Scouting a new club: Where do you sit? Bar, table, rail.

avatar for Muddy

It’s probably your first choice you make once your in there. I figure most you guys, day guys probably going right to the bar but me I’m either going tip rail or bar depending on how hot the girl is on the stage. I always walk to the bar, turn my head to see who’s dancing yes or no, yes reroute, no keep going.


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avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
3 wks ago

Nice, relevant and original thread. Well done muddy. For me, never the tip rail. Most likely the bar if I’m on my own as I can chat up the bartender to get the lay of the land for anything I haven’t preresearched on tuscl. Possibly a table. If I make a snap judgment that the girl on stage when I’m walking in is in my wheelhouse I’ll tip her on my way to the bar. I’m just not a tip rail guy.

avatar for uniquename
3 wks ago

Always the bar. I can get a feel for what’s going on and scout out the entire place instead of just watching the dancer in front of me.

avatar for Jascoi
3 wks ago

The bar is my first choice.

avatar for shadowcat
3 wks ago

Even if the club is not new to me I always seek out a place to sit with my back to the wall. I want to see whatever is coming my way.

Ever had a dancer sneak up on you from behind, put her arms around you, blow hot air into you ear and whisper sweet nothings and then you turn around and see an ugly fat broad?

avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
3 wks ago

Get a drink then some seats that are none of the above. I want to scout the lay of the land in peace.

avatar for Manuellabore
3 wks ago

Bar, to get a drink and get the lay of the land. If the bar is remote from the stage (e.g. Boardroom Cabaret or Delilah's in Phila), I'll mosey to a seat in proximity to the stage. Will rarely sit stage side long term, just walk up, get the dancer's attention, drop a couple bucks and try to make an introduction and an invite to chat when her set is done. If you're sitting at the stage, other dancers won't engage with you.

avatar for gammanu95
3 wks ago

I only go straight to the tip rail is the current dancer is impossibly hot -my perfect 10. That has only happened 2-3 times

avatar for PAWG_Patrol
3 wks ago

I agree with bar. In case that club has paid seating, barstools will still be free. Also a bar is often elevated which, as others have said, helps give you a lay of the land.

avatar for Jascoi
3 wks ago

Shadowcat. A girl coming up behind me still happens a lot to me but I learned quickly to slowly turn around and take a good look before deciding Yay or nay.

avatar for MajoraCream
3 wks ago

The cats have it right. In a new club, I always look for an uncrowded spot with the best visibility for any points of interest. That could still be the bar or a table near a stage, just depends on the layout.

The antithesis of this is immediately getting pulled into a table of Cubans at an unfamiliar club. Never again.

avatar for Icey
3 wks ago

Scout thw club out as soon as you walk in. Either sit at the bar or atage

avatar for captainfun
3 wks ago

I’m a perimeter guy. Prefer a full view of the club.

avatar for GordieBoi
3 wks ago

Always table (or bench seating better yet if they have it - strippers can squeeze in as close to you as they want). Sitting at the bar, they (quite reasonably) assume I want drinks - I don't. Club drinks are often expensive and my money is for dances and tips. Even if drinks are cheap, alcohol makes me make bad decisions in the very place I most need all my wits about me. If I want an overpriced soft drink, or am required to buy one, guaranteed a waitress will appear shortly.

I also never ever sit at the rail - IF I like the look of the girl on stage, I get up from my seat and drop a small stage tip, maybe stick around for one song if she seems interactive, then right back to my seat, usually before she leaves the stage. That way, it's an unmistakable sign that I picked her specifically to go to stage and tip - and she knows it's a move to get her attention.

If some ahole wants to waste good money (better spent on dances) making it rain, in order to jump the line and get first chance at her attention when she gets off stage, he's welcome to it - there's always other girls, and the first one will likely get back to me eventually - or not, who really cares. I never want any one girl to think I place too much importance on her individually. Strip clubs are all about getting females competing for disinterested males, NOT the other way around. A guy competing for her is just advertising "I'm a love struck sucker (or just lonely, or alcohol impaired) - come here, come drain my wallet and give me whatever scraps of attention you deign to, my queen."

avatar for RonJax2
3 wks ago

Count me in with @captainfun, @shadowcat and others, I want to be in a seat with the best sight lines of the whole club, and views of as many women as possible. Usually that's the perimeter.

At Cheetah Popmpano, they have like 4 stages on one floor, and so I had the hostess seat me on the floor in the middle because that gave the best view of the most dancers.

At some clubs like HK TJ, there's 2nd floors that overlook the main floor action and in that case that's where I want to be.

But in any case, for a new club especially, it's all about a seat that allows me to see as much of the talent as I can.

