That you would be totally comfortable going at night, let your guard down, no or low chance of any ghetto shootout 2amer bullshit. I was recently at a strip club, Cheetah in Hilton Head, big Golf community, I think Mark Messier lives there, and you know what, you could kind of relax, it was nice, there's no gangs. Any places like that for you guys that you know of? I usually club in around the big cities, so it's not a common thing I see. I grew up watching Naughty By Nature rap from their hood in East Orange in Jersey so going to a strip club at night in that very location with a fat ass wallet, it feels like going to battle, your always ready for something to pop off, right here I'm talking about what's the exact opposite of that, more like sleeping in the parking lot is totally cool type situation.
There are no clubs like that here in Indianapolis. Brad's Brass Flamingo is considered the best club. I walked out of there late one night, though, and saw a couple police cars in the parking lot and policemen standing around. I looked down and saw a body lying there on the ground. The most dangerous part of the night for any strip club goer is that late night walk from the inside of the club to your car.
Flight Club in Detroit suburbs is safe. It is upscale and has a dress code to keep out the riff raff. The enclosed parking lot with valet parking makes it safe when you leave.
I have moved away from the area but agree with Jack. He stole my answer. Lol. The Flight Club is one of the better clubs in the country - and remember it’s the suburbs, not Detroit so one can feel reasonably safe at night
Rhode Island Dolls. Its in a working class, residential neighborhoods of triple deckers. If you see someone walking on the street its usually a kid, a real kid.
One that comes to mind is Creekside Cabaret in Colmar PA. It's in an industrial park, at the end of a cul-de-sac, adjacent to a waste water treatment plant.
Hollywood Cabaret in Southington CT. You'll never have a problem in that place. It is far from any of the major urban centers and is attended mostly by milk toast older white guys with money to spend.
I feel pretty safe at the three major clubs in Pompano. I wouldn't venture out of the parking lot holding a wad of cash in a drunken state at 2am, but otherwise little to no concerns. The same is true of Tootsies in Miami, Scarlett's in Hallendale, and Vixens and Davie. I'd also agree with Deans Gold in Miami too, and maybe add Club Madonna too. But Madonna is a serious clip joint, you'd be better off getting mugged than going in there. The larger clubs in Palm Beach are safe feeling for me too, Rachel's, Rhino, ORA, Cheetah, Monroe's.
None of them are in good areas really. The zoning requirements always put them in or nearby light industrial areas or in lower end neighborhoods. But the club itself and the parking lots are all reasonably secured and the surrounding areas aren't war-zones or anything.
There are about 4 or 5 clubs on Scottsdale Road in Scottsdale AZ. The "bad" parts of Phoenix Metro are far away from these clubs. Not that any of these clubs would be recommended.
Even though I was disappointed with the mileage, I thought Tampa clubs were safe. Big, lit parking lots, next to a highway. Same with Dallas and Houston, and San Diego. If one thinks industrial is not safe (I can see the argument), then I'll keep my answer to Tampa and Houston around the Galleria.
My house is so safe, in a senior citizen sub division, that one stripper actually asked me if I would allow her and a couple of other girls to use it for meeting clients here. She got a BIG "Hell no".
Before it closed, Oasis in the Atlanta area was next to a busy restaurant in a new mixed use development. Across the street from Home Depot. Probably one reason the city ran them out of town.
To me there is a difference b/w a safe club and a safe area where I’d feel comfortable in both – SoFlo is not the safest area overall (nor the worst either) – i.e. off the top of my head nothing comes to mind where I’d feel safe walking in the areas where most SoFlo clubs are even during the daytime – part of the issue is that there are very few areas in SoFlo where there are a lot, if any, pedestrians; so walking-around would def make you stand-out and w/ the amount of shitty-people in SoFlo, walking around and being the only one doing-so, would def make you stand-out and kinda a target for anyone with bad intentions.
Off the top of my head the only club where I would noy feel “too concerned” walking around in the daytime would be a club in Hialeah (suburb of Miami) that for many years went by the name of Treasure Island but over the last 10+years has had multiple names and for the most part has not been worth-visiting as a club (currently the club goes by the name of Taboo Miami). I grew up in Hialeah not far from Treasure Island and know that area well and I currently live in Hialeah.
All locations in South Florida are very dangerous. Stay away. Far away. Nothing but a bunch of weirdos and criminals, everywhere. What else would you expect, it's Florida? You have been warned.
You also got Billy Deans in Bellmore on the island. It’s typical Long Island suburbs where you go to avoid city bullshit, I can’t see it ever getting too crazy in that neighborhood.
You should have make a reality the high-end-escort home business and you would be dancing in your underwear like Tom Cruise did, but you would be the real deal.
BD has quite a bit of security and tends to draw a better crowd. Polekatz is in an industrial park area so no reason for randos to be walking around outside the club.
The Pink Pony in Atlanta has always seemed safe to me, especially closer to the main door. They watch the lot all the time, and it's well lit and wide open. No foot traffic, so every time I walk through it, I'm virtually by myself. Normally a late afternoon guy, so leaving usually around 8:30p.
One thing I legitimately love about clubbing here in San Diego is the clubs are relatively safe. Cheetahs is definitely safe even at night. The other clubs admittedly aren't great for anything more than seeing tits, but generally are safe enough and keep the true riff raff out.
Our crime is mostly property crime so really your biggest risk is getting your car broken into if you have to park somewhere far away and dark.
In my honest opinion, the more "risky" the location, the better time you will have. Not perfect science but in my experience there is a correlation. That said, you have to know your surroundings and blend in.
You passout in your car in a strip club parking lot cops could arrest you (assuming you were drinking). Look for a nearby quiet neighborhood or another safe overnight parking place, or a Motel 6 or just go home.
Strip clubs are historically in bad areas. That was part of the appeal. But look for clubs in industrial and office areas during the day. They are still not "safe" these days but generally safe. Clubs with a lot of wearhouses, office buildings and parking lots around the area tend to have less nighttime crime. But look out for grouos of young people hanging out drinking or whatever. Thats often not a good sign. Do some online research, daytime recon, and common sense.
last commentNone of them are in good areas really. The zoning requirements always put them in or nearby light industrial areas or in lower end neighborhoods. But the club itself and the parking lots are all reasonably secured and the surrounding areas aren't war-zones or anything.
Off the top of my head the only club where I would noy feel “too concerned” walking around in the daytime would be a club in Hialeah (suburb of Miami) that for many years went by the name of Treasure Island but over the last 10+years has had multiple names and for the most part has not been worth-visiting as a club (currently the club goes by the name of Taboo Miami). I grew up in Hialeah not far from Treasure Island and know that area well and I currently live in Hialeah.
You should watch the 1983 movie "Risky Business".
You should have make a reality the high-end-escort home business and you would be dancing in your underwear like Tom Cruise did, but you would be the real deal.…
Good Times, Good Times.
BD has quite a bit of security and tends to draw a better crowd. Polekatz is in an industrial park area so no reason for randos to be walking around outside the club.
Our crime is mostly property crime so really your biggest risk is getting your car broken into if you have to park somewhere far away and dark.
In Portland it's Stars Bridgeport.