The revelations coming out from this lawsuit are pure gold. As we now know, the theme is at Fox News, their big stars and senior executives were privately discrediting the rigged election claims, while publicly, Fox News was promoting these bogus claims.
But the statements from Tucker Carlson about Trump take the cake....
"That’s for sure. All of them fail. What he’s good at is destroying things. He’s the undisputed world champion of that."
"We are very, very close to being able to ignore Trump most nights. I truly can’t wait."
"I hate him passionately."
"Trump has two weeks left. Once he’s out, he becomes incalculably less powerful, even in the minds of his supporters."
"He’s a demonic force, a destroyer. But he’s not going to destroy us. I’ve been thinking about this every day for four years."
I'm using up my popcorn budget fast as this story keeps developing.…
last commentWhile I voted for Trump in 2016 and 2020 and would vote for him again as being better than the Democrat alternative, he was an ineffective president. The national debt increased by eight trillion dollars while he was in office. He supported the low interest rate policy of the Fed that has now led to high inflation. He didn't start any new wars, which is good, but didn't reduce the amount of money going to the military-industrial complex. He pandered to blacks with his Platinum Plan that would have funneled more money to them. He went along with the Covid lockdowns. He bragged about speeding up development of a Covid vaccine that turned out to be ineffective in stopping the disease and caused negative side effects. He is now a little too old to be president. We are seeing right now what happens when you elect someone too old and senile.
@docsavage - it is not accurate to describe Trump as ineffective. Russia and China were contained. He destroyed ISIS, defeated the Taliban, and killed the Iranian terror head. He created a job market which benefited all Americans. His border policies and immigration enforcement were the best we have had in years. He was America first but not America only. He told our "allies" who have been freeloading off us for generations to start paying their fair share. He did not feed the military-industrial complex - he was against bloated overrun feed troughs like the F-35 and wanted to invest in improving proven weapons platforms like advanced F-18 and F-15. Yeah, Space Force was a bad call, but not as bad as Obama killing the F-22 while China and Russia roll out their fifth-gen aircraft. His failures were mostly created by the swamp - RINOs, establishment Republicans, and democrat hacks. Paul Ryan forcing through the Omnibus bill. McCain destroying the effort to fix our healthcare systems. Pelosi, Schumer and their ilk wasting billions of dollars on defamatory investigations based on claims their knew to be false. Leftist AGs, boosters, and PACs funding endless rioting and refusing to prosecute. The killing blow was when China exported COVID while their allies in the DNC and media covered for their lab leak. Where is the accountability on that, wld4cock?
so glad you'll be very happy with a many hours to watch cnn, msnbc and the view. you won't even need to bother going to the refrigerator to get the butter. all of that jerking off onto the popcorn might be even more enjoyable than a ldk or hell even a mind blowing blowjob.
"Where is the accountability on that, wld4cock?"
with him and his ilk there is none. just totally disregard and continue on by doubling down on their drivel. that's all they can do. doing otherwise would not be adhering to whatever narratives that side wants, and frankly would be admitting to have committed a plethora of very, very serious crimes.
based on his run from 2016-20 yeah trump did a good job for the country as a whole, and is the least of all evils that are present to lead the way going forward. but for me there are 2 major red flags. one is accepting a million bucks to promote that shot. the other involves his uncle and an incident that happened 21 years ago. if elected again trump if he chooses to can rectify that, and by doing so not only would he be making our nation awesome again but the whole entire world as well. key word is IF.
But yeah, let's fucking crucify a few news show people for comments they made in private.
Gammanu I realize this is a small number of individuals at Fox News, but it's these guys that get most of the attention and are the most influential. I like Brett Baier, I've rarely seen him engage in spin. Maria Bartiromo, nope not any more. She used to be better, but she's promoted some of the bullshit on Fox, including the bogus election fraud story. I'm sure there are other good journalists at Fox, but it's the slick fraudsters and hucksters on the opinion side that get the ratings. I'll respond to your China question when you spell my name correctly and ask nicely.
With the lies and deception from Fox News and Trump exposed further, a few big questions are:
How many die-hard Fox News viewers are going to question more the network's credibility?
How many die-hard Trumpers are going to question more Trump's credibility?
How many die-hard Trumpers are going to stop watching Tucker Carlson?
