On the subject of tying dancers to extras, especially in Seattle

avatar for drewcareypnw
I took the day off doing some of my favorite things: record shopping, comic book shopping, eating, and whoring. I stopped into a local club, enjoyed a delightful and energetic VIP session, and left more than happy. I'm leaving this vague for reasons I will reveal shortly.

Afterwards, I stopped to chat for a few minutes with this friendly and charming little dynamo. She asked me "are you on any of those sites?" I said that I was on stripper related sites, but did not specify which. She then specifically asked that I not describe any aspect of our VIP or mention her name directly or any other way. I said "ok sure" and asked why.

She said that she picks who she does what with based on her initial estimation of them and a vibe. She doesn't do the same things or even anything with everyone who asks, and doesn't want B showing up asking for what A got. Even though she understands that we want to know what we are getting, who is good or bad, etc.

...so there it is from the horse's mouth. At least this dancer doesn't want us tying names to extras, or anything else for that matter.

This falls under #2 what I think of the 3 typically given reasons not to share names:

1. Pimp may beat up dancer based on the review.
2. Dancer doesn't want B showing up asking for what A got.
3. LE may shut down the dancer or club.

For me, the best reason to not connect a dancer to extras is because I think that probably she doesn't want me to. The dancer I met today is an unambiguous example of this. In general I personally don't do this, rather I make up funny names if I am describing an trip to the club. In this case, I won't even do that.

I should say that I still firmly believe ROBs get what they deserve and get named. Obviously this was in no way a ROB, it was a great time with a great girl.

FWIW Seattle brothers



last comment
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
3 months ago
That's exactly my point. Not you, but some of the Seattle people were raging little penises when I brought it up.

Oh, and the topic of strip club fan websites has never come up with any dancer. I would deny everything.
avatar for doctorevil
3 months ago
"Not you, but some of the Seattle people were raging little penises when I brought it up."

Uhm, this was him three weeks ago:

"Another newsflash: the dancers also know all about TUSCL. They are not dumb. TUSCL is not a secret. They are workers in a trade and read reviews written by their customers. Write a *bad* review and they'll come on here and argue from time to time. They never come here and say "don't tell people that Stormy gave a blowie in the VIP!" This is because they too DGAF. And maybe also because Stormy DID give a blowie in the VIP."

I'm glad one of the dancers set things straight.
avatar for stripperlover777
3 months ago
☀️ 🚦 Yeah, Strippers Don't Want Chaos, Politics & Conflict With The Business.
They Want A Consistant, Peaceful & $Cashing Clientele.
Things Should Be Hush Hush & You Don't Know If Things Will Get Blown Out Of Proportion From Customer Ta' Customer, Pimps Or Da' Club/City/Cops.
Dancers Vibes Can Be Different With Everybody, Mood Changes, Timeing Factors, & Da' $Cash.
Remember, $Negotiations Isn't Always Da' Same For All Clientele & There Are Factors Involved Of The Individually.
So, Hearing What A Got & What B Didn't Is Irrelevant & Stirs Rumors, Myths & Conflicting Chaos.
🤑 Good Discussion Drew!

avatar for minnow
3 months ago
Well put, dcp. This and other quality posts/reviews is why I don't regard you as one of the Seatac cretins/narcissists...
avatar for mike710
3 months ago
Simply put YMMV. Your Mileage May Vary. It's like that with a lot of things in life, especially with women.
avatar for twentyfive
3 months ago
Linking dancers to specific acts or clubs, with the exception of ROBs that you are absolutely sure are ROBs is unmanly and despicable.
avatar for Manuellabore
3 months ago
And yet, I bet not a single review ever gets rejected based solely on tying named dancers to specific acts, because so many adjudicators just DGAF.
And when a dancer asks me about SC review sites, i say "Hmmm. Never heard of that"
avatar for TheeOSU
3 months ago
My memory is a little foggy on this but A few years back an ass here reviewed an akron club and named a dancer that fucked or sucked him. In the comments I basically asked him something to the effect of how would he like it if she outed him online or told him he deserved to be outed too and he got a little snippy then pm'd me about it.

