
What's on the menu for Thanksgiving for you ?

Anywhere there are Titties.
Wednesday, November 23, 2022 7:11 PM
I"m the family man this week. I'm in Tennessee with the wife and kids. My wife some years wants to do the entire spread and some years, she wants to go out. This year, we just moved her Mother to an Assisted Living place near us. So she wants to do the spread for her. It will be me, my wife, my two sons and then my 91 year old mother-in-law. We have in years past invited large groupls over to the house but not this year. Her mother is a load herself. The menu is the same each time we do this. Big turkey is going in the oven early in the morning. The wife will make stuffing, although I'm not sure why because no one eats it. We will have green bean casserole, yams, then cranberry sauce with rolls. Then for dessert, pumpkin pie and cheesecake. I will stuff myself silly. We will have our big meal for lunch, then have leftovers for supper. We always get a big turkey so we have turkey sandwiches the next day followed by turkey noodle soup two days after tomorrow. What are your plans ? I'd probably rather spend the day eating out a young sugar baby.


  • jackslash
    2 years ago
    Scrub: "Bah humbug!"
  • Thick-5-Incher
    2 years ago
    It'll be the same ole, same ole for me. Turkey dinner at my parents house, and my sister and her kids will stop over and talk about all the stupid shit happening in their lives, which bores me to tears. I wouldn't mind doing something fun with my nephews like toss a football around or play some video games on my Dad's big screen, but they are the lamest teen boys I ever met. They will just sit there and text for hours. Drives me nuts. Back in the late 90's I could log into an AOL chat room and find a girl to fuck for that night. I think Thanksgiving weekend in 1997 I fucked three different women that I met in AOL chat rooms. For some reason, it was like shooting fish in a barrel it was so easy to score pussy from those chat rooms back then. They kinda dried up around 2002, but for awhile there it was Poontang City.
  • gammanu95
    2 years ago
    I have huge extended family which gets together for Thanksgiving. Typically we have turkey and ham for the entrees, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, grilled vegetables, several types of breads and cheeses, a couple of casseroles, and someone always brings Ambrosia salad. Dessert is whatever pies and Christmas cookies. In my family, the food is incidental to just getting all five generations and nearly 50 family (grandparents, aunts & uncles, cousins, children, and great-grandchildren) in one place. My cousin in Jacksonville or I would have enough room for everyone, but the matriarch of the family is too old to travel to Florida so we all travel in to Chicago. One aunt has a fully finished basement, so it has to be at her house or we would never fit everyone.
  • twentyfive
    2 years ago
    Turkey, filet, mashed sweet potato pie, green bean casserole, assorted pies early the parade late NFL Football The younger kids will probably have a ball in the pool, expecting the usual mix of family and friends, on the family side there’s a few missing elders, I guess it’s time to start badgering the kids to bring us some grandkids. Hope y’all have a happy day, filled with good food good friends and good family!
  • CJKent_band
    2 years ago
    @Warrior15 I will play along and answer your question. Q: What's on the menu for Thanksgiving for you? A: OTC with a beautiful 22 years old Blonde, Blue Eyes, Eastern European girl, Marilyn Monroe lookalike. :D
  • Mate27
    2 years ago
    My guess is “yo momma” will not be funny in this context?
  • motorhead
    2 years ago
    Lasagna and coconut cake
  • rickdugan
    2 years ago
    Main Meal: 2 roaster chickens (I know - the kids don't like turkey), corn bread stuffing, twice baked potatoes, fresh green beans, lots o' pan gravy, cranberry sauce, warm dinner rolls with butter. Desserts: Apple pie, pumpkin cheesecake, panna cotta, homemade whipped cream for whatever they want to throw it on.
  • Cashman1234
    2 years ago
    Driving out to central Pa for the day at my mothers house. We are getting together out there. I’m driving my daughters out and back, so there won’t be any imbibing for me. The food coma will be enough to make a 5-6 hour round trip long enough! I hope everyone enjoys the holiday! Holy shit Scrubbie - that was a brutal rant - even by your standards!
  • Tetradon
    2 years ago
    Over the years, my Thanksgivings have gotten quieter. This one will be the Macy's day parade and NFL football, with a break for a steak dinner. Give me that over a dry bird any day.
  • rickdugan
    2 years ago
    @Cash: I used to do that driving shit too when I was younger, hauling the whole family 5-6 hours roundtrip to celebrate Thanksgiving and Christmas with the grandparents. But tbh that shit got old after a few years. Finally enough was enough and we told them that we were going to make our own traditions at home with the kids, but that they were always welcome to join us.