But, when and if Dominion loses its suit, it doesn’t matter. I don’t think the MAGAs will ever be convinced, but the evidence fits another piece into the puzzle that the election deniers can’t accept. The Big Lie was indeed a lie. This is what has been confirmed since Jan 6:
- There is no evidence of any voter fraud
- There is no evidence that the election machines were hacked
- Sidney Powell’s “source” for the Dominion machine hack “evidence” was according to her, a time traveler
- The lawyer who came up with the legal theory that Pence could reject the state vote certifications has admitted it was a deficient theory
- President Pee Pee Tape was involved with the fake elector scheme
- Hannity, Carlson and Ingraham are ACTORS not newspeople
- All of the Jan 6 stuff with Pence and the republicans who voted to not certify the election were trying to prevent the transfer of power
Eric and Tiffany’s father lied to you.
Like I said, I don’t expect the MAGAs to agree but they were conned. I hope when the primaries roll around the Republicans will give me a real law and order option. Someone who has morals and sticks to his principles. I’ll vote for that option. If moderate republicans are outvoted in the primaries again, my vote will continue to go elsewhere.
Okay, Jimmy, let's have some fun. A real law and order option? Like a governor who cans DAs who refuse to enforce the law? How about a governor who deports illegals out of his state to states that want them? Maybe a corporation uses their enormous power and influence to punish legislators who pass laws they dislike, and then that governor removes their special privileges for having abused them? How about a governor who refuses to intervene to prevent the indictment or deportation of a former mentor by a rival state? I know you know where this was going from the first three words. He sticks to his morals and principles. He obeys the rules of a debate, even when his opponent does not. He has picked his mountain to die on for school choice, parental rights, implementation of medicinal marijuana, no lockdowns, freedom from masks, and racial equality over racial equity. Many of those positions are unpopular, the attacks are constant and unyielding, but he too never waivers, never yields, and rarely fails. He is a right of center Republican, and many, many MAGA Republicans hate him for defying Trump. He fits the option you asked for, but I doubt you would vote for him. I think your idea of a "moderate Republican" is democrat-lite RINO like Liz Cheney, Romney 2.0, or McCain.
Opposing life altering surgery and medications to students is also not anti-gay, it's common sense. I believe it should not even be allowed with parental consent, but for the child to determine when he or she comes of age (18 or older). DeSantis is not anti-gay. His approach is more supportive of human rights and decency than anything the left wants to do.
To say that Ukraine and Russia are in a territorial dispute is a literally accurate statement, but it would also have been true of Nazi Germany's expansion through Europe. He was questioning the amount of resources the US should commit, and that is a valid line of questioning.
But that's not so different than a lot of politicians. There's a senator who projects "trailer trash" and late night hookup, and yet gets taken seriously when she speaks because she won an election. And she's not even cute (nevermind hot) without makeup. What a world!
They all actually enjoy the sound of their own voices.
The better politician’s don’t talk so fucking much.
Fox News clearly struggled with how to avoid alienating their viewers. In another revealing quote, a producer for Fox News host Tucker Carlson said in a text: “Like negotiating with terrorists, but especially dumb ones. Cousin fucking types, not saudi [sic] royalty.”
Trump won’t change, and that shows he can’t win…
"Time and time again, Trump’s responses have been unhinged, indicative, and self-defeating.
And don’t buy for a second when he says he’s “fighting for you.”
If you actually “rose up” and were arrested, Trump would abandon you, just as he has every ally who wasn’t useful to him anymore.
What did he do for those locked up for months over Jan. 6?
What cash did he hand over for the candidates he endorsed in the recent midterm elections he torpedoed for Republicans?"
... it goes on and on....
Dominion gets paid 10 times what the company is actually worth the owners cash out and put them up as a public company (go public)
And this ensures that the Fox News hosts named as witnesses don’t ever get hired by any legitimate news organization if any still exist.
Dominion now has a $700 million war chest to pay their lawyers in the cases against Rudy, the kraken and the pillow guy. Those idiots are fucked.
This all leads back to Trump and adds to the growing pile of collateral damage to those around him. Murdoch just lost $787 million because of Trump.
All that's needed now is for Trump to be held accountable.
Case in point: Tucker Carlson is arguably the most hated Fox News personality (by the left). He interviewed Elon Musk on a variety of topics from the economy/banking, to space exploration, to AI, to his takeover of Twitter. Musk stated in no uncertain terms that after he bought Twitter, a shocking thing he discovered was that multiple government agencies had FULL ACCESS to every DM sent between Twitter users.