Anyway I'm not for naming dancers unless they're thieves/robs/trouble etc. Other than that they should have the courtesy to as much under the radar privacy that working in a strip club affords.
avatar for PAWG_Patrol
3 months ago
Don't name names and the acronyms in the tuscl glossary exist for a reason. End of story.
avatar for Muddy
3 months ago
Importance of code comes in. Satisfies both spectrums of TUSCL on this issue.Not titty fucking, you were showing off your Tom Ford cologne collection.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
3 months ago
^ ^^ The code sucks. As far as I'm concerned, there's no difference between saying Billy Joel or Piano Man and blow job, Frank Sinatra or My Way and vaginal sex, etc. I will reject that.

Name the girl, or name the act. Not both.
avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
3 months ago
Agree. Code is stupid. Doesn’t protect anything. Just don’t name dancers if you’re talking about extras. It’s pretty fucking simple.
avatar for doctorevil
3 months ago
The only thing stupider than the codes for sex are the incomprehensible codes for how much was paid: $$, .5, roses (although I havent seen that one in a while),etc. just say what you did and how much you paid, but don’t name the girl.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
3 months ago
^ Money doesn't out the dancer but saying "roses" or "kisses" is stupid and unnecessary.

I'll also ding reviews that try to be clever about concealing the name. M*rc*d*s sang me Billy Joel for 200 roses. Do you think we're all retarded?
avatar for Icey
3 months ago
Talking in code is dumb af

Its common sense not to expose someone for doing illicit work. Especially on a site with predatory weirdos
avatar for drewcareypnw
3 months ago
The code is stupid. But not as stupid as icey. Glad I have him blocked.
avatar for IWantHerOnMe
3 months ago
Not at all stunned a dancer said what we all already knew but it won't actually stop most of the Seattle click from blabbing or fibbing and it just kind of is what it is. I'm pretty sure pervuncleseawill, drewfairycarey, baristabanfan and others in the Seattle date rape set are really writing reviews about what they want to do to there mothers anyway.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
3 months ago
^ Seattle also has the idiot, coronalime, who writes from some idiot fake Asian accent. If you're reading this, you aren't cool or funny, you just look illiterate and retarded.
avatar for drewcareypnw
3 months ago
@IWant: these guys aren’t lying about what they’re doing. Getting fucked or sucked in a vip is pretty normal on tuscl, it’s not at all the realm of fantasy. I’ve never seen a review from any one of the guys you mentioned that came anywhere near date rape.

So where are you getting all this from? Or is your MO just calling everyone you don’t like a rapist?
avatar for IWantHerOnMe
3 months ago
@Puddy Tat how could I forget about Lime. He's the absolute worst.
avatar for wallanon
3 months ago
Another way of looking at this thread is somebody had an experience they wanted to share that offered a bit of perspective. There's the abstract, intellectual side of things where something sounds plausible but not what someone has experienced themselves. And then there's the reality that someone sees firsthand.

To me the op was one Seattle guy talking to the others who decided to do it on the open board instead of a group chat. When I first saw the thread I said what I had to say in a pm, but what's the gain in piling on when minnow already said the op isn't one of the dudes putting names out there?
avatar for Icey
3 months ago
If anyone has to think about this. How would you like to be publicly reviewed on a trick review site? 🤡
avatar for drewcareypnw
3 months ago
@wall, thanks for that.

I can’t read what icey says bc he’s retarded and I put my retard filter on. I’m sure it’s illuminating.

People can pile on. Part of the allure of tuscl is shitting on people that you don’t know but don’t like. Like gamma, another retard I enjoy baiting and ignoring through the mute feature.

I shared my view knowing that some would chime in negatively or positively, and that a very few (the actual PLs of Seattle) would read it and think about what I said, not as some demand but as a data point they can use or discard as they so choose.

I think a lot of the “don’t share” arguments are bs, but do feel that if someone asks you not to, it’s the kind thing to do. These women do a wonderful and grand thing for us, and we should be nice to them.
avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
3 months ago
Seattle is definitely a different place where a lot goes on and as a community we need to respect local practice. That said, it’s hard to see how broadcasting girls’ names and connecting with extras is helpful. Do it without names. Or keep names to trusted PMs.

