Back From SC (Struck out for OTC) Any Wisdom From Seasoned Mongers

I just got back from a SC I walked in there were 5 girls, 3 customers besides me. My intention when going in was to basically get one of the dancers to screw in or out of the club. I had 2 OTC experiences before and want to relive the feeling.

I am not a penny pincher by any means. No cover since it was so dead, so I tipped door girl $20. The waitress came over after I sat next to one of the stages (club was so dead that they only had 1 stage going) I tipped the dancer $15 in ones, got a shot of JD, and a beer. Just to kind of make myself known that I wasn’t there to fool around.

Some girl who looked hot got on stage after the first one and I figured it was slow so I would get her attention with some cash to let her know I was serious. The 2 guys by the stage threw about 10 singles each after the first song so I upped the ante and starting tipping $10, and $5 bills. It definitely got her attention and she thanked me and I went to the bar and was getting a drink. She came over and I asked if she wanted a drink. She said yes and of course she ordered a $40 drink. Ok fair enough. I guess that was her testing my pockets and willingness to spend.

So I paid and we sat down. I got 3 dances and then told her I have money and showed her a decent stack of bigger bills and told her that she can have it, but I was interested in some OTC. She said she never done that and would have to think about it, while looking at the stack. Keep in mind I have been told by non-dancer and dancer women that I am handsome and I keep in shape. So I am not old, ugly, stink, unwilling to spend or stingy by any standard. We talked and chatted about bullsht for a bit (you know....formalities small talk etc.)

I got another dance and told her, she could make a good amount in an hour if she wanted all she had to do was let me know and the stack is hers. She said she doesn’t know and wanted to get another dance. At this point I was kind of in my head thinking I am wasting money and effort that could be spent trying to pull another dancer who would be more receptive to my offer.

Thing is she was hot and so I made a final offer of a little over 2.5K. She then said she went out with one customer before and he was a creeper. I am not like that so no issue there. I told her she could go get any hotel room she feels comfortable at in whatever hotel and I would pay her what the hotel costs once in room and then give her the rest of it once our clothes were off, then after we could go to dinner or I could leave, whatever was more comfortable to her, and if afterwards she doesn’t want to speak with me anymore that’s fine with me and I won’t run around acting like some creep stalker type or run around telling anyone about our romp. Honestly I have better things to do and I find people who do that strange anyway. I thought my offer was high, but she still declined.

She gave me her number after but not sure if she just wants to try to use me as a regular and milk me for dances and I should just not text/call or I I should text call just to keep the option there. I want to avoid getting any text saying "You can come by the club and see me" type of BS. I’ve been through that already. She was with another dancer walking around before she was on stage.

How do you seasoned mongers think I should play this?
1. Should I go back to club and ignore her,
2. go back to club and build more rapport with her
3. start looking for another dancer at same club
4. try to get her friend she was with and maybe make same offer to get some jealousy /competition going and see which one spreads thighs?
5. Should I find different club and consider this a loss.
I am open to other ideas as well. But I want to have OTC as soon as I can.


  • ReadyToMonger
    5 months ago
    Also What can I do or say differently next time to get desired result.

    What is best way to present the offer to them? Show it to them or just verbally?
  • RTP
    5 months ago
    Hmmm. First post. Talk about throwing around thousands for OTC. I am sure you should be getting very valuable responses.
  • ReadyToMonger
    5 months ago
    Hey, I have to start somewhere. Yeah its my first post but everyone had a first post. Looking for advice from seasoned mongers. I am not a newbie but I could learn some, shit...I just struck out tday. No bullshit and I made a crazy ass offer, thinking about it kind of glad she didnt take it but at the time I was prepared to hand it over.

    I just want to make sure when I go to that club or another one I can avoid whatever mistakes I made. I dont want to piss my money away on being some customer a dancer calls in on a slow night. I dont mind forking over some cash as long as I get some ass.
  • K
    5 months ago
    "crazy ass offer," - if it looks too good to be true, it is too good to be true. you look desperate and risky. Some dancers don't like to be made to feel like a whore.

    "...he was a creeper. I am not like that so no issue there." - you don't get to decided that. She is free to think you are a creep. from your post above, she probably thought you were creepy.

    "She gave me her number after but not sure if she just wants to try to use me as a regular.." She is the one person that knows why she gave you her number. Why wouldn't you want to communicate with her?

