
Would you give up strip clubs for Taylor Swift?

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shadowcatAtlanta suburb

Apparently Taylor Swift Has Strict Strip Club Rules For Travis Kelce: REPORT



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Avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat

I wouldn't give up spending winters in Antarctica for Taylor Swift. Yuck on almost every level.

Avatar for PAWG_Patrol

I couldn't give up big booty strippers to come home to a flat ass gf every night

Avatar for Studme53

Ha ha - I don’t know about Travis, but I was in a strip club with Jason Kelce about 10 years ago. Him and some other Eagle players were whooping it up having a good time. It was good to see.

Avatar for IWantHerOnMe

Kelce strikes me as too smart to do anything more with Swift that any of the other guys did with Swift. Kelce is clout chasing for after football. He’ll be back in 6-8 months tossing singles. And I’m not giving up strip clubs for the Virgin Mary.

Avatar for sweetjamesjones


Avatar for sweetjamesjones

Disregard my previous post and see the photos section. My answer is no.

Avatar for rattdog

guys, do you think that relationship will still be intact around the time of kc chiefs training camp? according to her website her next u.s. tour date is october 18. her last international tour stop is may 11. so they'll most likely be glued together for 2 1/2 months straight.

no strip clubs? not a problem. this guy can find willing participants to get off him at places like hooters, celebrity golf outings, etc.

Avatar for chugwa

She didn't forbid AMPs. He'll be fine.

Avatar for IWantHerOnMe

Philly sports fans never fail to make me question the future of humanity

Avatar for misterorange

Sure, I'd give up strip clubs for Taylor. I'd bang her a bunch of times, then end the relationship and fall right back into my old ways.

Avatar for ilbbaicnl

Once again, proof that you don't have to be smart to be rich. She should find a man who doesn't like strip clubs, or only likes them when he's single. Not going to be a good relationship, if it involves forcing change/rules on the other person. She's more than old enough to know that. Course, since this is gossip, just hypothetical really.

Avatar for wallanon

Yes. Because Taylor Swift is a bazillionaire and she's actually not that bad since she bought herself nicer boobs. Plus I don't really go to clubs anymore now anyway. I just meet girls through girls I already know.

While it's on my mind, if any of you girls out there know Taylor Swift let her know I'm available lol....

Avatar for datinman

Hell yeah, I would absolutely give up strippers for Taylor. I would happily bang only her for the rest of my life and never even look at another woman.

Oh, wait. Her lawyer wants a prenup? Okay, never mind. I will go with the hot chicks that have curves and are willing to blow a 60 year old for cash.

Avatar for drewcareypnw

She’s a creep who is obviously more interested in being famous than anything else. For a person like her, a relationship is about photo ops, pr, social media likes. No one expects these two to settle down and be a normal family like the rest of us shlubs. He’s enjoying the ride and she’s cute enough , she’s working the pr and enjoying the big meat. Both could get much better physical material if they wanted, and she at least will move on when the public loses interest. Their publicity team probably pitched the strip club story along with 10 other audience tested scenarios.

Avatar for Context21

I just get that feeling she would be terrible in bed.

Avatar for CJKent_band


I will play along and answer your question.

Q: Would You Give Up Strip Clubs For Taylor Swift?



Avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael

Middle-aged men gossiping/obsessing about female pop star is a weird look.

Avatar for shailynn

^ at least we aren’t fighting over politics at the moment.

Avatar for jackslash

I would give up strip clubs for Taylor Swift's money. Then a marriage with no pre-nup. Then a divorce where I would receive half a billion or so. Call me a hopeless romantic.

Avatar for georgmicrodong

She sings well and all, and she's cute, but even if there were a chance in hell that she'd give me the time of day and not a swift kick, she either takes me as I am, or I'm out.

Avatar for wallanon

"I just get that feeling she would be terrible in bed."

You don't have the body count she has looking like that by being terrible in bed.

Avatar for wallanon

Slightly off topic, but my favorite part of the Superbowl (other than the game) was seeing how trashy hot Blake Lively was during the Taylor Swiftaton. Ryan Reynolds is winning at life.

Avatar for wallanon

"Middle-aged men gossiping/obsessing about female pop star is a weird look."

At least she's legal lol. That's an improvement.

Avatar for gammanu95

"Middle-aged men gossiping/obsessing about female pop star is a weird look."

Right. Says a guy posting on a website dedicated to obsessing and gossiping about uninhibited 20-year olds with daddy issues and impulse control problems.

Avatar for gammanu95

And no, I find Taylor Swift very plain. She's a 7, at best.

Avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody

No prenup? Definitely would give up clubs. If I was Travis kelce, sure I’d give them up for a while, knowing I’d be back on the prowl after the relationship ended, with my own 9 figures of cash, my own celebrity, and an athlete’s body under 40 yo. That guy will slay whoever he wants for the next 20 years at least. It’s probably fun for him to be the lesser half in a relationship for the first time in his life.

Avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat

^ Travis will be forever famous in some Swift self-pitying breakup song.

And he'll get more (free) ass than a toilet seat.

Avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael

I neither gossip about or obsess over dancers. Club drama is dumb. The whole point of a strip club is disposable sexy fun that I can leave behind when I've left the club. I don't care what I dancer does after we part ways.

But middle-aged dudes nattering like hens over a female pop singer (they most likely don't listen to...) is a weird look.

Avatar for motorhead


Really? Arguably, the most famous female in the world dating the second most famous player on the Super Bowl champions - a game, by the way that was watched by almost as many people that vote. I don’t think a little post with 30 comments is so weird

Avatar for gammanu95

Don't get so defensive, cim. You're down in the muck with the rest of this board. We accept you.

... gooble gobble, one of us...

Avatar for rickthelion

Not listen to Princess Tay Tay? Speak for yourself Ishmael ape. This rick is a major Swiftie.

The question itself is hard. On the one hand, Princess Tay Tay is the perfect female hairless ape. So this rick wants to be her boy toy. On the other hand, I am a frickin’ rick. My own man…er, lion…and I cannot be tied to any females, be they lion or be they ape.

So Imma split the difference. Imma listen to my Princess Tay Tay and wish her happiness while enjoying my complete and total rickishness. ROAR!!!

Avatar for stripperlover777

I Like The Song "Style" From Taylor Swift
🎶 🎶 🎶 ⚡ ⚡ ⚡
Cheers For Taylor Swift & Travis Kelce 🏈 🏈 🏈

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