The song and dance some of these SA/OTC girls need

avatar for rickdugan
Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer

Last night I got this as a part of a much longer text with a girl who I'm making plans with:

"I am a single mother who fled a very abusive relationship. I'm currently in (4) separate court cases with my abuser because he is my children's father. I'm looking for someone who is very generous financially and is willing to provide me with more financial help in order to save my children, vs waste their money on prostitutes who will spend hard earned money on drugs or handbags."

Now to be clear, she knows that I am looking for "intimacy" as part of the arrangement. So her idea is for us to meet for drinks and see if we click before she decides. She's not asking for any money for the meet n greet. If she is to be believed, she hasn't met with anyone yet and is very nervous, though we all know how that goes.

So of course let me translate. She doesn't want to feel like a prostitute, so part of how she's convinced herself that she's not is that she's using the money to pay a lawyer for her custody fight. She will also only do it if a guy gives off a good vibe and isn't terribly repulsive. Because after all, prostitutes are girls who will fuck anybody and blow their money on drugs, right? 😉

So here's how it will go. We will meet for drinks, I will be my normal fun charming self and eventually we'll be off to the hotel. Along the way, she'll of course require affirmation from me. I'll tell her that, as a Dad myself, I have crazy respect for what she's doing for her kids. I'll also make it clear that she is definitely not a prostitute and if I wanted that kind of girl, I wouldn't be with someone like her. Then I'm going to have farmyard sex with her and then pay her. As the event winds down, she'll probably need one more round of affirmation from me, along with some compliments about how wonderful it was to go out she is.

The shit we do to see these girls, lol.


last comment
avatar for Mate27
2 yrs ago

I can’t stand pity hustles, and with my patience I’d bail w/out the meeting. You got more calluses to bear their shit than I do, but I guess that’s what you get when you’re a Rick.

avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
2 yrs ago

Basically just another hooker plying into Rick's delusions of not being a trick. Sjg would be proud

avatar for rickthelion
2 yrs ago

^ Shut it Icee Zebra.

My brother from a hairless ape mother is simply explaining the respect he has for this girl. You may not realize that wantin’ to rickbang a sexy female doesn’t preclude treating her as valued.

You be you brother rick. This lion has your back. ROAR!!!

avatar for twentyfive
2 yrs ago

I'd stay away from women with this kind of baggage, she might be perfectly nice, but who knows, the level of animosity here with four separate court cases, leads to all kinds of problems, not to mention she might have a tail, you could end up getting a subpoena, or worse, but that's just me.

avatar for rickdugan
2 yrs ago

===> "I can’t stand pity hustles, and with my patience I’d bail w/out the meeting. You got more calluses to bear their shit than I do, but I guess that’s what you get when you’re a Rick."

And that was only a small snippet, lmao.

But at the end of the day, why do I care what kind of hustle she's using if I'm getting what I want out of it? If this ends up being some game to try to get the money without the payoff on her end, then she's going to leave very disappointed and all it will cost me is a couple of drinks and a little bit of time. If she goes through with it then I'll get laid, she'll get paid and then we go on our ways.

Once again, if she is to be believed, she told me that she went through that explanation because some of the guys she has spoken with seem to want to know how she intends to spend it. I told her that I appreciated the explanation but, if we move forward, any money I give her is hers to spend as she sees fit. Of course the only way that happens if it is mutually beneficial.

Easy peasy.

avatar for rickdugan
2 yrs ago

@25: I hear that, but if I avoided girls with legal or other baggage there'd be almost no potential OTC candidates left to choose from. As someone who spends countless hours every year sitting on talking with these girls, I've come to learn that almost all of them have drama and/or a variety of issues.

avatar for Tetradon
2 yrs ago

"I'm looking for someone who is very generous financially and is willing to provide me with more financial help in order to save my children, vs waste their money on prostitutes who will spend hard earned money on drugs or handbags."

