What to do if you are a strip club / sex addicted?

avatar for dogchain

What do you do to stop going to the strip club if you think it has become a problem for you and you can't stop going?


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avatar for wallanon
2 yrs ago

When I decided I was going too often I filled my time with other things. That seemed to work out ok.

Or you could talk shit to a manager in a club with a bouncer.

avatar for rickdugan
2 yrs ago

Find other things to fill your time, especially things that you really enjoy or get some satisfaction from. Combine that maybe with jerking off more if there is a sexual need element to it. Maybe find a GF to fill up some of your time and help relieve the sexual stress.

For some of us, going to strip clubs definitely triggers a pleasure center in the brain. If it has risen to the level where you feel addicted and are spending more time and money in clubs than you can afford, you may need to do something drastic to re-wire your head. You might even consider something like moving far enough into the boonies that routine clubbing is not a realistic option for you.

Like with most addictions. You won't take quitting seriously til you hit rock bottom. Most stop going when they can't afford it any more

avatar for bang69
2 yrs ago

find other ways to spend your time.

avatar for Cashman1234
2 yrs ago

If you feel addicted to the feelings you get from going to strip clubs and strip club sexual encounters, it can be a challenge.

If it hasn’t reached the level of a true addiction, you can try to cut back in your strip club trips. Fill your time with activities that you enjoy and that occupy your mind (to take your focus away from strip club sex). That is a starting point, and it may not work. But that would be my first thought.

If you are truly addicted, you should try to find a good therapist and begin trying to find coping techniques that work for you. This is a very personal situation, and you should be open and honest with your therapist.

In true addiction cases, your brain will actually release dopamine when you are in a strip club, and you will feel a rush of excitement similar to a drug induced type of high. Those are cases where therapy and cognitive behavioral therapy techniques may be required.

If you don’t want to go the therapy route, you should find some other physical activity that you love, and try to get involved in it. It can be very useful to reach a point where endorphins are released through physical exertion so that you can enjoy a similar (but still different from strip club sex) exercise high.

avatar for Champphilly
2 yrs ago

Strip clubs are not addiction. They are just entertainment. So, just continue to enjoy.

avatar for shadowcat
2 yrs ago

Find a stripper that will come to your house.

avatar for Cashman1234
2 yrs ago

One additional word of caution. If you try to substitute civilian sex for strip club sex, make sure you don’t begin a committed relationship.

If you are in a committed relationship and relapse into strip club sexual encounters, you can hurt the civilian girl you have begun to see. You will likely feel much worse because of the pain of relapse and hurting the civilian girl.

I don’t think it’s the strip club sex that’s addictive. It’s the release of brain chemicals from the strip club encounters.

avatar for ilbbaicnl
2 yrs ago

I'd say it isn't a problem as long as it's not a financial problem, or you are not banking on some long shot like a stripper falling in love with you. Don't be grandiose about life. Somebody else may believe in their destiny, or God' purpose for their life, or whatever the fuck. But that shit doesn't work for most people. Love can be a big source of happiness, but you can't force it, and it isn't enough for most people. Happy people get frequent small doses of bliss. The luckiest ones are satisfied by things like being outside on a nice day, or some affordable hobby. Strip clubs are a tier below that, because strippers generally didn't have reasonable alternatives to stripping, and their work environment is unnecessarily toxic. Food is good in moderation, but that seems pretty hypothetical given that most people have unhealthy diets. Then comes booze and other substances. Also fine in moderation, but the health and other consequences of going too far are dire.

avatar for wallanon
2 yrs ago

Cashman had to get all serious on us. But he has a point. Figure out exactly what it is about clubs that gets your motor going and work on that. Fortunately for me, my peak enjoyment of the hobby requires time I don't have.

avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
2 yrs ago

Cashman (among others) are providing good advice here. If this is about you, then good luck sorting it out.

avatar for DenimChicken
2 yrs ago

Be a man and start a cocaine addiction. You will forget all about the strip club.

You are welcome.

avatar for twentyfive
2 yrs ago

Just say no !

avatar for azfriole
2 yrs ago

They have 12 step programs for sex addicts. If you think you have a problem you might want to check them out. Their called SA meetings. So I've heard, lol

avatar for dogchain
2 yrs ago

Thanks for all the tips

avatar for drewcareypnw
2 yrs ago

If the above don’t work, try this: https://saa-recovery.org/am-i-a-sex-addict/

Good luck!

avatar for Dolfan
2 yrs ago

See a mental health professional. There's too many variables for a bunch of perverts on a strip club website to evaluate and provide useful guidance beyond that. It'll probably be cheaper than a visit to the strip club, and certainly be more useful than any suggestions I can make.

