Single-Clubber or Multi-Clubber?

avatar for Mike Rotch
Mike Rotch
When in doubt, take dick out
I have always thought about the pros and cons of being a regular, someone who frequents a specific club, vs a drifter, someone who goes club to club and doesn't have a favorite. I tend to be a drifter. I like to hit up many different clubs because I like variety and sometimes I get bored with the same old club. What category do you guys fall under? And what would be the pros/cons of either one?

I can see how being a regular can boost your popularity with the girls. But you are also missing out on a lot of sexy dancers from other places. I am thinking about becoming a regular. In some ways it's like being in a relationship. But it's gonna be hard not to cheat with other clubs.


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avatar for gSteph
2 years ago
I go fairly rarely and the one club nearest me is so much better than the other 3 nearby, so I'm a pretty faithful single clubber.
avatar for Muddy
2 years ago
Drifter to the max.
avatar for Mate27
2 years ago
Club hopper if the one club I’ve found good luck with changes course and gets stale. I will club hop until I find something reliable.
avatar for docsavage
2 years ago
With regulars you run the risk they will start thinking you like them so much that they don't have to put much effort into making you happy. There's probably a sweet spot where you see them enough to get the best service. My experience is seeing someone every week is too much and seeing someone less than once a month is too little. I go to strip clubs four times a month and see two girls once each and then the other two times see new girls and new clubs for variety. Seeing a girl once a month is enough to get them heading for my table when they spot me.
avatar for Tetradon
2 years ago
Loyalty is for girlfriends, not strip clubs.

I'm a multi-clubber who ends up mostly going to one because it's the best club in the area. Even if I don't go there for a few months, the VIP attendant always recognizes me and shakes my hand.

I'm not trying to "boost my popularity" with anyone. A roll of twenties does that just fine, and I have enough non-titty-flashing friends for good conversations.
avatar for whodey
2 years ago
I'm a multi-clubber. There are 4 clubs that I hit up at least once a month and another 4 clubs that I go to at least about 5 times a year and a few more clubs that I stop by 2-3 times a year.

I also occasionally club hop around a single town when my go to club doesn't have a good lineup and on those nights it is not odd for me to end up at 4 or 5 clubs that night.

I prefer the variety that going to multiple clubs offer. Since most of the clubs I go to are smaller clubs with a dozen or fewer dancers on shift it would be real easy to burn out if I kept going to the same club too often.

Being a regular can have its benefits. There have been three favorite girls over the years that I connected with enough to see once a week. The more I saw them the more fun I had both ITC and OTC. However, I only go that route when I find a special girl that I really click with.
avatar for Mike Rotch
Mike Rotch
2 years ago
The real advantage of a regular is that the dancers of that particular club already know him and feel comfortable around him and will sit with him over some stranger they've never seen before. The bartender will usually be friendlier too. Hell even the club owner might say hi to him for being a loyal customer.

It's not exactly like being loyal to a girlfriend. Within the same club, you could still have several girls and they would not get jealous if you spend time and money on another dancer. Many times they are friends with each other and are more than happy to share you.

Being a drifter is nice if you like to see new faces, visit new places, experience more variety. But you will always be a newcomer. Girls might not trust you. They might not know what you're into, or looking for. You won't remember their names, and they will forget yours.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
2 years ago
"... Within the same club, you could still have several girls and they would not get jealous if you spend time and money on another dancer. Many times they are friends with each other and are more than happy to share you ..."

That's a crapshoot at best - a good spending regular equates to "the dancer's lively-hood" - even if the dancers don't show it out of "professionalism" or most-likely to not cause-drama; like any salesperson they usually want the best customers/regulars for themselves - just like many custies hate it when a dancer is locked-down in the club by a custy; many dancers also don’t like it when a good-spending regular/custy is locked-down all visit-long by one-dancer especially if the money is spotty in the club – there is probably a fair-amount of drama among dancers when it comes to custies especially regulars where most dancers feel a regular is their turf and off-limits to the other dancers (most dancers tend to respect the “unwritten rule” of not dealing w/ another-dancer’s known-regular when she’s in the club but this is mostly to avoid drama vs because ”they are buddies”.

Us custies go to the club to have a good-time – dancers go to the club to make a living – we are there for very-different reasons and w/ few-exceptions custies’ and dancers’ mindsets/priorities are usually very-different if not polar-opposite.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
2 years ago
I’m def a multi-clubber – only way I’d stick to a single-club would be if every-other club local-to-me was not worth hitting.

