
Do you notice yourself becoming more or less apt to spend over the years?

Last week a bunch of zero review PL's banded together to call my ass out for not buying enough 100 dollar dances and THEY MEANT BUISNESS! Anyway but it did get me thinking that I just don't spend like I used to, and don't have the tolerance anymore like I used for the bullshit. We talk about declining talent and rising prices, it's like in the real world when your QOL is declining yet your taxes go up. WTF is that.

I used to club alot in the southwest. Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Southern California and at least few years ago it was rare to see dances over $20, $25 at the most. You would even see $10 dances, which I haven't seen in a while now. I only first encountered $40 LD's when I hit San Francisco. But some of these places in the US $40 is becoming the norm, to the point where you really got to sit down and think to yourself "How bad do I need this dance, do I really need this? What if it sucks? Should I just get VIP right off the rip? Is this girl even really that hot? How about we say fuck ALL THIS SHIT and go get a steak dinner with this money.

I mentioned before the hedonic treadmill phenomenon, and the truth is I'm getting so much pickier over the years, I just fold and save, live to fight another day until I find a girl truly worthy and rain down all that saved up, unspent cash on her ass. I'm always feel like I have to top or at the very least match my last big mongering moment. Spreading it out among plain janes girls with an attitude....why? It's not satisfying.

Just thinking out loud, how about you guys.


  • lick-that
    a year ago
    Largely concur. Like you said, just not satisfying like it used to be. And frankly, the people watching is sometimes more fun.
    I also watch the business of the club and the work of the girls. To me, you have to work for my money, I'm not just giving it to you, and many dancers today just don't have the skills and personality to work it properly. I mean no convo or vibe or seduction.
    Once I start thinking of better things I could do with the dough, like you said, it's a wrap. I've left with full pockets many a time in recent times. Tits and ass just don't it alone.
  • lick-that
    a year ago
    PS: There's a term guys use, "Paying Bills", to trick-off barside, without even getting the goodies. Just to make the girl reliant upon you, so you can see her and have available, and be friends on IG. Trust me, I've been shown the DM's from the PL's by some dancers, tragic.
    Cash App tricks
  • SquareCastle
    a year ago
    You have the right attitude and your SC logic when it comes not spending frivolously is healthy overall. The trolls who are retorting with snide remarks and ignorant comments more than likely don’t spend any money at SCs anyways. And I know they don’t spend serious money, which accounts for all the push back and static they get from dancers in general. Hence their incessant whining about why dancers don’t talk to them and always pass them by - etc.

    I for one don’t like low hanging fruit on a consistent basis and would rather splurge on a 9 or a 10. Which are rare commodities these days in any club you go to. If I don’t like what I see, I’m out and chalk the cover charge up as a minor loss and put the cash back in the sock drawer. My standards are high, and that usually equates to a higher fee which is worth it for me because I’m there for sheer entertainment and not for validation/companionship/or anything else. Keep doing your thing.
  • JamesSD
    a year ago
    I'll admit I hate rolling the dice with my money. My club got rid of 2 for $20 regular lap dances during the pandemic (VIP is still 5 for $100) but it's kind of like buying something at Costco based on the package not knowing if I like it.

    If my favorite, who takes good care of me, hangs up her G string and closes her mouth for good, I'll probably have to take a few more chances.
  • shailynn
    a year ago
    You can’t take it with you when you die. I also don’t have kids so I don’t give a hoot about leaving something for someone else.

    If the quality is there - in the club or in ANY situation for that matter, I don’t mind dropping the money for a good experience. If it’s going to be a mediocre experience - again in the club or dining at a fancy restaurant or going to see a concert, then these days I usually pass.

    Sometimes desperation comes into play.

    COVID has jacked prices on a lot of experiences which has left many on the sidelines or second guessing going all in and that’s understandable.

    There are cars I want to buy, some I can afford and some I cannot, but I’m simply not willing to pay the inflated prices because I feel like my satisfaction will not outweigh the guilt I would feel paying at least 40% more for the same vehicle I bought 5 years ago.