    " try to get her friend" ,"ignore her", "another dancer at same club" -none of these actions would make you look like a creep

    "I won’t run around acting like some creep stalker type or run around telling anyone about our romp." that you thought you needed to bring this up put the idea firmly in her head that you would do just that.

    "go back to club and build more rapport with her" - yes and use the number she gave you.

    try a brothel. you will get what you want there. walk in, pick a woman, negotiate a price. do the deed, leave. 

  • shailynn
    5 months ago
    "heck no policeman - I'm not following for this trap!" At least one dancer you interacted with thought this.

  • jackslash
    5 months ago
    Don't offer $2.5 K for OTC. You're jacking up the price.
  • doctorevil
    5 months ago
    My advice: stop acting like a desperate creep.
  • captainfun
    5 months ago
    Way too much money to be throwing around.

    Let the chemistry occur naturally and if a girl is interested in OTC she will bring it up.
  • funonthaside
    5 months ago
    She may have thought it was a trap. No different a girl starting out with "hey....for $x, I'll {insert decrepit act here}.

    And, a girl would perhaps rather earn $300 doing a session with someone with whom she had built/felt a rapport, than earn $1k from a new guy who makes her uncomfortable.

    It's not a supermarket, where you just walk in with a stack of cash, and walk out with whatever you want to buy.

    OTC is best suited for situations where there is mutual connection. Otherwise, buy one of those expensive love dolls.

  • Jacks4thson
    5 months ago
    If I had $2500 to blow on a hookup there are far easier (and better) options. This is like skipping the supermarket for a bottle of milk to go find a cow who would let you milk it. Maybe the OP just likes the chase?
  • drewcareypnw
    5 months ago
    If you are serious, try paying normal prices for normal sc activities a few times with the same girl. Build rapport, present the idea and don’t act desperate. Move on if she’s not into it. By the time you’ve done this with several girls, you’ll have an oc girl.

    If you want faster results, call a hooker.
  • shailynn
    5 months ago
    “ Don't offer $2.5 K for OTC. You're jacking up the price.”

    This is a rookie mistake. Jackslash can get OTC with just offering a ride home from work and a tray of lasagna.
  • mickey48066
    5 months ago
    You should have stopped when she ordered a $40 drink. You shouldn't have to avoid a club because you might see her. If she approaches you, tell her to go away. A few other questions: why did you voluntarily pay a $20 cover charge? What are you expecting for 2500? No one is worth that much, even if all three holes bare are available. You actually dodged a bullet as you would have spent a ton and received little in return.
  • whodey
    5 months ago
    Are you sure you are even at a club where extras, either itc or otc, are even an option? It is not available in the majority of the clubs in the US.

    Even if it is available at that particular, not every dancer does it. If she turned down $2500 either she simply doesn't have sex for money (which is true of most strippers), thought you were a cop, thought you were a desperate creep, or she just didn't like you for whatever reason.

    It also sounds like you wanted her to get the hotel in her name by saying you would give her the cost of the room once you were in the room and that is a red flag for a couple of reasons. First, cops might do that as evidence against her. Second, it could indicate that you are planning to do something bad to her (Rob her, assault her or even rape her) so you don't want your name available from the hotel when the cops get there. Third, it puts her at risk financially since she could pay for the room and then you flake out leaving her out the cost of the room.

    She also may not have thought you were serious about spending big money based on what you wrote. A lot of guys flash a lot of money and tip well or buy drinks, but from what I read it isn't like you spent hundreds of dollars in the club or are someone known for spending well at that club. A lot of dancers who do see customers otc won't do so if the only money a guy spends it is some tips, drinks a few regular (aka cheap) dances. Did you take her for a long VIP session to show her you were serious about spending money and not some loser that pulls out a lot of cash to go to the club to show off but then puts 90% of that cash back in the bank before his wife finds out. She would probably be a lot more willing to believe you would actually spend $2500 for an hour of otc if you had spent $500+ in the club on dances and vip sessions

    In the end, the majority of clubs aren't brothels and the majority of strippers aren't hookers so you can't expect to walk into just any random club and have the first hot dancer you offer to pay for sex accept it.

    My recommendations would be to do research h on here first to make sure you are even going to the right club for what you are looking for and what the average cost is at that location. Then you will need to build a level of trust with the dancer you choose by spending time and decent money on her either in a single visit by buying a lot of regular dances or a vip session or over multiple visits. If you do it over multiple visits I suggest you buy dances from multiple girls each time so that you become a known quantity throughout the club and make all of the girls more comfortable with you. That way if your target girl turns out to be someone who doesn't do extras you can move on to another girl without having to start from scratch.
  • twentyfive
    5 months ago
    I’m a bit skeptical about this entire story. The OP seems a bit too obvious and it just doesn’t ring true.
  • 5footguy
    5 months ago
    "Also What can I do or say differently next time to get desired result."

