an almost adversarial bargaining process
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    Republicans or Democrats?
    gk noted simply that "Liberals are big on controlling behavior, and are more likely to use legislation to do that than republicans." This is the truest and most salient observation in the thread thus far. Good post, gk.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Pros & Cons of Negotiable Dance Prices & How to Handle Them
    jablake, if you lack something you desire, that's your concern alone. Suggesting that the government should steal what you desire from someone who has it, then give it to you, is sick.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Pros & Cons of Negotiable Dance Prices & How to Handle Them
    jablake, your last statement, "Wealthy assholes who are very nonchalant about imposing costs on others need to feel the severe sting of socialism," is incredibly sad. It's also wrong on every level. Wealthy folks don't "impose" costs on the rest of us. The "market," via supply and demand, sets costs. And socialism would "sting," as it would make everyone worse off. But the idea that there might be some justice in stealing from the successful to give to the destitute is wrong. Everyone should get an equal chance at success, but equal outcomes cannot be the goal.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Pros & Cons of Negotiable Dance Prices & How to Handle Them
    To be sure, jablake, I pay as little as possible. I am aware that giving more does not necessarily lead to getting more in this case. However, I am not a fan of haggling in the SC, as in a car dealership. As I mentioned, "a little negotiation is sometimes needed." Big difference.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Pros & Cons of Negotiable Dance Prices & How to Handle Them
    I'm not really interested in just a dance, and I don't want to be counting songs. So a little negotiation is sometimes needed. But I avoid price-haggling with a dancer as much as possible. The analogy to buying a car is not applicable, as I am typically not trying to get into the car salesperson's panties... ;)
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Best strip club cities for EXTRA's!
    SuperDude said, "Better get to Detroit before they close it down." How sad that this statement could apply in general, not merely in terms of SC activity. Much of Detroit is getting dozed, because the city is even harder broke than much of the country in the Age of Obama.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Goodie bags
    Not likely a "signal" to be read. If she wants to give such a signal, she will do so.