Or just take shadowcat's advice.

avatar for import_girl_fan
2 yrs ago

Good topic. I feel grateful for my 15 years at strip clubs but feel that it probably kept me from going deeper in other areas of life. Any similarity to your feelings, dogchain?

avatar for Tetradon
2 yrs ago

Strip clubs as an "addiction" were always self-limiting to me; I always took precautions against STDs, financial ruin, or even letting others know what I liked doing there.

But being a bona fide mental patient, there were times when it felt compulsive, or I'd feel agitated if I wasn't strip clubbing. I just called my psych. See a problem, handle the problem.

PsychologyToday.com is a great place to find a professional. You can sort by geography, specialty, insurance, or type of therapy, and see their "sales pitch."

avatar for conan_mac_morna
2 yrs ago

I'm on hiatus from clubbing; been spending WAY too much time and money over the past six months (when a typical visit runs over a grand and I'm not independently wealthy, yeah, that's too much). Fortunately I have plenty of other hobbies to keep me entertained.

The oxytocin withdrawal is a bitch, though. Strippers are my only source of physical affection. I know, kri moar PL.

avatar for docsavage
2 yrs ago

I live only ten minutes away from three strip clubs so it's easy to fall into going too much. At one time I was going to strip clubs twice a week. I cut back and when I did I found I enjoyed each individual trip more. When I'm tempted to go too often, I just think about how much more I'll enjoy it if I put it off a little longer and then go.

avatar for ilbbaicnl
2 yrs ago

Sometimes when you feel "addicted" is really more about not accepting the largely inevitable ups and downs of it. Very few people can strip without if fucking with their head to some degree. So strippers will come and go, and they'll tend to be moody. Meaning you'll have a mix of great, good, meh, and some straight up bad nights. If you keep expecting better than this, and you don't quit going, you'll drive yourself nuts.

avatar for dogchain
2 yrs ago

Thanks for more good advice yes import_girl_fan I for sure have some similar feelings.

avatar for Jdo11
2 yrs ago

For me I found something else to occupy my time with, like masturbating to porn, and steadily more productive things like reading/ working out.
The thing that's kept me from going back weekly was recognizing my need for sex from attractive females whom I thought were out of my league.
Hope you find your perspective and can control your impulses.

avatar for Cowboy12
2 yrs ago

Join a gym and go everyday. Set workout goals and focus on them. As others stated, having other activities/goals does help.

avatar for ilbbaicnl
2 yrs ago

Sex with attractive females kept you from going back? Huh?

avatar for Studme53
2 yrs ago

Do other things to occupy your time. I went to a local music festival yesterday for the first time. It was a beautiful warm day and there was so hot milfs there I couldn’t believe it. I’d go back anytime

avatar for Mate27
2 yrs ago

“Do other things to occupy your time” is the most represented comment. With that I’d suggest getting a significant other/girlfriend to occupy that time with where you both can spend time together. She just might be able to scratch that itch for you to the point you only need to go to the club once every month or two to reload your spank bank, or load up your mind projector that plays all those Images you see at the club with hot ass and titties in your face while you pound the stuffing out of your SP when you get home. If she likes it you can eventually invite her to the club and start a 3 some.

avatar for NJBalla
2 yrs ago

Find a new addiction like overeating, base jumping, cocaine, subway car surfing. Report back to the class next year what you learned........ if you make it.

avatar for JamesSD
2 yrs ago

I'm assuming by addiction you mean compulsively spending money you can't afford and doing things like skipping work or social events to club?

Someone like that is likely chasing the Domaine rush. For a straight guy a strip club can be heaven. Girls approach guys while dressed exactly how most men would prefer women dress. To a stripper an ugly boring guy is handsome and funny. Sure, money greases the wheels, but to our reptile brain the physical interaction matters a lot more than pieces of paper.

If someone has a problem they need to find another source of dopamine and it can be hard. There's really nothing quite like sex aside from drugs.

avatar for conan_mac_morna
2 yrs ago

"With that I’d suggest getting a significant other/girlfriend to occupy that time"

@Mate27 Yeah, it's just that fucking simple. 🙄

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