Compared to a prostitute doing it to help her children. Notice she didn't use the P-word referring to herself.

avatar for Dolfan
2 yrs ago

Yeah, I guess that's why I don't do SA. I'd have stopped reading after that and just moved on.

avatar for rickdugan
2 yrs ago

@Tetradon: Exactly, lol. This is called "I'm Having Sex for Money But I'm not a Prostitute" Syndrome. It is an affliction that I have learned, over countless OTC arrangements spanning many years, can sometimes found in low volume strippers who have recently crossed the OTC Rubicon. And, as I have learned more recently, it is an affliction which seems even more common with SA girls.

When one encounters this affliction in a girl he wishes to pay to stick things into, IME the best course of action is to lean into the storyline. Now of course a purist may wish to challenge these beliefs, but if he chooses to do so then he'd better be certain that proving her wrong is more important to him than getting laid. 😉

avatar for twentyfive
2 yrs ago

This isn't some legal baggage, this sounds like an ongoing issue with a SO, you don't want to be in the vicinity, when a SO decides to make custody of children an issue, you only know what you're being told, what if this guy is a psycho or even violent, there's plenty of other women available, at least in my area that don't claim these kinds of issues, or at the very least don't put them out front and center. Like I said, do you man, and have a good time.

avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
2 yrs ago

It's just playing into ops fantasy.

avatar for rickdugan
2 yrs ago

@Icee, are you educating us again honey? It's always cute when a 20-something year old girl shares her deep wisdom with guys twice her age and with 50 times her experience. Keep up the good work kiddo. 😉

avatar for Warrior15
2 yrs ago

You are too kind Rick. I might have passed on that one. Plus, I have gone out with girls with kids before. Makes the planning a lot more difficult.

avatar for rickdugan
2 yrs ago

@25: They all have SOs and a lot of them have SOs and ex-SOs who they have ongoing challenges with. Over the years I've had countless SOs text me, a few eyeball me suspiciously in the parking lot and/or ITC (with good reason lol) and one husband hide out in the parking lot and follow me and his wife to a motel. If you're going to play around with strippers OTC, you have to be willing to risk a bit of friction.

avatar for herbtcat
2 yrs ago


I cannot stress this strongly enough: Run away from this now. Do not look back. Do not pass go. Do not let her collect your $200.

There is no way this will end well for you. Yes, you may get to hit that once (that's the bait), maybe twice (that's her setting the hook), before the problems start. But you will soon find yourself being asked to pay for her kids, her rent, her lawyer and her medical bills after, in a moment of weakness, she fucks her ex and he beats her up. It will start small: "Hey babe, we're at the mall and I want to get my kids some lunch... can you shoot me $20 please!" (This may or may not include a titty pic.) Next: It will be a small emergency bill like a minor car repair or a big phone bill and she will promise some additional special fun asap. Then the big score: "Oh I need $10,000 to pay my attorney or I might lose my kids! Please! I'll give it up bareback for a full week if you help me, Daddy!"

Be assured that once you send that $10k, she will ghost you - because her attorney is actually getting that week of bareback sex.

How do I KNKOW this will happen? How do you think I know...?

There will ALWAYS be more SB's to find. Always.

avatar for Dolfan
2 yrs ago

^ That's the part I don't worry about. I'll shoot her $20-$50-$100 for some future consideration and usually they come through and it pays off. If it doesn't, at that point I've seen her a few times and I've got zero issue writing it off as a tip or just the cost of doing business. I'll easily spend that much at a strip club figuring out if I like a girl anyway. If or when she gets greedy and goes for big money, I'll cut bait and move on.

I don't preemptively avoid a girl because I think she's likely to ask for money at some point. Doing so would drastically reduce the pool of potentials to the point where the entire enterprise would be futile.

avatar for rickdugan
2 yrs ago

@Herb: Everything that Dolfan said. Anyone who has done this enough has had all sorts of hustles attempted on him. In the type of situation you described, when the requests start getting frequent and/or too large, I just hit the EJECT button.

But, like with anything OTC-related, the ability to easily disengage requires a level of emotional detachment. Guys who tend to get fucked up in the head when they get a bit o good pussy and/or spend time with these girls in faux romantic situations should think twice about doing some of these things. For a guy like that, I actually agree with the warning.

avatar for uniquename
2 yrs ago
  1. Everyone has some emotional baggage. The fact that this person has chosen to lead with this sort of baggage, as a hook or otherwise, tells you all you need to know about how A: needy she is; and B: how indiscreet she is (if any of what she told you is true, and she’s telling you, a perfect stranger it, how many of your secrets do you think she’ll keep?).