    Literally do everything differently.

    You are desperate for VJ, and you seem intent on solely using money to acquire it. Despite the fact that some smooth brains on this site think that money is all that matters, it's not, and your experience is a great example of that. Throwing money at a bitch will dries up her VJ almost as much as being agreeable will.

    Forget OTC with this girl. Go back to the club, keep your cash in your fucking pocket, and tip what a sane person would tip ($1 or $2 for a drink, $1s or maybe 1 $10 for a stage dancer). Have dances with whoever, and ONLY talk to that same girl if she approaches you. Do NOT engage her in any way. Don't look at her, don't motion to her, don't think about her. IF she comes up to you at a table, invite her to sit. TALK with her for 10 or 15 minutes. Then ask her for 2 or 3 dances. Pay her the rate per dances. NO tips. After that, tell her you're going to move around a bit, and leave her there. If she does not come to your table, no problem.

    Do not talk to ANYone about OTC. Pretend that she hasn't already told her friends about your last visit. Go and have a good time. Forget about OTC for now.
  • 5footguy
    5 months ago
    Just read your comment in the Cubans thread, and my spidey sense is tingling a bit. You sound a bit like a guy we used to have here, name was Dusty Hawkins. Very good troll, and subtle. Dusty, if this is you, gotta up your game.
  • CJKent_band
    5 months ago

    I will play along and comment on your discussion and answer your questions.

    You wrote and I quote:

    “I had 2 OTC experiences before and want to relive the feeling.”

    Pics and Vids or it didn’t happen.


    Keep in mind the Russian proverb:

    “People greet you according to the way you dress…
    And say goodbay according to the way you behave"

    And follow subraman advice for Strip Clubbing:

    1. Don't be an asshole

    2. Don't be a little bitch

    This is the full Article:

    To answer your question:

    Q: How do you seasoned mongers think I should play this?

    A: Remember the adult industry hobby is like a poker game in the gambler’s song

    “If you're gonna play the game, boy
    You gotta learn to play it right

    You've got to know when to hold 'em
    Know when to fold 'em
    Know when to walk away
    And know when to run”

    Also Remember that:

    “In this country, you gotta make the money first.

    Then when you get the money, you get the power.

    Then when you get the power, then you get the women.”

    ~ Cuban refugee Tony Montana (Al Pacino) in the movie Scarface (1983)

    So even if you have money you still have to be or be perceived as a powerful person.

    The paid for sex “industry” is as they said the “oldest profession”

    It has remain essentially the same since the time of the Greek Empire.

    I would refer you to Demosthenes (384 – 12 October 322 BC)
    ~ Greek statesman and orator of ancient Athens.

    1. We have courtesans for the sake of pleasure.
    2. Concubines for the daily health of our bodies, and
    3. Wives to bear us lawful offspring and be the faithful guardians of our homes

    In this list is the Greek view of woman in the classic age.

    In today’s world Demosthenes would say:

    We have:

    1. High end escorts, centerfolds, actresses, models, Strippers (ITC OTC) etc that provide PSE/GFE for the sake of pleasure.
    2. Mistresses/Sugar Babies/Concubines; etc, for the daily health of our bodies.
    3. Trophy Girlfriends/Wives to bear us lawful offspring, and be the faithful guardians of our homes.
    4. Realistic Sex Dolls/Gynoids/Fembots, and Internet Porn and Instagram/Onlyfans “Models”, for kicks-and-giggles”.
    5. Street walkers and crack whores for when you are horny, drunk, high, depressed, bipolar or just plain stupid and crazy, poor and miserable and can’t afford anything else.

    However even street walker and crack whores won’t do “business” with you if you behave like an asshole from their own perspective.

    What has worked for me, for good ITC to transition to OTC, is to build a trusting relationship with a girl, make sure she knows I am a respectful reliable gentleman, safe, clean, discreet, and fun, funny. (Think Edward (Richard Gere) from the movie Pretty Woman).

    My All Time Favorite Stripper, Ally, started dancing when I was going to see a Current Favorite Ariel, who didn’t do OTC.