Also, I definitely don't want to be on the rail, that makes me feel obligated to tip dancers I don't like. Much better better to be seated further back and if I want to stage tip to get a dancers attention, I can always approach the stage for that.

avatar for docsavage
3 wks ago

I generally try to avoid getting pulled into sitting with a group of strippers. The last time that happened they all started talking about shopping for shoes. I either want to sit by myself so I can look around the room or just have one stripper sit with me. I just do not find sitting with multiple strippers appealing.

avatar for Muddy
3 wks ago

@Hank Moody thanks man

And interesting responses to all

avatar for Muddy
3 wks ago
avatar for Muddy
3 wks ago

There we go

avatar for JamesSD
3 wks ago

Bar, unless the girls are hot, then I'm happy to go rail.

avatar for mech23
3 wks ago

When I go to RI Dolls or Foxy Lady, it would be a table unless I see a spinner I like on stage then right to the rails.

avatar for dannyboy3
3 wks ago

I like a table towards the middle back, close enough to watch the stage without signaling I'm too interested. Preferably some place dark in case the dancers are handsy

avatar for ClubFan81077
3 wks ago

Yeah, as Hank said, good topic! Thinking through this, I guess at various times over the years I've done a little bit of everything upon entering a club that's brand new to me. I usually take 5 to 10 minutes to survey the layout, order my required beverage, let my eyes adjust to the darkness, and then figure it out from there.

The only time I've ever been truly confused about what to do next was the first time I walked into Baby Dolls Dallas! The place was so freaking huge, I wasn't sure if I should grab a table or take a shuttle to the next

avatar for DandyDan
3 wks ago

I always go to a table, preferably against the wall and not too close to the stage. Often, the people at the bar are there just to drink and I often wonder why they choose to go drinking at a strip club bar when they have no interest in the naked ladies there.

avatar for Dolfan
3 wks ago

It depends on the layout of the club, but generically I prefer a table on the perimeter. Like sc said, I've had the experience of a fat, ugly bitch approaching from behind and I do not like it. That fear has also caused me to inadvertently turn down hotties who did the same. But I also don't like to be boxed in where I can't easily get up to tip a girl on stage, so if the perimeter seats don't have clear routes out I'll compromise.

Like someone else said, if the girl on stage is smoking hot I'll sometimes set up shop right at the tip rail. But that's rare, usually when that happens I'll just tip her first and then find a seat.

Some places have shitty table or chair setups, so I'll opt for the bar.

Another thing that often dictates where I sit is the HVAC. A lot of our local clubs have seats directly under air vents that are constantly blowing. Cheetah Pompano is one of those, there are certain seats that are otherwise appealing but the second you sit down in them you realize why they were unoccupied. They've got a 20mph blast of cold air constantly.

avatar for Jascoi
3 wks ago

Over the years I have experimented with different tactics and locations. I've even bought each girl a drink if she asks at one club visit. I also tried sitting at the rail and tipping each girl at least a dollar or two at another visit. So it's basically morphed down to picking a seat at the bar if it's easily available or at a table or seat towards the rear. And usually I am a cheapskate now on girl drinks (even in Hong Kong.) about the only time I sit at the rail is if I'm really interested that particular girl. I don't tip much cuz there's always somebody else that tips more than me. I'm not doing a bidding war.

avatar for twentyfive
3 wks ago

As Dolfan correctly explained, especially here in South Florida the a/c can be a problem, especially when the weather gets warmer, I can’t tell you how often I would find a seat that was to my liking, and after a few minutes of being blasted by the flash freezer would look for a better seating area. For that reason I very often wear long sleeve shirts and rarely wear shorts when I go to a strip club.

avatar for jaybud999
3 wks ago

Usually the bar. BUT, sometimes the rail for an immediate tip if it’s dead…..signaling I’m playing ball, so the chances of the girls approaching increases.

avatar for loper
3 wks ago

I like a table near the rail but not a seat at the rail, so I don't feel roped into tipping girls I have no interest in. I'm after a sense of the available girls, and a seat at the bar often doesn't have good viewing angles.

avatar for Huntsman
3 wks ago

I enjoy seeing the girls on stage so my preference is to get to the stage/tip rail fairly quickly. But that assumes there are reasonably hot girls dancing. Since I’m usually a day shift guy and it’s often slow, my strategy isn’t always an option

avatar for Subraman
2 wks ago

Pretty much always a table, sitting pretty far back from the stage. I understand the appeal of the bar, you both get to look out and get a feel for the whole club and the girls, AND it's easier to play defense with the girls. If I'm really a bit off my game, I'll pick the bar for those seems reasons.

But usually I like a table. I don't mind chasing girls away that I'm not interested in, in fact I'm fine with them coming over, having a table makes it more likely the hot girl I really want will come ver. Table in the back says "open for business... but not too open" LOL.

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