  2. Assuming her situation is true, it’s a sure bet that the children’s father will at some point learn of your existence. Whether it gets thrown in his face, or he starts investigating where she’s getting money from, he will find out. At that point you may be dealing with a very angry ex-husband to be, or perhaps you get to be involved in her legal woes. Do you really want that?

Stay away. The juice ain’t worth the squeeze.

avatar for drewcareypnw
2 yrs ago

How on earth does fucking this SB pay her enough to meaningfully fund a legal bill? Let alone four? Maybe your SB budget is a lot higher than I imagined!

Also, anybody with 4 court cases is litigious and to be avoided. Then again you’re probably pretty good at navigating this stuff.

avatar for drewcareypnw
2 yrs ago

Icey: you’re missing the point. Rick KNOWS she’s a prostitute, she is the one who doesn’t want to call herself that. The girls I see call themselves dancers, strippers, SWs (very popular), and jokingly Hoes. They don’t ever say hooker or prostitute or whore. It’s not us, it’s girls that don’t like this word!

avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
2 yrs ago

It's almost like a setup lulz. Word gets around that Rick preys on vulnerable women and that's his fetish. So she portrays herself as what he preys on to get his $$$

avatar for rickdugan
2 yrs ago

Drew, why do you always come into a thread that Icee gets properly disciplined in and engage with her in a way that gives her an easy springboard back in? She got slapped down because she behaved like a silly troll and deserved it. Don't legitimize her by engaging in a discussion which will inevitably bring us back full circle to a silly girl troll comment.

avatar for rickdugan
2 yrs ago

@Icee, are you educating us again honey? It's always cute when a 20-something year old girl shares her deep wisdom with guys twice her age and with 50 times her experience. Keep up the good work kiddo. 😉

avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
2 yrs ago

Drew. It sounds like she's just playing him.

avatar for drewcareypnw
2 yrs ago

Oh Rick. Your skin is so patchy. Thick in places, and wafer thin in others. I’ll answer your questions, but I don’t think you want to read it.

"Drew, why do you always come into a thread that Icee gets properly disciplined in" …this is your opinion. You copying and pasting the same nonsense post over and over isn’t discipline. It’s just you copying and pasting a post. Neither informative nor useful. Kind of childish. Definitely not discipline and definitely not discouraging anything, in case you haven’t been paying attention.

“ (why do you) engage with her in a way that gives her an easy springboard back in?” Icey can reply to whomever with whatever he wants, I neither give nor withhold the power of response. Why do I engage with Icey? The same reason I engage with anyone. They make a point, I reply with some relevant (to me) point, as I would in any forum. It’s a free country, bro.

“She got slapped down because she behaved like a silly troll and deserved it. Don't legitimize her by engaging in a discussion which will inevitably bring us back full circle to a silly girl troll comment.” Fuck that. If you don’t want to engage in discussion, you are free to ignore Icey, me, or anyone else you don’t like. Don’t waste your time telling me who to and not to engage with, I’m not going to listen. BTW, your smackdown is not nearly as devastating as you imagine.

And for God’s sake, stop calling Icey “her”. It’s middle-school level behavior. We get it, you don’t like him. Why don’t you answer a REAL question instead of whining about Icey, like the one I posed to you?

avatar for Muddy
2 yrs ago

Rick is now on the seeking train.

avatar for misterorange
2 yrs ago

I would never set up a first time OTC encounter with some girl I found in an on-line whorehouse. Did you guys ever see "Derailed" with Clive Owen and Jennifer Aniston?

Fuck that. Any OTC I ever did was after getting to know the girl ITC. Granted, not a guarantee that you'll be safe, but 20x better than a random on-line hook-up.

Rick, the situation you described, if that was me I'd be EXPECTING some goon with a fucking Uzi to bust through the door before I even got my dick out.