    Ally was just over 20 years, sweet, beautiful and shy. She became friendly and would seat with me while I was waiting for my, at that time, Current Favorite Ariel, she, Ally, would let me know if Ariel was not there, would tell the waitresses to let Ariel know I have arrived.

    Once Ally was tired and fell asleep on my shoulder and thanked me for letting her sleep and rest.

    One time when Ariel didn’t show up I asked Ally to go with me to the 15 minute VIP, she was so sweet and excited.

    We had to wait for a “room” and she sat in my lap and we made out like teenagers. Once in the VIP we went as close as humanly possible to Full Service but didn’t do FS.

    After the VIP I asked Ally if she would be interested in OTC (“would you be interested in meeting outside the club, we can have a better, more comfortable experience, and you don’t have to share money with the club?”) and gave her my number, but she said she didn’t do that.

    I keep going to visit Ariel and she didn’t show up another time and I took Ally to the VIP again, and again we were so close to FS, but we didn’t have FS, however she was so nice, excited, shy and cute.

    I was still visiting Ariel, on the weekends, when Ally texted me on the middle of the week to ask me if I was still interested on OTC with her, I answer of course I am.

    We made an appointment, I went to pick her up near her place and we went to a small hotel and had a very nice GFE type of “date”. Ally was a sweet and nice Baby Stripper.

    Ally and I developed a Sugar Baby type of relationship we had OTC almost every week for more than two years.

    I would pick her up on Sunday afternoon, get a nice hotel room and make love, massage each other, have room service, sometimes we would go to dinner to a nice fancy place, she always looked like a beautiful classy lady.

    She would refer to me as her fiancé to other people, her sister told me.

    I have thousands of pictures of her modeling cute sexy outfits I got for her. Around Halloween she was slave princesses Leia from Star Wars, Dallas Cowboy Cheerleader, Playboy Bunny. Around Christmas a sexy miss Santa, naughty school girl.

    Like I said Ally was a baby stripper when we meet, very sweet and nice, the sex got better and better because she was more comfortable and felt safe relaxed and was able to let herself go and enjoy it, I enjoyed it too, she would experience multiple orgasms and was very shy and sweet about it.

    Sometimes she would spend the night and would fall a sleep with her head on my chest like the little angel she was.

    She texted me one last time letting me know she was moving on and thanking me for the relationship...

    Thank you for making me remember the Good Times with my ATF (All Time Favorite).

    She was worth every penny and every second I spent with her.

    Despite your username, I think you are not quite “ready to monger”.

    You have to be willing to invest the time, energy, money and power to get the girl.

    Let’s be careful out there.

    And remember Pics and Vids or it didn’t happen.

  • Dolfan
    5 months ago
    "I’m a bit skeptical about this entire story. The OP seems a bit too obvious and it just doesn’t ring true. "

    ^ ditto.
  • elmer
    5 months ago
    I've had my share of OTC almost exclusively with my regulars
    Here's three things that come to mind
    1. They're strippers not escorts don't make that assumption otherwise
    2. You probably came across as a creep
    3. Take to heart all comments in this thread
  • stainglass
    5 months ago
    Way too much outside of the normal price range is a red flag the creeps for : Police, Kidnap, similar stuff.

    Also: Way too much price, when you haven't even done an ITC. An ITC is helpful to vet out the good from bad, and to make sure that there is a proper strength for the both of you.

    When the club is dead, they would have been more willing to do ITC. Willingness and safety and security in the club loosens them up a bit more to consider your offer and give it some serious thought.
  • ReadyToMonger
    5 months ago
    This is not a story this 100% happened. This is why I came on here because I was wondering WTF happened and why for that amount the dancer didnt just pay to leave early and do OTC. I wish anyone doubting the story could come with me to the strip club. I thin you would actually be amazed at how the dancers act when a guy has money. Most act weird. Its liek when you offer 2.5K for OTC they will say no, but then use it as bragging rights and clout and say to other dancers or customers "Someone once offered me 2.5K and I said no" in order to up their value and get their egos high without actually doing anything.

    I figured people on here had more experience. To be honest I dont have the patience to be going to a club 10 or 20 times just to befriend the dancers. I dont want to be a regular on her roster that she calls when shit is slow. By then I would have spent well over 2K, plus time. I could easily get a regular girlfriend for that an get laid on the regular, but I have a thing for strippers. That is what the money was for so I could get what I want without games, she could make bank and then thats it, then if she is good I would become a regular then for OTC. I would go for fucking them 2 or 3 times a month and I would pay their rent. Would save me hassle and would save them hassle of scraping for rent.