The fact that none of the Seattle review mafia has responded to this thread is illuminating.
avatar for TFP
3 months ago
Assuming the other Seattle reviewers have seen this, let's look at their next reviews. If it's the same thing where they name both the dancer and the explicit acts she did then that'll confirm they simply don't care. They don't care about the dancers who treat us so well. They're not concerned with dancer safety or discretion. They only care about themselves and bragging to the rest of the board about what they received.
avatar for Manuellabore
3 months ago
It's not unique to Seattle. For example, there's a place out east here that isn't a SC but basically a bordello in the back end of an adult bookstore where the reviewers just can't resist naming names and there are enough adjudicators who let it slide. Not naming the place because I don't want to amplify the BS
avatar for stripperlover777
3 months ago
☀️ 🌲 🚦 I Know Lil' Somethin' Extra In Seattle/Washington State!
How Bout' Some Hot WA Girls Hikeing In Da' Mountains!
@ Wonderful Website, Scroll Down & Zig Zag Your Way Around For Lots Of Good Stuff. STATE OF WA CHEERS!


avatar for Studme53
3 months ago
I know dancers access this site and read the reviews. I didn’t realize until one of my ATFs, who I gave a very positive review, told me she read it and appreciated it. She said now she knows exactly what I like and provides it.
I always write my reviews assuming the dancer will be reading it.
avatar for drewcareypnw
3 months ago
^I’ve had a dancer take a quote from my review and put it on her OF bio. Then again I tend to write complimentary non-extras related stuff and try to make it a little poetic from time to time.
avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
3 months ago
There’s a very small percentage of us who would get a good extras experience and then say to the girl “I’m going to write an online review of what we just did, should I use your name?” If you’re not willing to do that, then imo you’re full of shit when you say it’s ok to do. I don’t doubt what Stud said, I just think it’s a rarity that girls want to be named on tuscl and even more rare that they want to be named as an extras girl.
avatar for Muddy
3 months ago
Usually I’m good with it, I’m disciplined,but sometimes I try as might I can’t help but break out into song…

🎶 Cum on Eileen, Oh Cum on Eileen, Let’s take off everything 🎶
avatar for rickmacrodong
3 months ago
Not all dancers are worried about the risk of cops or management making firing decisions based on comments on an online site.

Theres positives and negatives to a dancer who is fine with or prefers being openly outed as an extra’s girl. The positives are she probably doesnt have a boyfriend pimp, and shes willing to provide service to almost anybody who pays and has proper hygiene. The negatives are she is more like an escort and more into the business aspect of things, just wants as many customers as possible.
avatar for stripperlover777
3 months ago
☀️ 🌲 🚦 Sasquatch Cheers In Washington State!
WA Is # 1 State For Sasquatch Sightings Reporting, & I Luv It, Coz I Heard Just About Every Sasquatch Story On Earth!
I Can Just Imagine Being A Hiker Up In WA, & Coming Across Sasquatch On The Trail! The Sasquatch Is So Unpredictable, But We Love! Fun Lil' Extra & I Wonder If Any Strippers Has Seen Any Sasquatch? Sasquatch Data Base Website Link :


avatar for kallara
3 months ago
you can get us fired. or at the least embarrassed and ratted out by nosey coworkers that may lurk on this site. i found out one of my friends does extras through this site (not that i care) i always think about saying that to guys but 2 1/2 years in and i haven't gotten one review on here lol
avatar for RonJax2
3 months ago
Well said @Drew. I agree with your conclusion, that the best reason not to name dancers is because they don't want you to.

One thing that would be helpful to this end would be to add language in the review guidelines, which currently don't mention not connecting dancers to extras. But I believe the only way to truly solve this problem would be to add the capability to report published reviews. Reviewers will approve anything these days.

And @kallara, how do you know you haven't been reviewed here, by poster who didn't mention your dancer name, or used a pseudonym.
avatar for skibum609
3 months ago
This will probably make me seem 167, and not 67, but was anyone else taught that a gentleman doesn't tell anyone anything?
avatar for IWantHerOnMe
3 months ago
@skibum609 You are not but the Seattle camp are complete creeps and betas
avatar for drewcareypnw
3 months ago
@kallara: do you work in Seattle?
avatar for minnow
3 months ago
@Hank, and TFP. Recent Pandoras reviews shows no change in certain SEA reviewers' habits. Namely, list dancers' names, the specific acts (cute code words ain't fooling anyone), replete with attaboys from fellow cretins, and snarking on adjudicators who dare criticize the explicit reviews.
TFP & skibum +1
avatar for drewcareypnw
3 months ago
Minnow: they make fun of you because you reject all kinds of reviews, not just because you “dare to criticize the explicit reviews”.
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