  • rockie
    2 years ago
    Warrior and Twenty Five: Is the green been casserole with or without French’s Fried Onions?
  • twentyfive
    2 years ago
    ^ With of course
  • rockie
    2 years ago
    Our holiday version is that same recipe, except that it features broccoli.
  • ATACdawg
    2 years ago
    For us it will be at my daughter's house with her husband, her two kids, my wife, my SIL and I. Dinner at 1:00 or 1:30 so we can be cleaned up before the Giants' kickoff. Menu: One large turkey, half oven roasted, half smoked by my son in law. Mashed potatoes Broccoli salad Cranberry sauce Sweet potato casserole Green bean casserole Two kinds of dressing, one standard and one gluten free made by yours truly. Pecan pie - my wife's contribution Pumpkin pie Various items like pickles, olives and celery sticks. Hopefully Vince has had time to brew beer and cider!
  • skibum609
    2 years ago
    Thanksgiving with the siblings, nieces, nephews, cousins (3 generations), about 35 people. Hors D oeuvres; Turkey; Beef Wellington; Mashed Potato; string bean casserole (with durkee onions); sweet potato casserole; broccoli; stuffing and gravy. Pumpkin, Apple, Pineapple and Bana Creme Pie for dessert. The host is the wine buyer for his family's liquor distributorship so the alcohol and wine will be stellar.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    Turkey tamales Smoked turkey and mashed potatoes corn and cabbage with bacon Banana and coconut cream pies
  • bang69
    2 years ago
    I had dinner with a few steippers I know. The menu was venison steaks,smashed potatoes,salid, grits. For desert home made apple cobbler. One of the strippers said to me. "it feels good to have intelligent conversation and constantly being asked about p4p for day.
  • Warrior15
    2 years ago
    ^ A few ?
  • yahtzee74
    2 years ago
    Turkey and sauerkraut
  • TheeOSU
    2 years ago
    A little late, yesterday the menu was roast turkey breast, mashed potatoes and gravy, mixed vegetables, chocolate cream pie.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    2 years ago
    We completely broke tradition this year because we all like turkey, but we don't love turkey. So, boiled whole Maine lobster, steamers, corn, and mashed potatoes. We opened with little necks and oysters on the half shell. Pecan and pumpkin pies for dessert. It was pretty great and we didn't have to mess around with finding, reserving, or cooking a whole turkey. You know who isn't very busy leading up to Thanksgiving... seafood shops. We might never have turkey again.
  • nicespice
    2 years ago
    Ham, turkey, dressing, green bean casserole, sweet potato casserole, mashed potato. Two separate household thanksgivings with several people dealing with the end of not feeling well because of Covid/flu/RSV or whatever was going on. But Pokejos and HEBs thanksgiving heat&eat stuff came through and were pretty dang tasty and it was nice seeing people again 😁 I’ve been out of the loop because it turned out somebody had come out as trans a few months ago and I had no idea. His mom and grandparents and some male members in the extended family will still refer to him by his given (female) name. But hey, if his boyfriend, who procreated with him back when he still had a uterus, acknowledges his partner as a guy then that’s good enough for me to acknowledge the same. But it’s still personally weird to think that I technically moved in with a guy and slept in the same room with him when I was 17 years old. But it is what it is.
  • Thick-5-Incher
    2 years ago
    "boiled whole Maine lobster, steamers, corn, and mashed potatoes" I normally save my lobster and crab leg cravings for my New Year's Eve feast, but I can respect bucking the turkey and doing something different. I still can't understand Jewish people eating at a Chinese restaurant on Xmas, but apparently that is some tradition that goes back a long way.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    2 years ago
    The internet is great. [view link]
  • BabyDoc
    2 years ago
    After the fact but, BBQ ribs, Texas style beans y elote accompanied by ice cold beer. I’ve never had BBQ so good. If it were a choice between a roll in the hay and a repeat of that meal, well sweetheart, you’re going to have to take care of yourself this time.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    I had the best turkey this year. It was so soft and juicy it was falling off the bones. Like extremely good ribs do.
  • skibum609
    2 years ago
    I have to admit I agree with Icey. Great analogy. Downside was it fucked up the stuffing due to the amount of fat.
  • georgmicrodong
    2 years ago
    Ham, turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, cheddar biscuits, corn, green bean casserole, butternut squash, mac and cheese, sweet red wine. For dessert, dutch apple pie, pumpkin pie, vanilla ice cream, and homemade whipped cream for topping.
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