Other than that, your plan to use empathy and well-timed affirmation sounds spot on brother!

avatar for wallanon
2 yrs ago

"Did you guys ever see 'Derailed' with Clive Owen and Jennifer Aniston?"

I've never even heard of that lol. Was it some direct to video soft core before those two revived their careers?

avatar for misterorange
2 yrs ago

It's got terrible ratings on rotten tomatoes, but any PL should see it at least once.

avatar for wallanon
2 yrs ago

Well shit. That Wikipedia summary sounds like a regular Tuesday for a badass like rick dugan lol.

avatar for Lone_Wolf
2 yrs ago

Am I reading it right that she has four kids? Hope I'm wrong cause I would wonder wtf you would expend time and resources on that.

avatar for wallanon
2 yrs ago

"Hope I'm wrong cause I would wonder wtf you would expend time and resources on that."

Maybe she's a medical anomaly who reminds the lucky guy she's banging why all those babies got made?

avatar for docsavage
2 yrs ago

I understand that if you want sex then seeing them outside the club is the best option. It is harder, though, to keep that wall of separation between your personal life and hers.

Strip clubs maintain that wall better. Even there you can run into problems. One time a stripper boyfriend told me to stop staring at his girlfriend while I was in the strip club as a customer, and she was there as a stripper. She immediately yelled at him to stop it. When the other strippers in the club heard about it, they came over and apologized to me. Many strip clubs ban stripper boyfriends. In my view that is a good idea. Even if they don't bother the customers, they can still get in quarrels with their stripper girlfriends. My oldest regular just got fired because her boyfriend was coming in the club and causing problems.

avatar for rickthelion
2 yrs ago

“Well shit. That Wikipedia summary sounds like a regular Tuesday for a badass like rick dugan lol.”

Damn straight Wallape. ROAR!!!

avatar for rickdugan
2 yrs ago

Drew, stow your faux outrage. You're an ass licker to the most egregious troll account on the board, plain and simple. I don't know why you seem to enjoy the trolling so much, but there it is. Icee will continue to get the same copy and paste responses so long as she keeps making the same silly troll posts over and over (and over and over and over...). Eventually she will develop a broader perspective and learn to participate more meaningfully. Or she won't, at which point she's going to get tired of seeing the same insults really fast.

And now for a copy and paste moment...

No, I'm calling Icee a girl because she's actually a girl. Not just any girl either, but one filled with a great deal of resentment. It's obvious not only from the angry tonal quality of her posts when discussing hookers and Johns, but only a girl could fuck up a male pimp character so badly.

avatar for rickdugan
2 yrs ago

Oh, and for everyone else who isn't a troll account ass licker, it went pretty much as I expected it to. Except the sex started in the farmyard and rolled across the chicken coop and into the barn! LMAO. It was a wild time, sloppy and uninhibited, due in no small part I'm sure to the alcohol we imbibed beforehand. I was pleased to see that she was a happy drunk. I'm really developing a fondness for these SA chicks. 😁

As an added bonus, I was only subjected to one affirmation moment, which was easily handled with a couple of stock assurances I keep ready to roll for these same moments with OTC stripper friends.

With all of that said, I also sensed that some of you were right about a bigger ask lurking around the corner. So I'll just play future meetups by ear and be ready to hit EJECT when needed.

avatar for drewcareypnw
2 yrs ago

Rick. Haha someone who disagrees with you has faux outrage, and responding to someone you don't like makes them an ass licker. How fragile. Did you ever consider that copying and pasting the same 6th grade taunt over and over makes you a troll as well?

avatar for drewcareypnw
2 yrs ago


avatar for rickdugan
2 yrs ago

Drew, it's faux outrage because you're not playing it straight. You know very well what you're doing. As far the copying and pasting responses, I consider it more of a counter-troll effort, but feel free to consider it whatever you wish.

avatar for drewcareypnw
2 yrs ago

Ok now at least you're being honest. How am I not playing it straight? I know exactly what I am doing, but I'm not sure what you think it is that I'm doing. Please elaborate.

avatar for twentyfive
2 yrs ago

^^^The way I see it is simple, if you’re taking anything said by Iceefag at face value, you’re not too smart, That prick is not sincere about anything ever, she kvells when she gets attention This place would be better if that troll was gone.

avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
2 yrs ago

Rick only posted this thread because as per usual. The more desperate a woman is the more he wallows in his predatory tactics. That's what turns him on. You have to view Rick's threads in the same light as lapdancekings but with a more nefarious twist.