My M.O. is to have a rotation-of-clubs that I like and fit my SCing-style – within that club-rotation some are ranked higher than others but I don’t stick to one (when I was clubbing-regularly/weekly; I rarely went to the same club on back-to-back-visits) – so I’ll have a local-club-rotation; and once in a while I’ll check-out a local-club not-in-my-rotation usually out-of-boredom or curiosity – when I was SCing-hard I often looked-forward to hitting-clubs outside my area (other states or other-parts-of-the-state); these usually were clubs that “were my style” and I’d get more excited about visiting those than the local-ones in my rotation.
avatar for SirLapdancealot
2 years ago
I usually crush on a certain dancer and become her regular if we have a good rapport. I ride that out until the honeymoon phase ends - sometimes it's after a few visits and sometimes it's years. This usually makes me a club's regular too. That said, I definitely like mixing in variety and every few months I try a different club and different dancers no matter how I'm doing with my CF. And if that club has a hottie I like, then I become a regular at that club too.

I think a lot of this is cost/risk driven - I'd rather go see a reliable fave for guaranteed fun rather than risk striking out at a new club. But because I know all regular+fave "relationships" eventually must end, I also make an effort to explore other clubs and find a new fave. In the process I get enough variety.
avatar for Jdo11
2 years ago
I've been the regular at two of the cuban infested clubs in my area for the better part of the decade. Now keep in mind that I'm only interested in receiving ldks.
I've found diversifying to multiple clubs has increased my overall ldk per trip ratio.
My clubs of choice are within driving distance of each other, so if one isn't hitting that night or if I've been blacklisted by the "mean girl clique" for not paying their ridiculous rates, then it's a simple thing to drive to the other and get a few ldks off.

I know I'm privileged to have such high value clubs nearby. You maybe limited by what is available in your area. But if money and time permits, I highly suggest diversifying.
avatar for Jascoi
2 years ago
I'm a multi-clubber by heart but due to costs I pretty much restrict myself to zona Norte.
avatar for BubbleYum
2 years ago
Being well known by staff and managers as a regular can grant you special privileges or you could get away with things non-regulars wouldn't.
avatar for rattdog
2 years ago
during the 90's and early 2000's multiple clubs was an obvious no brainer. why only subject yourself to just one of anything, especially girls and clubs?

at present times it now just really depends on region and supply. in the nyc area one would be real fortunate right now to find more than one reliable club to visit on a regular basis. what's left now after all the closures from the past 10 years is mostly shit.

if you're at an area where the above is not the case then by all means enjoy it as much as possible.
avatar for mike710
2 years ago
I do a mixture of single and multiple clubs depending on the area I'm visiting. I will go to as many as 3 clubs in a day in the Tampa area but definitely have a favorite where I am a semi-regular, in that I'm recognized by staff.
avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
2 years ago
I’m a regular at 3-4 clubs. I prefer to have regular girls as well, but also like trying new girls. Sometimes it works out better than others. I just play it by ear and spend what I spend.
avatar for stainglass
a year ago
I had been ignorant for quite a while, until I realized my limitations / options & chose to do stuff that I don't normally do:

There is no "faithfulness" guidelines. Go to many clubs - you will eventually find out that you personally get "success" or "the most" success only in a handful of clubs. You will needlessly gravitate more towards them - whatever it means for you - whether it is OTCs, or more mileage or dancer type or whatever...

There will be those, that are personally insufferable - for you - and you will tend to avoid these on your own.

Then there are those which give you "reasonable" successes and most often "not", which you will generally not go.

Intermediate clubber mistake:
The first mistake that I used to make is that I stopped exploring after i find a few suitable ones. - once I correct them, then my opportunity and success with a pipeline of girls sky rockets.
Upper intermediate / expert mistake:
#2 - the second mistake was that I gravitated most towards what i thought was my personality style - once I switched it and allocated a small budget to those which I wouldn't have normally gravitated to - these increased my options quite a bit - Again, this was personal to me, BUT the idea is that each of us have a range of: I hate these to I love these, and something in between. -- Once you found the "good fit" for your suitabile style - then go for these "slightly outer edges of your own personality type" -- you will be fascinated at the outcome that you have a busy pipeline of girls that throw their #s at you.

Good luck
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