    Another thing is we had a decent conversation for about an hour and I got regular crap dances and spent decent on them, so its not like I just walked in flashed some money and said "alright who is wanting to fuck". Despite this no OTC. I am thinking I could have gone to a regular bar or dance club, chatted witha girl and tell her I will pay her rent and I bet she would screw. Keep in mind I am not ugly, fat, old or harsh to the girls. I think they see that kinds of money and get spooked because they are so used to dealing with guys who babysit their beer for 2 hours and only stage tip and get 2 dances max then leave back to their fat wives.
  • 5footguy
    5 months ago
    "I’m a bit skeptical about this entire story. The OP seems a bit too obvious and it just doesn’t ring true."

    Yeah, I smell a troll. See other posts on other threads... Dusty, is it you?
  • mickey48066
    5 months ago
    Rtm, i unsterstand the theory of making her "an offer she cant refuse" but she might not want to go to the hotel to make 2k when she can text her pimp drug dealer BF and say "there's a guy in here with 2k on his person." He'll be waiting on you in the lot.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    5 months ago
    Yeah... this reads like a yarn. But I guess I'll toss in 2 cents.

    Getting OTC from a club and dancer that are both new to you is difficult. Usually, it won't pan out. What a lot of experience has taught me is that there's no secret maneuver on our part that makes a dancer magically ignore her Spidey sense.

    Speaking of that, when you started offering stupid money that's when the dancer probably decided it would be stupid to accept the offer. Because she likely thought you were either a cop or someone who wanted to turn her into skin pajamas.

    It's better to visit with that dancer a few times ITC to build some trust. No, you don't have to visit "20 times". When it has happened for me, it's usually after 2 to 5 visits on average.

    If you're on some weirdly tight deadline to pay for your next squirt, then get an escort.

    You've sworn that you're not creepy enough times in this thread for a lot of guys here to assume this is a "methinks thou dost protest too much" situation, and you actually throw off creepy like an open confection oven throws off heat.

    Good luck... I guess.
  • ReadyToMonger
    5 months ago
    Yeah only reason I addressed all the bullshit was because I am new to tuscl and thought I would get some pointers from fellow mongers, but instead I get shitted on since I am the new guy, every one of you made a FIRST post...imagine if you made a first post and all the forum members accused you of being a "troll" and making stuff up. So if anyone is trolling its the idiots making accusations of the situation being fake or some other dumb shit.

    Its kinda bullshit that a forum like this isnt more supporting of new members. Bottom line is I think its that most people arent used to someone who offers that much money up front and it doesnt sound real. Which is why I assumed that when I offered it that the dancer would take it because it is an offer that wont come again. I can guarantee she can dance 20 years and never have that offer again from anyone. Likely she will use that offer as a way to get clout and later say "I was once offered X amount by some customer" and that will be her claim to fame.

    So be serious, what I posted is fact and there were some responses on here that didnt try attacking and piling up on me and that is appreciated. Just here for the perspective of more experienced mongers.
  • 5footguy
    5 months ago
    "I get shitted on since I am the new guy"

    You're getting shitted on because your actions, if accurately described, were so deserving of being shit on. Everyone has first posts, as you said, but most people don't do the unbelievably dumb stuff you did.

    You asked, and I gave you literally the next steps you should take that IMO will help. If you want to feel better about fucking up, this ain't the place you're to get tons of sympathy. The community here is helpful IME but stupidity will be called out. They tend to keep it pretty real here.
  • K
    5 months ago
    "I figured people on here had more experience. " we do. i have almost half a century of experience.

    " I am new to tuscl and thought I would get some pointers from fellow mongers" - you got quite a few pointers. you are either a troll or an idiot that cannot understand the advice we gave you,

    if you are serious, grow a set and pay attention to what you posted.
  • ReadyToMonger
    5 months ago
    @K , One or 2 people gave sound advice you dumb motherfker. The rest were just troll losers trying to gang up on a new forum member, kin of like how you tried to take a jab you stupid fuk.

    If you dont like what I asked or what I posted then shut the fuck up and move on to another post. I only asked advice from people who have experience with OTC and ITC not some loser like you. So go spread your negative shit elsewhere you bum.
  • K
    5 months ago
    you can't spell and you call me dumb.

