
What makes you write a review?

I'll act nicer if you'll act smarter.
For the VIPs or once-VIPs here (putting this in the front room not to exclude the latter), what makes you decide you have enough to say to write a review?

Some people tend to frequent the same few clubs, and write detailed reviews for other regulars. Typically, we talk about changes at a club (in prices or dancers) and LD/VIP experiences with new (or new to us) dancers. Some of us even keep a document of club "boilerplate" to be updated with the full dancer roster. I fall into this category, and write whenever I have a new experience that hasn't been talked about.

Some go far and broad and customize their reviews to visitors. These typically have heavier "how to get here" and "how to recognize from the road" sections. They might have good intel about the dancer crop at one time, but won't have the dancer-by-dancer knowledge that comes from five visits over different shifts.

Others write the bare minimum to get a month's VIP. You can usually tell by reviews like "stopped in, had a beer, 10 girls mostly hot younger and white, got a couple $25 dances and called it a day," hoping for some of our ridiculously permissive reviewers. If this is you, you suck.


  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    DeSantis is just another Trump and wouldn't even beat biden on a national level. He doesn't resonate with America
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    2 years ago
    ^ And you're still having a stroke.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    I think the bs about club layout and dance prices repeated in almost every review make them lame. A review should be a story about an experience a person had there. And that's what I want my reviews to be when I do write them.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    Wrong thread lulz

    And fuck off cim
  • docsavage
    2 years ago
    Other people are nice enough to spend time writing the reviews I read so I feel like I should return the favor and write some reviews too. Reviews should include useful information like prices and lap dance mileage, but I like reading people's stories recounting their experience at the club they are reviewing so I try to do the same in my reviews.
  • wallanon
    2 years ago
    "What makes you write a review?"

    Time to write and something to talk about. I've had plenty to talk about lately and no time to write. Plus most of the notable visits I've had this year were with other TUSCLers there, so those get an automatic hold unless they say it's ok to put something in.
  • Hank Moody
    2 years ago
    I write reviews for both of the reasons Tetra brought up. I’ll update my local clubs every 3-6 months. I go there multiple times and will do a general and dancer update. I’ll also review the clubs I visit on the road or infrequently with something more like a trip report. I used to more often try and have a funny or creative theme in each review to make them a little more fun to read but that takes a lot of energy I haven’t had lately. Or maybe it’s writer’s block. When evaluating a review I tend to apply a more lax standard than most. Just give me some useful info. It doesn’t need to check every box of a perfect review. Give me some positives and don’t step on the third rail of outing an extras dancer and you’ll get my ok.
  • mark94
    2 years ago
    If I learn something that can improve the experience for others. I don’t bother reporting on things that haven’t change. As a result, my reviews will sometimes be rejected by the “ tell me for the twentieth time how much the cover is “ crowd.

  • shadowcat
    2 years ago
    I'm old, retired and don't travel much. I know the club situation were I live very well and have a favorite club that I visit 95% of the time. The club has become very popular and gets a lot of reviews. I do a review on it every 2 or 3 months just to let my TUSCL buddies know that I am still alive and well.
  • Electronman
    2 years ago
    I probably have 6-10 clubs that I visit frequently. I write reviews of these clubs when I have a) something to update from prior reviews and b) when I have an interesting experience, either good or bad.

    If I have the opportunity to visit a new club when traveling, I'll typically write a review of that club also.
  • Mate27
    2 years ago
    If I have a good time I will report my triumphs, more times than the mundane or poor outings. I like to spread hope that there still is good to cum out of visiting a club.
  • PinkSugarDoll
    2 years ago
    I will if I see the place I went hasn’t been reviewed in a while.

    I’ll write one if I had a particularly good/particularly bad experience.

    I started participating on this site bc I was looking for info on clubs while traveling so sometimes I write one for girls like me who are looking for the same.
  • Tetradon
    2 years ago
    @PSD, I'd love to see more dancers writing reviews. What's life like behind the curtain.
  • Papi_Chulo
    2 years ago
    For me, each visit is unique and usually worthy of a review – part of it is that I don’t have a specific go-to-club; but more like a rotation of several clubs; and from time to time I’ll poke my PL-heads (both of them) into a club not in my rotation to see how it’s doing – the clubs I hit also often have a pretty-good-amount of dancer-turnover so not that unusual for most of the dancer-crew in any one visit to be mostly-different – thus these two-factors is why I wrote reviews of many of my visits when I was clubbing.

    w.r.t. details vs experience-of-the-visit; I don’t think it’s either/or, I think both contribute to a good review – I do agree that repeating the same club details every time kinda sucks; but that mostly sucks for those that already know that info and no-one-really-knows what % of the readership that is – one would assume:

    + there are newbies joining TUSCL all the time

    + perhaps someone that reads TUSCL sparingly but either moves to a new area or plans to visit a new area and thus needs info on clubs unfamiliar to him etc

