3 mos ago•himovertherereviewedTemptations1517 Grand Blvd Kansas City, MO 64108Disappointing time - ROB
5 mos ago •himovertherecommented onWednesday with Baby and a Latina well worthI didn't know extras were available at this club....interesting....
6 mos ago•himovertherereviewedTemptations1517 Grand Blvd Kansas City, MO 64108Good looking girls, no extras
9 mos ago•himovertherereviewedTemptations1517 Grand Blvd Kansas City, MO 64108Private room is a game changer
11 mos ago •himovertherecommented onMonday night in KCWtf is the $300 room? There's no separate room in temptations
1 yr ago•himovertherereviewedVivide (V Live)1271 Marietta Blvd NW Atlanta, GA 30318Dead club, good VIP
2 yrs ago•himovertherereviewedBazooka's Showgirls1717 Main St Kansas City, MO 64108Had time to waste, ended up wasting my time
2 yrs ago •himovertherecommented on3:00 is the best time to goWhy do people think club layout and those kind of details need to be written about every review?
4 yrs ago •himovertherecommented onHas potential, but Follies it is notYeah the club is too big for the amount of people that are usually there. Just makes for a weird vibe.
4 yrs ago •himovertherecommented onFirst Time and certainly not the lastDid they change since last month? The last two reviews have mentioned that the lower area is now the "vip" area. Last time I was there anyone could…
4 yrs ago •himovertherecommented onHappy fucking birthday!Happy B day. Sucks though. Was planning on going there early in the day. Will probably reconsider that now or just not go at all
4 yrs ago •himovertherecommented onNice time on the west sideWas the dress code violation going commando?
4 yrs ago •himovertherecommented onAppears to be improvingFacebook and their instagram says they're open at 12pm daily so I think the time on here is wrong
5 yrs ago •himoverthereposted inFolliesFollies4075 Buford Hwy NE Atlanta, GA 30345At what time would you not consider going?