    "I only asked advice from people who have experience with OTC and ITC not some loser like you." I have more experience with OTC this month than you have in your life. If you aren't a troll, pay attention to the replies that point out your mistakes. Go back and don't repeat them.

    Look at my original reply and let me know what was wrong with my advice or throw a tantrum. Calling me names and throwing a tantrum will only convince some of us you are a troll here to stir shit.
  • ReadyToMonger
    5 months ago
    You claiming "Throw a tantrum" and then you attack spelling. That is what trolls do. They create some kind of agitation in the discussions (like you did) then when the person reacts to it (and rightfully so) you point to the reaction as something "bad". No one was talking about your original advice you cunt, I was referring to you claiming I am either a troll or an idiot, so you get the same energy back that you gave out.

    That is a typical gaslighting troll. If you dont agree with something you gaslight or attack spelling. Its called a "typo". We arent in a grammar contest or spelling bee so deal with it cunt. LMAO!
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    5 months ago
    TUSCL has never been a gentle place. That won't change. When someone goes after me (whether I deserve it or not), I just remind myself that I can just not care about the typed words from an anonymous stranger on the internet.

    OTC is a long(ish) game that you're trying to force into being a short game. For the most part, you can either play the long game or hire an escort.
  • ReadyToMonger
    5 months ago
    @Call.Me.Ishmael Thanks for the reply. I was hoping there was a shortcut to the OTC, I guess I just got lucky before, I was hoping for the same or similar result. I will adjust approach and see what happens.

  • bang69
    5 months ago
    Don't waist your money on her. Just get a hooker.
  • funonthaside
    5 months ago
    2 common themes....

    OTC takes time, as it requires trust of/by both parties

    Money in itself won't get you results
  • whodey
    5 months ago
    "To be honest I dont have the patience to be going to a club 10 or 20 times just to befriend the dancers. I dont want to be a regular on her roster that she calls when shit is slow. By then I would have spent well over 2K, plus time. I could easily get a regular girlfriend for that an get laid on the regular, but I have a thing for strippers. That is what the money was for so I could get what I want without games, she could make bank and then thats it, then if she is good I would become a regular then for OTC. I would go for fucking them 2 or 3 times a month and I would pay their rent. Would save me hassle and would save them hassle of scraping for rent." That is not how most strip clubs work. It sounds like you are looking for more of a sugar baby type of situation so perhaps try those types of sites. Sure there are some hookers that work the clubs to lure in customers, but the majority of strippers never have sex for money under any circumstances since they are strippers and not hookers. Among the ones that are willing to have sex for money it often isn't as simple just offering them the right amount of money and they'll meet you otc. Meeting a guy from a strip club at a hotel is a very dangerous prospect for strippers and they usually don't take that chance lightly. It involves an exponentially higher level of risk than even having sex with a customer in the club since they don't have any bouncers, bartenders, other dancers, other customers or even cameras around to help them if the guy starts causing trouble. That is why they need to build a level of trust with the guy before they are willing to risk being arrested, stalked, raped, abused or even killed by the stranger that just offered her money for sex. Even once they feel comfortable with you, many of them do require more than just a basic transaction since they see themselves as dancers and sex workers. Just like many customers require some conversation/flirting from the dancers instead of just a drive by "you wanna dance" many dancers require you to feed into their fantasy of wanting courting them and caring about them before they agree to fuck you in a hotel.

    Like others have said, getting otc isn't usually simply about looking good and offering them a lot of money, it is a long game that requires an investment of your time especially if you want a high quality dancer and not just a hooker who happens to dance. With what you are saying about not wanting to devote time into developing a relationship before moving to otc I highly suggest you look for a sugar baby instead since that seems to be closer to the situation you are looking for.

    Strip clubs are a unique version of mongering that differs from other forms of mongering like sugar babies, escorts, brothels or street walkers. The downside is that it isn't a simple cash for sex situation (unless you visit certain clubs for itc). The upside is that you get to spend time with a wide variety of young, beautiful, naked women who will flirt with you and grind on you.
  • Dolfan
    5 months ago
    If you want honest advice, don't try for OTC with strippers.

    While many strippers will fuck for money, which makes them technically prostitutes, they don't operate the same way as Escorts who advertise online or walk the streets. Whodey explained why, at least some possible reasons. Even here where most of our clubs are mostly brothels, you're not gonna find many girls who will agree to what you're proposing.

    You might have better luck with your approach in some of the popular sex tourism destinations, Tijuana, Bangkok, Dominican Republic, etc.
  • Lanechange
    5 months ago
    Ill just respond to a skim of the original post. You tried too hard.