    + also, IME the club details in the club’s TUSCL-page are often either missing; incomplete; or erroneous (and seems a good % of TUSCLers seem to have no idea how to provide club-updates to the club’s TUSCL-page and a good % probably don’t wanna do it (probably the same ones that complain about having to repeat details) – I think there can be technical-upgrades to TUSCL that can make it easier to both capture and modify club-details in a club’s TUSCL-page so they don’t need to be repeated in reviews

    So in-lieu of a good way to capture club details (would probably require @Founder to come up with a better solution that we have currently); is why I think it’s important to repeat key details – if details weren’t stressed, then the reviews would likely head in the direction where most reviews would not have the details not known to a certain (perhaps a high) % of the readers (and by details I don’t mean where the stage is located; by details most TUSCLers mean details like a good description of the dancer-crew; a good breakdown of the costs; good breakdown of the mileage available; etc).

    I also get the sense that a fair # of reviewers, I assume often the younger-ones, are perhaps writing the reviews on their smartphones rather than a laptop/PC and why they may be more-adverse to adding more details.
  • Papi_Chulo
    2 years ago
    In essence, the main-reasons I liked writing reviews when I was SCing:

    + I really enjoyed SCing – and as has been posted over-the-years, TUSCL offers a good way for us to share our PL-experiences where o/w most of us don’t have other avenues to do so – I’m also cognizant of how being informed can lead to much better SC-experiences and I think it’s good to fill-others-in that may not be as knowledgeable

    + I like good stories – either telling one, or listening-to/reading one – so I kinda enjoy writing the reviews vs doing it to get VIP or w/e
  • ilbbaicnl
    2 years ago
    I paid for lifetime VIP. If I read reviews (of anything) I write reviews, cause I'm not a leech. I post on club forums rather than write repetitive reviews, if that adds useful info about a club.
  • Muddy
    2 years ago
    I’ll always review a club first time I go regardless of what happens. Check it out for the first time and I can bring TUSCL vicariously through me. Follow ups I don’t have too much motivation for unless something real good or bad happens. I’m just a curious dude, I wanna go on crazy adventures and if I can bring people along for the ride I’m down and Vice versa. I would be hitting clubs anyway regardless of TUSCL but it’s also cool to sort of document the journey too.
  • Muddy
    2 years ago
    And initially was to get VIP to read reviews but I’ve stopped caring about that awhile back I’m good through the next 4 decades now.
  • drewcareypnw
    2 years ago
    I write them when something interesting happens. I don’t really see the point of writing “went to usual club, saw usual dancer, got usual extra, paid usual rate, stripper music is still dumb”.

    I find that tusclers seem to enjoy reading about my fiascos more than my successes, so I tend to write about those more often.
  • Htxx
    2 years ago
    I average about one review for every 15 visits to a club
  • how
    2 years ago
    I don't need to write to maintain site access. I write when a visit is noteworthy in either a bad or good way.
    I agree with ICEE regarding the repetitive nature of "club details." I begrudgingly add those so as not to be down-voted.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    The problem is a small group of vip members on here are anal about club details and will downvote anyone not writing the same description ad nauseum.

    Who really cares about the club layout or what the parking lot looks like.

    One thing that gets to me is that most of the reviews aren't even describing fun times. Just the quest to get off and leave.

    If something isn't fun or you're ashamed or have to hide doing it. It's not a hobby. It's a habit...
  • Warrior15
    2 years ago
    I genuinely want to talk about my experiences inside strip clubs. But I have very few avenues to do that in. I don't really want my friends and family to know how much of a degenerate I am. So you guys need to hear my stories. If I go in a club and don't really have a story worth telling, then I won't write a review of that club visit.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    2 years ago
    I want to make the clubbing experience a bit easier and more fun for the guys who go to the same clubs as me. But I don't want to give the impression that their experience will be a carbon copy of my experience.

    There's some stuff that guys need to figure out in the club on their own.

    I don't understand guys who flame out when they get a review published but there's a couple of down votes. People have different tastes and standards, and that's how voting works. Unanimous decisions should be considered a rarity.

    Also,it's not like this stuff is going on your LinkedIn...
  • Cashman1234
    2 years ago
    I have slowed considerably in my writing of reviews. I go to local clubs, and there hasn’t been much change.

    I try to provide a full overview of the club and prices.

    Each time I post a review, I get the same messages, as some numb nuts always wants to know the dancer name and price. I respond that I don’t remember names and the services were reasonably priced.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    2 years ago
    Cashman said "Each time I post a review, I get the same messages, as some numb nuts always wants to know the dancer name and price. I respond that I don’t remember names and the services were reasonably priced."

    I get the same thing. I give roughly the same response.
  • shadowcat
    2 years ago
    I tell them straight that I don't give out that kind of information to people that I don't know. It protects me and the dancer.
  • wallanon
    2 years ago
    "Each time I post a review, I get the same messages, as some numb nuts always wants to know the dancer name and price."

    Tell them to walk into the club with money lol. I wish I'd been smart enough to make up a reason to stay in NJ for a day last time I was on the East Coast. Those clubs are nuts.
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