  • Huntsman
    a year ago
    I go to clubs a lot less often than I used to. I’ve found that it makes my decision making more focused when I do. In other words, when I used to club more, my spending seemed to be more on autopilot and I eventually got to the point where I realized I just wasn’t enjoying what I got for my money. So overall, I’m apt to spend less both because I’m not as frequently clubbing but also because I’m more mindful about whether it’s really worth it at any given moment. Sometimes it is worth it and I’ll readily spend and be glad I did. Other times, I don’t go at all or decide it’s fine to not buy lap dances just cause I’m there.
  • idletraveler
    a year ago
    When I started that discussion post a couple weeks ago, it was really in awe of the amount of bar-hopping and review-writing that you do. I used to live in the DC area and know how much driving time was involved to travel between the 11 clubs that you hit in a single weekend from northeast WV to Richmond.
    I didn't mean to appear to call you out for not spending on overpriced low-fun dances. I totally agree with your stance on that. The prices in DC area, and many others, are totally out of whack. For the most part, they just aren't worth it, except perhaps for prior faves or dancers that you really vibe with.
    I moved to South Florida a couple years ago. Very handsy two-way touch $10 floor dances and $20-25 booth lap dances still exist here, and I've gotten spoiled/jaded. When I travel for work, and visit clubs elsewhere, it really is hard to find sufficient reason to spend $$ or acquire enough content to write a worthwhile review. The regular clubs I do hit are frequntly reviewed by others - how many not-too-explicit Pompano reviews are really needed...
    Apologies if it came out wrong. You do you.
  • dannyboy3
    a year ago
    I've found that the price point for entry is too high in many cases. I used to get dances from average girls because it was relatively cheap and sometimes you click. Now, it's not worth the hassle. Also, the girls are much worse at the selling/seduction game. If your best is lacking tour lips and saying "wanna have a good time" I'm not considering you unless you are at least an 8.
  • mark94
    a year ago
    I never get dances from anyone below a 7.

    Nowadays, it seems a lot of clubs have lowered their standards under the theory that the more dancers you have, the more money the club makes. I spend a lot of time saying no to 5s and 6s. It makes going to clubs much less fun. The dancers in these clubs always seem pissed off.

    There is exactly one local club that maintains its 7-up standard. Their dance prices are higher, as you’d expect. The club is less crowded and more fun. My guess is this is the one business model that will work long term.

  • Muddy
    a year ago
    @idle na I know you were just fucking around it's all good. I still gotta bust balls though.
  • LapHunt
    a year ago
    The value and ROI just isn't there like it used to be. I even found this to be the case in the years right before the pandemic (c. 2018-2019). But at least then $20-$25 was still the norm for a standard LD and a place like Mons in TB for example hadn't went off into the stratosphere with their ridiculous pricing.

    Vegas is/was my main vacation spot and $40 per is truly the new normal there. The quality is down and I would say dramatically so if one really thinks back to the drastically better SC times of say, the 2000s before the economic crash. Didn't realize it at the time but that period from the mid-to-late '90s to 2008 was the heyday. There was a reasonable post-crash rebound from 2013 to 2017 though imo.

    So yeah, plenty of times I walk into a SC and leave after only a beer because the talent just isn't there and I know the LDs are so hit and miss. Will need to scope out some spots in SoFlo now that Mons is a no-go. Really miss that Mons-style of walk in, see who's giving a good dance, and then just grab as many as you like at $20-$25 each. Some people don't like the lapdance factory atmosphere but I think it beats the VIP, charges-all-over-the-place model. Mons (in its heyday) had the system down imo.
  • skibum609
    a year ago
    I go as often or maybe a little less, but about 40% of the time now I drink and chat with dancers or massage girls I've known for awhile. It might be the cost but I doubt it as my main club costs the exact same now as pre pandemic except beers went up a buck.
  • funonthaside
    a year ago
    I go through up and down cycles of spending. Eventually I get bored (and therefore reduce spending through frequency of visits or average spending per visit) after overindulging for a period of time, but I ultimately return at full speed after taking a break of a few months.

    So, for me, it's not a matter of spending going down as I age, but rather a pattern of ups and downs as I engage/disengage in the activity/
  • captainfun
    a year ago
    I am spending a lot more than I used to. Prices have gone up a lot. I earn a lot more these days so keeping up just fine but agree that $40 dances are not sustainable for most markets and people. Luckily most markets that I find myself in still have $25 dances and sometimes less.
  • shadowcat
    a year ago
    I'm spending less. Mostly because I dropped seeing my weekly OTC dancer and I am fussy in my old age. I pass on Cubans and they have taken over my favorite club.
  • mark94
    a year ago
    The high spending point for me was 10 years ago. I had about 5 faves, all good looking, all personable, all gave great dances. No matter when I went to the club, 2 or 3 of them would be working and they would quickly join me.

    Plus, there would always be 1 or 2 extremely hot new dancers to try out. And, the club was never too crowded.

