Spotting a fun girl

avatar for Givemegothgirls
Milf lover and newbie nerd
What do you look for what? Stage presence, overall energy and attitude, special handshakes… any tips or tricks before taking her back for a dance


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avatar for rickthelion
2 years ago
All girls are fun girls when they are in the presence of a rick. ROAR!!!
avatar for rickdugan
2 years ago
Nope. None. IME and IMHO the only guarantee is that an angry/bitter/very low energy girl is unlikely to be much of a prize. But sometimes the best stage performers with lots of energy and great attitudes can also be duds in the back. Same goes for those who give you the strip club handshake out on the floor, which from some girls is the most action you're ever going to see.

Your best bet is just to buy a dance from a girl you like and see how it goes.
avatar for whodey
2 years ago
A nice upbeat and flirty attitude is what I usually look for but that is no guarantee of a good time. I pay more attention to how they behave on the floor/at the bar than I do to how they are on stage. To me the stage show just let's me see if they are attractive or not and doesn't seem to have much correlation to how they are during a private dance.

Like Rick said just avoid the ones that look like they are mad at the world and don't want to be there because their mood rarely improves during a dance.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
2 years ago
-- The conversation I have with her before VIP.
-- The test lap dances I might do with her before a VIP.
-- The occasional Intel I get here.

But even all of the above isn't a guarantee. Though it helps.
avatar for Warrior15
2 years ago
Well, the best determinant I have found is this. When I ask them if they want to F*** , they say Yes. Then I know I have a fun girl.
avatar for drewcareypnw
2 years ago
Floor attitude doesn’t really translate to sexual energy or technique in the vip, but if she’s being shitty I skip her anyway. Otherwise I try girls that look hot to me. Generally speaking, super hot young white chicks are a worse bet for extras so I will skip them sometimes.

avatar for MrBater2010
2 years ago
Nothing is guaranteed. But if she can make you forget that you are paying for her to flirt with you,then most of the time it is worth it.
avatar for Tetradon
2 years ago
I'm with Rick. Good energy up front doesn't mean fun in back, but bad energy up front means lame in back. Trial dances are the best way to gauge.

Oh, and if they've got their nose in their phone, they'll dance like they wished they were still playing Candy Crush.
avatar for booty_lover92
2 years ago
A table dance or two gives me a good gauge of what is to be expected in the back.
avatar for Dolfan
2 years ago
You can talk a little out front, but any hard and fast rules or even rules of thumb are probably bad. Go with your gut, get a dance or two if she's hot and doesn't have glaring personality flaws in your time out front.
avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
2 years ago
It’s a process. Mostly just reading what she says, what she does and how she acts to decide whether to go low risk up front with a single dance or short time VIP or take the plunge to a longer one. It’s art not science. Sometimes a hot girl walking up and giving a quick stripper handshake tells you all you need to know. Other times it’s a drawn out seduction. I just go by instinct at this point. Not always right, but even the misses add to my knowledge.
avatar for crosscheck
2 years ago
A dancer who comes out of VIP and her customer immediately heads straight to the bathroom is generally a good sign...
avatar for Cashman1234
2 years ago
I agree largely with the consensus, as stage energy doesn’t always translate to a great time when getting dances.

Past performance is the only reliable method of knowing if a girl will be a fun trip to VIP. That can also change, as everyone has bad (or low energy) days.

I had one dancer who had one of those resting bitch faces on stage - and her body was not tight or dancer-like. It was coming up on a stripper shift change - so I decided to take her for a few dances. She was amazing in the back room - and she had a quirky sense of humor (that worked perfectly for me). We got a table after and had a good time - and we then enjoyed a great time in VIP later.

It’s difficult to judge a book by its cover…
avatar for Mate27
2 years ago
You find a girl that looks fun, ie her attractiveness, then yiu test her out to see if she delivers. Like others said, there’s only one way to find out, by sampling the goods. Start off slow and see where it leads after a few dances.
avatar for fla_funmeister
2 years ago
The ones wearing the skimpiest outfits and the ones drinking the most.
avatar for stripperlover777
a year ago
I Like Strippers With Style & Body! Cool Exotic Wear, Friendliness, Not Pushy & Good Conversation Before Goin' To The Back Is Good For Me. Additionally, Good Pole Work Shows She Is About The Business 💲 ✔️
avatar for dr_lee
a year ago
For me, it’s more about what turns me off. I try to avoid dancers who are very loud, drink too much, constantly chew gum, and walk around the club so fast I feel like I’m watching a cheetah. And these are just a few things. In my experience, the loud and obnoxious ones are no-nos.
avatar for DandyDan
a year ago
The ones who look at you like you're the only guy in the room do alright.
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