    First point. Tell yourself that anything a stripper says may be a lie. Truth is in actions. She just didnt want to and the most likely reason is safety. And remember, for strippers they also use this rule and treat what customers day as if it may be a lie.

    Second, going for the hottest - probably lowest chance of success. She probably has any offers she can chose from already. And she can probably make bank by being boring. What you want is to find the dancer that genuinely likes sex. Bear in mind they all will say they do but may be lieing. There are worse things than a dancer saying no.

    Third, any dancer that does otc will probably not go for it the first time itc

    And in my experience, i pay 200 to 300 and use one of the short stay hotels. But again. If she does otc she will have an idea what place she trusts to be clean. She will have her own rules for her safety.
  • wallanon
    5 months ago
    "At this point I was kind of in my head thinking I am wasting money and effort that could be spent trying to pull another dancer who would be more receptive to my offer."

    If it's your local club, why the rush? First things first, never show the money upfront. Establish the vibe, then go from there. There's a lot of words on this thread already so that's basically all I have to say.
  • ReadyToMonger
    5 months ago
    I get it, many people are saying to basically go in over and over again. Then waste time forming some kind of rapport with the dancer you want to do OTC with.

    Just think of how over 3 -5 visits (possibly more) how much money (more importantly time) you are going to blow just chit chatting and messing around. What that sounds like is you are suggesting to basically form a relationship with the dancer. That completely defeats the purpose of paying OTC.

    For that I can just get a regular girlfriend and likely 2-3 dates in her pants come off (free). Plus at any time when the dancer thinks that you will ask for OTC she can ghost your ass and say she doesnt want to talk anymore and your time and money are long gone and you got NOTHING for it. (ust another sucker she milked)

    The point of paying is so you can skip all the games and BS.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    5 months ago
    ^ Then hire an escort.

    But know that the convenient immediacy of an escort (at least the better ones) often includes a screening process that requires you to give up a lot of personal information. And they do that for the same reason dancers want to see a customer ITC a few times ITC: safety concerns and LEO entanglements.

    It's not impossible to get OTC with a stripper the first night you meet her, but it's not easy and there's no magic-wand maneuver to make it easy. Generally, you need to locate a dancer that is either stupidly reckless or tragically desperate. And those dancers are out there, but not in the numbers that a lot of customers want to believe.

    Also, I enjoy the time I spend in a strip club regardless of me getting OTC. I like getting dances and VIP. So, I'm not wasting time or money because I have fun there. If strip clubs aren't fun for you, then you shouldn't go there.

    But if you're exclusively about inserting tab A into slot B, then hire escorts. Or, go to an AMP, which is the hallway vending machine of sex work.

    But complaining that the entirety of strip club culture won't change itself to accommodate your impatience is a non-starter.

  • 3131
    5 months ago
    Look into Seeking Arrangements.
  • wallanon
    5 months ago
    "It's not impossible to get OTC with a stripper the first night you meet her, but it's not easy and there's no magic-wand maneuver to make it easy...Generally, you need to locate a dancer that is either stupidly reckless or tragically desperate."

    Now you're making me question my whole track record, CMI. Lol
  • whodey
    5 months ago
    "Just think of how over 3 -5 visits (possibly more) how much money (more importantly time) you are going to blow just chit chatting and messing around."

    Based on this statement, I'm not sure strip clubs are the right place for you. It is clear that you are looking to pay beautiful women to fuck you and I, and most of this board, support that endeavor and often seek the same thing.

    However, most strip club customers, including myself, don't look at the time we spend in the club as a waste of time if it doesn't end in fucking a stripper either itc or otc. We enjoy seeing a wide variety of women naked performing their rlstage routines as well as having one of more of these beautiful women flirting and chatting with us and grinding on our laps while we fondle their various body parts.

    If the time you spend in the club feels like wasted time for you and not something that you enjoy, there are other places you can more quickly find someone willing to suck and fuck you for money. There are escort sites, sugar baby sites, classified ads, "dating" sites that are more for quick hookups than dating, street walkers or even traditional dating like you mentioned. All of those methods are going to give you higher odds of finding girl willing to fuck you in a hotel room the first time you meet her than going to strip clubs will.