Rick knows he trolls by repeating the same inane comments. He does it when his fragile ego gets hurt because the truth gets told. It fucks with his delusions.

Rick you can call me whatever you want in your delusional little brain. You don't even believe it you're just trolling. But you're a sick fuck who brags about being a great family man while living a double life preying on vulnerable women and pretending they're not really desperate hookers. SJG would be proud.

avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
2 yrs ago

20fag you keep describing yourself

avatar for drewcareypnw
2 yrs ago

^25: I don't agree. Icey says some stuff that is pure trolling bullshit, but also some stuff that is insightful. At times the line between the two is murky because he likes to instigate conflict, and may deal from both of these decks at the same time. You've chosen to not engage him, rick's chosen to spam him, I've chosen to engage when I judge that he's being reasonable and call him out with (my attempt at) reason when he's being a fool. I ignore when he starts copying and pasting.

We're all entitled to own definitions of fun, as well as discourse. As ever, we have the choice to ignore him or even push the ignore button. Trying to control who someone else engages with on a chat forum because you (or I or Rick) don't approve isn't just intrusive or pointless, it's a flex. I.e. instead of doing the simple things to avoid a troll, it's an attempt to bend others to one's own methods and ultimately their will.

avatar for drewcareypnw
2 yrs ago

@icey: you are proving their point right now. Ffs.

avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
2 yrs ago

I'm stating facts. Everyone on here knows Rick's MO. It's no secret.

And they won't put me on ignore coz their reason for being here is trolling.

They've proven my point. They get butthurt by reality so they derail the thread with their whining and trolling

avatar for rickdugan
2 yrs ago

Icey, if by "prey upon" you mean give a grown woman what some people earn in a week for a couple of hours of entertainment, then by all means keep using that label. Just because you have sexual PTSD issues doesn't mean that everybody is carrying your baggage.

Btw this whole conversation is ludicrous given that you first came on here pretending to be a pimp who was selling his crack ho GF's ass out the back door. Seriously now honey. But I digress.

You are free to believe that any woman who has a financial needs is utterly incapable of making her own informed decision, but I do not. We all work for money, whatever the job. Don't belittle others who are willing to make different choices than you by treating them as helpless victims. It's absurdly condescending and more than a little misogynistic, or at least it would be if you were actually a guy. Shame on you.

That's the very paternalistic view that strippers all over the country are forced to constantly battle as others try to take away their choices under the guise of "helping" them. Be better than that.

[New copy and paste post for his "predator" trolling]

avatar for twentyfive
2 yrs ago

I put him on ignore because the scumbag attacks me through my children, as far as I’m concerned that pos is the lowest form of vermin here, he is on ignore because I refuse to respond directly to the liar. We all know he never intended to meet and he had the opportunity. If he/she was on fire I wouldn’t waste an ounce of piss to put it out.

avatar for twentyfive
2 yrs ago

BTW Got all of you reasonable folks out there, who besides Iceefag posts headline posts attacking board members children or wives That’s who you’re being reasonable about

avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
2 yrs ago

20fag you keep responding to me you don't ignore me. Please ignore me like your kids do. Also. You had 4 chances to meet me and apologize. You never showed up. Now please leave like yiu promised. But wait you're only here to troll.

Rick you wallow in coercing desperate hookers. Everyone on here sees it. It's why you're considered a vile low life.

avatar for drewcareypnw
2 yrs ago

^well said Rick.

avatar for rickdugan
2 yrs ago

Icee, if by "prey upon" you mean give a grown woman what some people earn in a week for a couple of hours of entertainment, then by all means keep using that label. Just because you have sexual PTSD issues doesn't mean that everybody is carrying your baggage.