    Now, there are lots of overweight Cubans, lots of other 6s, and you have to compete to get the attention of a handful of 7s. Many times, I leave without getting a dance, having failed to get the attention of the 2 or 3 good looking dancers.
  • Hank Moody
    a year ago
    I’m spending a lot more. I pretty much only do VIP rooms as we don’t have good single dance options here in Baltimore. Room prices have gone up and I’ve done a better job finding CF’s who I like to see very week. It adds up and it’s been a lot of fun.
  • minnow
    a year ago
    Just did a number crunching exercise for a hypothetical level of fun for a month at my go to FL club. The cost for equivalent level of fun I had in 2019 has increased by ~13% in 2023. My AGI has just gone up by single digits.

    I say hypothetical, because my behavior is slightly different. I end up spending a bit more for individual visits, but going a couple less times per month. So overall spending less. Also spread among fewer dancers.

    Another factor in a northern area is some clubs have taken to scanning driver licenses, a deal breaker for me. Hence I've gone without visiting any clubs at all for several weeks in the summer.
  • Nixur68
    a year ago
    I spend more but I am way more picky. I don't know why I'd ever want to spend less. You only live once.
  • chiefwiggum
    a year ago
    I agree with a bunch of posts here. I have these concerns at $30/dance. $40 is crazy for just a lap dance, especially from a 7 or below (yeah I'm picky). One would have to be at least an 8 for me to consider. With that in mind, unless a girl exhibits some factor that I click with, I'm saying no to a lot (particularly in Vegas). I find discussion helps to set out mileage parameters, but a lot of girls have a knack for not actually committing to anything, which is fine, but then it lowers my spending.

    Based on this type of valuation analysis, South Florida is the king of the market. The big con is if you like hanging out with girls like I do, then not being fluent in Spanish will take its toll. I'm planning on some other trips for the rest of the year, let's see how competitive other parts of the country are.
  • docsavage
    a year ago
    I'm spending less because the strippers are less pretty, charge more money, and are less likely to know how to talk and be friendly. I'm starting to partly substitute with other hobbies.

    I'm also starting to substitute non-stripper females for strippers. If I just want to look at cute girls, I can go to a shopping mall. In situations like a waitress in a restaurant they'll also be a little friendly and chat for a minute if I want to. If they do, I leave a little bigger tip. Last night I was joking around with a cute cashier at the drugstore. I told her about a guy sleeping on the sidewalk in front of her drugstore and got her smiling. The women I work with are also friendly and some of them are pretty. I don't do lap dances with any of these women, but I enjoy looking at and talking to females too.

  • Jascoi
    a year ago
    safe to say that I have reduced my spending as time progresses. that being said, I need to get into a income stream that allow me to be crazy again.
  • rickdugan
    a year ago

    I'm more apt to spend in general as my income has risen. OTOH I'm even less apt than I used to be to buy CRs/VIPs/LDs just to have a girl rub her ass in my lap or her tits in my face.

    Idk. Lately my preferred method of clubbing isn't really syncing up with the new crop of dancers in my area, many whom seem to be looking for quick strike sales and otherwise have the attention spans of gnats. When they aren't doing some variation of "wanna dance" they are snapping selfies for IG and Tiktok.

    Heck my last visit to a club was 3 weeks ago, which for me is practically a record gap. Sugarbabies have filled the gap nicely, including one on a current roadtrip who used to dance, lol. I'm sure I'll be back in a club soon enough, but I just find it harder than ever to find a girl who piques my interests.
  • mjx01
    a year ago
    Couple of comments...

    I hesitate to say "most" but at least the clubs I am most familiar with charge dancers a house fee to work. Clubs have had to lower their standards to keep the roster full or even expand the roster to keep that part of the business model in the black.

    The increasing cost and/or decreasing mileage of an entry level / test drive dance makes me less willing to sample and explore. So, that leads to spending less.

    IDK about y'all... but I've reached a point where if I'm not confident in getting satisfactory mileage I just don't feel like taking the chance. So, that leads to spending less.

    Dancer attitudes have predominately gone to shit IMO. This probably sounds dumb, but I've developed a pretty firm friendliness threshold. Don't meet it and I don't spend. I probably didn't realize it at the time, even-though I would argue my ATF was a solid 10, it was far more that she was good at being friendly to me than anything else. This also related to the "selling" part of this. "Wanna dance" just doesn't cut it IMO. So, that leads to spending less.

    The sad irony to this is that if I did find a quality CF (looks + personality + mileage) I'd probably spend myself into the ground with no other competing options.
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