    Strip clubs may been the easiest way to find hot women willing to satisfy sexual fantasies in a lot of places 20-30 years ago, but even then most clubs were not a sure thing. Over the past decade plus the internet has made it much easier to women openly willing to have sex for money and they are a much surer bet than picking one random stripper in one random club on the one random night that you stop by. Many of those sites make it as easy as ordering off of a menu depending on what type of girl you are wanting at the time. Strip clubs will provide a range of women to choose from to flirt and grind with, but not necessarily to do more than that.
  • Manuellabore
    5 months ago
    IF this yarn is true (a big if) I would lay odds that the number the dancer gave OP was fake
  • BabyDoc
    5 months ago
    “I thin [sic] you would actually be amazed at how the dancers act when a guy has money.”

    Oh, I know how a dancer behaves when a guy has money. That’s why you should never flash cash or let it be known that the bulge in your pocket is anything but your manhood. You’re setting yourself up to be taken advantage of in so many different ways. Always fly under the radar…

    That was actually my second observation from your true story. The first is you went in reeking of desperation. In the real world all women can sense desperation which is why so many guys can’t get laid even in a whore house. Sorry but try as you might, there is no way to not be desperate when that’s what you are.

    Lastly some advice from my real life experience. Sitting with a favorite in a club in the States we were approached and interrupted by three visiting French tourists. They matter of fact asked who to talk to about getting laid thinking the club was a whore house as well as just a strip club. Without missing a beat my sweet young companion told them they couldn’t do that in here but to go to a building down the street and they would find what they were looking for. As I stared at my girl next door college student in surprised disbelief that she would know such a thing, she looked at me and said “what?”.

    So, the take away advice I’d give you is to start practicing a fake French accent and see how it goes.
  • funonthaside
    5 months ago
    OP seems to have implied that he is among the few on these boards who can afford to splurge on dancers. Perhaps OP's arrogance also contributed to his failure to score OTC.

    Even whores don't like to be treated like whores. Expecting them to take in your junk simply because you flash cash erodes your ability for success.
  • rickmacrodong
    4 months ago
    ??? Someone posted this “ but the majority of strippers never have sex for money under any circumstances since they are strippers and not hookers.”

    That’s completely incorrect. Stripping is a legal job. Escorting is a semi legal/illegal job. Strippers can always make more money from sex than just from lapdances, hence the numerous number of strippers who offer extras.
    Also its funny because most hookers also work other civilian jobs. That would be like saying “X person works at a grocery store therefore they couldnt be a hooker”. There are no rules like this. In fact even people at the highest levels have done sex for money. Thats why you get stereotypes like the secretary banging her boss, manager banging their subordinate etc.
  • rickmacrodong
    4 months ago
    @RTM like you concluded definitely dont go in there and spend on dances unless its like single song $30 lapdances and youre getting a couple.

    A lot of strippers do offer extras, but some strippers are strippers because they have a boyfriend or SO and stripping is the limit for their relationship. 2.5k is way too much for OTC with anyone, its what richelle ryan and romi rain charge and I doubt they even get many booking’s because other ultra famous pornstars charge $1000 to $1500. You can go on eros or tryst and find tons of women as hot as your local stripper charging $400+ an hour. In fact there are many strippers who have their own listings on the escort sites.

    Like others mentioned there could be many reasons for her refusing your $2500 offer. Just because you flashed it to her doesnt mean she would for sure get that money later on. That doesnt mean you should give it up front either because she could easily scam you.
    Many strippers are cautious of law enforcement. She could have had safety concerns. Or it could have been a genuine no and perhaps she had a man.
  • rickmacrodong
    4 months ago
    Also going to clubs is not anywhere near as expensive as some made it out to be.
    You dont have to tip, dont sit right by the stage.
    You dont have to buy yourself a drink, nor do you have to buy a dancer a drink. The drink prices are often ripoffs.
    Lapdances are $25+ per song. Possibly a small entrance fee. So even for $100 you should be able to have some fun.
  • wallanon
    4 months ago
    "So even for $100 you should be able to have some fun."

    True. Plenty of clubs in my old school reviews got tried for $100 or less. Possibly a lot less lol.
  • funonthaside
    4 months ago
    Still not buying the "strippers won't do extras if they have boyfriends" propaganda. I've known plenty of strippers attached to others who were among the biggest whores of their clubs.
  • rickmacrodong
    4 months ago
    Fun you are correct I mean for some dancers that is the case. If they are doing air dances, dont want the pussy touched, i assume it’s because of a relationship thing. There are definitely also a certain proportion who just cheat on their bfs, or a proportion whos bfs allow them to do stuff for money
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