He also discussed the origins of AI and his (former) friendship with Larry Page, co-founder of Google. His opinion is that Page has a reckless disregard for AI safety as he strives to become a "digital god" via a non-transparent "closed" AI platform. When Musk suggested that policies should be implemented to protect the future of humanity, Page labeled him a "speciest".
Personally, I find these two examples fucked up at best, and at worst utterly terrifying. Of course you're free to put value in what Musk has said, or you can believe he's full of shit. It's your choice. But why would someone despise Carlson for presenting information? I suspect it's because it forces one to THINK and draw conclusions, which is a disappearing skill in today's world, especially on the left. It's no wonder AI is on track to expand into something we can't control. Most people prefer to let someone else do the thinking and then just tell them what to do.
Combine that with all the subpoenaed texts, emails, communications, etc., where they admit to working towards a political agenda and knowing that their broadcasts were putting out misinformation, and that's why they're not well regarded by anyone except those who enjoy their agenda.
And before anyone says "But MSNBC...", I agree that the left leaning media is likely as bad as the right. I wouldn't mind if all of the major media (print, online, and broadcast) had to undergo some uncomfortable scrutiny every so often.
@Jimmy - Fine or settlement... just semantics. You think they "wanted" to pay it? Call it what you wish but it's a forced payment for speaking their mind. I still think Biden was elected only because of a lot of shady shit. Call it shady, call it cheating, stealing, manipulation. I don't give a fuck. America was duped and now we've got a circus monkey for President.
I never said that the government should do it. And I don't have a solution, but based on what came out of that subpoenaed material I still believe that it should happen.
"Haha... Ultimately the viewer has to absorb as much information as possible and decide what to believe and to what extent."
Sure, but currently a person can absorb gigantic amounts of information from multiple sources without getting outside of their confirmation bias and comfort zone. Which is like playing "Call of Duty" and then telling yourself that you're a Tier 1 operator.
"Fine or settlement... just semantics."
It's really not. It's Fox News seeing the blowback they got from the fraction of information that was released to the public and not wanting their on-air hosts sitting on the stand and reading out loud their own texts about how they were knowingly lying.
That's not "speaking your mind."
BTW the judge approved this settlement is the loudest denunciation who ever doesn’t believe that the Fox Organization did anything wrong is in total and complete denial.
That's like if I tell you, Jimmy hold out your arm and I'm gonna break it, or else you can try running but if I catch you I'll break both your legs AND your arm. And I've got all my goons hiding behind trees so you'll never get away. It's your choice. I guess if you choose the broken arm, that means you WANT me to break your arm.
I don't dispute that Fox is an organization controlled by sleazebags. That was obvious from common sense a long, long time ago. But you can't have a free, democratic society if the public can't reject the assertions of sleazebags using common sense. Not going to fix that with more government control of speech.
I wonder if Dominion's claim of actual damages was based on counties switching back to paper ballots. When paper ballots are obviously just better, with or without Trump or Fox News. They increase the trustworthiness of audits of vote counts.
But, you know, I suspect he'll be fine.
"I am stunned," Lemon wrote. "After 17 years at CNN I would have thought someone in management would have had the decency to tell me directly."
At least Tucker can find another job if he wants. What kind of company would hire Lemon, a gay misogynist crybaby?
In the end, Carlson became the latest casualty of Donald Trump. His private texts about Trump, which I posted when I originated this thread, are rather fitting:
"I hate him passionately."
"He’s a demonic force, a destroyer. But he’s not going to destroy us. I’ve been thinking about this every day for four years."
Predictions are that Tucker will build a podcast empire similar to what Joe Rogan did….and he will make Joe Rogan level money. That’s about 10 times what he made at Fox.
It’s appropriate he was from fired over a sexist remark. EVERYTHING he says is about racism and race baiting so it’s fitting there are -isms in the world that he apparently ignores
Conversely , Don LeMon is going to be lucky to get a job reviewing filching straws and hamster breeds in a queer lifestyle website.
I think Fox management wanted Tucker gone, in spite of the piles of cash he brought to Fox. Go woke, go broke.
I haven't been following this story, but it sounds like this person can now freely promote whatever theories he'd like now as a free agent.
Fox pretty much stomped all CNN and MSNBC COMBINED
March 2023 cable news network ratings (Nielsen live plus same day data)
• Total Viewers: 2,094,000 1,135,000 473,000…
He's already in demand at a lot of places. He will land on his feet, and the left's Tucker Derangement Syndrome will continue to grow.…