Btw this whole conversation is ludicrous given that you first came on here pretending to be a pimp who was selling his crack ho GF's ass out the back door. Seriously now honey. But I digress.

You are free to believe that any woman who has a financial need is utterly incapable of making her own informed decision, but I do not. We all work for money, whatever the job. Don't belittle others who are willing to make different choices than you by treating them as helpless victims. It's absurdly condescending and more than a little misogynistic, or at least it would be if you were actually a guy. Shame on you.

avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
2 yrs ago

Rick most of your threads are about Berating the desperate women you pay to fuck Coercing desperate hookers Berating tge poor Telling us how rich you are Your delusions that the hookers you pay aren't hookers

Everything out of your mouth is ludicrous

avatar for drewcareypnw
2 yrs ago

You guys are driving me crazy. Now I'm going to have to slink off and pay some dirty whore to crank DC Jr while I suck on her tits in a dingy vip near a bunch of auto dealerships and fast food restaurants. LOOK WHAT YOU MADE ME DO. I hope you're proud of yourselves.

avatar for rickdugan
2 yrs ago

You are free to believe that any woman who has a financial need is utterly incapable of making her own informed decision, but I do not. We all work for money, whatever the job. Don't belittle others who are willing to make different choices than you by treating them as helpless victims. It's absurdly condescending and more than a little misogynistic, or at least it would be if you were actually a guy. Shame on you.

Btw this whole conversation is ludicrous given that you first came on here pretending to be a pimp who was selling his crack ho GF's ass out the back door. Seriously now honey.

avatar for twentyfive
2 yrs ago

@drew Do you feel like a dirty little Iceefag LULZ

avatar for skibum609
2 yrs ago

Icce is a fat, stupid guy from a community of losers, child molesters and other deviants.

avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
2 yrs ago

Rick now you're butthurt by the truth and are copying and pasting the same reply but yeah your post is ludicrous.

You can lie about me but I'm saying the truth about you

Rick most of your threads are about Berating the desperate women you pay to fuck Coercing desperate hookers Berating tge poor Telling us how rich you are Your delusions that the hookers you pay aren't hookers

Everything out of your mouth is ludicrous

Now hurry and get butthurt and copy snd paste your inane ramblings

avatar for skibum609
2 yrs ago

Icee would never take advantage of a woman by trying to get a cheaper price; he'd just hit her in the face and then rape her anally, recreating the act which created him.

avatar for rickdugan
2 yrs ago

ou are free to believe that any woman who has a financial need is utterly incapable of making her own informed decision, but I do not. We all work for money, whatever the job. Don't belittle others who are willing to make different choices than you by treating them as helpless victims. It's absurdly condescending and more than a little misogynistic, or at least it would be if you were actually a guy. Shame on you.

Btw this whole conversation is ludicrous given that you first came on here pretending to be a pimp who was selling his crack ho GF's ass out the back door. Seriously now honey.

avatar for drewcareypnw
2 yrs ago

@25 I don’t think he’s my type!

avatar for SirLapdancealot
2 yrs ago

Is it not obvious by now that Iceydodo is simply jealous and resentful of rickdugan and twentyfive (and others) for their money, success in life, and ease at which they can get a stripper whore for some OTC?

Seriously people, she couldn't keep a desperate coke junkie stripper whore with both money and drugs. She lost her to a loser weed dealer. And then on TUSCL she has to read posts from guys like rickdugan and twentyfive that easily could get with the same type of stripper and even hotter ones through simply using their experience and money. This literally hurts her! She only wishes she had it that easy. Instead she has to work at it twice as hard and go after the most desperate junkies out there. She even has to shoplift to afford her whores. So of course she's gonna hate on rickdugan and any PL on TUSCL that can get a stripper whore with a lot less effort.

avatar for SirLapdancealot
2 yrs ago

"You can lie about me but I'm saying the truth about you

Rick most of your threads are about Berating the desperate women you pay to fuck Coercing desperate hookers Berating tge poor Telling us how rich you are Your delusions that the hookers you pay aren't hookers"

^^^Translation -> I'M SO JEALOUS

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